General Audience (pg)

My dad is doing well in hospital so far, cross your fingers

My dad who will be 84 on March 25 underwent surgery Monday to have his right knee replaced. If all goes well he gets the other done this summer.

Between the bridgework -- courtesy of a rollover accident before I was conceived -- two artifical eye lenses and a cow valve in his heart there isn't alot left of the *original equipment*.

-- snicker --

Visited him last night with sis, The Evil BlondeTM, and he's doing well.

Not a real religious type but your prayers are welcome.

John in Wauwatosa

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From Knight To Dawn Part 5

First I would like to thank those who responded to the poll questions. You have helped me to decide on a course of action for this story. Thank you again, for some very creative suggestions. Thank you for continuing to read all about Dawn.

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Five

The Violet Ajah : Teaser

Okay, I have this fanfic mostly written, and will be attempting to put one new bit out every week. This fanfiction is set in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time world setting. The setting and any characters that are not original characters are fully the property of Robert Jordan, his widow (Harriet Rigby), his estate, his posthumous co-author/successor (Brandon Sanderson), and his publishers. At the end of each chapter I will post a guide as to how to pronounce terms and names appearing throughout, along with brief definitions. At the end of the story will be an appendix compiling all of these together.

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose across the waters of the River Erinin, speeding across Tar Valon and toward the home of the Aes Sedai, the White Tower rising from the center of the city. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time.

But it was -a-beginning...

To Catch a Thief~5

I looked at her tear stained face and my heart went out to her.

‘Why are you crying, are you hurting?’

She looked at me and sniffed a bit. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy. Normally, I would have said she was quite pretty, with her long dark hair and a pleasant face...


By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

The Rescue 3

Copyright by Beverly Taff. 2011.

This chapter explores the issues surrounding hijras in India. (Kolkata) and the steps Paul and Beverly take to help a few of them.

The Rescue 3

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

Whetting your appitite ( I hope)

Well, my muse has made her call, and my "wild card" story drew the short straw, and i have begun the writing for it. To (hopefully) whet the appetite of my five fans (I am kidding, there might be ten of you), i will give you a quick little link to some info on the series:

My story takes place in 1989, just after George H.W. Bush is elected president in the U.S.

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From Knight To Dawn Part 4

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Four

Dawn decided to spend the next day strolling through Queen Elizabeth’s royal flower gardens. She wanted to ponder her situation and come up with a plan to try to hold onto his male identity. It was a beautiful day in late spring and the roses were just starting to bloom.

Dawn found a spot where she could sit and enjoy the beauty of the pure white rosebuds.

The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984

In the 1969 the United States Congress enacted legisdlation making it legal for 18 year olds to buy, possess, and drink alcohol. This legislation would be in effect until the Reagan Administration's The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 was passed. for more information about what the Alcohol laws were before 1969, please go to a university law library and look at those statutes or if you live in a state capitol, go to the capitol law library. Even Wikipedia says that in the Reagan administration the law was passed declaring 21 to be the minimum drinking age.

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Princess Boys

Did anyone watch the Today Show this morning? They ran a segment on a 5 year old boy who likes to wear sparkly pink dresses and do other "girl" things. He started this when he was about 2. His mother said that she was uncomfortable with this at first and tried to distract him with saying "Why don't you play with this truck?" or other "boy" toys. After a while his older brother asked "Why can't you just let him be happy?" (Out of the mouths of babes!!) The mother then realised that this was HER problem and not his, and now supports him.

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Next Story Question

Now that Best Served Cold is winding down toward the end, I've started developing two new stories. The first will be a follow up Center story, that actually takes place at the same time as Best Served Cold, starring Mattie. The story will fill in some of the blanks of this story.

The second story is How To Be a Hero, a sequel to my Green Arrow story. The story will be told in a similar fashion like the first one, with a combination of present day events and flashbacks.

My question is which one do I do first?

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Sarah Carerra - 2.23 - Star Power

sc2.jpg Dad and I had signed a contract with Starlight for at least three commercials over the next year. This first one, along with the print ad, was focusing on the 'Night Sky' eye shadow collection that Stephanie had been using to give me my signature look.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.23 - Star Power
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: January 3, 2011

not the best way to start the new year

Well, its a new year, and i am already hating it. I mentioned to my boss yesterday about my supervisor calling me Dorothy, and she dismissed it saying she would not do that. i had thought she was sympathetic, but I think she was ok with it hypothetically, but cannot deal with it as a reality. That, and today, my brother is taking me for some pants (mens, sadly), and get my hair cut. He just doesnt understand my gender issues at all, and its gotten to the point where being around him is painful. Which bugs me, because growing up, he was my friend, my protector, and in many ways, my idol.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -3-

As the caravan travels towards Palarand the mystery woman's flashes of memory and the accompanying headaches become more frequent. After refreshing themselves at Tanon's mansion a visit to the palace reveals perplexing news.

grakh on parchment

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

3 - At Palarand

From Knight To Dawn Part 3

First, I would like to thank Jezzi Belle Stewart for her suggestions. I have taken some of them and implemented them into the story. I hope you will enjoy the further adventures of Dawn. I want to thank everybody for their kind words regarding this story.

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part 3

happy new year!

Well, welcome to a new year, and a new decade. I havent done a lot of writing since finishing part 3 of "the lucky one". but i am less panicked about that than i would have been before. i have my "wild card" story to work on, a couple of ret-con ideas, sequels to a couple of my earlier stories, and my first and probably only attempt at a SRU story, and that's not counting having to try to write my way out of the box i put myself in for the conclusion of "The lucky one".

