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(aka Bike) Part 1981 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“Are you okay, Cathy?”
“His name is Peter Grimshaw,” I said pulling myself away from the sink in which I’d just vomited.
“You know him?”
“He was in France with my son on a school party, visiting the battlefields and they got assaulted in a public convenience. Peter seems to have taken it harder than Danny did.”
“Your boy was one of the victims, too?”
I nodded.
“Oh Geez, Cathy, if I’d known I’d never have called you.”
“Shall we see what I can do?” Ken nodded and led me into the cubicle where Peter lay connected to a dextrose drip and a blood drip in his other arm. He looked very ill, which he was from blood loss alone.
There was a large blood soaked dressing on his groin. I felt so sad for this young man, who would now be blighted for the rest of his life all because he felt guilty about having a seminal discharge while being sodomised. Apart from the fact he’d need regular testosterone shots for the rest of his natural life, he’d miss out on a sex life unless he could find some clever plastic surgeon to build him a new phallus, which would be like the sort David has. I hoped he’d recover from this–what a mess.
“I stitched him up to reduce further bleeding but he’s very weak, so if you can help him.”
“Of course,” I sat by his bedside and grabbed his hand. “Hello, Peter, it’s Dr Watts, Danny’s mum. I hope you don’t mind my coming to see you, but I was told you’d had an accident and feel pretty rotten.
“I can help you if you’ll let me. I’m just going to sit here for a few minutes and listen to your mind, then I can best decide how to guide you.” I sat quietly and tried to tune out various hospital noises, machines beeping, voices in the distance and so on.
I concentrated on going inside myself, almost so my consciousness could flow with the energy and pick up on his thoughts. I saw him standing naked over the toilet with a kitchen knife cursing his genitals for betraying him and seemingly enjoy the assault. He told them they’d never do it again, with that he grabbed at them and with a single slash he removed the lot, blood went everywhere but he somehow managed to flush the toilet before he collapsed. Then I saw his father come bursting into the loo and start the rescue.
“Peter, I saw your agony over what happened in the public toilet and feel your pain, but you’re not responsible for anything that happened–you must believe me on this–you are not responsible for what your body did, it wasn’t showing pleasure, it was a reflex. When the attacker’s penis pressed on your prostate it emptied and that is usually a pleasant feeling, but it wasn’t one for which you’re responsible any more than you would be for your leg jumping if someone tapped you on the tendon below the knee–it’s almost a reflex like the knee jerk.
“I need you to know that you are innocent of all of that has happened to you and your parents are really worried about you. They love you very much and want you to get better, so they can share their love with you. So please concentrate on my voice because I’m going to lead you back to them.
“I’m not sure where you are, but wherever it is if you look around you you’ll see a blue light, perhaps like a ball of light or even a star. Look around you and find that light, now follow it and stay with it. It’s very important that you stay with the light and listen to my voice.
“If you can squeeze my hand when you’ve found the light, then I’ll know where you are.” I waited for a very long ten seconds and his hand twitched. “Good, now stay with me and the light and I’ll get you home safe and sound.”
For the next ten minutes all I felt from him was this sadness and a sort of repressed anger. I kept reassuring him and drew his spirit towards me. When I felt he was close I gave him a virtual hug and reassured him again.
“You’re still upset about what happened, but it will get better, and your parents are so worried because they love you so much–we all love you, Peter. Now open your eyes and tell me you’re back with me.”
I watched his eyes moving under his eyelids, the drips ticking gently behind me, and I retained hold of his hand, pouring in the energy. His eyes opened and he blinked at me. “Hello,” I said and smiled at him.
He looked puzzled.
“Yes, I can talk to you in your dreams–clever, eh?”
He smiled weakly.
“Would you like to see your mum and dad?”
“Where am I?”
“In hospital, I’m afraid–you had an accident, remember?”
“Not really–I’ve got a nasty pain in my thingy.”
“Okay, I’ll ask the doctor to give you something, but wait here and I’ll get your mum and dad.” I squeezed his hand and then dashed out to get them before he lapsed into sleep again.
I got Ken to ask them to see him and also asked him to give him some more pain meds. He nodded. “He’ll survive but he has little memory of what he did. When he realises the full implications, he’s going to need professional psychotherapy to come to terms with it.”
“He should have been seeing someone today–sad he couldn’t wait.”
“Very–were they able to recover his missing bits?”
“They tried but they were so contaminated–it was useless. I’m afraid his voice isn’t going to break without some help.”
“I must get back to my lot–please, if his parents ask what I was doing here–he might forget yet–tell them I do a special type of hypnosis to help bring people out of comas and help them heal more quickly.”
“Good idea–thanks again, sorry about the personal connection.”
“I’m glad you called me.”
“They said you had a premonition about him being in trouble and made his father go and check on him, otherwise he would have died for sure.”
“I hope not, he’s a nice kid and a good friend of Danny’s.”
I picked up my bag and coat and collected the car just before the security people discovered it. Driving home I wondered what I was going to tell Danny, but I suspect he’s going to need his help, particularly when he goes back to school–which won’t be for a while.
