School or College Life

Wild Magic 35

I dropped Debbie off at her house, and then headed home. It was time for a council of war.

Grandma had scanned my mind as I pulled in the driveway. My “public” mind was available, and she knew I was upset, but she couldn’t get through to my “private” mind, and she couldn’t figure out why.

“Emily? What’s wrong, hon?”

“Grandma, I’m not sure that anything’s really wrong-in a way, everything’s all right. I need to get Mom and whoever else I can together. I have some information that’s gonna rock your socks off!”

Wild Magic 34

It’s definitely not one of my better nights for sleeping. I’m trying to sleep-really, I am. I just can’t relax, thinking about what Tim’s mother, Tina had said. She knew about the magic and she thought it was wonderful.

But just how much did she know? And how did she know? Did Tim tell her my secret? He wouldn’t do that, would he?

Why would someone take control of Mama Gwen for almost a year? Was it, as Grandma suggested, a practice run to prepare them to possess me?

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-4.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-4

Chapter 4

I exhale a long slow breath as I finish my second nice cold bottle of water and smile at the sort of stares that I’m getting from the two teenagers behind the counter of the 247-Mart I stopped at on my way home. I’m dirty and grimy and smoky and I likely smell to high heaven of the smoke and soot.

But honest to god they are still checking me out.

I’m not interested but it’s still oddly kinda cool.

One of them screws up the courage and asks. “Uhm hey…didn’t we just see you down town on like the TV with like all the other superheroes?”

Sarah Carerra - 3.07 - The Great Allentown Fair

She always stopped to listen when I sang this song. I always turned my attention to her as I sang this verse. Many of my songs had emotional ties that made them great. But no other song was imbued with emotions like this song was.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.07 - The Great Allentown Fair
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: March 12, 2012



Chapter 11

We get into Sable’s jeep and we head to my house and we’re careful not to wake everyone up while I quickly get changed and grab my board and take my meds. I smile at her having set the table and have put out the cereal boxes and everything to make toast and stuff as well as a bowl of fruit salad that she has in a Tupperware dish saying eat me and another with scrambled eggs saying cook me. She even loaded the coffee perk and it starts gurgling away as we leave.

That’ll get Dad up at least. He always says that fresh coffee and frying bacon are the best alarm clock smells.

Wild Magic 32

As soon as we got home, Grandma began interrogating Tim about my ring. “Tim, I really need to know how you came upon this ring. Emily says it has been in your family for a very long time?”

“Yes, Ma’am, it has been passed down to the oldest female in each generation. I know that there is a kind of prophecy about it that I’ve always thought was just a fairy tale, but now I know that magic is real, so perhaps the prophecy is as well.”

Wild Magic 30

I came into a well lit house, and everyone was up, watching a DVD. As I walked in, Mom saw the mess my tears had made of my face and makeup, and she quickly wrapped me in a hug.

"Are you all right, honey?”

“It’s been an interesting night, Mom. Very interesting.” I giggled as I tried to wipe off my makeup with some tissue.

Grandma smiled, and I knew she had been probing. I really do need to learn how to shield.

“I know that look, Mom. Emily, what happened after you left?”

Sarah Carerra - 3.06 - The New Recruits

I was dreading Chorus as I walked down the hall toward my last class of the day, however. Today would be the first day that the "groupies", as Ethan had started calling them, would be in the class.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.06 - The New Recruits
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: March 5, 2012

Plump and Pretty - 8

Plump and Pretty — 8

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)
He was a chubby boy, soft and sweet
Finding a girl’s life so lovely and neat;
But as a big loser he grows so fetching
That a special boy finds him worth catching.

Wild Magic 29

We had a surprisingly good evening, and when Tim and I got up to leave, Dad got up and shook his hand.

“Thank you, Tim. Although it was inadvertent, we have intruded into your date, and you handled it very well. This has been a wonderful evening, and I believe most of the credit for that goes to you and Emily.”

“Um, well, thanks, sir.” He said, chuckling. “It has been a lot of fun, and since the object was to provide Emily with a date that was different, this seems to have been a success!”

Lead Shoes-9

Lead Shoes-9

Chapter 9

My grounding was for the rest of the summer.

Mom, didn’t come down hard, hard on me but there were extra chores. Like raking up the lawn and scrubbing the floor with the swiffer. And there was her taking me with her to the bar but not like the times I usually got to go but I got to be stationed behind the dishwasher they had for the bar glasses and I got to clean all of them…plus wash and polish the tables.

Wild Magic 28

Tim was waiting for me at the gate to the parking lot, and he walked me back to my truck.

“I’ve got to get a couple of quick things done for Dad, then get home, clean up, and pick up this extremely pretty lady I’m taking out tonight,” he said, then he kissed me. “I’ll see you around 6:30?”

“Uhmm...yeah, that works. I’ll send my other boyfriend home, and then wait for you.” I said, looking innocent and sweet.