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Sweat and Tears

From Chapter 14 onward this will be getting extremely dark and very nasty. I will, as is my normal style, not be going into unnecessarily graphic detail as I feel that what happens to young Stevie should be seen as shadows on a wall and not a slow motion porn film. I put some detail into his teenaged fumbling with Emily because I felt that certain aspects of that were essential to the plot, but I will not do that for other bits. Such detail is unnecessary.

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Describing how I feel

I am struggling to find the right words to describe my gender dilemma, especially to people who have no experience with the subject. The closest i can come is that its like Dorothy is pushing from the inside, wanting to be out, and being blocked by my physical body, so there is this constant pressure and pain. Any one have any ideas?


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The Rescue 2

This is a follow on from The rescue. It explores what happens to Beverly in the following year of her life.

The rescue 2

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

From Knight To Dawn Part 1

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part One

Sir Eric decided to take a short cut through the forest. He was a 6’ tall. The sun glittered on his flaxen hair.

Suddenly he heard high-pitched laughter coming from his right side. He decided to see who could be out on a nice, sunny day. He peeked through some branches. He saw a lovely maiden. She appeared to be in her late teens, with her long golden hair flowing around her face and shoulders like a halo. Her complexion was so fair and clear, just like a porcelain doll.

The Sun will come out Tomorrow

.The sun will come out tomorrow

Written by Dauphin
A bad boy is sent to the Pink institute, where he cannot get into trouble.
"Bad boy to good boy with the help of brainwashing. It may also brainwash the reader!" Diana
"Personally, I do not think there is anything special about this story. It is not that original. Despite this, it was fun to write" Dauphin


Well 2010 was a good and bad year normal sickness for a guy of 61 and 400 pounds then on April 28 had bariatric surgery and in the next 8 months lost 110 pounds WOOHOO November 22 saw my Urologist implant wires to my bladder to help with control from wetting to not being able to go (what fun) November 27 my BFF died on Decenber 6 had the battery pack implanted in my back IT'S WORKING (Doc did something right) and to end the year I got a bleed on the Bariatric incission and almost bled out --- 1 Day ICU and 4 units of blood 3 more day in the hospital ( for those who know my hemogloban counts wa


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"You Look Beautiful!!"

There was a commercial New Year's Eve party/event in Brooklyn last night, a big one. Two guys who are event organizers have been having these for several years. Three thousand people in a vacant 45,000 square foot industrial loft, themed as an airline terminal, with lots of people in costume. Airline stewardess seemed to be a popular one.

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Coming soon(ish)

Thanks to the love and care of family, the lurgi seems to be subsiding somewhat. I managed to write a bit last night after I woke myself up in a coughing fit, and whatever that may sound like it, it is an improvement on the last week and a bit. I'm hopeful that I may have a post within the next week or so, but please don't hold me to it.

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Happy New Year

To all my dear friends here. Happy New Year.

Here's a lovely song that I absolutely fell in love with and I hope you enjoy as well.

The song is "Nella Fantasia" ("In My Fantasy") and is sung by Katherine Jenkins.

Much Love and all my best wishes to everyone here for the New Year.


Translation Below:


Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Lᬠtutti vivono in pace e in onestá .
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,

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Goodbye 2010! And Thanks!

This year has been amazing! I have finally made several moves to revealing the real me to my friends and some of my family. Some of them were very surprised, but they've generally accepted me for the girl that I am inside.
I've been able to tell some of my stories, and it feels so good that they've been fairly well accepted. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the friends I've made, and how much enjoyment I've had in enjoying your wonderful stories! Erin and Company, you do so much for all of us! I'm with Zoe Taylor, this is almost therapy for me! Thank you all, so much!

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I have been thinking about the idea of "passing". for me, its rather simple. If i can get and hold a job as Dorothy, if i can get groceries or window shop without fearing that i will be beat up, and to be able to use the ladies room without somebody calling the cops, then i will be passing. And frankly, the first one and the last one are out of my reach, at least for now.


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Happy New Year :-)

First, to get the site business out of the way, I had hoped to have Robin posted up by now, but a mild case of food poisoning has kept me in bed. You can't keep a good author down, though. I think my muse is finally returning from her vacation, so we'll see what happens :-)

I do want to wish everyone a very happy New Year. I was going to post a blog on my two year anniversary of signing on with TopShelf;I'm only a few days late! It sounds harsh, but glad the holidays are finally over for another year.

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A Fantasy in Shades of Scarlett

by: Lesley Renee Charles

I woke up from a good night’s sleep. When I noticed a sudden heaviness an pulling on my chest. I looked down to find a nice pair of breasts. I also noticed I was not wearing my usual pajamas but I white lace nightgown.

I got out of bed and walked over to the mirror over the dressing table. What I saw reflected back to me was a beautiful young girl of about sixteen with dark hair and emerald green eyes.

closing in on my anniversary

Well, i was looking at my account the other day, and noticed I had passed the 1 year anniversary of being a member here. However, at the end of January, it will be one year since i published "The saga of E-Girl". A lot has changed for me since then, much of it for the good. I have (hopefully) improved as a writer, I have made some wonderful friends, Wand I have made serious progress in dealing with my rape, as well as my gender status. Who knows what the next year will bring? Not me, that's for sure. I would never have predicted what has happened this one. Happy new year, everybody.

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