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(aka Bike) Part 1973 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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Despite her protests, Stella and her brood tucked into the spaghetti with relish. In fact the only one who complained was Simon who explained it was what he had for lunch, and although he was hungry, he wasn’t eating it twice in a day.
I was tempted to go into a Monty Python sketch about being so poor we had to eat our shoes, or something like that, except it would have started him off and he’d probably have still been going this time next week. Instead I asked him what he’d like and after the usual suggestive banter, he settled for a jacket potato with cheese and onion.
“I’ve packed my case,” reported Danny as I was making Simon’s meal.
“Good boy, how many pairs of pants have you packed?”
“Four undies and two pairs of trousers.”
“Have you got your toiletries?”
“Um got my toothbrush and paste, my flannel, shampoo and my Lynx (the height of sophistication to young males).”
I think I got volunteered to take him to the school the next morning for six o’clock, as Si had a meeting first thing, and besides, being a woman, I’ve got nothing better to do than paint my nails and brush my hair–once he’d peeled me a grape I agreed with him.
I sent Danny to bed early, although I knew he wouldn’t sleep, he was like a bottle of pop. The girls went on time and I went straight after them, though I had awful trouble getting to sleep in case I overslept. However, I didn’t hear Si come up about eleven.
I dreamt, I always do, it’s just that I don’t usually remember them. This time I did because the goddess woman was explaining that I’d been led to be where I was earlier on so I could learn to use the energy without drawing too much attention to myself. That I’d used the distraction of the man having the affair rowing with his wife, showed I’d learnt the skill of creating a diversion while I did the biz out of most people’s gaze.
I got cross with the goddess suggesting that if she’d endangered a young woman’s life just for me to practice deception, she’d picked the wrong woman in me. Her retort was swift, ‘We do not make mistakes, Catherine, please remember this fact, we will not reiterate it.’
I apologised, I think, but was still seething when I woke up at half past two needing a wee. I sat on the loo and the words, ‘We do not make mistakes, you were chosen for a reason.’ Whether or not she told me the reason, I have no idea because I forgot that bit of the dream.
Ah, it’s all cobblers anyway, what purpose could li’l ol’ me have that requires the presence of the goddess? Seeing as she seems prepared to sacrifice humans to get her own way, unless she’s the patron saint of dormice, I can’t see that any of my life so far has been particularly relevant to any of her ‘purpose’–unless you regard my changing gender as pivotal because the so called essence was strong in me.
I washed my hands and went back to bed deciding it was just my brain trying to rationalise what had happened earlier on, and the fact that I have this healing gift which disturbs me, or my rational self. What would Darwin have thought of it?
I know what he’d have thought, if could have saved his beloved daughter, he’d have believed twelve impossible things before breakfast.
The alarm peeped at five and I dragged myself out of bed only to find Simon was already in the bathroom shaving. “You could have woken me?”
“I thought you were awake, you were talking loudly enough.”
“Who me?” I was astonished.
“Well who else sleeps in my bed?”
“You were on about some purpose and saving someone important not just a bloody cyclist.”
“I said that?”
“From what I remember, you got quite cross at one point and I thought I’d have to wake you up before you hit someone viz me?”
I had a wee and went to rouse Danny only to find he was already awake and drying his hair with a towel–his bedroom smelt of antiperspirant deodorant, with which I suspect he’d fumigated himself–nothing could live in that. When I asked if there were girls going on the trip, he blushed and went very shy.
“Well just behave yourself and respect them.”
“Aw, Mum, I do–so why can’t you respect me.”
“I do, son, but it’s my job to remind you–which I do because I care.”
“Yeah, but about who?”
“All of you and any unborn child you created.”
“I’m not creating any children.”
“Not for a few years, I hope.”
“With my prospects, I won’t be able to afford any, full stop.”
“You have lots of potential, Danny, just believe that and don’t be shy about asking your dad or me for help if you need to.”
“Yeah, okay,” he blushed before adding an almost undetectable, “thanks.”
