Estrogen / Hormones

Daring to Hope - Part 6

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 6 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.

Daring to Hope - Part 5

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 5 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 17

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 17
Chapter 37-38 
By Katherine Day
Jane finds great joy now as a lovely teen girl; she’s popular and successful, but is missing what she needs the most —
the love and affection of the love of her life. It’s an impossible love, yet she strives anyway.

A Prayer Answered: Chapter 3

  Sandra is David’s new daughter and is happy and content. Sandra takes over the story as we follow her through her exposure to Brian her best friend and has an appointment with a psychiatrist Dr. Louis.
Authors note: I’ve never written like this, two people telling different sides of the story. I Hope you like it. Graciously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter Three
By Sara D.

Daring to Hope - Part 2

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 2 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.

Daring to Hope - Part 1

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 1 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.

Kelly's Journey -9- Support & Kidnap

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 9: Support & Kidnap
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly has moved in with her Aunt Debbie and her grandparents, she begins a new part of her journey as she learns more about being a woman and learning how more about herself.

When Fortune Smiles! Parts 5-10

When Fortune Smiles
by Tanya Allan

It's 2003, meet Joe Fortune, a bright and pleasant young man, with a secret life as a drag artist, and an overwhelming desire to be the woman he feels he should be.

Working in a shop he and some friends have set up, he does some photo imaging work for a client, which starts him on a roller-coaster ride, involving hired killers, a corrupt M.P., and the police. He takes the opportunity to pretend to be his twin sister, and become a ski rep for a month to avoid the heat.

With more twists and turns than is good for him, he has a fling with a female to male transsexual, who teaches him how to be a woman, and then, after surgery as Josie, she falls in love with her best friend.

When Fortune Smiles! Parts 1-4

When Fortune Smiles
by Tanya Allan

It's 2003, meet Joe Fortune, a bright and pleasant young man, with a secret life as a drag artist, and an overwhelming desire to be the woman he feels he should be.

Working in a shop he and some friends have set up, he does some photo imaging work for a client, which starts him on a roller-coaster ride, involving hired killers, a corrupt M.P., and the police. He takes the opportunity to pretend to be his twin sister, and become a ski rep for a month to avoid the heat.

With more twists and turns than is good for him, he has a fling with a female to male transsexual, who teaches him how to be a woman, and then, after surgery as Josie, she falls in love with her best friend.

Kelly's Journey -7- Shopping

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 7: Shopping
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Now that Kelly's mother has started to get involved in her child's life, Kelly becomes scared at the prospect of actually being out in public where strangers may discover her secret and out her in public or some bigot harming her or her family. It is only with the help of Kelly's best friend Julie that Teri Moore is able to take Kelly on what has become the national sport for all women: SHOPPING.

A Fairy's Tale - Parts 12-15

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

The Softening of Jessie - Part 50

“Well, I used to be fueled by my temper and emotions. I would get so upset with things that I didn’t feel in control at all. All I could feel was rage and I wanted to take that rage out on others. My thoughts and emotions were way out of whack. On the other hand, now I feel very balanced emotionally. Sure I cry a lot more now but at the same time, I don’t feel that anger I used to. It’s like all my aggression has been tamed. It feels really good Ashley! I can think clearly.”

“So you like being a girl then?”

“I don’t know. I do know that I like the way my head is way more balanced now.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 50

By AshleyTS

A Fairy's Tale - Parts 8-11

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

A Fairy's Tale - Parts 4-7

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

A Fairy's Tale - Parts 1-3

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

The Softening of Jessie - Part 49

Jessie realized how horrible he was. It’s funny how his actions seemed so wrong now that he looked back on them. How could he be so rotten to his mom, his teachers…everyone? He didn’t agree with the action taken by his mom to change him, but he did understand how she could be at her rope’s end.

“I promise you that I won’t deceive you any longer honey. I know that this is going to be difficult but I am here for you now. I will do whatever I can.”

“Thanks mom. I just need time to think about what I want to do…” Jessie replied as he hugged his mom and went up to his room.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 49

By AshleyTS

Milissa's and Dandy's Life for the last 3800 years - Part 1 "The Beginning" (Revised)

It was closing time @ Housing Transitions Program. I just walked out the door with my friend Lori and Talking about the puzzle we were working on. Suddenly a blast happened and I went flying. I Hit the building and I looked up and saw a steel beam land on my leg. I screamed And my twin sister came running. then it just went black. Meanwhile the starship Enterprise was in orbit watching the action. The away team just beamed up and Captain Picard just gave helm their next detestation then Data says “Captain I am detecting an anomaly on the planets surface. And I detect two human life forms coming out of the anomaly!” Riker tells the captain “looks like our business isn't done here yet. Captain Picard told Riker to have a away team sent to the surface. Riker tells Worf to come with him and he hit his com badge and said Riker to Crusher “meet me in trans porter room 3.”

