Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Another Couple Milestones

The opening salvo (parts 1-4) to my original "A Bikini Beach Summer" just recently surpassed 10000 hits. It's still a distant second to "John's Living Nightmare" at 14500. Similarly, my standalone BB story, "BB: A Boy's Visit" has broken through 6000 hits.

"The Bridge" might hit 3000 sometime this year; I don't know.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Dungeons and Dragons

It seems obvious to me that some of the stories here were driven by the game "Dungeons and Dragons", though I have had relatively little exposure to it. Some of the scenes in "Stranger Things" are really triggering because of my unwilling exposure to the psychological world and their drugs. Life has been much better since I told them to "F" off. One of the characters, Finn Walthard looks really feminine, If I have the right one. If I had a chance I would do much worse to the psychs than EL.

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New Mermaid's tail up.....intermission Pixie

New Mermaid's tail up.....intermission Pixie

In this chapter a new Pixie tries to convince the Drow twins that her new life is worth saving over being erased from the face of the earth as the Fae see her as an insult to Fae kind....she was changed into a Pix by human science!

Ask questions...tell me what ya like or not like?!!

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Story Set in RW

Character is Bar tender (MC i think), at a Variety Bar, NightClub or a club like Tanya Allan's "Candy Cane Club"

Older Gentleman regular customer of the Character as he likes the ever expanding range of cocktails can make, and if i remember correctly that character can make for the mood of the customer

Two things get reviled later the Older Gentleman is real owner of venue, and father of its operator, and the character reads a board sheet that has a section on cocktails within the entertainment section in the weekend editions.

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Tired and Cranky, with a headache that won't quit

Going through various health issues, I have come to the conclusion that my hot buttons are wearing out and getting easier to smash. Major one for today has been and will always be at the top of my list every time: Nod your head for yes and shake your head for no, not the the other way around. this is almost universal I have found, but years ago a Bulgarian friend informed me after we met that her country was reversed in that action and meaning. Who knew?

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A Personal Thank You

I hate ‘I’ messages, because it’s not all about me.

This is all about the readers and the engineers who keep this big ship sailing.

You have warmly embraced Invisible with your reading, kudos, and comments as I upload each section of this effort. I’ve often said I write my stories in isolation because that’s me. But, when I upload a story and pull back the curtains, it amazes me how generously people take the time to look over the offering.

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Nice public interest story from the Ottawa area

Nice human interest story I just read. These days, good news is always welcome.

How My Life Unfolded When My Partner And Kid Both Came Out As Trans:

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What Is Intersex?

In the early 2000's I remember reading articles on the Internet about the studies on Gender and Intersex done by some researchers in Scandinavia. They started a revolution of rampant speculation. I don't think that there are experts who have a firm handle on things. Some of the most significant progress in that and associated fields happened in the 20th Century. As a matter of personal opinion, I don't think that we actually know as much as we think we do.

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Hello World - 2

Hey All Y'all!

So, my Artist got me my first Cover Art! So Exciting!

Like Yay!

Here it is for everyone to see, I'm putting it into the story from here on out of course. I'll be back editing it for prior readers of course.

So, this is the low resolution file. I'll be uploading the High Resolution file to my Patreon site of course for anyone who wants to DL it I'll have it available there

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Having doubts about some writing

Hi! I don’t know if this is the right place for this but here goes. So I’m having some doubt about some writing I’m doing. I usually write one shot short stories, but I’m interested in trying my hand at writing longer stuff.

After writing the first chapter, I guess I feel like it has some issues, and I was wondering if anyone would want to test read it and give some feedback? The chapter is about 3151 words long.

I’m worried about the pacing, like if I spent too much time on certain plot points. Also wondering if I take too long to get to the transformation.

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Funny Business At Amazon

Lots of excitement in my life just now. I've been cautiously thinking about how I might De-transition, and what good that would do? It might cause a lot of harm by making my housing situation and income uncertain. I rather enjoy not having to deal with men as a man. I don't want to lose that. My Breasts aren't that large, but I do not wish to try to pee standing up, even with my little camping funnel.

