Mature Subjects (pg15)

Dancing to a New Beat 62

I had to register my source, naturally, but somehow the fact that Deb was merely acting as a go-between, rather than the primary, slipped my mind. There were too many tangled threads to unravel safely, and my friend was already listed as a source as a consequence of her work with us on the Cooper case.

In reality, I wanted any possible connection to a certain couple in Reading strangled before it was born.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 143

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 143
A list. Dinner and a talk. Hi Mom.
A walk along the Rio Grande.
Jackie, we lied to you. ~o~O~o~ Is Charlie okay with what we told Jackie? ~o~O~o~ A visit with the Eagles, and a gift.


Ethan couldn’t believe how he looked in the full-size mirror he was standing in front of. He was wearing a custom-made spandex leotard suit that had holographic flames on it. A matching tailcoat and three-inch heel court shoes and fishnet stockings.

He couldn’t believe how the prosthetic breast and padding gave him a nice female figure. His short hair had been replaced with a wig that was long and orange. The hair of the wig was full and came four inches past his shoulder. The make-up on his face was tasteful and artfully done.

Great News, yeah right

Back in 2017, there was an event that came to be known as, Spontaneous Body Swapping Syndrome. Thought of in the past as a disturbance in the flow of nature, or a scientific experiment gone wrong on the genetic level, it is in fact a magical curse inflicted on one member of each family. Each of the opposite gender. In the future SBSS has become something of a regular event. So regular in fact that it is found to be linked to birth. Scientists and Mages have found that when two people are born at the same exact time, their bodies are linked together. When either person reaches a certain event in their life, the cycle begins. The duration of the event depends on the strength (or weakness) of the connection.
this is the origin story i have been cooking up since i started writing. Hope you enjoy ^-^

Sold, Chapter 1

I’ve had this story floating around in my head for a while now. This could be chapter one or simply a little taste. Y’all will just have to let me know.


“Yes, mom. I’ve heard the story before, maybe a hundred times. I remember that both of you emigrated from Poland twenty years ago hoping to find a new life in America.”

Doorway to Amaru Meru Part 2

Part 2 of 8 of Doorway to Amaru Meru. I decided to post every other day instead of every third day. This complete novel is part of the January Reader’s Retention Contest. Enjoy.

Dancing to a New Beat 61

There was no way I was going to survive another debauch, especially so soon after both Christmas and our team party. I really wasn’t up to another set of ambush memories biding their time to emerge at the most inopportune moments possible, thank you very much. Besides, Rhod was due his own moment with my parents, and so our New Year’s Eve was spent with family, a small boy assured he would be allowed to stay up and hear the bongs finally succumbing to slumber and falling asleep cuddled up to his Bamps.

The Beginning - part 14. This is only the beginning

When I opened my eyes I saw Mary’s face. She smiled at me. For a moment I had no idea what happened. I did not know where I was or what time of the day it was.

“Babe, are you okay?” Mary asked me sounding concerned.

The Beginning - part 13. Shopping paradise

My mom, Mary and I got up simultaneously and all three of us walked over to hug my dad. I was so proud to be his daughter. A little more crying happened and after a short while, we settled back down.

“Okay girls. We need to get ready for shopping soon. Mary, I will give you some money too so you don’t feel treated unfairly.” mom announced.

“Hooray! I am not going to say no to that .” Mary said excitedly.

“What about your friend Samantha, Riley. Maybe she wants to hang out at the mall with us?” mom asked me.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 1

TW: Transphobia

Death is weird..

It certainly wasn’t what I expected.
A little over 2 months ago, I died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. I’d convinced my friends that I wasn’t that drunk and that I'd be able to drive home no problem. I never made it.

I don’t know what I expected to happen after that but it certainly wasn’t waking up the very next morning.

Dancing to a New Beat 60

I looked hard at them both, and it was almost as if they had clicked into sharper focus. They both passed well as cis women, which was probably down to starting their transition at a young age, but that wasn’t the point. If I hadn’t known about them, I would never have guessed their history, unlike with Gemma, who would never manage to look like anything other than herself. Her man didn’t seem to mind, though, and that was clearly down to the personality that had attracted her from the start.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 142

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 142
A problem. Please, Miss Nez, don’t do it again.
Charlie, you’re going!
Two conditions? Yes and no. ~o~O~o~ More rewrites. ~o~O~o~ Out of his league. ~o~O~o~ Charlie you need to listen.

Forgotten: Voyage


Audience Rating: 


Nearly 300 years before Bug, the War, and the events of Forgotten, 15-year-old Gabriel Baldwin is just a regular aristocratic boy living in 1740s Great Britain. Unlike the rest of his Blessed family, he has no Blessing and is a black stain on his family's name. Seeking more, he sets out across the seas to find something better. What he discovers is something far greater. A mystery of the fog, missing family, his own special ability, and destiny so great that no one can understand how it came to be.

