Sweet / Sentimental



Chapter 19

I’m really very happy.

We head from our room which is astoundingly beautiful and so well worth the price as far as I’m concerned and we go down to the lobby.

I’m blushing.

I’m blushing so much because we get into the elevator and as soon as we hit the first floor below us I can’t help it.


Never, Never-Land.

Never, Never-Land.

There are times when the world is full of idiots and just a bunch of damned suckiness. Guys treat girls like crap and frankly they do the same. It doesn’t look like it a whole lot of the time but it’s there a whole lot more than I like.

Guys women aren’t whores. No means no and no fucking pictures after sex, no being a douche hole and sharing those to every other asshole on your friends list.

Girls…a guy’s not a status symbol period. Yeah hot’s good, a nice car is too and that’s fine but he’s not you’re ticket to the top of whatever imaginary pecking order you think matters. It doesn’t.

Why don’t people actually tell these assholes over and over on both sides of things that?

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 15

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 15

By Katherine Day

(Karen weighs an offer that could affect her future in the theater, as she and Ramini consider whether they belong in the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, Karen frets over whether Mark will ever accept her love and plans to do something about it.)

Images 51

Images 51

Chapter 51

I’m driving with Daddy for awhile and he’s not going right home/back to the diner instead he takes us first to Tim Horton’s and I look ay him. “Daddy?”

“You need a break honey, just some time to relax.”

I look at him and he knows, he’s worried and he knows.

(Sniffle.) “I.. I guess. My plate’s piled a little high huh?”

“Yeah, come on let’s take some father daughter time.”

(Sniffle.) “’Kay…I…I could use that.”

Jaci and Dottie: Boy Trouble Part 3

The troubled young girl in the tight jean shorts and white top more reminiscent of the 80s than current, even if some of the styles were making a comeback, made her way over the group of boys.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-16.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-16.

Chapter 16

The singing bunch of new people…friends and Nikki showing up and the fact that I got the part even thought it’s kind of sort of a cover has me pretty pumped up and excited and then there’s the kissing.

And it’s a real kiss.

It’s a real me getting kissed as a girl kiss and while I’ve been kissed a few times really, really good as Dale this is sooooo different.

I can feel her lips so soft in mine. And mine are girl soft too and sensitive and then there’s this sensual slide of lipstick on lipstick and that send shivers through me and then it’s just better.

Pulse hammering, hands needing to touch her, wanting more and more of this and leaning into it and just sort of melting.

Jaci and Dottie: Boy Trouble Part 1

The wind blew dust and last years remnants of leaves across the sidewalk. It was not a big wind, more of a breeze really. It did little more than make most adults crave the safety of air conditioned comfort
However for the children it was just another summers day. Two such children were walking along a cement path towards the center of the park.

Sweet Dreams-52

Sweet Dreams-52

Chapter 52

I’m all for it y’know that so sort of sexy girl thing of giving her guy a BJ when reality gets in the way. I’m not a snake like I’ve said before…Alex is a big guy and he’s pretty much proportional?

I don’t really know actually, it’s not like I’ve paid attention to that kind of stuff before. But I know he’s above the national average. Huh if father like son there’s another reason April puts up with Adam.

And I’m almost laughing because of where this thought just took me.

“Okay…just give me a minute.”

I kiss it…yeah, kind of weird. Kiss his ab’s…oh…mmm…I could keep doing that. I slip really quick to the stereo and put in a burner cd I made and I walk slowly back to him as *Never Tear us Apart* by INXS starts playing.

You ever really listen to that?

Lights down low…touching and kissing a lover.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 16

X-Why-Me…Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Emily just stared at Kira as they rode on the bus and she couldn’t help but to take it all in. She was so beautiful in that seriously stunning way. Her outfit screamed Hollywood sexy even with the country styling and the cute long and tall socks that screamed thigh high stockings.

Was she just…

Was she getting so into this now because she had come out? Was she this “Raging lesbian?” She just couldn’t stop staring and al of the stuff Kira was doing, wearing was just drawing her in.

It couldn’t be the XY thing right? She read and read and read on it and she was kind of disappointed…she wasn’t tall or as beautiful or even as girly as the things have said. She was short and skinny and sort of a tomboy at heart.

Or was the tomboy thing a lesbian thing?

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 12

Sage was already outside and waiting for Brooke and Rachel to join her for the recess. As the two of them came over, they went to a side part of the playground, near the classes, but near one of the basketball courts. As they watched the boys play, Sage saw Yvette coming over to them and she warned Brooke and Rachel.

“Hey, like, um.....” Yvette sighed and she dropped the Valley-speak. It had been just a day or so since she talked to her cousin. She had wanted to take Heather and apologize together, But today Heather was sick, due to nerves of possibly being attacked, so that gave Yvette a chance to speak freely to people. “Can I ask you all a question? Please?”

