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A few thoughts on Missing Without A Trace

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I've just finished reading Maeryn Lamonte's excellent short story Georgy Girl and it made me start thinking about my own short little book, Missing Without A Trace. When I wrote my novel, the heroine, Kelly, became me...or rather, the inner me. The Charles I should have been, without the male shell that I'd been forced to construct around myself to fit in with everyone around me as I grew up.

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the level of talent on this site astonishes me

I've been reading some of the other entries for the Valentine's day contest on my writing site, and all I can say is that many of the authors are as good as any major bestseller's author.

I'm just a duffer, but I feel privileged to just be in the company of such talent.

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February 2022 BCTS "Magic of The Heart" Story Contest

I wasn't going to enter this contest. I have a pretty large bone pile of unfinished stories that I've been trying to wade through and see about finishing some of them. I've tried several and not been able to get more than a few hundred words going.

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BCTS "Magic of The Heart" Story Contest Entry

Decided to sit down today to finally get the idea for the BCTS story contest out of my head and onto a page. In spite of many many breaks to go play with an insistent kitty it somehow got written, and therefore posted. Said kitty brought me a shoestring and a fishie as bribes for attention out of desperation when her ceaseless meows were being ignored (due to music played even louder on the headset). Needless to say, she was rather difficult to say no to.

Anyway, hope folks enjoy. It's called 'The Questing Beast'. :)

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Muse update

Well, it feels like its been a while since I have given a writing update, here goes:

Chapter 4 of "portal problems" is being written now. hopefully done by the end of the month.

Horror story "when paths cross" and its sequel are also being worked on. not sure how long to go.

Latest story about "Tinker Tailor Soldier Dot" is actually done, but waiting for Amethyst to be able to finish her Pinpoint story before it gets released, and a 5th story has been started.

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Every February I take a few of my books and give away copies of the ebook on Amazon.
Right now, Bloomsday, A Window to Your Heart and Cherry Moone are free until the 16th.
On the 17, A Change Will Do You Good, Desert Rose and To Be a Different Someone will be on the free block.

The only thing I ask is if you can leave a review on Amazon (If you choose)

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New novel: Schooled

Schooled is the story of George, a teacher who spends much of his free time as Jessica, the woman he wishes he could have been. George inadvertently ‘outs’ himself to his head teacher, the fierce Ms Victoria Stanton, but her reaction surprises him: she wants to meet Jessica, and gives every indication that she likes her.

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Time flies

It's amazing how time goes fwoooosh. The older I get, the quicker that arrow zips on past.

And thus I realized today when looking at posting dates that four years ago is when I finally decided to be brave enough to quit being a (long time) lurker and toss the two books I'd written out onto BCTS. Four years! Can hardly believe it. I remember being incredibly nervous about doing so too, having debated with myself for months on end. Though admittedly with each additional installment of the story since those nerves still flare. They shouldn't but, well, yep.

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Sex in stories, If it's there should it be graphic or tasteful ?

**** Thank you all for your comments. It has been very useful to see all your opinions on the subject.****

When I first started writing it was on Fictiomania. Stories there often, but not always involve sex.

Since posting on here I have noticed my more sexual stories get a lot more reads, but a lot less kudos.

The current story I'm writing has got sexual scenes. I have held back on being descriptive though.
Refering to his male member as his hardness etc, rather than to other more sexual words.


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Thanks, Number 100...

Just wanted to thank the reader who supplied my "Another Guy at West Peak" story with kudos number 100 recently. It had been at 99 for at least several months, and since it was a riff on a Bru story that had long since faded from notoriety and most likely from memory, I wasn't really surprised that nothing further was happening.

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Sick of Literotica

I finally got sick to death of Literotica today. After Linda got rejected after being submitted three times. If anyone has read it it's a trans/CD love story. Not sure where I will take it. They reject your story and tell you to read the guidelines. You have no idea why.

At first I thought it was the reference to Peter asking his mother why he wasn't a girl. According to Literotica, underage (18) crossdressing is tantamount to child porn. Which is distrubing!

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Amazon a party to criminal copyright infringement?

As a published author on Amazon I find myself troubled that it is so easy for people to blatantly infringe copyright using the Amazon Platform.
As a publisher Amazon has a vested interest in protecting copyright, yet there is almost no way of raising the issue of copyright infringement.
Over on Fictionmania Message Board recent exchange started like this:

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Banning Books in Texas and Other States

"Don't join the book burners... Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.
" - Benjamin Franklin

“Information is the currency of democracy.” –Thomas Jefferson

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Too busy to post this week

Real life has caught up big time this week and I have an assignment to complete in the next couple of days, I am really busy also my elderly neighbour has also become increasingly needy and confused and I can't abandon her but she really soaks up the time. So sadly, I haven't time to write (except bloody carbon cycle and not carbon fibre, and grassland ecology) and most of that is calculations in gC per m squared per year.

Anyone who thinks the Open University is a soft option is probably too stupid to do a degree with them.

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Final Chapter and Epilogue of You Are a Meany

I have finally sent the final chapter along with the epilogue to my editor. That means when she is done it will be posted. I just want to make sure that she gets the thanks and credit she deserves for the work she put into this story. She not only helped by pointing out errors in writing, she also made sure that I stay true to how I saw the story. That what I pictured in my mind was conveyed on the pages.

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Gaby heads up!

So, a two part message for all you Gaby fans out there.

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Firstly, i finished the next chapter of 'Smell of the Crowd' (which may not be the final title), the 27th Gaby book earlier today, my Patreon supporters can read that first draft now. BTW, a massive thank you to everyone who is supporting via Patreon, a steady income really does help keep the constructive juices going!

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Big Rock Candy Mountain Detour by me, about me

I'm currently writing and posting my autobiography here on BC and on Patreon. The current episode, #4 - Doodlebug Wages, in on the BC front page right now.

These are from personal memories (yes, I do remember things that happened when I was two) and family stories and most of them show what an incredible spoiled brat I was. :)

I hope you read them, enjoy and leave a comment.


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