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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2222 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“Cate has my bracelet?”
“No wonder I couldn’t find it.”
“How did she get it?”
“She must have picked it up.”
He shook his head. “I gathered that much. It’s quite valuable, so please be more careful in future.”
“I will, darling, and thank you so much.” I kissed him and rubbing myself against him he soon forgot about bits of jewellery. However, I had other plans and lunch was part of them, but reclaiming my bracelet was top of the agenda.
I checked the spuds they were pretty well done, then I checked my youngest daughter. She didn’t have my bracelet and when I asked her where it was she just said, “Daddy,” and giggled.
I called Simon to come to lunch along with Sammi, Stella and Jacquie, Danni and the little ones. I served the jacket potatoes with grated cheese and placed the bowl of salad on the table.
When lunch was over I asked Sammi how she’d got on and she shrugged. Simon said, “She’s okay.” I left Sammi to go and start packing her case for her impending hospitalisation.
“Cate didn’t have my bracelet.”
“Oh well, I expect it’ll turn up.”
“She said you had it.”
“Me? Nah, it was definitely she who had it.”
“She said you did.”
“Are you implying I’m lying?”
“You are a banker.”
“Damn, you remembered.”
“Simon, I’m thirty not a hundred and thirty.”
“You look really good for a hundred and thirty, babes.”
“Simon, if you have my bracelet, I’d like to have it back.”
“You lost it, didn’t you?”
I blushed. “I didn’t lose it, I temporarily mislaid it.”
“You lost it.”
Blushing furiously, I said quietly, “I lost it.”
“How did you lose it?”
“It went in the washing machine while I was changing the bed.”
“The washing machine?”
“Yes–I’m sorry.” I felt a tear drip down my face.
“D’you know how much it cost?”
“The fact that you gave it to me means it’s beyond cost.” I managed to get out before the dam burst. He hugged me but he wasn’t going to let me off just yet. He played on my sense of guilt which gave him loads of scope. I’m not Catholic but I do a finely developed sense of guilt for everything since the extinction of the dinosaurs.
“Describe it to me,” he said.
“What?” I sniffed.
“Your bracelet.”
“I–um, can’t.”
“Why not, you shoved it in the washing.”
“It was still in the box–it was in my dressing gown pocket and the box went to bits and...” I burst into tears again.
“For god’s sake give her the bloody bracelet,” commented Stella walking past.
“When I want your opinion...” he started but she ignored him except to give him the finger as she walked away. “Did you see that?” he asked me.
“No,” I lied.
“She gave me the finger.”
“It doesn’t usually worry you.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Motorists do it to you all the time, it doesn’t usually worry you.”
“Yeah, but that was my sister in case you hadn’t noticed, not some lout of a lorry driver.”
“I had noticed, Simon.”
“That she gave me the finger?”
“No, that it was Stella.”
“You women stick together, collusion they call it.”
“My bracelet, if you please.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I hear blue balls can be quite uncomfortable.”
“Typical bloody woman, below the belt again.”
“Simon, it’s the only option I have. If we were to come to blows, I’d probably kill you.”
“True–okay, close your eyes and hold out your hand–and no peeping.”
I did as he instructed and he started rubbing my oozing nipples, laughing out loud when I opened my eyes.
“You pig.” I stormed off to find Lizzie and deal with my double cream dilemma.
He found me a few minutes later sitting in my study feeding Lizzie who smelt a little on the ripe side.
“God, what’s that smell?”
“The by-product of milk and jacket potato.”
“Jeez, it smells awful.”
“Try sitting this close to it.”
“No thanks.”
“You haven’t got my bracelet, have you?” I accused him.
He blushed. “Not exactly.”
“I knew it, you were playing me along.”
“Hark who’s talking? Okay, I played you a long a little, but with one minor difference.”
“What’s that?”
“I’ve actually seen it.”
“Oh,” I blushed. “Is it really valuable?”
“Monetarily? Yeah–it’s a Tim Collins original.”
“Oh,” I said dejectedly.
“I’ve got to go out for a couple of hours.”
“No, going to see my mistress.”
“Thought so.”
“My wife has gone on sex strike because I criticised her.”
“Serves you right.”
“I knew you’d agree with her, you women all stick together.”
“So you said.”
“I have to go.” He pecked me on the cheek and kissed Lizzie on the top of her head which woke her up and she flapped her arms and bit my nipple as she did so. He chuckled as I squeaked and I glared at him.
He went off to his meeting and I changed and bathed Lizzie then went and collected the girls.
I searched the house from top to bottom while Simon sat there not helping one bit with his sarcastic comments. When I asked him if he knew where it was he simply shrugged his shoulders and carried on reading his journal.
The evening wore on and he still didn’t help me which led me to consider he didn’t know where it was, perhaps never had, of which I had no proof.
I finally put the girls to bed and read to them, they wanted more of the Gaby stories, not minding which–they’ve read them all before. When I’d finished I sent Danni off to bed and feeling tired decided I was going to go to bed.
