Team Meeting - Part 4 - An Unlikely Hero

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Team Meeting
Part 4
An Unlikely Hero

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Copyright © 2010 Andrea Lena DiMaggio
All Rights Reserved.


Some things are just
more important than football...


The state sectional game was coming up fast that weekend; the Panthers, the Lion's crosstown rivals, were coming into the Lion's den, the sportswriters were saying. The team was meeting one last time Thursday afternoon

Coach Sovrano had his back to the group of young men, drawing a play on the black board. While he finished sketching out his play, his two assistants stood off to the side, discussing something quietly.

"This is the play that killed us in the sectionals last year," Coach said as every eye except for four looked intently at the diagram on the board.

"And what we need to remember is that we came within a field goal of winning it despite the fact that we were getting kicked all over the field on offense and defense." He raised his voice at the last word, which got the attention of Louie Perrone, who'd been joking with Alex Paretsky. "If it pleases you, Mr. Perrone, may I continue?" Louie missed the sarcasm in Coach's voice and said.

"Sure, Coach, don't mind me." Peter Stone turned around in his chair and glared at Louie, but his brother Andrew grabbed him by the shoulder and physically turned him around.

"Pete...let it go, okay?" Andrew whispered.

"We've got to do a better job of blocking on field goals and extra points." Coach Seraphino said. In ten games so far, we've had three blocked field goals and only six extra points. Jimmy has to have more time to get off the kick."

At the mention of Jimmy's name, Alex muttered loud enough for the back row to hear, "Faggot."

"Excuse me, Mr. Paretsky, can you please be quiet while I'm talking." Coach Seraphino heard a remark, but not the insulting word. The back row to a man all laughed at the remark except Matty and Chris. They heard the insult, but kept quiet. Chris might take Alex aside and talk to him, but for the time being, he turned his attention up front.

It was no secret that Jimmy Callahan and his brother John were different. They had come over from Ireland only last year when their family re-located due to Mr. Calahan's business. Jimmy had assumed the role of place kicker for the team, while Johnny was the punter and holder for Jimmy. What made things very different for Jimmy was that off the field and out of school, he was a decidedly different person.

"What a fucking asshole," Alex said as Coach Seraphino turned his back and pointed to the diagram on the board. The whole row snickered except for Chris and Tommy, who just shook their heads. Chris was about to get up when Coach Sovrano said,

"Louie. You've got to do a better job of blocking. As the blocking back on extra points, you've got to make sure that you pick up any outside rush. I know you've capable of doing a better job." Coach smiled at Louie to diffuse the mild rebuke. Louie resented having to go in on offense, being the defensive co-captain. And he didn't like having to block for Jimmy, being that he was convinced that he knew a secret about Jimmy, which he promptly shared with Alex...Jimmy was gay. He had seen Jimmy come out of the Compagno hardware store and get into a car. Jimmy had leaned over and kissed the driver. And the driver wasn't a girl. He was sure of that, but a package on the back deck had obscured his view, and he couldn't tell just who Jimmy was kissing. He made plans to remedy that.

After the meeting, Pete walked up to Alex and stood in his face.

"What the fuck do you want, Stone?' Alex said and turned to his buddies for approval. Pete looked at him and shook his head.

"Forget it." Pete said as he waved to Chris and Tommy. Andrew walked up to Alex and said,

"You know I can't help you if you insist on making the same mistake." Andrew said quietly with a smile.

"And what would that be, asshole?" Once again, Alex looked around; seeking the approval of his teammates, but most of them had already left the field house.

"Just this, Alex. I can't be everywhere. And Peter will likely kill you if I'm not around to talk him out of it. Just something to think about."

Just then a loud voice interrupted the exchange.

"Hey Paretsky, you fucker...we gotta go...I got plans for tonight." Louie called from the double door leading to the locker room. "Let's get the fuck outta here."

As they started to leave, Louie noticed Tommy Colhane go up to Jimmy and grab his arm. They were too far away to hear the conversation, but Louie made an assumption that he would come to regret later. Tommy must have been the driver.


Friday night under the lights. The Lions clung to a one point lead with only a minute-seventeen to play. Fourth down and less than half a yard; Chris was over on the sidelines trying to convince his father, Coach Sovrano, that they needed to go for it...