Milissa's and Dandy's Life
for the last 3800 years

Part 1 "The Beginning"
by Princess Milissa

A Prayer Answered : Chapter 1

      Tim had finally come out to his father about wanting to be a girl. Discover what happens next: Does David, Tim’s father, continue to help his son, now his daughter, achieve her ambitions? Are prayers really answered in the way we think they are? Gratiously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter One
By Sara D.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 1

My wife helps me through the Feminizer disease as I slowly become a full woman. I have to learn a whole new life with her help.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 1

By Terry Hansay


The Softening of Jessie - Part 47

“This is a real concern Amanda. The conditioning your son has been under has changed him dramatically. This conditioning was essential however. I suggest that you look at this as a starting point with your daughter. Things will not be the same as they used to but that’s the price that is paid with this treatment.”

"There is nothing that can be done to bring back all the good things about my son? Is he lost forever?” Amanda pleaded.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. If he were to remember his former life now it would be deadly. His mind would not be able to cope and he would be irreversibly damaged. That is why the bi-weekly check-ins were so important. The program could have been stopped at any time during the first quarter if you wished.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 47

By AshleyTS

NCIS - A time of Innocence, Part 2/2

“Tobias, I need a favour,” Gibbs asked on hearing the phone pick up.
“Hello to you too, Jethro.”
“I need to you pick up a case from your agency's end, My team has been running it for the past few weeks.”
“Ah,” chuckled Fornell “Who’s toes have you been pissing on this time?”
“Yours,” And you are less likely to throw a punch over it, Tobias.”
Agent Fornell sighed. “Fine, what is it?”

NCIS — Naval Criminal Investigative Service
A Time of Innocence
Part 2
A fan fiction
By Alyssa Plant
edited by Valerie Preston


The Softening of Jessie - Part 46

“Now calm down Jessica…”

“My name is Jessie. I can’t believe that you and mom did this to me. You don’t care about me at all! Did you think I would never find out?!?”

“Honey, you need to believe that we did this for your own good.” Susan replied in a panic.

“My own good?!? Changing me into a girl was for my own good??? I was born a boy and what you did to me was destroy every ounce of my maleness! How can that possibly be good for me???”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 46

By AshleyTS

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 15

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 15
Chapters 33-34 
By Katherine Day
It’s a whole new life for Jane who now seeks to become accepted for who she is in a world that may not be ready for her.
Somehow she finds a way, gaining new strength.

NCIS - A Time of Innocence, Part 1/2

Gibbs and the team take onboard a new Agent, but little do they know quite how close to the case they are...

NCIS — Naval Criminal Investigative Service
A Time of Innocence
Part 1
A fan fiction
By Alyssa Plant
edited by Valerie Preston


The Softening of Jessie - Part 44

As they sat there licking the cones Jessie started to feel at ease. He didn’t even realize that he was sitting with his legs crossed and was postured in an identical way to Ashley.

“Things are going to be alright Jess. It is a huge step that you actually aren’t in such a zombie-like state anymore. Even if your body is different than it used to be, you seem way more like yourself now than you have been.”

“Surprisingly I feel alright right now. It’s really weird that I feel ok, but I do.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 44

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 43

Jessie removed his top and Ashley helped him slip the pretty summer dress over his head. She then zipped up the back. A tear fell from Jessie’s eye.

“I’m sorry sweetie. I know this has to be so hard for you.”

“I’m never going to be a boy again. Look at me…it’s too late. My life is over.”

“We’ll get this fixed ok??? We just need to think. Come on, let’s go.” Ashley replied as she teared up herself. This boy’s life was devastated.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 43

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 42

Jessie stood up and walked to the door mirror. He gasped as he saw the pretty girl looking back at him.

He examined his face which was downright pretty. His hair had grown so much! Thin, arched eyebrows? He continued in an almost surreal-like state. Breasts. He had breasts. No denying it. He lifted his nighty over his head and just stared. How? He reached to touch them. Red painted, perfectly manicured fingernails? This can’t possibly be real... but it is! His supple breasts gently swayed as he lifted them with his hands. They were real and they were a part of him. His hips curved out so much. If the breasts weren’t enough, the hips sure didn’t lie. He had a undeniable female figure!