“Mummy,” Sammi came rushing downstairs, “have you heard the news?”
“Obviously not–what’s happened?”
“Nelson Mandela is dead.”
“I suspect they’ve been preparing for this for a long time.”
“Don’t expect sympathy from my wife, she’s in a funny mood today.”
I glared at Simon, “He’s been dying for months.”
“So, it’s still sad.”
“I know but I can’t do anything about it, can I?”
“I don’t know, you’re probably the only person on the planet who could.”
“It’s his time to go, Simon, the blue energy wouldn’t work.”
“How d’you know?”
“If you must know, I tried it before.”
“On him?” Simon was astonished.
“I felt sorry for him, thought he deserved a bit longer in retirement before he died.”
“So it was you who kept him alive?”
“I don’t know, but I hoped he didn’t mind if it was me.”
“You’re a strange woman, babes.”
“You’ve known that for a long time.”
He smirked, “That wasn’t what I meant and you know it.”
I’m going to bed.
Sammi pecked me on the cheek and went back up to her room, Simon switched off the television and followed me up to ours. If he was hoping for some nookie tonight, he’d be unlucky.
I cleaned my teeth and changed into some pyjamas. He washed and undressed waiting for me to get into bed. I drew back the duvet and there on the pillow was the most exquisite gold and sapphire bracelet. I gasped and picked it up. I was absolutely beautiful.
“Oh, the fairies must have found it,” he said jokingly.
“Contrary to some popular belief, my husband is no fairy.”
I thought he was going to explode, instead he burst out laughing and I had to ask him to keep it quiet or he’d wake the baby. “Okay, you got your own back.”
“I love it, thank you so much.” I burst into tears.
“What’s wrong now?”
“To think I nearly lost it, I’d never have forgiven myself.”
He shrugged, “Well, do I get a kiss?”
“If you promise to be very gentle, you might get more than a kiss,” I teased.
“I’ll have you know I’m a gentle man.”
“I love you, Simon Cameron.”

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I wouldn't know whether to be mad or not.....
The way Simon carried on with Cathy when he had the bracelet all along was awful. She was obviously very upset.
On the other hand, it was a lovely thing that he did for her birthday and she did lose it. I might be persuaded to forgive him were I in Cathy's place.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
The Cutest Episode Ever!
I think this is the cutest episode of the series. He was obviously being very typical male but very mature and adult acting.
She was being very female with none of the irascible attitude that she sometimes displays. The whole interaction was quite heart warming to me.
Thank you.
There, I almost forgot, but
There, I almost forgot, but just in time I remembered: Click the kudos button. It's so often when I am back on 'main street' that I think: Oh, I'd wanted to click the button. Darn.
Oh I know, I am a lazy so and so, and you'd probably have hundreds or more kudos if and when I hadn't forgotten, but, well, I am sorreee. I'll try and remember in the future, but my head's so empty so much. Definitely when I am enjoying your writings, moments before I go to bed, and I am preparing -mentally- to switch off in a short while.
Still, I always try, and check here if there's another episode of EAFOAB.
And now I've even written a comment! Yay me.. :) Oh, and I agree with the other commenter, I don't know whether I'd be cross with Simon for carrying it too far, or really really happy. For his thoughtfulness of course, and his ever loving self.
Anyway, thanks bunches Angharad. You are simply amazing.
Thanks for reminding me
I almost forgot too.
“Contrary to some popular belief, my husband is no fairy.â€
Cathy can be so refined.
Thought Simon might be a very small step from going too far teasing Cathy. Glad it all worked out in the end.
Those two
They do make sport of each other some times. Now was one.
Very good.
Much Love,
Valerie R
I think simon spoiled her
I think simon spoiled her birthday by annoying her about the lost present.
No the up side she was not thinking about be 30 any more.
Has Cathy's birthday matured Simon instead?
Well it just seems to me that he stopped a little short of his habitual step over the line, and schoolboy "sensitivity".
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
All women know ...
that with most men (and by that I mean a very large majority of men,)when it comes to women, it's not what they get, it's what they THINK they're going to get!
Good chapter Ang it makes men look what they are, transparent.
Still lovin' it,
Oh, myyy
A bauble like that, and Simon "pretends" that he didn't take it from the little one when he saw it, and punished Cathy all day? *sighs* (Not Nice!)
I do wonder what'll happen next.
The fact that Danni's having nothing to do with football is concerning, to be honest. The Kid seemed to really like the sport and derive a lot of benefit (and bruises) from it.
Loved the ending
of that chapter, Whilst i was pretty sure Simon had the bracelet,there was always that very small possibility that it really was lost, Not sure what Cathy would have done if that was the case, But i can't help thinking she would have had to have offered more than a kiss a few more times before her husband would have forgiven and forgot.... Still all's well that ends well, Simon is happy and so for that matter is Cathy her description of her bracelet sounds lovely :-)