Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Are stories of children crossdressing porn?

I posted a short story on Literotica recently , or rather I tried . it was A Conversation with Mother - Secret Girl, I even took the part out where he asks his mother if he cut his extra bit off, would he be a girl.

So all innocent stuff, the sort you would have on a daytime TV discussion.

It got rejected as it sexualizes under 18's.

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Music playlists for "Aurora and Aurelia" and "Ships"

I usually listen to music constantly in the background while I conceptualize characters and plot out my stories, and oftentimes while I'm working on a story, I make a playlist of songs that I associate with the general "feel" or "vibe" of the piece, certain events and/or characters therein, imagining it as the ideal soundtrack were the story in question ever to be adapted into film. (These playlists are essentially the soundtracks to their respective stories as they play out as if cinematically in my head/imagination.) Even though it's now years after I published these two on BCTS, and judging by their view/kudos counts these stories have "run their course" on here (in the sense that everyone regularly on the site who's going to read/kudo/comment on them has done so by now), I figured I'd share the "soundtrack" playlists for "Aurora and Aurelia" and "Ships", if anyone's interested.

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Part 3 of Light And Shadow is up!

Part 3 of latest book posted! Thanks again to the help of a good friend who caught quite a few gooberisms with their final check-through. They had to suffer through with me sending many updates over the past week as I kept poking at it, even after I had said I was 'done'. I'll have to be better about that for the next one, lol.

Now to use the rest of this holiday weekend plowing through the text of Part 4!

Thanks to everyone who reads as always, and especially those who comment! Hope y'all enjoy!
- Erisian <3

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Writing Walker's Path Chapter 12

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well this lovely weekend!

Writing Walker's Path Chapter 12 has been released!

If you don't know what that is, it's a blog that I release with my web serial Walker's Path.

Hurry on over and catch some insight into the story from the writer's point of view! (Possibly some future story spoilers too!)

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Turning to the dark side

I've resisted as long as I could, but the dark side has taken me -- I've started publishing my material on Amazon. It's a new thing so far with only Lifeswap available as a Kindle download (with a slight facelift -- the story is the same, but I've tweaked some of the bits I felt needed tweaking). The plan for the next few weeks (months?) is to do the same with some of the other stories I've posted here, making anthologies of the shorter works so each work will be 100k words or above, and making them available in digital or dead tree format.

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So, I was working on

I was working on a couple of stories, hoping to get ahead on them, and my muse decided to shift gears and change direction on me. It seemed as though she doesn't know how to use a clutch or speed shift very well either, It was a very jerky shift as she downshifted so we could make a sharp turn. I'm trying to keep her from accelerating, but it seems like it may be a hopeless cause. I'm hoping we come to a crossroad that will take us back to our original highway.

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New Walker's Path is out!

Hello out there,

I warned you that something was coming this week. A new chapter of Walker's Path was just released!

In all seriousness, I love that you're all still following along with the story even though I don't post on a regular basis. I appreciate it.

In the meantime get hungry and have an eggy bite of delight that is Walker's Path.

Lots of love,

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Too much dark?

I've sorta been writing a lot more dark in what I've been posting, and I'm kinda worrying I'm doing it a bit too much. Part of what I'm worried about is if I'm just telling people about stuff that hurts too much to hear. I've been sharing the kinda stuff I usually avoid reading. I really don't want to hurt anyone, and I'm wondering if I'm doing that by opening up too much. Even though it feels freeing to not keep stuff hidden, it's not worth it, if I'm hurting people. Is there a way of knowing when I've been sharing too much dark stuff?

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Another Story

I am looking for one more story that I read several years ago and enjoyed, even if was a little sadistic.
A sister is jealous that her brother gets to have extended curfew while she is restricted. She is frustrated with all of the privileges he has and so she hides her panties in his room and has her Mom accidentally find them.
She convinces her family that her brother wants to be a girl, even though he does not.

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Thoughts on comments

A bit ago it came to light that an author can request no comments be allowed on their story.
My general policy is if there are no comments, it means the story will not be read.
And if the lead in synopsis feels a bit sketchy or very vague, the story will be ignored.
An exception to that might happen if I am acquainted with the author's style from previous stories.
In years past, I have started reading a story only to find it wasn't something I wished to read for one reason or another.

