School or College Life

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-6.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 6.

Chapter 6

I get my things and head inside the house and put them away. The few groceries first then to my/Darcy’s room with my clothes and I start putting things away and trying to organize things into outfits, interconnected outfits and I turn on some tunes and try stuff out as I go checking myself out in the mirror and it’s so much more than just a girl playing dress up it’s me actually seeing and learning without people around to see me screw up with something kind of ugly looking.

What a good boy...Chapter 3

What a good boy...Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Fucking assholes.

Or really kind of rather bitches and assholes because I’m not really all that sure that the guys that are doing this have the balls to go and buy all of these feminine hygiene products landing all over the floor from me opening my locker.

Sarah Carerra - 3.13 - Carerra Business

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. The solemn tone of his words told me everything I needed to know. Sarah Carerra's career had come to an end.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.13 - Carerra Business
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: May 7, 2012

Jem...Chapter 33

Jem…Chapter 33

Chapter 33


I was a little embarrassed at Kim doing her bit with the sausage and I had to get the car going so I headed out to the garage.

It’s been hectic the last two or so days with the firebombing of my car. The girls showing up for this whole Sunday dinner thing that honestly I haven’t had it so long that it was almost a new experience. Heck I know that Dad loved it and Uncle Remy was right in his glory as a father.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-6.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond 6.

Chapter 6

The last two days were really busy really in just getting settled down and unpacked into my condo here in The Tower and getting things the way that I like them and getting tips from some of the female members and staff here at The Tower.

Mom had actually the great idea of me having a housewarming shower here in a sort of open house sort of way here for the people here that worked in the building and the other members on the team.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-4.

My Super Secret Life… Potentials 4.



My name’s Andrew, but I’ve always liked Drew better so there’s that. My last name’s Porter and I’m a mutant.

I have been since I was thirteen.

The Other side of the Forest - Chapter 20 (Final)

The Other Side of the Forest


Morgan Rynders believed the worlds found in his books were much more interesting than the one he lived in. Unfortunately ancient powers couldn't care less dragging Morgan into a quite a different adventure whether he is interested or not.


Wild Magic 41 (FINALLY)

Wild Magic 41

Author’s note-I’m going to do something a little different to start the chapter off, but I’m going right back to Emily’s story, so don’t freak out, okay? This will happen every so often, as the story dictates. Thanks!

Lead Shoes-10

Lead Shoes-10

Chapter 10

I’m floating on air as I get into the house and I’m not going fast but in my new boots I make it all the way into the kitchen to grab something out of the fridge to drink and nibble on while I start my homework.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-3.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-3.

My great thanks to Thera who came up with the greater part of this really interesting character.

………………………………................. *Karma….

My name’s Quinn, Quinn Jackson…yeah that guy…poor me right. I know, I know.

I guess this is how things got started and that was as far back as junior high. I was famous. Q-J…the all star basketball star and even then…It thought I was perfect…I thought I was king of my world. Big and strong…I was even good looking and I’ll admit…I knew I was all those things.

Sarah Carerra - 3.12 - Utah State Fair

What I found as we gazed at each other shook me to my core. The hurt, the heartache, the overwhelming desire I'd had to run off the stage came rushing back to me immediately.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.12 - Utah State Fair
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: April 30, 2012

Tilting at air-conditioners.

Tilting at Air-conditioners.

I heard this a lot y’know. “You’re so pretty and talented you should be a cheerleader!”

My Name is Stacy and I live in hell.

Well not quite hell but out here in the suburbs it’s kind of the same thing. I’ve even sort of grown up in hell.

Mom’s a housewife and that’s all good and everything and Dad works in a bank and we’re well off. Even with that whole banking thing we’re still kind of rich, definitely upper upper middle classed. See Dad was the quarterback of the high school team and he was that guy that was the sports star and hero. My dad’s not a hero he’s a lucky jock.

The Other side of the Forest - Chapter 19

The Other Side of the Forest


Morgan Rynders believed the worlds found in his books were much more interesting than the one he lived in. Unfortunately ancient powers couldn't care less dragging Morgan into a quite a different adventure whether he is interested or not.