At the word please, Rachel and Brooke's jaws dropped and Sage just blinked a couple of times. When they didn't respond, she asked again. “Please, can I ask a question? I know I've been...well, I've been a jerk, and I really am sorry about it, but I want to know something.”


Edited by Djkauf

More of Tracy and those around her. A bit of fluff this time, but slowly adding to the story


Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 3 - Conclusion

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 3

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Well, the die is cast. Randi and Charli are going to bring about some serious cosmetic changes to the wannabe girls. How well can they bring this off, and where are they going to go after the party's over?

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Adam and the Three Wishes, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story follows immediately after Adam and the Three Wishes.

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 2

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 2

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The girls may be walking into dangerous territory, here. Brian's animosity seems to have disappeared almost overnight, and it doesn't take much for both the boys to reach the tipping point. Well, in reality it is quite a bit; however, Randi tends to make things look very easy when they aren't.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Adam and the Three Wishes, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story follows immediately after Adam and the Three Wishes.

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 1

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sister's-In-Law, Part 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Randi Lewis, Cynthia (Cindy) Lewis's younger sister has shown amazing talents very early in her second childhood. Not only are her magic powers showing up, she also has the ability on a small scale to manipulate space and time. Charli Brewer, her now sister-in-law, is also a talented young witch. She has the ability to converse with most mammals and birds. We're not sure at this time if she's able to converse with reptiles. Charli is turning 11, and Randi will be twelve very shortly. Both girls are physically mature for their age. Randi's intellect is off the scale and, as she mentions in this tale, had memorized Grey's Anatomy the year before. Is there such a thing as too much knowledge? As the story develops, the girls become acquainted with a shy Jewish boy, Efram Silverman, who has just come to their school. They also become better acquainted with a notorious bully, Brian Stewart. What could go wrong, or better yet, what could go right?

This is a continuation of the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Adam and the Three Wishes, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story follows immediately after Adam and the Three Wishes.


Images 50

Images 50

Chapter 50

As much as going to see Hanna is on my mind the morning is a good morning by all of my standards. Nice waffles…I do like a good waffle, pancakes are awesome but I like the nooks and crannies thing.

I make a whole bunch and Taylor does a little scrambled eggs and a bit of bacon we don’t need much but I dig out the juice and the vitamins and take my meds and my vitamins and get Iggy hers and then Giselle’s Flintstone’s ones.

So trying to do the mommy thing.

Tay certainly makes it better with the kisses and nuzzles to my neck and places and him circling his arms around me.

I’m definitely more than blessed.

Two Simple Wishes

Two Simple Wishes
by Ellie Dauber (c) 2000.

This story is set in the same universe as my story "A Simple Wish." Is it a new universe? No, unless I write a few more such stories.

As you can see from the copyright, this was written some time ago. It's a gargoyle written as a rest and while I was working on "A Punk's Story." Sometimes, when I'm stuck in working out one story, I get the idea for another and use that as a sort of mental refresher. Other times, a new story idea gets stuck in my mind, and I can't get back to the piece I was working on until I write the newer one.

This is the tale of two childhood friends who drifted apart after the boy got a lot luckier in the lottery pool that is puberty than his female friend. The boy's father manipulates them but together, but it does manage to work out.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 15

X-Why-Me... Chapter 15

Chapter 15

It took awhile before things got interesting with things being pretty heated as the fat cop showed only he had with him two other cops and the Sheriff.

Okay Emily thought the Sheriff looked like he knew what was going on and he looked more capable than the other guys. He was younger too by at least between ten to twenty years too depending on what cop you compared him too and he didn’t look like a foot chase would be cause for him radioing 911.

He was taking pictures and then he was looking at something on a computer tablet before coming in.

He talked to her mom.

She called him Stone.

Okay Stone as a first name was…

Holy shit she thought he looked like her sister.

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 11

“Vance, are you mad that you came down here?” Tracy asked.

He shook his head. Than he whispered. “Not really. I mean since Bruce stopped hanging out with me, I was bored. Jerry was there on the weekends, but other than that, I had no one. So coming down here, I can change that.”

“I miss Mary Beth and Emily May, plus Peter, but I think this is better.” She whispered. “More things to do.”

“A school that doesn’t know either of us.” Vance said in a whisper.


Edited by Djkauf

Tracy, Vance, Maggie and a glimpse into a side of Sage's family, yet to be shown


Sweet Dreams-51

Sweet Dreams-51

Chapter 51

I’m not really mad at him just a little piqued I’d guess that you’d call it and I hit him a few times in his shoulder.

We both go. “Ow….”