“Come on, Dad, we’ve only got a couple of feet to go for a first down…And we’re only ahead by one.” Chris looked straight into his father’s eyes, but he saw that he was getting nowhere with the argument.

“Let Jimmy put some points up for us, son.” He said it almost like a coach, rather that Chris’ father, but the intent was more to show confidence in Jimmy at that point. Two missed field goals had left the team with the slimmest of margins. And Jimmy was standing next to Coach Sovrano with his helmet on, ready to try again. “Get in there and show them how it’s done, Jim.”

Three ran on the field; Jimmy, his brother Johnny to hold, and Louie went in as the blocking back. After the exchange, the team set, but the Panthers called time out to try to ice Jimmy…maybe he’d panic and miss once again. Both teams mulled for a few moments and Jimmy called his brother over. He called the rest of the team. Louie was getting back to the huddle late, and missed the call, but before he could ask, the team was already headed back to the line

“Set one, sixty-three…..hike” The ball was snapped back to Johnny, who stood up and lofted a soft pass to the corner of the end zone. A fake field goal caught the Panther defense napping. As Johnny released the ball, Louie made a half-hearted effort to block his man. The safety came rushing past and nailed Jimmy just as he turned up field, knocking him down with a hard thud. His head hit the turf before he was able to react, and he missed the connection between his brother and his best friend Tommy, who stood all alone in the end zone. Touchdown!

Johnny turned back to see his brother’s prostrate body nearly in a pile on the field.

“Jimmy….Jimmy lad…” He shouted. He turned to see Louie and Alex laughing.

“Ya tink dat’s funny, ya fookin’ bastard….” He ran at Louie, but Pete and Matty grabbed him.

“I’m telling you, Louie…” Andrew was seething, his usual calm demeanor lost in outrage as he walked up to the pair.

“You’re gonna pull this crap once too often, and you’re the one who’s going to get hurt.” Pete put his hand on Andrew’s shoulder and led him away. Surprisingly, it was Pete who was keeping a level head, but he had taken one step toward Alex and Louie and he felt Mara’s stare in the back of his head, or so it seemed. He looked over at the side line where she was talking with the coaches. She smiled at him, as he and Andrew walked quickly over to Jimmy, where the paramedics were helping him up.

“We’ll get him to the hospital for X-rays. Likely a bad headache, but maybe a concussion. Don’t worry, boys, we’ll take care of him.” The woman said as she and her partner helped Jimmy off the field to cheers.

As Louie ran to the sideline, Coach Seraphino called him over.

“You won’t be starting in the finals if we finish this…you’ve pulled that crap for the last time.”

“That’ll fuck up my scholarship if I don’t play…you can’t do this.” Louie argued as Alex had to hold him back.

“You should have thought of that three games ago. Consider yourself lucky that you’re still on the team. Now just walk away quietly and leave me alone. Do I make myself clear?”

“He hears you,” Alex implored. “Right, Louie?” Alex led Louie away, and Louie pulled his arm away from his friend.

“This isn’t over…that little fag just cost me, and I’m going to see he fucking pays for it!”

After a few minutes, the team came back on the field. Johnny tried the PAT while Chris held.

Wide right. That left the team only head by seven with more than enough time for the Panthers to mount their own comeback. True to form, Jimmy Sammartino, the quarterback for the Panthers, led his team down the field systematically, using up the clock and putting his team to win the game with a touchdown and a two-point conversion. With six seconds left to go, he found his wideout in the back of the end zone for a touchdown. If they got the conversion they won.

“72…14, hut one, hut two...hike.” Sammartino pulled off the center, and arched a soft pass to the left corner, where his tight end jumped high; higher than the cornerback. The ball hit his fingertips but fell on the ground incomplete. The Lions offense ran on the field, where Chris took a knee as the gun sounded. The Lions had defeated the Panthers by one point and were going to the state finals.

All of the team surrounded Coach Sovrano as Pete and Judd dumped Gatorade on him. All except for two players who stood off to the side.


On the other side of town, a celebration of a different sort was going on. Leon Lucas was thrilled that his dreams were about to come true. He was convinced that his former girlfriend, Rita Clemente, would come running if only he could find a way to make her see that her boyfriend, Sammi Compagno, was less than adequate for her "needs."