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Hello World - 1

Hello World!

a.n. ominous LR.jpg

I'm new to writing here, but not new to writing.... if that makes a whole heck of a lot of sense.

I've always loved this area, but I've mainly been lurking here since I was 17 or so a few years ago. However a great friend and artist of mine finally pushed me off my tiny hiney to get my stuff out there into the real world.

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Amazon Categories

What is up with Amazon? Why can't they get my books into the right category?
I posted something on the FM message board today by way of a gripe and it forced me to look at the last 7 of the 13 books published by Doppler Press on Amazon and none of those are classed as Transgender Fiction!
Here is what I posted over there:

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writing prompt

Here is a little writing prompt for anybody who wants it:

I walked up to the door, and knocked. A young man answered, and he asked, "Can I help you."

I replied "I'm here to kill you."

There was a pause, and then the young man opened the door, saying "Well, you better come in, then."

There you go, folks, have fun!

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Accidental Romance by Melanie Brown on Kindle - text corrected and re-published

Well, it will be re-pubbed soon. Kindle sometimes takes a day or two.


If you've already bought this book, Kindle should allow you to update your copy with the new text.

If you haven't bought it yet, now's your chance! Uh, well, wait till tomorrow morning probably is best. There were only a few typos we fixed, so if you are okay with that go ahead. :)


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Mind and Body - Book 13 at last!

Here it is, book 13!
This time a collection of stories based on body change or mind manipulation to throw the subject into gender disarray.
This book includes several that has not been published on open sites before, including "Genetic Reconstruction", "Surrogate" and "Vengeance" which I am sure will excite readers.
I have already told Doppler there may be another collection along these lines, possibly next year.
Here is the link

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There must be a story in this!

I noticed this in the "Did you know" section of the Wikipedia home page this morning. (It has now disappeared. Typical. I had to look in the archives.)

...that during a renovation of 4 Park Avenue workers found a sealed room with women's clothes and shoes that was not in the building's blueprints?

This is asking for a story to be written but I have no time to do it. Any takers out there?

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Dad's Style

For anybody who read this story straight after it was posted, I am sorry that the images did not come out. Please open it again.
I attached a pdf file in desperation, but I am grateful that with Rose's help, it is now up as I intended, with images in the text that inspired and really make this story.

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Running late

Hey everyone,

As much as I was hoping to have the new Apocalypse Dawn chapter posted yesterday or even today it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. Between being busy and just having a spectacularly shitty week in general I probably won't have AD posted until tomorrow and I Wish until Thursday. Hopefully my appointment downtown tomorrow won't take too long and I can get stuff finished and posted at a decent hour.

*big hugs*



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Progress, albeit slow

With the whole discussion regarding unfinished works, I felt that perhaps a status update for book 5 of the Heaven's Light Saga should be put up for anyone curious. It's been a wacky year so far between more work changes and things with family (such as my mom being in and out of the hospital five times since Christmas), so the book hasn't made as much progress as I'd hoped. However Part 1 is almost drafted, needing just one fae party scene (whee!) to finish it out, and the framework for the rest of the major beats through to the ending are mostly figured out.

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Unexpected feedback from a story

I posted "Just being me." on a few other sites. The story is about a trans woman that waits until later in life to start transitioning and meets a man who accepts her for what and who she is.

I got two private messages today about the story. These were readers from Literotica.

One said

" I read several of your stories and wish I could find happiness as well. I'm still stuck in my life of discretion and confusion in some ways. I want someone to love me. I can definitely relate to her, in your story."

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Writing Update

I'm still busy working on Don't Forget The Glitter but at the same time, I really want to finish up A Summer Tail. Its one of those stories that's really been nagging at me for awhile now. I've tried continuing it a few times over the past couple of years but I kept getting stumped trying to figure out how to continue the story from where I left off. I finally came to the realization that I just didn't like the end of Ch.10, so I'm going to delete the ending, rewrite it and continue to write the story from there.

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The Great Unfinished Novel

An online friend wrote me: “I'd like to share a response I received from another FM authoress, who has the nasty habit of posting multi chapter stories, and leaving them unfinished. I've rebuked her for this habit in reviews before, and this is the first time that she has responded.”

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