Girls' School / School Girl

Allison's Pledge: Sidestory - Brianna

Synopsis: Watch the story from Brianna’s point of view as she receives an unexpected phone call.

My eyes shot open as I heard the phone ring. The room was bathed in darkness, still, and the clock beside my bed read 5:59 AM. Who in the actual hell was calling me at almost 6 in the morning? This was my day off, right? I checked the phone screen. Yep, Saturday. I squinted a bit, I knew the number. Why did I know that number? I swiped the answer icon and held the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I said, doing my best impression of an ‘awake’ person.

Kelsey pt 8 *** A kymmie verse story*****

Kelsey part 8

Kelsey and Brook put their arm around each other’s neck. They did the backwards two step. Most of the regulars did the same thing. It was a common accurance at Skatin Station.

“Now to continue as another request of the manager, Kelsey. here is Rapper's Delight” Paula announced.

Allison's Pledge Chapter 8

Synopsis: Allison has some one on one time with her sister and gets ready for class

“Wake up sleepyhead,” I felt a hand on my shoulder and gradually opened my eyes. The room was still dark. Was I back in my dorm? “Oh my god you sweat like everywhere.”

Allison's Pledge Chapter 7

Synopsis: Allison confronts her big sister and purges her old life

The ceremony ended, I looked down at my chest, touching the pink and white pin that my sister had attached to the collar of my dress. It was all so surreal, I can’t even begin to describe it. I spotted my sister in the crowd, talking to Remy and Laura. Of course she would be talking to the president and vice president. Why wouldn’t she be? I looked around at the rest of the girls, they were all so happy, laughing, talking…was I allowed to be that happy?


By Ellie Dauber

This is another of my older stories, appearing on Big Closet for the first time. I hope you enjoy it.

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Retirement is a time to pull back, to take a much-earned and welcome rest after more than forty years work. But for those people whose work has become their life, it's an early death, the end to any useful purpose, while they still have the minds and the heart to continue.

For Lillian Wagner, it meant the sorrow of watching her newly retired husband, Ed, sink into the despair of imagined uselessness. Things, however, aren't always as bad as they seem. Ed and Lil will find a reprieve in a very common place that just happens to lie at the edge of... the Twilight Zone.

Kelsey pt 6 *** A kymmie verse story*****

Kelsey part 6 **** A Kymmie verse story****

“Dinner will be ready in a hour.” Brooks mom to Brook and Kelsey.
Brook continued showing Kelsey her bug.

“It's a 2180 with a huge cam, 48mm Dellortos, a berg 5 speed, Porsche cookie cutter wheels, and 4-wheel disc brakes.”

“Cool, does it drive nice.” Kelsey asked.

“Arrow straight down the road, and surprisingly a comfortable ride.”

“Have you taken it up on Telegraph yet?”

How I Became Crossgender part 1

My anxiety level is higher than I can ever remember. I am about to go to my first day of school. I am 13 and will be in grade 11. Furthermore, I will be presenting as a transgender girl, even though I doubt I am truly transgender.

This is the story of how I got to this place.

SRU: Haiku

SRU: Haiku
By Ellie Dauber
© 2001

Another old story, another high school football story, another experiment – this time, writing in haiku.

Haiku - a Japanese form of poetry made up of three lines of, respectively, 5, 7, and 5 syllables.

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Just Like Auntie - ep5

Kelsey pt 1 *** A kymmie verse story*****


As the July 8 Sun streamed in her basement bedroom window. Kelsey Shadow Reid, a brown haired, green eyed 17 year old high school student slept quietly. At about 11:30 the phone rang. She picked it up after 4 rings.
“ Hello”

“ Hi, Babe”

“ Hi, Scott, What’s up?”

“ Where were you last night?”

“ I was at the parking lot show at the Silver dome, Why?”

“ I thought I told you to be at Ryan’s party last night”

“ Well you did and I told you that I was not going to be there because I had that show.”

The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker - chapter 03


The Puppeteer-Revengebroker coverart.png
People go about their lives in their own way. Some believe the world is against them. Some believe the world is their's. But when your world has been destroyed, what would you do? What would you pay, to get some part of it back. What would you pay, to balance those scales?
At what price; love? Safety? Sanity? Justice? At what price; Revenge?
*Warning- Does contain hyper-violence*


New Home Chapter 5

Olivia slept in the next morning. When she finally woke up at around 8:00, she reached for the spot where she usually left her shirt and pants when she took them off before bed. But then she remembered that after the fiasco last light, she had simply put on a new bra and pair of panties to go to bed.

"Hey Olivia," Valeria said as she walked into the dorm room from the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped around her body. "You ready to go get breakfast?"

Life in the city - Chapter 6

Leah had promised to keep a secret that I liked wearing girl clothes and makeup when I was with her, we were hiding it from her mom so that she wouldn’t make any weird ideas in her head or tell my parents, which was the thing that worried me the most. I was already 3 months in my online classes and I was killing it, I could arrange my study schedules and just take the exams, which I was managing to do just fine.

Amber pt 5

Amber pt 5

“ Sure thing, Babe.” We pulled into a drive in spot. Looking over the menu.

“ Do you know what you want?” He asked.

“ Yeah, BLT on wheat with mayo, Frys and a coke.”

“ OK,” He ordered. We chatted while we waited for our food. The car hop on skates no less. Brought our food. Greg paid. He handed me my sandwich with frys. I set my drink on the center console.

“ How is your dinner?” Greg asked.

Unladylike I said, “ Good” with a mouthful.

Swallowing. “ I'm so sorry, that wasn't very ladylike, It is good” I apologized.

Amber pt 4

As the school year went on. I got to know Greg. He was smart, funny, and great looking to boot. Marsha and Mindy where so green with envy it wasn't funny. While he did talk to them. Greg seemed to focus on me. Every time I would be around Greg I had this weird fuzzy feeling. I would get grilled after class.
“ Has he asked you out yet. Is he taking you to the dance after the game.” the same thing over and over again.
Just before the Home coming game with Farmington South.

“ Ah, Amber. Would you go to the homecoming dance with me on Friday.”

Amber pt 1


My name is Dr. Amber Michelle Reid, MD. And this is my story. Currently I am a family practice physician. Happily going on 20 yrs married to a great man, Gregory Paul Reid Jr. We have 7 daughters, Yep, 7 girls. One set of identical quadruplets who are 17 and one set of identical triplets who are 16. I am also a transgender. Yes, I was born a boy. That is the story I am going to tell.

Laura, part 21

I let out a long, satisfied moan as I stretch my slender body out on the sun lounger. It’s the hottest summer I’ve ever known, but that’s not the only thing that makes it the best summer ever- there’s also the fact that I have a disposable income of my own from not one but two part-time jobs, I have a tall, sexy boyfriend who seems to fancy me more with every passing day, and the not-so-small fact that I’m currently wearing just a tiny bikini, whereas 365 days ago, I was stuck in a cramped classroom wearing a hot, stuffy school uniform.

The Collector Chapter 3

The Collector
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Three – Shopgirl

Mary lives alone barely making a substance as a shopgirl. A mysterious lady offers her a second job working nights. Charlotte Beason is introduced to life at Chelmsford and begins her studies which are not what she expected.


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