“Marty…you can’t believe it…” Leon stood in his bedroom after pulling a shoebox off the shelf in his closet. “You won’t fucking believe this. Get a load of this!” He opened the box, and pulled out the 38. “My dad forgot to lock his gun safe….what a fucking asshole.” Marty’s eyes widened and he said.

“You’re not gonna do somethin’ stupid, are you Leon?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted having said them, and moments later the crack of the gun on top of his head let him know he was right.

“You ever fuckin’ say somthin’ like that again, you’ll get more than just a fuckin’ hit on your fuckin’ head, asshole!” Leon’s eyes blazed in anger, but somehow Marty didn’t think that Leon was that upset over a stupid remark.

“I’m gonna fuckin’ scare the shit outta that little fag..You fuckin’ watch. And then Rita will see what a little fuckin’ cunt that fag really is. She’ll come back…I fuckin’ tell you he’s gonna fuckin’ pee in his pants.”


A few days later, four girls sat in the front row of the theater, laughing and giggling like girls sometimes do. Jamie and Tammy sat holding hands. They had just started dating after being introduced by Tammy’s brother. And the two other girls had been an item for some time. Both wore promise rings on their left hands, and matching necklaces as well, indicating they had decided to wait…as some might say…before they resumed their physical relationship.

“I’m just glad you’re okay, babe.” Tammy looked into Jamie’s eye with relief and more than just a little love. “I was so worried for you, sweetie.” She leaned over and kissed her girlfriend on the lips softly, Jamie’s face turned almost as red as her hair, and she blinked back tears.

“Tammy, darlin’, would you mind doin’ dat again?” Jamie said softly with just a hint of brogue, revealing her heritage.

“See…they still kiss…why can’t we?” Rita said as she stared with mock anger at her girlfriend Sammi.”

“You know how my Mom and Dad feel about that,” Sammi said as she blushed even redder than her friend Jamie.

“I know…we got it all wrong the first time…I’m sorry, but I just love you so much.” Rita said, blinking back tears of her own.

“That’s why we have to wait, babe.” Tammy said. “You and me…we’re a lot alike. We both love our girls so much…but they want to do the right thing by us. And they’re special, so we have to go slow…you know.” Tammy looked back at Jamie, who was holding her head.

“Still hurt, honey?” Tammy asked.

“Like fookin’ hell…oh sorry…It does, darlin’, it does.” Jamie said as the theater started to darken/

“Just rest your head on my shoulder.” Tammy said as she kissed Jamie’s forehead.


The movie was over and the crowd was walking out of the theater.

“Can you fuckin’ believe we paid money to see that crap?” Louie threw his soda cup toward the trash, but it hit the wall, and the soda splashed on a little girl who was walking out with her parents.

“Excuse me…hey kid…you just splashed soda on my little girl.” The mother said.

“Fuck you bitch,” Louie said as he laughed. Not wanting to be left out, Alex turned around and said,

“Yeah, fuck you.” He felt absolutely foolish when he saw the look on the little girls’ face.


“Yeah…fuck, Marty, get your ass over here.” Leon Lucas stood in front of the theater; hand in his pocket fingering the pistol. “What do you mean, you’re not coming?” Leon shouted into his cell phone.

“What…well fuck you, you fuckin’ jackoff.” Leon closed his phone, and turned around once again to stare at the theater entrance.


Jamie and Sammi walked out of the theater, arm in arm, like girl pals do.

“Give me the keys, I’ll go get the car,” Sammi said, as Jamie turned back to wait for Rita and Tammy to exit.

“Well, look who the fuck we have here?” Louie said to himself as he noted the girl standing in front by the ticket booth. The crowd had mostly moved inside for the last showing and there were only a few people in front of the theater.

“Well, look who the fuck we have here?” Leon thought to himself as he saw Sammi walking back.

“You know…let’s get some pizza to go, okay,” Sammi said as she walked up to Jamie. Their girlfriends had stopped at the ladies room on the way out.

Alex walked past the two girls who were looking at a poster in the front lobby. As he walked through the door, he saw a tall figure walking quickly toward the theater. The figure raised his hand.

“Look out, he’s got a gun.” Someone shouted.

Leon had only meant to scare Sammi, but when he saw that Sammi wasn’t angry or scared, he lost it. He didn’t even realize he had fired the 38 until someone grabbed it from him while another man wrestled him to the ground. Only two shots....