Voyage Chapter 1: Fog at Sea

This story is my second story taking place in the Forgotten universe. I thought it would be fun to explore a time where the religion and superhumans were interconnected in a time not well explored in the superhero genre. Thus, while they are still superhumans, they are called Blessed during this time period and their abilities (superpowers) are called Blessings. However, I also decided to introduce a rather unknown aspect of Forgotten's history in this story. I had planned to introduce it Forgotten around the chapter 20 mark, but decided, why not here. Also, I'm aware that a large portion of the story is not written in the 18th-century style, nor do I actually take the time to write a British accent out. This is because I don't know how to. if I plan to rewrite it in the future, I will try to address these issues then, but for now, enjoy the story as is.

Alexa: The Next Adventures

Hi everyone, Debbie V here. As you may or may not know, Kris and I were very good friends, and we’d often share snippets of chapters for each other to look over, or sometimes just for fun. These snippets below are some of those that I felt deserved to be shared with the audience that loved her work so much. These are all her own words- I haven’t altered or added anything beyond a quick spellcheck. The stories are presented in rough chronological order and as such may overlap with previous ‘continuing adventures’.


The Beginning - part 12. Tough negotiations

We walked up to my parents who were still standing at the door. I was determined to get this issue resolved. I felt confident and brave. I loved wearing my girlie clothes because it felt so natural. Well, technically they were Alyssa’s old clothes. The skirt and top fit me perfectly as if they were made for me. Of course, I loved the black tights the most. This was me. Riley.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 141

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 141
The resort. A vigil. The Dean and more.
To the resort and a trip to the remote hogan. ~o~O~o~ We don't meditate, but sit a vigil. ~o~O~o~ Back at the university, and a meeting with the Dean. ~o~O~o~ There are two conditions?

Jack's a Normal Boy, Sort of

Jack Winslow, for all intense and purposes, appeared to be a normal ten-year-old boy to all the adults who saw him outside his family. He didn’t mind playing sports, when the other boys let him. He even explored his neighborhood, the wooded areas around town, and even fished a bit, but mostly by himself. You see, it was the kids who saw Jack as something different, someone who while nice was a bit…off in some way. And because he seemed off they seldom went out of their way to do anything but say hi. But as they were about to find out, Jack Winslow was going to teach them lessons that would stick with them for the rest of their lives. Lessons only one kid could teach another kid, lessons which would apply to Jack himself.

Dancing to a New Beat 59

Dad dropped me off, as requested, and I took a seat and another rehydration cuppa in the little café across the road from the safe house. Out with the mobile.

“Morning, Di! Bright and early after last night, aren’t you?”

“It wasn’t that heavy a night!”

“Says Queen Karaoke the first!”

“Shit. Was I that bad?”

Brotherly Love

A novelette ...

Brotherly Love


After a horrible tragedy years earlier, a Christmas miracle will bring love to a hurting family and a better future for a little girl!

Copyright © 2018 by AuP reviner

Santa Babe

Cover Image
Santa Babe
By Daniela A. Wolfe

Santa is no longer the merrymaker we all remember. After his wife has left him, Santa turns to alcohol to fill the void in his heart. It’s Samson the elf’s job to keep him from doing anything that would get him into trouble, but when the old man accidentally consumes a mysterious potion, Samson finds his job has gotten a whole lot more difficult.

Racing Angels -chp 16

Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, do when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Christmas At The Hardy Ranch

Caroline watches as Laila and Julie walk into the school Bart enrolled them in on his returned from England. The girls have adjusted going to an American private school. Caroline made sure the nurse at the private school knew Laila was a type 1 diabetic and that her insulin was watched. Julie was given a full physical by Caroline and put on the proper dosages of estrogen and androgens. Caroline was watching her oldest daughter and making sure she behaved like a girl. There were a few times she had to lecture Julie about being tarty in how she dressed.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 140

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 140
I’ve got to tell her the truth. An offer?
Los Alamos. Not another offer?
A letter from the Dean? Hmm. Am I in trouble? ~o~O~o~ Dr. Fontheim hits me with two things. ~o~O~o~ I let things slip. ~o~O~o~ So that's what it's for!

Dancing to a New Beat 58

Blake was snoring, and he did smell rather strongly of stale beer. I was fuzzy-headed, to say the least, and while I dearly wanted more sleep, there was an urgent demand from my bladder I couldn’t defer. I realised I had rather overdone it the night before, and had a sudden shiver of shame and guilt as to how Dad must have felt on seeing and hearing me in what must have been quite a state of drunkenness.

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 1

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 1

Copyright 2018 by Heather Rose Brown

I had the idea for this story a long, long time ago, and it's one of my favorites! I still don't have an ending, but I do finally have an idea where it might go, so I rewrote the beginning here, and am working on adding a few more chapters. Enjoy!

Seven Years of Hope Chapter 4


Selenia is the Priestess of the Holy Song, the last survivor of the destroyed Order of the Starsilver. During the final battle against the forces of Halleb, the Caretaker of the Dead, she was suddenly sent back in time seven years in the past, during the time when peace was cheap and lives were flourishing. Yet for Selenia, there is no peace or happiness, for she knows what will happen seven years later and she pledges to prevent that at all cost.

Seven Years of Hope Chapter 4
A New Start

By Shiina Ai


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