Girls' School / School Girl

The Collector Chapter 2

The Collector
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Two – Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary leaves home after her mother's lover's unwanted advances turns violent. The man who collected Charlotte from under the railway overpass delivers her to Chelmsford Hall and her future life. Note: this story is non linear but you're smart enough to figure that out.

The Collector Chapter 1

The Collector
Michele Nylons

Green velvet.jpg

Chapter One – Catamites and Rent Boys

The story of two young women in 1950s England and their journeys from destitution to redemption through committing themselves to a life of service to 'the Circle'. Charlotte, a young trans woman, is rescued from the streets; Mary, a young CIS woman, becomes her mentor at Chelmsford Hall where Charlotte's indoctrination begins.

Chapter 1: the new town

Young girly boy max and his mother Cynthia, a tycoon worth untold amounts of money move to the town of alisonvile where things seemed perfect, but strange, for instance there were no boys or even tomboys every girl seemed the picture of femininity. However there was a secret to the town.

(Based on the Stepford wives)

Being Gamma

Two sissies find themselves inducted into the Army and have several encounters with gravity. In the military it is always working and everything always flows downhill. A couple of the adventures are a little over the top but, after all this is fiction and things are no less believable than interstellar space travel.

Jessie's Girl

Inspired by the song Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield, high school student Rick finds himself attracted to Jesse's new girlfriend and becomes extremely jealous. However, things turn for the weird as Jessie denies the existence of the girl sending Rick into a world of confusion.

Meagan's Tail ch2 ...a tail or two?

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!




Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM
Palos Verdes, California

Meagan's Tail ch1

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!




Saturday, July 9 2016
Palos Verdes, California

Meagan hopped the three steps down as she exited the small metro rail car, then took time to count her shopping bags to make sure she had them all and waved to her friends still on board, "See ya Monday at swim team practice!"

Emma's Story: School Days: Chapter 4

## 4 ##

Abby, Nicole, Rachel and I were in the aquarium watching the fish in the large tank. Nicole and Rachel were near the front watching the fish swim to and fro, getting excited when they saw one they'd not seen yet.

"What do you think our parents are talking about?" I asked Abby, who turned to look at me.

"Probably what to do with all of the stuff..." Abby replied.

I glanced down at our sisters as I saw movement near the large glass wall that separated us from the fishes. "What stuff?"

Ashley, part 13

“Oh my god, I promised myself I wouldn’t get so emotional…” Laura sobs as she fans her thickly made-up face with her hands, or rather, the dark red fingernails on the ends of her hands. Even though we’re at school today, Laura, Suriya, Harriet, Nicole, Mia and even Megan, have opted to come to school today looking as feminine as possible, because they know that today is the one day they won’t be punished for it. This is because, apart from their exams, today is the last day that any of them will ever set foot in this school.

Shadowsblade: extras...Another time

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

In this one Another come.




Another time


by Ellie Dauber (c) 2018

Tired of being bullied? Take Nerd-No-More and see the change.

* * * * *

Nerd-No-More -- Available by prescription only; talk to your doctor now.

Laura, part 20

“This one’s for table six,” my colleague Saffron says to me as she places two hot cups of coffee on my tray. I take the opportunity to stealthily straighten my tight miniskirt before grabbing my tray and taking it over to the young couple at the corner table.

“Ah, thank you!” The young man says with genuine gratitude as I hand him and his girlfriend their drinks. “Can we also order a plate of chips to share, please?”

“Sure!” I enthuse. “What flavour would you like?”

“Let’s try the chilli and cheese,” the young woman says with a devilish grin.

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 19: Baby or GOO or both?

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

This Chapter---dealing with school, work and sudden call to examine a strange find AND now what is that FIND??
dun dun daaaaa!!!!!!

We take a break for the madness of Rohanna and join Vantier in her first weeks at school!

Those Fertile Fields: Chapter 1

It sure is weird living in a place where everyone else wears female clothes almost all of the time. Well, there are some exceptions, I guess, it seems a lot of girls like to wear boys' T-shirts as night shirts, you know, not quite full nighties for when they sleep.

I'm sure there are other clothing bits and pieces that are male that girls like to wear, but I'm drowning here in a sea of feminine clothing.

Cross Race Destiny


Audience Rating: 



16 year old Seki has always dreamed of travelling the stars. He has always wanted to experience first hand the adventure his ancestors went through when they left Earth. And for that, he needs to win the annual Trappist Interplanetary Race which will determine if he will be able to take part in Trappist Empire's Second Deep Space Expedition. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned.
Cross Race Destiny
Being a spy is always glamourous, but never clean.

By Shiina Ai

Cross Race Destiny Part 3


16 year old Seki has always dreamed of travelling the stars. He has always wanted to experience first hand the adventure his ancestors went through when they left Earth. And for that, he needs to win the annual Trappist Interplanetary Race which will determine if he will be able to take part in Trappist Empire's Second Deep Space Expedition. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned.
Cross Race Destiny Part 3
These hands! I can't control them!

By Shiina Ai

Family Time

A blast from the past: Ellie Dauber's first BCTS story.

Johnny Crayne loved driving his SUV down the highway at full speed, but when he picked the wrong truck to pass, he and his wife and their best friends discovered that they'd passed on into new lives.

Originally posted 2005-05-06

Step By Step: Chapter 4

I awoke and found myself lying on one of the two gurneys in the nurse's office in school. It took a moment before I remembered what had happened that caused me to be here. Let's just say that my face was fire engine red and that is when the nurse entered!

She smiled at me, then asked me to lie down again, saying, "You hit your head when you fell from your seat. You've only been here for a few minutes, child. I had to call your foster parent to inform them of your injury, she'll be here in about twenty minutes."


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