“Oh no…That girl’s been shot…oh God no.” The woman with the little girl covered the child’s eyes as the father ran to help the girl lying on the ground.

“Sammi….oh God…Sammi," Rita cried as she ran out of the lobby toward her girlfriend. The man had pulled off his sweatshirt and was holding it against Sammi’s shoulder.

“It’s going to be okay, honey," the man said as he looked back at Rita. The color had drained from her face, and a woman caught her before she collapsed in a faint.

Louie looked at the figure on the ground just as he let go of the kid in front of him, a girl who had just left the theater and was waiting for her parents to pick her up.

Alex lay on the ground, blood covering his chest, He heard screaming and he realized the screams were his. After only a few moments he tried to sit up, but his legs were pinned. Looking down, he saw a girl covering his knees with her motionless body.

“Oh fuck, no…no.” Alex picked the girl up in his arms and he recognized her as soon as she turned over.

“Hey…Alex….are you okay,” the girl said, blood spilling from her mouth.

“OH fuck…fuck…no...oh God no.” He looked in the girls face…Jimmy Callahan’s face…blood streamed from Jimmy’s chest.

“OH no...Jimmy…why fuck….why? Alex began to cry as he cradled Jimmy’s head in his arms.

“Any ting for a team mate, …anyting” The soft brogue grew quiet, drowned out by the sobs of his teammate.

“Oh…NOOOOOOO. Jamie…no nonnnoooo.” Tammy screamed. Louie stood motionless, staring at the girl standing next to him…Tammy Colhane….Tommy Colhane’s sister...his twin sister. His eyes darted back and forth between Jimmy and Alex, who just sat on the ground rocking the dead girl in his arms, weeping.


The Squad Car pulled away. Leon sat in the back seat, staring into space, in shock.

The ambulances pulled away; one quickly with the siren blaring and the light flashing. Rita lay on a stretcher, still in shock but coming out of it while the paramedic said,

“It’s okay, honey, she’s gonna make it.” Sammi lay quietly across from her as the paramedic checked her vitals.

In the other ambulance, Jamie lay on a stretcher, her lifeless body covered with a sheet.

A third ambulance remained parked in front of the theater. Tammy lay on a stretcher, her face etched with pain and grief. Tears streamed down her face. She tried to sit up, but just fell back on the stretcher. She was crying so hard that no sound left her lips. Her brother Tommy and the third ambulance arrived at the same time and he climbed in back of the ambulance, weeping but saying softly,

“I’m here sis, I’m here”


“I saw what you did, you bastard. You fuckin’ grabbed that girl.” A man said. “What a fucking coward. You fucking bastard.”

Louie tried to ignore the man, but his face started to turn red with shame.

Alex held an icepack against the back of his head where he hit the pavement. He stood and stared down the street, trying to follow the path of the ambulance as it sped away.

“Hey…let’s get the fuck outta here….” Louie grabbed Alex’s arm but Alex pulled it away.

“Fuck, Perrone…don’t you fucking care? Jimmy Callahan just saved my life.” Alex began to sob and he looked at Louie, almost begging the boy to join him.

"Louie...he fucking died saving my life," Alex sobbed.

Alex had never cried in front of Louie. Truth be told, he had never cried ever…even when his stepfather beat him. When his dog got hit by a car…when his sister died when he was twelve. But Alex wept that day…And for the first time in his life, he cared about somebody beside himself.

“I gotta go tell Johnny…Oh fuck…how am I gonna ever face him…His baby brother just got killed savin’ my fuckin’ life.”

“Fuck, Paretsky, why the fuck do you care anyway…he was just a fag.”

“Shut the fuck up, Perrone.”

“What?” Louie was shocked…The girl dying, the other girl shot…that didn’t matter, but Alex talking back...that was a shock.

“You fucking can’t talk to me that way…Fuck…he was a faggot! As far as I’m concerned…”

Louie never got the change to finish his sentence. Alex hit him so hard he fell back into the display window of the florist next to the theater. Alex collapsed onto the sidewalk and sat there and wept until the theater manager led him into his office a half hour later.


The minister stood at the gravesite behind the casket, finishing her words with one brief passage.

“There is no greater love than this…that someone...Jamie Diane Callahan...” She choked back her own tears and continued...”would lay down her life for a friend.”

