School or College Life

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 6 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA

Chapter 6 of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential.

Note: This story assumes the counselling team at Hayfield Hall does not change significantly as a result of events yet to be revealed in Karen's story.

What a good boy...Chapter 7

What a good boy…Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I sit and blink a bit and then I do what most guys do when confronted with this situation. I start to eat and stuffing my face. It’s like Gwen gets it and she starts eating too just after me. That breaks the others out of the new person and the weirdo being with the table and they start eating and I just slow down and listen and try and actually see if I can learn girlese.

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 5 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA

Chapter 5 of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential.

Note: This story assumes the counselling team at Hayfield Hall does not change significantly as a result of events yet to be revealed in Karen's story.

Lead Shoes-12

Lead Shoes-12

Chapter 12

Have you ever had one of those so romantic moments that it’s like some angel had come along and hand stitched the entire thing onto your heart?

I would have told you a few hours ago that I didn’t really believe in God or Angels or a lot of those things but right now…the so unbelievable has happened for me I’m not sure that if I stepped outside and seen a unicorn out on the front lawn that I’d be as surprised, shocked and just moved as I am right now.

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 4 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA

Chapter 4 of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential.

Note: This story assumes the counselling team at Hayfield Hall does not change significantly as a result of events yet to be revealed in Karen's story.

Sarah Carerra - 3.17 - Gorge Amphitheatre

The sun lit a bright, blue sky that illuminated one of the most spectacular sights I had ever seen. It was breathtaking to have such a background behind me as I performed the last concert on my tour.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.17 - Gorge Amphitheatre
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: June 11, 2012

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 3 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA
Chapter 3 of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential.

Note: This story assumes the counselling team at Hayfield Hall does not change significantly as a result of events yet to be revealed in Karen's story.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-10.


Chapter 10

You know when you’re really deep down exhausted and have nothing in the tank then something happens that if you don’t get off your duff something bad is going to happen.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-8 The Start.

Potentials-8 The Start.

Chapter 8

*Samantha Chase…

I sort of see the puff of Cody reappearing out under the bridge area and then another puff of him vanishing again. “Okay…I hope he’s okay and not getting himself in too deep.”

I feel a Zzzt feeling off in the distance. I say feel that because as a TM or Telemechanic I’m sensitive to electricity this was a serious discharge, and another and another. I hear a scream that goes along with it.

“Shit, shit, shit…that can’t be good.”

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 2 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA
Chapter 2 of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential.

Note: This story assumes the counselling team at Hayfield Hall does not change significantly as a result of events yet to be revealed in Karen's story.

Eastside Stories - Rebecca

"Ah Becky Smith. How lovely you look always so prettily dressed while in class"

I have a bit of a crush on Becky Smith. While her sisters are cute they are either too young or too old to be in my class. Becky is in my regular classes in Southside Middle School. In just one week I will be able to gaze upon her beauty once again.

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 1 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA

Chapter 1 out of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential to understanding the events in Double Trouble.

Jem...Chapter 40


Chapter 40


The show was good, way more of a mellow thing than I though and yet I still really enjoyed the show and the whole little angry song hyped up bit for the crowd that Angel did for Adam was good but…

I slip over to her why she’s counting out the tips. “Hey, Angel?”

“Yeah Mike.” She stops and smiles at me. That’s one of the great things about Angel. She tends to smile a lot and she has a nice one but she will also stop what she’s doing and give you her attention. People respond to that.

Sarah Carerra - 3.16 - Best. Birthday. Ever.

Katy's eyes opened wide immediately, and no sound came out of her mouth. That silence was all I needed to start strumming my guitar while singing 'Happy Birthday' to her.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.16 - Best. Birthday. Ever.
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: June 4, 2012

What a good boy...Chapter 6

What a good boy…Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Clothes make the man right?

No, not really. But having cooler clothes does seem to have set some of the assholes I’ve been dealing with back a half step or something. I haven’t been as abused verbally today. Looked at a lot but only the few real world classed assholes yelled stuff at me.

My Super Secret Life-27.

My Super Secret Life-27.

Chapter 27

I’d been awake awhile and still pretty achy and sore after mom had left. I was in one of those snazzy private hospital styled rooms and stuff. I’m watching TV trying to sort of zone in on the whole being a guy thing.

“This is harder than I thought.”



Chapter 12

I lean into Brandy and she’s leaning into me and this is where my brain really understands that I’m a transgendered woman. It’s this.

It’s where we have this soft way of melting into each other’s care where I don’t have to pretend to be strong when I’m just not equipment to be. It’s lying in a way and I’ve never been good at lying. Yes I didn’t know and that sort of makes it okay but it was a lie of omission to me at least which is why I didn’t know.


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