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Walkers Path Changes/Update

Hello out there,

A friend of mine has been tearing through Walker's Path with suggestions and revisions. Slowly over the next week or so I'll be implementing the revisions I like and will change them here. I've already done the latest chapter (11) and chapters 1 and 2.

I'm also going to be changing the order in which people read the Intermission. It'll come out AFTER Chapter 10. I'll be changing the end of chapter 10 to be the beginning of Chapter 11. It's going to be the same content but in a slightly different order.

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New on Patreon

I've finally got my finger out and done some actual writing! Its the start of a new Gabysode that sits after Book 26 but i'm not sure where it fits or even if it fits in the following books. Anyhow, my Patreon supporters should have exclusive access to it now - not a supporter? well get over to Patreon, the basic package starts from £3 per month

Have fun
Madeline Anafrid

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Witness Protection

After a few protests at my tendency towards heterosexuality the comments on my story "Identity Specialist" suggested that more could be made of this, and perhaps I should open it to Big Closet writers for say the month of September?
Cheryl said - "I see potential for a new universe here. With Courtney telling more client stories and adventures".
Erin seems keen too, but I am not sure whether a prize will be offered.
Is there any interest?

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Not Letting This Go.

I've only just finished reading "Life Giver", by Melanie Brown and was greatly impressed. This book is as professional and easy to read as it gets, in my opinion. I tried to leave a comment at Amazon but can't figure that out. There are other very good Authors at BCTS, but leaving them a comment is quite easy.

Thank you Melanie.

Gwen Brown

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Pre-reader needed

So, as it says on the tin, I'm looking for a pre-reader to give solid, detailed feedback on plot, character development and world building. I don't need my ego stroked, but if the limit of the feedback is it's great/sucked, that doesn't help me. I need someone who can articulate, in depth how they are/aren't enjoying the overall story, the world the story is told in, and the characters as they interact with each other.

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Linked Solo Stories

I have begun writing a series of solos where character(s) and / or location(s) from one or more other solos pop up from time to time in other stories.

Each is written in first person, is completely stand alone and can be read in any order.

I'll edit the story list below as I add new stories:

The Foundation Garment
The Hunter
The Game
The Bartender
The Diamond Burglar

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I'm so damn hot

No, I'm not being conceited. This heat wave has not been kind to me and since Thursday I've been feeling tired, nauseous, not thinking clearly, and just generally feeling terrible. As a result I wasn't able to post the new chapter of Cold Fey to my Patreon. I pushed through and got it posted a day and a half late but just ended up feeling worse. Well, apparently I have a mild case of heatstroke so I'm supposed to be resting, drinking lots of fluids, and doing my best to keep cool. That last one is a bit of a pain in the ass but I'm managing okay, I think.


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Light And Shadow Part 2 posted!

After a marathon edit session today between me and a good friend who's acting as editor in exchange for future cookies, Part 2 of Book 4 Light And Shadow is posted!

Tomorrow continues mad editing on Part 3! After groceries. And housework chores. And playing with neglected kitties. (Okay, they're totally not neglected, just spent half an hour with a kitten chasing a dangled shoelace...)

Hope people enjoy! If you do, feel free to leave a comment! Thanks!! :)

- Erisian <3

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Writing Walker's Path Chapter 11

Hello out there,

I wanted to let you all know that the next Writing Walker's Path is out on my website!

Writing Walker's Path is something I started doing after the release of the story. The blog posts talk all about my thought process and sometimes hints at what is going to happen in the future. There are other "Writing Walker's Path" episodes for other chapters on there as well so make sure to read them all!

You can read Chapter 11's here.

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Hello out there,

Tomorrow there is going to be a surprise for you! How about Chapter 11 of Walker's Path?

Sorry for the Hiatus but I needed to work on myself for a little while.

The new Chapter is going to be around 2k words long which is around 1k shorter than I normally write but when the chapter ends it ends.

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