Johnny Callahan stood next to his mother and father, who sat across from the casket, weeping. They were joined by Tammy and Tommy Colhane. The family was surrounded by Jamie’s teammates save for one, Louie Perrone, who was in the hospital nursing a broken jaw. Alex Paretsky stood next to the casket, his big frame supported by Chris and Andrew as he wept. Johnny walked over and hugged Alex and kissed him on the cheek.

“It’s okay, Alex lad…it’s okay.” He hugged Alex again and they wept together.

It might have been expected, like Hollywood, that the team went on to win the Championship. No…things don’t often work out that way in real life. The funeral was on the same day as the State Championship. Coach Sovrano called the league and asked if the sectional title could be vacated and awarded to the Panthers. The league agreed reluctantly and Jimmy Sammartino led his team to a 23-20 victory in double overtime.

He dedicated the victory to Jamie Callahan.

You see, some things are just more important than football.

based on John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends."

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Oh! Andrea,


'I don't understand your football but I do understand people
and you have me weeping again,my dear sister.


a little...

kristina l s's picture

... unclear who is who and where at times, but the basic feeling shines through quite clearly. As a well known singer here is often quoted as saying, 'why are people so unkind'... Sigh... and yet...


No true hero plans on being a hero

littlerocksilver's picture

Being a hero is often an accident of the moment. I think General Patton, the misogynist that he was made a good point when he said that dying for your country (cause) was not the way to go, but to make some other poor b****** die for his was. Still there are those who have died for the greater good. There are many more postumus Medal of Honor recipients than those who lived to receive one.

Thinking back to junior high and high school; there were times when I could have been the one pulling the trigger. The only difference was that I was the oppressed. Fortunately, I never had the opportunity, but even today I think back nearly 55 years and know that I would have had no remorse had I done it. It's just that my life would have been so different and certainly not better. The problem is that the bullies never ceased to be bullies. They have hardly changed over the years. It's just that they bully people in a different manner today.

I have portrayed some of the bullies in my stories. I killed them there.



A story that sets you to

A story that sets you to think. It is too bad that such a story can not be told in a school setting where those who like to bully others could hear it. Bullies are so full of themselves and hold others who are not just like them in such utter contemp that it really amazes me that they can think and walk at the same time. The 'knuckledraggers" of my day have retooled themselves so they are more insidiuos in how they bully others. Another sad fact is there are adults out there that are a rooting section for them and give the bully(s) more ammunition in their actions of bullying. Jan

That was stong and sad. I

That was stong and sad. I almost cried when i come to end.

The Big And Strong

joannebarbarella's picture

Are not big and strong in the intellect department. Why would anyone feel threatened by somebody smaller and weaker than them?

Also, this says it all about American gun culture,


Stories like this

laika's picture

are so common they don't even make the headlines. Small articles, sketchy details. TEEN SHOT AT CINEPLEX.
So horrible _ sad. As a gun owner Leon's father had a responsibility to teach his son what guns are and aren't.
"Hey, I'm just gonna scare him," is one of those all time idiotic statements that you know is gonna end in tears.
You see Leons everywhere. More mouth than guts, more guts than brains, marginally more brains than humanity.
There was an 18 year old usher at the theater I worked at. Rude, cocky, thought he was a total f*kin' badass.
One night he was there on his own time seeing a movie with his friends. Him and them got into a dumb argument
with some gang kids. Typical idiotic teenage male macho posturing. Our employee wound up with two bullets in him.
He recovered, and I thought "That's got to have taught him something..."; but he came back basically the same,
only now he thought he was indestructable somehow, his scars and missing gall bladder something to be proud of,
and even MORE of a mouthy idiot. Maybe there really is no cure for stupid. But what's sad is when kids who
are just minding their own business, trying to be good and decent & do right pay the price for these idiots'
attitudes, behavior + lack of any grasp on reality. Poor Jamie. Poor Sammi. Poor Alex. Poor Leon. Poor world...
A sad, powerful and all too real story Drea,
~~~hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

i wept

reading this. That she was literally willing to take a bullet for someone who had hurt her shows true Christianity better than a hundred sermons.



Life, death, sorrow, bigotry, and just downright stupidity...

Ole Ulfson's picture

Girl, You worked everything into this chapter. Even heroism and nobility at the end. But, oh, the pathos!


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!