Sarah Carerra - 3.05 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre

The happy, carefree aura that had settled on the venue was now going to be singed by the blackness of hatred. With a single word I would convert all of the positive energy in the amphitheatre into a powerful force that I could direct into one of my favorite songs to perform.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.05 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: February 27, 2012

Plump and Pretty - 6

Plump and Pretty - 6

By Katherine Day


Would he be so pretty
That he’d be one of the chubbies
Chosen to be among the girls
To model fashions for tubbies?

Wild Magic 27

I thought about all Grandma had told me. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised at the Heir thing. I’d already been told about the strength of my magic, and I know about how the coven’s leaders are chosen. I guess it just never really occurred to me, I mean, it’s not like I wanted to be the leader, after all. After thinking about it, though, I guess I like the idea. It gives me a goal in life, anyway.

Sweet Dreams-26...Holy! F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Sweet Dreams-26…Holy F#*K did I just get A Life?

Chapter 26

I love every moment now; I love every second of this now. I can’t even process not feeling that this isn’t something that’s right, deeply and truly right as we make love. I moan in his ear as he sinks into me with long strokes that fill me up with hardness and silk and pleasure and heat.

Plump and Pretty - 5

Plump and Pretty — 5

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

This boy so soft and sweet
Finds new life that is replete
With gobs and gobs of dresses
And a girlish style that impresses.

Jem...Chapter 24

Jem…Chapter 24

Chapter 24


What the fuck!?

What the fucking hell is going on with shit now….I know…I know what caused the whole fucking thing.

Fucking Jason Powers…

I hate that little cocksucker with a passion.

Why? He started it when we were kids. There’s just a way life is sometimes. So people are poor, some are rich, what comes up must come down, water is wet, the sky is blue. And the Marshall family doesn’t just own Hardy Point but we pretty much fucking built it!

Everyone else got it. Everyone else played by the rules. They gave respect where it was due.

Wild Magic 26

As predicted, it was raining the next morning, so I got as close to Debbie’s house as I could. She ran out and jumped in the truck.

“So how did your night go?” I asked her. “Anything interesting?”

“In my life? I’m not the one with precognitive visions and major magical abilities! Until the weekend, I am the definition of boredom. TV and homework are my life, leftovers are my dinner. I didn’t even see Mom last night, which is the way things have been lately. How about your evening?”

“She’s never given you any kind of clue as to what the project is she’s working on?”

Sarah Carerra - 3.04 - Starshine

"The ten of you were specially selected to be here tonight," I told them. "And I'm very honored to meet all of you. Every single one of you has the power to be a star, and when you leave here tonight I hope that all of you shine as much as I try to."

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.04 - Starshine
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: February 20, 2012

Morgan 4

Morgan 4

by Brooke Erickson


Yet another thrilling installment in the life of The Boy With Something Extra!

After introducing the chief to my folks, I ducked into my room to dump my stuff. I could hear him telling them his version of the events after school. Good. That meant I wouldn't have to go through it.

Ok, who was I kidding. Mom & dad would still want to hear my version.... But at least this way they'd be more likely to accept my version. Not that they didn't trust me, but hey, they were parents. They were always gonna be worried that I hadn't tried hard enough to avoid a confrontation.

Jem...Chapter 23

Jem…Chapter 23

Chapter 23.


Oh…I’m actually shaking and I need to sit down and catch my breath. Mike, Mike had just about kissed me and then he made that joke so he could like take off because he had stuff to do but was it because he had stuff to do or did he make me? Does he know, or is he one of those guys that likes to toy with a girl or was it the thing going on between me and Raven that’s so a thing but not a thing and…

Oh God did I really want him to kiss me?

Wild Magic 25

Nothing cool happened at school today-whether that’s a good thing or not kinda depends on your circumstances, I guess. I did experiment a little with my telepathy, but there were really no great secrets, just a lot of normal teenage considerations.

Plump and Pretty - 3

Plump and Pretty — 3

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

Here’s a gift for you, she said
Thrusting a bra into his hand.
Now put this on, my friend,
And you will now be one of our brand.

Wild Magic 24

Mostly just a filler today.

I awoke this morning, and I felt very good. I became concerned that whoever had been playing with my emotions was at it again. Grandma said no, the amulet was working well. By that time, my good mood was ruined. I have to check with my grandmother to see if I’m happy?

Someone is seriously going to pay.

I walked into the kitchen, and I was almost immediately pounced on by my mother. As she did her best to smother me in a hug, my bad mood disappeared.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 25.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor Chapters 25.

*Due to some changes in my writing and posting I’ll be only putting out single chapters of this story for the foreseeable future.

Chapter 25

I’m in a very good mood as I attend the rest of my classes and I’m a bit glowing with all the flattering looks and the compliments that I’m getting. I actually had to reintroduce myself to two people.

It was seriously fun actually.

Sarah Carerra - 3.03 - Half Day, Double Trouble

"I know some of you have concerns about Megan being in this class," Coach Anderson started as she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. The sneers and scowls that appeared on some of their faces were disheartening, but not surprising to me.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.03 - Half Day, Double Trouble
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: February 13, 2012


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