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My name was once Katherine and this is my story.
My name was once Katherine and this is my story. It was Halloween night. I’m getting ready for my date Bryce. Bryce and I are going to the premier of Saw Five tonight he’s going to pick me up around 8:30 PM, giving me about an hour to get ready. Bryce and I had been dating for three years now, having met in the tenth grade. He has a great smile, and a cute face with baby blue eyes that melt my heart. His six foot five frame makes me feel small even though I am six foot one. He and I have been steady even though we go to different colleges.
I pulled out a bottle of sangria red nail polish, painting each of my toes a rich creamy red color. As I sat with my feet on the bed letting my toes dry, I began to file my nails into dainty ovals, the long nails making my long slender fingers look even daintier. Having finished filing my nails I pushed back the cuticles and began to polish my nails in the same deep red as my nails. I blew on them softly to get them to dry quicker. I admired my body in the mirror. To think that the girl in the mirror had been born a boy.
Just a few short years ago I had been a boy with no breasts and no curves to be seen anywhere, not to mention that ugly swollen clitoris between my legs. Now all that could be seen was my girly frame, long, silky brown hair flowed from my scalp, around my ears and down to just below my shoulders. My small, perky B cup breasts sitting proudly on my chest, perfectly formed, the product of many hormone pills. My smooth milky white skin perfectly hairless, my wide girly hips and my soft round butt accentuating my transformation. And the crown jewel, my perfect vagina courtesy of a doctor, my enlarged clit birth defect having been taken care of. I walked over to my pink dresser, opening the top drawer to examine my lingerie.
I selected a matching bra and panty set. The silky smooth texture of the red silk bra and panties, with the excess of lace and plenty of pretty flowers. The feeling of the panties being pulled up my hairless long legs too perfect to describe. I love a good firm bra, it feels like a warm loving embrace, keeping my ‘girls’ warm and safe. I fastened the clips on the bra, pausing to admire my reflect in the long full length mirror on my door. A picture of feminity reflected, not a trace of the boy that once resided there. Sugar and spice and everything nice, everything that Bryce loves. I sighed just thinking about him. I was hopelessly in love with him, hoping that one day he would propose to me. I practically pranced to my make up table.
I started my slowly applying the foundation to my skin, covering any blemishes. I applied a little blush to my cheek bones before starting on my eyes. I slowly carefully applied eyeliner to my eyes before blending in a smoky grey eye shadow, finishing with a touch of mascara. I slowly twisted a tube of dark red lipstick, exposing the rich creamy color. I applied a coat to my lips, blotting them carefully, applied another and then applied some lip gloss to give them some shine.
Satisfied with my appearance I went into my closet to pick out an outfit. I pulled a red camisole over my bra, helping to eliminate any unwanted bulges. I found my favorite skirt, a silky floral print with red, pink, and white flowers. Slowly pulled it up my
legs before stopping when I realized I hadn’t put on any hose. After slowly pulling on a pair of sheer nylons I pulled the skirt up to my waist over my hips, careful to avoid making any runs in my hose. I pulled the side zipper into place before looking for a top. I selected a soft cashmere sweater. It was a deep red to match my makeup and toes, and sooo soft, I loved the feeling of it on my arms. Its scoop neck exposed just enough cleavage, enough to give a look, but not too much. I sat down again in front of the mirror to fix my hair. I pulled my hair into a bun with my bangs hanging down to almost over my eyes. A pair of silver dangling earrings completed my look with barely anytime to spare.
The door bell rang a 8:25 PM, Bryce was standing there in a polo shirt tucked into a pair of khaki pants with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. I slid my feet into a pair of red two inch sandals which showed off my pretty toes. I grabbed my purse and slowly minced down the stairs to the door. I opened the door to my apartment and walked out. Bryce and I met in a warm embrace, his lips meeting mine in a loving kiss, lasting for what seemed like forever.
He pulled away handing me the bouquet, they were beautiful and they smelled lovely to me.
“Thank you Bryce, they’re lovely!”
“Well its nothing for my love Katie!”, “Are you ready?”
“Yes, let’s go!” I gave him a peck on the cheek as I got into his car.
We arrived at the theater, the line for tickets going around the side of the building. As we stood there we talked about many things. We talked about school, about the news, we talked about just about anything we could talk of. And all I could I think of was how much I loved him. He was so intelligent, cute and gentle, he was the perfect man. I would never have dreamed when I was living a nightmare as a boy that one day I would find love as a girl! When we finally got into the theater, we walked all the way to the top of the bowl so that we wouldn’t be bothered if you know what I mean.
As we sat there, me in his lap, I was the happiest I have ever been. The movie scared the shit out of me, the blood and gore making me sick, but I hadn’t wanted to see it in the first place, but the end was great, and I don’t mean the movie either. We made our way to the car, the night just beginning.