My poor abused knuckles are hurting too much for hitting him now after all the adrenaline has worn off and everything.

“Damn Hunter those bony knuckles of yours sting.”

“Sting? You went ow.”

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-15.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-15.

Chapter 15

I take a few sips of my water and I check myself out in the mirror and try to ignore the looks for the other girls there. Honestly I’m sort of glad for the Scarlet super-heroine thing, I’m actually very comfortable in the leotard I’m wearing even though I’m still getting uses to the skirt they have us wearing with it and the legwarmers.

“Next!” The stage manager yells. “Thirty seven!”

Oops that’s me.

I go out on the stage and it’s bright they’re shining the house lights down on us and I can’t see the people in charge. I hear another voice. “Okay start!”

“Uhm…high I’m doing…” I get cut off by some woman out in the seats.

“We’ll figure it out, just start!”

You Chose the Wrong Store - Part 5

Ronnie's life took an unexpected turn for the different

when he picked the wrong store to shoplift!

You Chose
the Wrong Store
Part 5

By Jessica C
Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Stanman - The Final Journey

Stanman - The Final Journey

By Portia Bennett

Stanley Morton was part of Big Closet for many years. He felt a special link to several of my characters from the California Saga. It was obvious from his comments that Musetta's life and death profoundly affected him. He also had many nice things to say about several of the characters in The Cynthia Chronicles. Against my better judgment, I brought these characters together for my final farewell to Stan. Is this a tribute? I'll leave that up to you to decide.

My Super Secret Life-31.

My Super Secret Life-31.

Chapter 31


Breathe…even though everything is chaos around me I have to breathe, slow, steady let my breathing control my rate.

I block the pipe coming for my head with a palm and twist my wrist and arm as I do with a burst of soft chi turning it away from me and over balancing the thug with it I use him as he’s falling over to use him as a jumping block to get me into the upper parts of the warehouse. I combine my jump with a kick to the back of his head hard enough to lay him out.

Bonsai….Like the art for not Banzai the charge thing, that’s my code name. I’m on the team. I’m a junior member but at I’m active…not a reserve but an active junior Champion.

It’s Kai…me, I’m experienced and I’ve passed most of the tests they’ve put me through and I spar well enough that I’m on active duty being the team’s shinobi while Shroud’s away in Ark City

Once I‘m up in the shadowy dark of the ceilings I‘m in my element.

A Mother's Love

.A mothers love

Written by Dauphin

"This is so sweet and I wish more people could relate to a story like this." Diana
"This is the story of a friend. His story amazed me as it was so sweet. The strange thing is he was a child in the 1950s" Dauphin


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 22
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 6

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 6

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(Still worried about the future of her love for Mark, Karen begins to enjoy life as a pretty young lady.)

Debriefings 6

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet 14.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 14.

Chapter 14




“I want to take you out on a date.”


“Yeah you.”


“Yes, I really, really like you. Heck more than anyone I’ve really met before and…”

Nikki steps forward and kisses me.

Bridges 38

Bridges 38

Chapter 38

It’s a little like PTSD and it’s not.

I’m in the chopper and we’re flying over woods and highways and town after town heading into Vancouver and we’re keeping James stable and yet it’s so slow to me almost on that edge of dreaming while awake.

I can remember feeling like this coming home from Germany after Afghanistan. That being home and on friendly soil but at the same time you’re in a military craft so there’s that echo just by being there of all the stuff I’d been through.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 5

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 5

I feel like shit.

No really its semi nausea mixed with this spiking of a headache. I hate headaches, I don’t get them a lot but when I do it just really sucks. They’re not migraines thankfully but close to or one of those minor ones.

And right there in my face when I open my eyes is that red hair.

Oh just shoot me.

I Ain't Gay! Chapter 8

I Ain't Gay! Chapter 8
Copyright 2013 by Heather Rose Brown

In this chapter, Tanner and Mel find themselves in deep, deep trouble.

The bedroom door openened. I felt Mel's breath behind my ear as she whispered, "Oh shit." An older, shorter-haired version of my friend walked in, looked at us, and ... kept looking at us.

Debriefings 5

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

The Passage

woman cooking

I wish to thank my editor, JP. Without his close supervision and eye for detail, this story would not have been possible!

The Passage
By Anon Allsop


In a story set in the early part of America's infancy, a young unwed American nobleman, Isaiah Evans, finds himself accused of wrongdoing after implying that he is married. Without his knowledge, close friends decide to provide proof that a wife exists. Their plan is to alter the appearance of a young indentured servant, who has recently arrived to the colonies. By using the the Medallion of Zulo, Duncan is to become the wife only as long as needed, but further entwines himself in a plot to get Master, Isaiah Evans to release him from his indentured servitude early.


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