Estrogen / Hormones

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 290

Easy Way To A Cat's Heart.
by Bonzi translated by She (yes, the cat's mother!).
part: 290

"How are we going to be able to see what's in it? The account is closed isn't it?"

"Oh bum!" said Simon. "I thought you had power of attorney."

"I do, but that only lasts as long as he's alive and the account needs administering."

"Damn! Who's the executor?"

"His solicitor."

"Who is?"

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 289

Easy As Falling Off A Cliff.
by Angharad & Bonzi (he's in tonight).
part: 289

I stared at the bright metal of the brass screws holding down the ten inches of floor board, I looked at Simon and he looked back at me.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

"Well assuming that was my mother I saw last night she seemed to think I needed to find whatever was under that."

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.15 - Scoring?

"I can't walk into the Millennium stadium changing room like this, Mum," I protested.

"Why not, you are a beautiful girl, and you look fantastic in that dress, why do you want to conceal that, aren't you sick of hiding yourself as you used to have to do?

"Haf," said my Father quietly to my Mother," one problem, it's a boy's team and I'm sure Celyn wants to play down the beautiful and girl bit".

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.15 - Scoring?

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 287

Easy As Getting Wet.
by Bonzi in boots.
part: 287. (nearly 24 dozen or is that two gross?)

We slept almost as soon as we got to bed, or at least I did. Despite my naps, I was exhausted. At some point during the night, I remember Simon waking me, I was crying in my sleep apparently.

It was lovely to wake with him still there, instead of dashing off to work. I looked at the clock, it was nearly eight o'clock. He was snoring gently as he lay on his back, his arm draped across my leg. I moved it gently without disturbing him and lay on my side, my head raised upon my elbow, watching him.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 286

Easy As Falling In Love
by Angharad
part 286.

There were people standing over me and I felt incredibly sick. Some one was rubbing and patting my hand and I wanted them to stop. Others were asking me if I was alright. Clearly I wasn't.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 285

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad
part 285.

Simon went off to work and I felt glad that he was going to do what he could to help. I knew his family had loads of influence, but they'd have to play it a bit carefully or be accused of trying to influence an independent organisation.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 284

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad

"Can't they make you Emeritus Professor?" I asked.

"Not if they want to save pennies."

"This is just so unfair," I felt tears coming to my eyes, "I was looking forward to working with you for years to come."

"Look, I might be prejudging the issue, they are looking to save money and we have to consider where the axe might fall."

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.14 - Education

I moved closer to him, as we stood in a corridor that was temporarily deserted.

"Do you think it deserves a celebratory kiss," I whispered.

"Why not, I don't see any referees around to book us," he whispered back.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.14 - Education

by Alys


Four wives fed up with the way their husbands treat them, decide the shoe or is that the high heel belongs on the other foot.

Copyright 1996,1998,2000 by Vickie Tern This story is not intended for anyone below the age of consent. They will have to be corrupted by their own erotic imaginations.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 282

Easy As Falling Off A Mike.
by: Angharad
part: 282.

I sat silently in the chair, the one opposite was empty as was the bed. Feeling my knees shaking, I stood up and looked around. The room was empty and the little bathroom attached was equally devoid of human life forms.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 281

Easy As Rambling Vacuously.
by: Bonzi cat 'n her.

I heard Simon get up, break wind, and go in the shower. I was trying to decide whether I would properly wake up, or go back to sleep. I assumed it was about six o'clock and wondered how he managed to stay awake all day on so little sleep.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 279

Easy As Reading - more vacuous ramblings.
by: Angharad.
part 279.

I drove Monica out towards the clinic, an old mansion which had been converted into a psychiatric unit. It was private and probably cost a large amount of money to stay there. I know Simon said he'd pay the bill, but whether that meant him personally or the family, I didn't know nor dare to ask.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.13 - Progress?


"Hi, sexy," he said appraising me quickly.

"Hi sexy yourself," I responded.

"Have fun, bye!" called my Mother as she waved to us.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.13 - Progress?

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 275

Easy Come Easy Go.
by Angharad (Bonzi as body double).
part: 25x11

Simon carried me up to the bedroom and laid me on the bed. I was still crying. I couldn't believe that Stella had attempted to hurt me, let alone kill me. Surely that was down to her illness, she wouldn't hurt a fly normally. My face was stinging and I remembered that was the result of her nails. She really had meant it.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 274

Easy As Flying On A Bike.
by: Super Bonz & Angharad (on a broomstick!).
part: 274 I think.

Author's note: This episode contains scenes of mental illness.

Stella and I came downstairs just as the doorbell rang, Tom went to answer it and I took Stella into the kitchen.

"Who was that at the door?" asked Stella.

The Greatest Lie -13- Does Life Imitate Art

Alexandra and Tran discover a kindred spirit and friend, real world pornstar Allenina, and the answer to the question, can porn be art?

Chapter 13
Does Life Imitate Art?

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.12 - Answers


"Well, sorry to be nosey," said Dionne very hesitantly," and I didn't really remember everything from the assembly, but do you still have a know what, a thingie.....?"

"A thingie?" I asked.

"Yes you know," she said looking suggestively at the top of my legs.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 4.12 - Answers

by Alys

Charlotte's Tale part 15.

Charlotte’s Tale.
by Angharad.
Part 15.

We got home and were both still buzzing. How could singing a few songs with some old bloke have such an affect on me? His energy was amazing and it seemed to build as he went on, as if he’d absorbed it from the audience.

Rhapsody, Chapter 5 - Legato Grave

Chapter 5 — Legato Grave
By Jillian

“So you think…” I couldn’t bring myself to finish saying what I’d intended.