My Super Secret Life...Potentials-2.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-2.

Chapter 2

Landon St. Pierre looked at Songbird of the Ark Angels and rubbed at the fur on his face. “You’re kidding me right?”

She shook her head. “No, we’re dead serious about this Landon we want you and we need you and we can pardon you and get you out of here.”

“But teaching?”

“Yes teaching, I know you’ve been in the life a long time since your mutation kicked in pretty much and but you have real skills that we need.”


My Super Secret Life...Potentials-1.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials

Chapter 1

Three years in the making. Three years with every step forwards been ten steps back sometimes because of just anger, stupidity, racism, politics but it’s finally done. Finally here.

Victory looked out over the campus while sitting on the roof of the stadium and smiled letting the wind blow through her long white hair. There was movement to her left and right as she was being joined by Sentinel in his power suit and Champion all the way up from Paradise City on the other side.

You Can't Escape From Justice Part 02

You Can’t Escape from Justice Part 02


Kit was just a normal kid in what he thought was a normal family and he was happy with his life until one day his entire world was shattered in an instant.

The Other side of the Forest - Chapter 18

The Other Side of the Forest


Morgan Rynders believed the worlds found in his books were much more interesting than the one he lived in. Unfortunately ancient powers couldn't care less dragging Morgan into a quite a different adventure whether he is interested or not.


My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-5.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-5.

Chapter 5

“I think…I think that I might be a little excited about today.”

It’s the first thing really out of my mouth after the squeakle (yes my word) of surprise when I went to bed as Dale but had been thinking of the conversation between Nikki and me from before.

I really like her when I’m Dale and there were definite Hmmm thoughts when she told me that she was a lesbian. It was like there’s this part of me that was seriously yaying over the fact that she is and I can be a girl whenever I want to be.

The Change-room.

What do you mean I can't write another chapter of The missing manhoods?

But that has nothing to do with missing...

Hey I paid good money for those pots PUT THEM DOWN!

Ok fine but you had better let me get to work on missing manhoods soon..

The Other side of the Forest - Chapter 17

The Other Side of the Forest


Morgan Rynders believed the worlds found in his books were much more interesting than the one he lived in. Unfortunately ancient powers couldn't care less dragging Morgan into a quite a different adventure whether he is interested or not.


Sarah Carerra - 3.11 - Big Treble in Little Chorus

Mr. Benson had an excited gleam in his eyes when I sat down, and when he was excited, it usually meant doing something I didn't want to do. Last time I'd had to get up and sing my solo for the class.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.11 - Big Treble in Little Chorus

by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: April 23, 2012

The Other side of the Forest - Chapter 16

The Other Side of the Forest


Morgan Rynders believed the worlds found in his books were much more interesting than the one he lived in. Unfortunately ancient powers couldn't care less dragging Morgan into a quite a different adventure whether he is interested or not.


Sweet Dreams-31 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-31 The First Cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 31

I think there’s something psychosomatic about losing it when people tell you that you’re not the freaky person you think you are but the socially acceptable version of it.

Kit and Kin

Kit and Kin


Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of. Just another day in Ravenscrest.

The Other side of the Forest - Chapter 15

The Other Side of the Forest


Morgan Rynders believed the worlds found in his books were much more interesting than the one he lived in. Unfortunately ancient powers couldn't care less dragging Morgan into a quite a different adventure whether he is interested or not.


Wild Magic 38

I woke in a very dangerous mood, but I knew I had to control my temper. I took a few deep breaths and went in to take a shower. I’m amazed that the water didn’t immediately turn to steam. Inside I was a raging fire. I wanted blood, and I wanted the one who was messing with my mother to see me coming and know fear like never before.

Other than that, I was having a great day.

Okay, I have issues. It was hard to pretend to be the average teen when I had the power and ability to kick some serious ass. This was my MOTHER! I was so far past angry, it wasn’t funny.


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