yep, we're back to warm (28c) and sunny here in Brizz, no doubt we'll be getting the ski gear out next week!
Thursday looked like a pleasant day so i took myself for a spin northwards to Stroud before climbing onto the Cotswolds for a loop through Tetbury and back to a late lunch stop at Warmley, just a handful if KM from base. I had a treat - a bacon and egg sarnie to go with my tea. It was certainly a nice day, it took a deal of will to drag myself away from the cafe and complete the ride, all 118km of it.
Friday was to be a marathon of activity, i was up well over an hour earlier than usual as i had to take Foxy to the doctor @ 13km away for 9.30. It was a nice morning and the bike was duly delivered, the plan was to walk at least part od the way back so i set off at a steady pace for what turned out to be a pleasant 2.5 hour hike. There was a message on my phone when i sat myself down with a cuppa, i could pick the bike up now! I was expecting it to be after the weekend at the earliest so this was a 'welcome' surprise.
Walking back was never on the cards, but a lift was offered and accepted, by three i was back in the shop for the good or bad news. The good news was a £20 bill and the bike being 'usable', the bad, well the bearings in both wheels need completely replacing, from the races out, parts that will be coming from Italy and by the time the work is done, cost me £150! oh and they'll be @ 4 weeks getting here. At least i've time to save up.
Saturday was supposed to be similar weather but i didn't fancy going too far so after a later than usual start i headed out for what turned into an anti clockwise version of Thursday. Well not the same roads but after a climb onto the Cotswolds it was up almost to Stroud before returning down the Severn to Oldbury where i just caught the tea room for tea and ice cream. It was a steady ride from there back to complete my 'short' ride of 106km! Well it was a nice day, you can't waste them.
All the tooing and froing on Friday threw my writing ambitions out the window so i'll be cracking on with that later, with luck i'll have the next Smell of the Crowd tome on Kindle by Wednesday. Thats the plan at least. Today then, its a trip to the shops then i'll be cracking on at the keyboard.
Of course you do get the next chapter of Fame today, its time for Gaby et cie to hit the ski slopes but before that theres food and subterfuge! read Snow Bunnies now!
Thats it for today, back on Wednesday, but for now,
Madeline Annafrid