This just couldn't get anymore worse!

The Softening of Jessie

Part 42

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 41

“So you don’t remember anything?”

“Anything about what?”

“About being a boy?”

“I’ve been a girl my whole life Ashley. You and mom are kind of freaking me out with these boy questions.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 41

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 40

He felt Jason’s hand brush and then gently grab his upper thigh. As they continued to lock lips, Jessie was very conscious of Jason’s hand which slowly crept higher and higher on his thigh until it was reaching under his skirt. Should he stop Jason? Was there any harm? He continued to passionately kiss him and got lost in the moment.

Suddenly, he could feel Jason’s hand under his skirt and around his backside. Jason was tracing Jessie’s panties with his fingers. Jessie jumped back a little. This was getting too out of control!

The Softening of Jessie

Part 40

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 36

This was Jessie's chance! He slid back into Jason's lap even further to the point that his rear end pressed firmly against Jason's hard penis. Jessie thought for a second at how gay that was...but wow it felt so right! It felt eerily natural to be drawn to a guy!

Jason on the other hand was filled with a mixed bag of complete ecstasy and total embarrassment. He was so concerned that Jessica was going to be offended that he had a hard on for her. On the other hand, she did slide back into him. He didn't know what to think! She was so beautiful. He wanted to grab her ass...was she wearing panties?

...Jessie's become Jason's girl! And she's turned out fine!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 36

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 35

Jason, on the other hand, was going through the roof. He was pressing up against the beautiful girl from behind. He tried to keep his mind from wandering as he showed her what to do. He wasn't very successful as he grew very excited. He quickly tried to show Jessie how to putt to avoid the embarrassment of his growing excitement.

Jason's instruction made sense! He was so cool Jessie thought. Did Jason have a roll of quarters in his pocket or something? Jessie wondered as he felt the hardness in Jason's pants press up against his rear end. He must have those quarters to play in the arcade later Jessie figured.

"Got it?" Jason asked as he quickly backed away hoping his pretty friend didn't realize that she had just given him a major boner.

...You know, I wish that I had Jessie as a girl!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 35

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 34

She thought about how unfair it was to rob a man of his masculinity. If only Jessie had been a good boy. He was on such a bad path in life. He did seem so happy now. Sure, it involved taking away any shred of maleness, but it was worth it...right?

"I feel great mom. I'm just nervous that Jason will not like me. I just want things to be like they used to between us. "

"I'm not sure if that's possible but I hope you two can be friends again."

"Me too mom."

...Wish I was holding her in my arms late, late at night...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 34

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 33

"Come here pretty girl and let me see your pretty pretty panties!"

They wrestled back and forth a little and Jessie was stunned at how strong Ashley was. He had a hard time believing it, but she overpowered him as she wrestled him to the ground.

The two rolled around for a minute and Jessie grew even more embarrassed as his skirt kept flipping up around his back.

"Aha, those panties look mighty sexy Jess!" Ashley teased as she pinned Jessie down on his back holding his arms to the ground.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 33

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 32

"I'm so excited Ashley! I want Jason and me to be just like old times again. I don't know why he thought I was a sissy...I don't know why he called me a fairy...all I know is that I'm going to make sure that I'm the same old Jessica that he used to love to hang out with. I'm the same guy and I'm going to prove it!"


"Ashley, please, please, please help me with my makeup?"

Same old Jessie huh?

The Softening of Jessie

Part 32

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 31

"It's up to you Jess. Do you want to wear a skirt?"

"I think I do...what do you think Jason will be wearing?" Jessie asked finding himself confused about skirts, dresses and pants. Would Jason be wearing a skirt too? Jason is a boy so he can't wear a skirt. Wait...I'm a boy too but I am going to wear a skirt? Jessie's mind clouded.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 31

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 30

"He wants to hang with me again? I'm shocked. I mean I thought he didn't like me anymore."

"Uh yeah. He really likes you. You don't want to hang with him though do you? I mean after how poorly he treated you?" Ashley replied playing along knowing that Jason really liked the new Jessie...the girl.

Jessie thought about it for a minute. Sure Jason was mean to him. He was downright evil to him when he was going through tough times awhile back. People change though right? Jason must have changed! Was his friend truly back?!?

...As she's watching me with those eyes, she could be loving me with that body...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 30

By AshleyTS


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