I arrived unnoticed and was going up to my bedroom to hang up my coat when I heard Trish and Livvie talking–mainly Trish. “Well at least they got to have some sex–it’s more than we do.”
I stepped into the room. “I heard that, Trish.”
“Oh, Mummy, you’re back.”
“Yes I’m back and I’m cross at what you just said.”
“What did I say?” she was blushing like a brake light.
“You know what you said–just remember a few things–you’ve been assaulted sexually–remember? It wasn’t fun, was it?”
“No, Mummy, it was horrible.”
“Yeah, well that’s what Peter and Danny had happen to them.”
“Yes, oh. It was brutal and painful, and they could be scarred for life.”
“Oh, I didn’t think of it like that.”
“Well do so, and if you wish to talk about sex, come and see me or speak to Stephanie; she’ll be here again in a few days.” With that I left the girls and went to find Danny to speak with him about Peter. I get all the nicest jobs, don’t I?

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Cathy gets all the "easy" jobs, doesn't she. Good thing she's got broad shoulders. Wait. She's not cursed with broad male shoulders. Well good thing she's got access to that energy store then... I'm Sooooo Glad I don't have to deal with even a small part of what she goes through!
You've given us much to think on, dear editorial staff. Oy, have you.
And, I will be thinking.
So Peter's been brought back to the land of the living... for now. What will happen when he realises he's permanently castrated himself is anyone's guess though...
Meanwhile, it seems as though Trish and Livvie had heard a garbled / incomplete account of what happened in France - but talk about precocious for an 8 (very nearly 9) year old - she's got over 7 years before she'll legally be able to have intercourse, but I suppose the combination of her intellect and having experienced dilation has made her more aware of the mechanics than many girls of her age.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
God knows ...
God knows how anybody is going to help Peter return to some sort of balanced existence. I suspect he's too far gone to recover properly and he'll be on psychosometric medication for a long, long time to come, maybe even for the rest of his life. Shooting was too good for those bastards they deserve to spend the rest of their days being somehow punished for what they did.
Very sad chapter Ang.
Peace to you.
It's just too bad the blue light can't restore organs
... or can it? There really is no reason why it can't do it but I can't help but wonder if Cathy as an instrument is a limitation.
It isn't easy being a mother and a mother confidentee
Poor Trish and Livvy. They are discussing things that beyond their understanding, but perhaps this is the best time for Cathy to explain some things to them. The difficulty lies in that Cathy, and others, while explaining the facts of life to them at this point, means that whatever they are told, it must be the truth and not allegorical. As long as they are told about the facts of life, with lying to them, or telling some story that might seem to be the proper story, so far as adults are concerned.
I guess what I am trying to express is this: As the girls are told more and more about sex, procreation, love, etc, there must be absolutely no disagreement in what they are told before about the matter, regardless of how long it goes on.
There must be a truthful beginning, followed by questions that are given true answers that will eventually end up with a true reckoning of how puppy love, love and understanding, and then undivided emotions and attention given by a male and female are related to a successful relation.
This is also true of female to male progression, and although I have never experienced either, at this point in the lives and Trish, Livvie, Danny and Peter, they are still a long way from achieving what they desire. Although Livvie is a genetic female, she is involved in the successful future of the others. Indeed they are all involved in the future of one another.
Result at this point? Cathy is doing the best she can to be the ideal female leader in their lives, regardless of who the male (or female) might be at any given time.
Many Kudoes to Cathy for being who Charlie Watts has become - a well respected female to many different communities, and for the help she has received from all, including the Goddess.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Peter Grimshaw needs more
than Cathy can give him through the Blue Light, but we do not know what our esteemed author[s] might cook up for him.
May Your Light Forever Shine
It's Obvious !
The child, Peter, cut off his own penis and testicles. I real boy would not have done this, never, ever !
Many children of their ages have secret feelings, deep inside, about their gender, a fair number of them are not completely happy with the gender they have been given. A lot more of them than people realise, unless they look inside them selves and see and remember exactly how they were feeling back then. Only a few people retain these childhood feelings of dissatisfaction with the body gender they have.
I suspect Peter was one of those many who have some doubts about what body they are in, not enough for them to express those feelings to parents, to anybody, especially to a close friend who they are certain does NOT have any doubts about theirs. Normally he would probably have resolved the nascent conflict in his head all by himself and have almost at least forgotten about it, but the trauma of being sexually assaulted has pushed him over the line. He will probably elect to become a girl. That as well as feeling angry with the part of him that ejaculated during the assault, is what pushed him across to female body orientation.
Angharad may have other ideas of course, but even she will probably have considered this alternative.
Not sure
what the future might hold for young Peter, Given what he felt driven to do to his body you do worry about the state of his mental health, Medical science is improving all the time but as yet as not made any significant advances in the area where he needs the help ... Whilst i'm sure Danny will do anything he can to help his friend, It is possible Peter could push him away if he associates seeing Danny with the horrible memories of the last few days... You would like to say life will go on for Peter and i am sure it will, Just not in quite the way he imagined .