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The F Word

I posted my story "Immune Response" on Fictionmania yesterday.
I received a bunch of reviews / comments.
This one pleased me:
"Reviewed by Kirafair on 05/16/2022
"In case anyone is curious and since Maryanne put in a nice description at the beginning, an immune response to your own body components is an autoimmune type response and not technically an allergy. There could be some overlap in the observable aspects of the immune reaction that can lead to using the terms interchangeably

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Update to Arctic Fox Pursuit of the Dream, Chapter 3.15

So I updated the chapter in question, here on BCTS.

I just realized, however, that the evidence in question wasn't discussed. At least not out loud. Bill and Sylvia had copied everything they had found and presumably highlighted certain sections.

Interestingly, one of the two in the office revealed something unexpected to me while I was writing the update, forcing me to update the next chapter as well. Sigh. This is what I get for letting my characters have a certain amount of autonomy, I suppose.

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Thoughts too repulsive to write down

Lately I'm having a sort of cognitive disconnect that is frightening. I've understood and grown accustomed to my rough drafts being embarrassing. Perhaps it would simply be easier to stroke out and die? Mostly I've enjoyed it despite the painful times. Thank you for being part of it. This is not a suicide note.


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What Does T.O.W.E.R. Stand For?

So far I have resisted trying to give the specific words which lead to the acronym T.O.W.E.R. but the organization features strongly in the next Masks story. So far I have: Theater Overwatch World Enforcement Regulator. That doesn't really... work, so I am looking for suggestions.

This is not a contest. The only reward will be the use of the name in the story.

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My 12th Book Just Published

I have now published my twelfth anthology of short stories on Amazon having published my first just a year ago. This is a series of books that my publisher has called “Mainly Happy Endings” because people who read me will know that I like my TG tales to be real and uplifting. Each book has its own themes and each book contains stories that have not been published online – other than as work-in-progress on my Patreon. 12 books and 192 stories in total.

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Several Hours

I was reminded of this story after reading another 'Looking for a Story' post, in which the MC may be over weight, and I think Leslie Moore's "Copy. Cure." may have been the front runner

I just spent the last several hours reading and re-reading the list of author names but I just cant get Desiree and her story "The Bronze Maiden" out of my mind

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Writing As Therapy?

I have told people before that I write to help me cope with what I am. A trans woman in self-denial too scared to come out. I don't feel it as strong as many of you ladied. I just feel I would lose so much if I did.

I have never considered suicide, well not for that. Depression nearly drove me to it, partly due to gender issues.

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Mother died, three children hike north

This is set early in the 2000s. A families Mother dies and the children's only living relatives are somewhere north. I think this story starts out in northern Florida or Georgia and they have to hike to somewhere on the middle east coast, or even Maine perhaps. It is a harrowing journey for them and that is all I can remember.

I'd like to read it again.


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Looking for another Story

I was reminded of this story after reading another 'Looking for a Story' post, in which the MC may be over weight, and I think Leslie Moore's "Copy. Cure." may have been the front runner

Here is what I remember

I think the story is incomplete!

Set in future
May be Dystopian earth? (BladeRunner overtones)
Ruled by Corporations

MC is an (overweight?) hacker, (Female Persona Online?)
built a mainframe from obsolete hardware
Goes out to collect a replacement part,
has a meal at a street cafe, while waiting for contact

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finally finished the new one

Finally, I have sent Invisible off to my editor. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to have finally scratched out this story to my satisfaction.

What started out as Serious Camouflage and morphed to Camouflage, then got pulled and rethunk until I knew what story I wanted to tell. I've had many wonderful souls looking over the manuscripts and propping me up with excellent constructive criticism. When it comes back from Tom, I will start publishing chapters here.

I'm excited to finally share something here with the people I love and admire.


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New Book up on Amazon - Anomalies

- Fanfare of Trumpets... I have actually finished a book! I don't know why it has been so tough, but hopefully, I can catch up and have another one up in a couple of months.
This one - ANOMALIES - features some old friends (Josie, Maxine & Fiona) as well as a newbie in a science fiction/fantasy set in the real present-day and continuing (obliquely) BROKEN PROMISES and ready to bound seamlessly into BOOK 3 - SAM.

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Writers Research - comments turned off?

Is the lack of comments intentional or accidental?

Anyhoo, its an interesting start to what could become quite a saga. Method writing isn't a new thing, i do it myself, its rare that i ask my characters to do anything i haven't experienced myself, (i said rare, not never!) but to use it as the story plot may be a new one!

10 points to Hufflepuffs!

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10 Years Old

I was just looking at my author's page and noticed that my story Costumes was written 10 years ago. It is hard to believe it has been that long. A lot has changed over that time, including my transition. That story was a major stepping stone to me shedding my own costume. I put so much of myself into it. I am glad I got a chance to share it with all of you. Thanks to all of you who have read it and commented over the years.


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Looking for a story

The name of the story is "In Plain Sight" Not the one by Tanya Allen on Kindle. I don't know the author or have any idea of where it was posted.

The story is about an Army Ranger team who served in Afghanistan. Sniper and spotter. They were in DC to receive a Medal of Honor and while out on the town, witnessed a drive by shooting of a powerful drug lord. They were able to ID the perps and the drug cartel has a contract out on them plus the Taliban has issued a Jihad on them, so they are going into the Federal Witness Protection Program.

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What a month or four!

Well! I've said some things about what's been happening, but it's been moving so quickly I'm really not sure of it all myself!

We've had a few last gasps of a dying winter here in the Pacific Northwest, but during the last few convulsions, I was in Phoenix, spending time with my parents and my sister, and ended up with a sunburn. Ah, the feeling of freezing while the top layer of epidermis peels off your arms and shoulders. Such bliss!

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Work Process

Life has been fairly busy but I am a bit over halfway through the edits for The Hands of the Morri. I am also working on the edits for a YA F/F romance called The Finder of Words. That story is a bit of a trip and is also a fun ride. So lots of research and writing going on. Once I am done with the edit for THotM I will be looking for readers to go through it and comment. I will probably choose a few from here and a number of my other friends in the outside world. That way I can get a good notion for how the story goes. That will likely decide where I'm gonna send it to.


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Sanctions help fighting... Shiraz

Yes... I got bored waiting for the UG2 next chapter and decided to buy all of the chapters from Amazon...
So, Shiraz, say a big thank you to your government. I will just get an unread book from my shelf... You just got sanctioned out of my money for your books...
Anyone still think that sanctions are against Russia? $-)

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Portent Ending

From near the end of the next Angel of... story. After WWII, three of the superhumans who helped the Allies win are discussing their plans. Two decide they're just going to get away from it all:

"We're going away," said Sutter. "Marie and I have found this place, in Puerto Rico, not far from an old Spanish city but out in the country. It has this bowl-shaped valley. We can lie in the bottom of the bowl and watch the stars go by overhead with no interference."

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Soooo... It's been a while!

It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

My life has been busy! I've now been living life full to me as myself and feeling great! In January my car broke down on the way to work, long story short the ignition module burnt out, took out two ignition coils, the catalytic converter, and several of the spark plugs. It's been in and out of the shop trying to get everything fixed. It's finally passed emissions and seems to running fine. *Fingers crossed*

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