Winter of my discontent

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I am troubled.

I am trying to sell my Novel Transitioning Home to an Agent and it is problematic. I am getting positive sounding responses but that basically that the Agent is too busy. I just want to sell my damn Novel, is it really that fracking difficult?

The knowledge that this is the norm in the publishing world helps. I am going to keep selling that book, as it would be good for a National audience, if I can ever get it there. However, I have been pondering self-publishing, especially for College Boy, Splintered Life and maybe a collection of my Poetry. I am hesitant because of the cost as being broke does sort of hamper one. There is also the issue of pimping my book when it is out.

In all honesty, I am not all that sure that I will be a good Pimp for my books. Sure I believe in them but I have no clue what to do. I mean, I even have trouble on this site getting a really large audience for my stories. 300 Rains is running at about 2000 hits per section and about 65+ on kudos, which isn't bad but I have seen better. Am I doing something wrong? Am I writing stuff that doesn't have the right appeal? Am I just not cut out for this business?

As I said, I am troubled.

There are a lot of options out there for my stories but I have no idea what the odds of them selling are. I feel like I am viewed as a middle of the road author and that isn't all that inspiring. With that sort of feel it isn't any wonder that I am not getting better responses to my Agent Quest.

Hell, I'm whining right now and I don't like it. My guess is that this discontent is partially frustration and partially a really rough therapy session. So it goes...

Maybe I should put down the computer and watch Joe Versus The Volcano. It always seems to make me feel better.


Keep on tryin'

is all I can think to say. Unless you have a recognized name, getting the first one published is next to impossible, from all I can find on the subject. I may be quilty of not commenting like I should but I do read the stuff, and hit that kudo button. Besides,, you're good.

I wish I knew the answer

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I'll admit to enjoying 'Joe Versus the Volcano', which I honestly think is very underated in the 'sleepless in seattle' / 'you've got mail' trinity of Meg Ryan / Tom Hanks movies. I've no answer to your question in all honesty but then if I knew the formula for success I'd be doing better! Perhaps in some ways 300 Rains is a bit like JVtV in that the critical reception (comments) are good but the box office (kudos / reads) isn't quite what it should be.

All I can say is keep trying with the book and that I've enjoyed your writing on this site.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Crack open an orange soda, watch Joe, and remember

... it could be worse. You could have a brain cloud.

I LOVE that movie!

Seriously, if you want to be a published author, chase after it. In the worst case, you can say you tried, which is better than looking back years from now and never knowing if you could have made it.

In the best case, well, that one's obvious.

As for self-publishing, well, think carefully before you spend too much money on it. They don't call it 'vanity press' for nothing.

Good luck!