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"Why didn't you warn me?" Hardy.
Just scanned "O" and am so sorry and feel so silly. I paid way too much for it, too.
For those who have not read it, consider yourself warned. It is a dark, awful and despicable pseudo story.
Cryptic blog... Is that an Oh or a Zero?
And what is it??
You don't give any information about that,
and googling "O" isn't proving to be any help at all;
So I won't know how to avoid O if I don't even know what it is...
Do you mean The Story of O by Pauline Reage?
I read it years + years ago, and while it takes the idea of sexual submission
all the way to its extreme and obviously wouldn't be most people's cup of tea,
As I recall it was a good sight better than that sucky stupid 50 Shades of Grey
which I was never masochistic enough to be able to finish reading.
And really any kind of erotic fiction does very little for me
unless I'm in a very rare mood that occurs maybe twice a year.
and lasts about a day. Seems I'm not totally asexual,
but damned near....
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.