Detective Johnson turned his attention back to the road just as the light changed. As we pulled through the intersection, he muttered, “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go tonight.”

Ignoring his comment I asked, “What about my things? You know, my equipment? And I left my purse on a table in the club.”

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.11- Proof


"Not having a shower, Celyn?" asked Erica, in a challenging way.

"No," I replied," I usually shower before going to bed"

"Each to her the way, what did you say the school was that you go to?" she asked very slyly.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.11 - Proof

by Alys

The Greatest Lie -12- My Own Worst Enemy

Alexandra and Tran face the prejudice and the law in their new lives, but will they have to return to their old lives in order to live their dreams completely?

Chapter 12
My Own Worst Enemy

Born Twice - Chapter 13

Born Twice
By Alyssa Plant

Chapter 13

*Bleep bleep*

*Bleep bleep*

*Bleep bleep*

The first thing that Rebecca noticed was her hearing, swirling back into function. What was that sound?

*Bleep bleep*

*Bleep bleep*

Was she dead? Where the hell was she?

Everything seemed so white, so barren….

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.11 - Conclusion

"You know something else , Steve?" she asked, after a little pause, only disturbed by the general sounds of the ward and the gurgle of Bekka feeding.

"What's that?" I wondered, while I gently smoothed my daughter's hair.

"Even in those jeans and that sweatshirt you still look very female," she replied.

A Mother's Love Part 11 - Conclusion

by Alys

The Greatest Lie -9- My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

This is a sometimes violent story with very raw sex scenes. If that's not what you want to read, please do not read this story.

The Greatest Lie
Chapter 9
My Fifteen Seconds of Fame
by Alexandra Rios

Born Twice - Chapter 12 - Part 1

Born Twice
By Alyssa Plant

'Sat on her bed in her underwear, Rebecca stared at her dress on its hanger.

Was this something she was prepared to do? She knew she wanted to, but could she compete against the real girls? Would anyone notice? '

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 266

Easy As Falling Into Bed.
by Bonzi Cat in the original Miaowish, translated by Angharad!
part 266.

I awoke at the sound of the front door closing, Tom was either getting the milk in, or going to work. Moments later, the Landrover coughed into life and I knew he was off to work.

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.10

"You know, Steve, I can't believe how much like a woman you look," he said," and not only that but a remarkably attractive one too"

"Yes, it amazes me too George," I responded," and thanks for what I guess is a compliment"

"Are you sure that you'll be able to go back to being completely a know, afterwards?" he asked after a pause.

"Yes, I'm pretty certain, George, don't worry, anyway remember I still am a man under all this," I commented.

A Mother's Love - Part 10

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 265

Easy, Westy, Northy, Southy.
By: Angharad
part 265.

I left at the end of visiting at eight. Stella seemed far more settled. She'd seen Dr Redhead again and his therapy was helping. She tried to explain it all to me, something about right brain, left brain and integrating it. I'll stick with real science, you know, counting beans, or in my case, dormice.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.10 - Apologies


"Hey, girls, ready for the show?" asked Meryl who just joined us.

"Hi Meryl, to be honest I'm a bit nervous about going in," I said.

"Come on let's go in and get the best seats," she responded as she opened the door into the empty lab.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.10 - Apologies

by Alys

Rhapsody, Chapter 4 - Scherzo Energico

Chapter 4 — Scherzo Energico
By Jillian

“Wait!” I said in a surprised tone. “A safe house? You mean like witness protection? What about my work? My apartment? What am I supposed to do with my stuff?”

“Slow down,” he said while holding his hands up to emphasize things. “We don’t know how long it’ll be, but I wouldn’t expect it to take too long. For now, anything you don’t have to have with you should stay here. I’ll have a uniform posted here as a guard, okay?”

“Will there be room for my upright?” I asked.

“I don’t know why not,” he responded before adding, “Which one is that?”

For King & Country: Colourful but Ordinary

Jane Masters, photographed tomorrow

For King & Country: Colourful But Ordinary...

a Jane Masters adventure
by Miss K

A short, complete adventure for Jane Masters, 004. A coda to her first story and a prelude to her next. Masters and Bond break off a sexy encounter in the Swiss Alps to investigate shady goings on with the Russian Mafia. Contains EXPLICIT depictions of oral sex at the end.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 261

Easy As....
by Angh.....
part: 261....

I snuggled up to the sleeping elephant in my bed. Well, it was trumpeting like one, in between snorts like a boar in heat and hedgehog with asthma. At least I knew he was alive from the decibels given off and for some reason tonight that gave me comfort. I didn't really want to be alone and I didn't want another dream like the earlier one.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 259

Easy Street.
by Angharad

I came away from the clinic feeling irritable, I was tired and fed up not helped by the mirth my actions with a certain rodent had caused. I felt like going to the university and wringing the neck of said rodent. If she been a Russian hamster, I think I might well have done.

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.09

"What is it?" I asked.

"This is even more weird than you having a bigger bust than Mary," she replied," seeing you in that leather jacket and shirt, feeding my granddaughter, obviously a man in many ways, but at the same time a woman in others"


A Mother's Love - Part 9

by Alys

'How Different From Us'.

“How different from us.” *
By Angharad.

Mollie Hawthorne, with an ‘e’ was fourteen today. She was having a party in the evening and she was looking forward to it with an anticipation she had never thought she’d feel again.

She bustled about the school with impatience, too excited to sit still for long let alone concentrate on boring chemistry or history. At fourteen what is history, something for old men to talk about? Mollie also had some history, although it was more recent than anything she was taught in school and more painful than anything before or since.


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