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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2289 by Angharad Copyright© 2014 Angharad
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Danni was still grumping around complaining about the injustice of life—given her previous one—she might have cause for complaint. In principle, I entirely agreed with her. It was unfair that because you were different shouldn’t give the media a free hand to harry and badger you. I mean, people changing sex are ten a penny these days so why the continuing interest? I suppose because there is sex in the title it becomes salacious or vaguely seamy, instead of which the reality is more likely to be poverty and sadness. For every glamorous young tranny shown in the tabloids there are probably a dozen middle-aged individuals who struggle to portray their feminine identities having tried hard to live their lives as they think nature intended them to and certainly as their families want them to. It will be interesting if an exact cause of gender dysphoria is ever found to have a genetic or biological cause, because then those changing over will be able to say that they are doing what nature intended.
I loathe the tabloids whose main purpose appears to be that of reinforcing the prejudices of their readers rather than informing them, offering opinions rather than news. If they were reporting the truth most of their readers would stop buying the paper.
Enough of my soapbox, but I felt irritated for Danielle. She is quite entitled to feel miffed because she could well end up as a tabloid story if she does what her heart tells her to do.
“I’m not a freakin’criminal, so why do they treat me like one?” she muttered as she got herself a drink from the fridge.
David gave her a hug and she burst into tears. “I win the friggin’ game an’ have the chance of a trial for a proper football team, an’ if they find out they’ll probably sack me ’cause the bloody papers will blow it all of all proportion. Why are they allowed to do it?” she sobbed in his arms.
“Because we’re different, darlin’, because we’re different.”
“But I’m not from friggin’ Mars, am I? I’m a Pompey girl—so I’m not different really.”
I watched them talking. Sadly, the truth is we are seen as different because the average man in the street wouldn’t want to go through all the privations and risk loss of everything from social standing to family and friends, because he wanted to wear a dress to work or feminise his body. Ergo, we must be bonkers. Some of us probably are but whether we became bonkers because of the need to change or were bonkers and decided to change, is a bit chicken and egg for those concerned.
I remember the old joke, marriage is an institution, you have to be mad to enter into it. The same might be said of changing gender, the risks are so great you have to be desperate to do it—most of us who do, are desperate. However, Danni isn’t or wasn’t. For a short time she thought she was, but it waned and then with the worst bit of luck possible, she meets up with Pia who mutilates her in such a way that vaginoplasty becomes about the only way to repair her injuries. Quite how another thirteen year old thought that up astonishes me almost as much as her actually carrying it out—which she did, endangering the life and possibly the sanity of her victim.
According to the police it was decided not to prosecute her after all as it would serve no useful purpose, so she’s been referred to a secure psychiatric unit for assessment and or treatment. Part of me feels that is what should happen rather than just vengeance. The letter was waiting for me when we got back from the football games, I haven’t told Danni yet.
“Wassat?” asked Danni as I glanced at the letter again.”
As it concerned her I showed it to her. “Oh wonderful, she destroys my life then gets off because she’s bonkers.”
“The second part is right, she has effectively escaped punishment although a secure psyche unit doesn’t sound a bundle of laughs, does it?”
“Neither does being chased by the press because they think I’m transsexual—and they’re wrong, I’m not.”
“I’m afraid you are or will be until they change your legal status to female.”
“Like how? I didn’t ask for a sex change operation, did I?”
“Not recently.”
“So how can I be transsexual?”
“Because one of the definitions is someone who changes their body to that of the opposite sex.”
“But I didn’t, it was done to me. I didn’t decide to do it.”
“Not recently.”
“Waddya mean, not recently?”
“Some time before you wanted to be as female as you could including conning Stephanie into prescribing hormones. If you didn’t believe yourself to be transsexual, then I don’t know who is?”
“Yeah well that was before when I was still wanting to do it.”
“So don’t you want to, now—be a girl I mean?”
“I dunno anymore. Some bits are nice—I like wearing some of the clothes and makeup—that’s great fun.”
“You could have stayed a boy and done that. In fact if you really wanted to, you could live as a boy now.”
“Without a dick? Don’t be daft.”
“I told you some while ago being one sex or the other has little to do with whether you have bits that dangle or not, it’s what goes on in your head that matters.”
“No it doesn’t. If I went to school as a boy with no dick, they’d crucify me.”
“How would they find out?”
“They would.”
“Okay, even if they did, how does possessing or not that bit of kit, make you a woman or a man?”
“’Cos it does—end of.”
“I disagree and you’re arguing as if you still have it.”
“You sound like a boy.”
“I am or was a boy, waddya expect?”
“I’m not sure, but carry on in that vein and you’ll be outted in school in no time.”
“Really?” she gasped, “Oh geezuz.”
“It’s up to you, sweetheart to choose what you wish to be.”
“It’s a fait accom—whatever.”
“Fait accompli.”
“That’s the one—means a done deal, done it?”
“It does indeed.”
“So that’s it—I’m a girl, end of. I don’t ’ave to like, like it, do I?”
“No, but if you don’t it makes life infinitely much harder.”
“It’s okay at times—I mean, boys would never have allowed me to score three goals today, would they? So beatin’ a bunch of girls is okay.”
“Danielle, I have news for you—you beat a team of seven boys and four girls playing with a team of ten other girls. You beat them with superior skill. You were the best player there today and always likely to upset the odds because they didn’t know you as such. By the time they realised how good you were you’d scored twice and then to rub it in you got yourself a penalty and scored it in some style. You were the best player by miles and I think you should develop the talent you have.”
“How’m I supposed to do that?”
“Do a trial for Portsmouth ladies.”
“But a minute ago you were saying the opposite...”
“Perhaps I’m as sick and tired of being labelled different and treated like a criminal too. Let them do their worst—we’ll survive and grow stronger.”
Simon caught the last part of my speech and his jaw dropped. Oh boy.

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Poor Danni
Damned if she does. Damned if she doesn't. This will be straightened out, and Danni will survive.
Why does the media go after transexuals
I suppose the sex part is a small portion of the motive but seems to me the bigger one is the religious bigotry involved. Fundies love to feel like they are better than someone/everyone else and this is an easy target. "My interpretation of my religious text says you're an abomination so you must be below me!" Of course the same parts of the bible also forbid tattoos and eating pork or shellfish which the fundies conveniently ignore.
Oh well, I know everyone reading this is painfully aware of all that.
End of the episode brings in a quote from Nietzsche - "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Danni's already faced death... what's a little paparazzi annoyance? ... to a teenager - horrible.
Damned if you do
Cathy finally said what I was thinking on yesterday's episode. Maybe it's my age.. Once upon a time I would have been more content to stand back and avoid life, but if you do that you finish up at the end having avoided it all. Stand up Danielle -" you only get one go".
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Glad to see
Cathy has decided to let Danni go for her football trial, As i mentioned yesterday there could well be some publicity and not all of it will be good,
So what!
One thing is for certain somewhere along her path through life Danni will no doubt come across someone who will work out just who Danni was, They may well be totally okay with it, But there will always be someone who will sell her story to the less salubrious newspapers, Does Danni want to wait and worry that might happen, Far better i feel following what her mother has decided on, As Cathy says "we’ll survive and grow stronger.”.