I left him to get ready and reminded him about his camera which he’d forgotten to pack. He thanked me. I went down and after switching on the kettle, began doing some bacon and eggs. When Simon came down I pretended it was all for Danny which made him grumble, but he still found time to eat the plateful of food I shoved into his hand.
Danny ate a full breakfast as well, while Sammi and I had a bacon sarnie, and I couldn’t speak for the others, but mine was delicious. A little later, Danny dumped his bag in the boot of the car and I carried his rucksack. Then it was off to his school and a quick hug before he went to join his friends, boys and girls and they boarded the coach. He was with a small group which included his friend, and I suspect, his sister. She looked directly at me and then said something to him. He blushed and then they were up the steps and into the bus.
I got back into the car after he gave me a last wave and drove off as the six o’clock news began. Somehow I was listening to Radio Solent, the local BBC radio station, why I had no idea unless Danny had changed it over, however when they mentioned the accident it suddenly got all my attention.
“It’s reported that yesterday afternoon, one of Britain’s best women cyclists, Sandra Birtles, was involved in a nasty collision with a hit and run driver. Thanks to the prompt action of another driver, she was saved and her injuries are not thought to be life threatening. She’s recovering at a hospital in Guilford.”
Oh well if she’s up in Guilford they’re unlikely to tie me in with it all, even though people like Andy know about the healing. As I drove back to the house, I sent her some more energy and hoped it would help her get back on her bike as quickly as possible. It seems these days, they start training and planning for years in advance of the event and I recall, Cav saying that when they knew the World Championships were in Denmark, British Cycling began to plan to win it with him then, some three or four years before. That time it worked rather well and I think he was a worthy wearer of the rainbow jersey.
The Monty Python sketch

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Dream or reality, might as well stop fighting
the goddess as she seems to have you in her sights. Simon had a potato with onion and cheese? No meat? Spoiled brat anyway to insist on something else because he'd had it for lunch. I'm sure it wasn't as good as what he gets at home.
Tender moment between Cathy and Danny. He needs to remember that Cathy, Simon and his sisters care about him.
Loved the comment about how his room smelled so strongly of deodorant that no one could survive in it. That happens with boys and girls but good that he doesn't want to stink around the girls.
Thanks Angharad!
At least she consistingly remembers her dreams now
She can't learn if she does not remember her conversations.
I think mules could learn a lesson of how to be stubborn from her.
i just knew
you'd pick on one of our Olympians! Can't help thinking it won't be the last time the two meet.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Could the Glory
have targeted Sandra Birtles via Cathy to bestow the gift of the light upon?
May Your Light Forever Shine
A bacon...
A bacon sarnie... I think that's a bacon sandwich... But, being a dense colonial, I get confused. Never had just bacon on a sandwich. At the early hour of the story, there'd have been some egg. And there was a time I had bacon and onion sandwiches on occasion (Fry the bacon, lay aside. saute the onions in the bacon fat... Combine on toast... Eat... Can't you just feel your arteries clogging just reading about it?)
Wonder what the young lady said to Danny... (Wonder if Danny'll text Cathy with the info? Probably not.)
Bacon Sarnie.
Yep, it's bacon sarnie if you're from 'daarn sarf' (Down South to our crosspond sisters.) and it's bacon butty if you're from 'up t'north'.
Delicious artery clogger, sometimes with a fried egg then squeezed between two thick slices of white, buttered bread. It's often the basic fare in UK truck stops and transport cafes. That and a big mug of 'trucker's tea' which is much the same as 'builder's tea, that is 'milk-and-two-sugars',love.
Heart attack heee-eere we cooo-ooome!!!
Of dreams I know nothing, I never remember mine though I'm told everybody has them.
I'd also love to know what the girl said to Cathy.
Nice one Ang.
Still lovin' it,
Construction crews
Just like in the scetch, the first liar doesn't have a chance... :)
Is it just me
or does everything seem to have run rather smoothly for Cathy and Danny ? Could it be that Danny is going to have a trouble free trip to France and that Cathy will have no need to dust down her passport or is this period of calm just a prelude to one of Angharad's fiendish plot twists.... Time will tell i guess but one thing we can be certain about is Cathy will not relax until Danny is safely back home with his family...