We drove over to an abandoned house near my apartment to make out. We passed all the little rug rats begging for candy, I already had all the sweets I needed driving me. We parked the car in the woods and made our way to the house, ignoring the plethora of no trespassing signs. We hopped through an open window and made ourselves at home on an ancient couch with an inch of dust covering. We embraced and began to kiss, my tongue and his exploring the depths of our mouths. The lights flickered on for a second and then extinguished, odd since the house had been abandoned for a number of years, but we ignored it.
Bryce led me up the rickety stairs to the master bedroom. It looked like it had been taken straight out of the Victorian era, but even stranger was the fact that it appeared as though people had been living there, the sheets were clean and there was no dust to be found. I just assumed that Bryce had come here before and cleaned up. We got into bed, Bryce helping me to undress, slipping the sweater over my head and unzipping my skirt as I pulled his pants and shirt off.
As I sat there in my lingerie and he in his boxers, he produced a small box.
“Oh my g-d, what is that!” I shrieked, tears of joy welling up in my eyes.
“Wi… Will… Will you marry me?” he stuttered, even when he stuttered he was so cute.
“Yes, yes I will!” I gasped out in between tears of joy.
Just then with a crash and boom the room went black and screams were howling around us. I screamed as the room suddenly became very cold. I held onto Bryce for my life, I was so scared. A loud voice shouted out in a deep voice “Who goes there!”
“Who goes there!” he repeated, “Answer me!”
The lights went ballistic, and screams reached a fever pitch, in the small amount of light I could see what appeared to be blood on the floor and the wall.
“You have defiled the House of Bamberg, you must pay, you will pay!” boomed the voice. The lights went nuts again and I could see in the mirror a whole family, including a little girl, when I looked back from the mirror I saw instead of Bryce a dead body vomiting blood and clawing at my breasts. I screamed uncontrollably. The lights stopped again.
“Yes, your punishment is the truth, you will be male again forever!”
“Nooooooo!!!!!” I screamed, “I’m not a guy, I’m a girl!”
“Not for long!” responded the voice, “Bryce, your punishment is death for you have defiled the House and you shall die for your transgression for leading another here!”
I was frozen in horror as I saw a knife flying through the air, ghosts abound. I could only watch in silent horror as the knife plunged into Bryce’s groin, slicing off his penis and his ball sack, spraying bright red blood across the room and all over me. I watched screaming my head off as his blood poured out of him in fountains and on all over me and the floor. I could only watch as the severed penis flew across the room and forced itself into my mouth.
“Suck it like a good girl!” the voice boomed as I saw all the ghosts watching in glee as I suffered.
Bryce twitched in his death throws showering blood all over me as he screamed his last in agony.I felt the penis and ball sack worm its way down my throat by its own accord. It made its way through my stomach before halting at my vagina and forcing itself out . I watched the ghosts approaching with the knife. I felt the icy touch of the ghouls as they held me. I screamed as the knife approached my breasts.
“Now those just won’t do will they?” the voice asked rhetorically.
I saw the ghost of Bryce approaching me.
“Help me Bryce, help me!”
The voice boomed “Bryce, remove the breasts as I ordered!”
“Yes my lord, as you command!”
He approached with a mask of death on his face, the lifeless eyes piercing mine. I screamed and thrashed as the cold knife pierced my breasts. The agony as he gave me a forced mastectomy, the pain almost unbearable, I screamed and screamed as the ghosts carried my severed breasts back where they came from.
“Bryce!” the voice called
“Yes my lord!” he responded in a monotone.
“The House has been defiled, you know what must be done!”
“Yes my lord, it shall be done!”
He approached me, the knife dripping blood, his cold hands carrying death. As he advanced towards me, I saw the Angel of Death approaching me inexorably as the coldness closed in.
Vote for this story if you like it please,
Kathy Ariel
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Very good, but really,
Very good, but really, really mean to Katie. Happy Halloween! Janice Lynn
Poor Katie
all her life she had wanted to become a woman....Finally she had achieved her aim... And then it was all gone!!!...Maybe the Angel of Death would be a welcome release!
Hugs Kirri
Finally a horror story mew, this one actually scared me a bit, awesome job, it kinda ended abrubtly but that's life mew ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Incongrouous but satisfying?
Certainly didn't expect "hugs" after such a gruesome tale...but wow! And yes, I voted for it! I guess the only thing more horrifying for the poor girl would have been to let her live. Excellent story!
Love, Andrea Lena
The horror!
This story is strong, it made my heart beat faster! I still don't understand why don't people simply level the haunted houses instead of keeping them around? Especially when the ghosts are so vile.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
The Horror
In this entry is the total loss of gender identity for both parties. But is this a nightmare that they share, or reality?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Great writing and nice to see another author posting.
The story scared me and that is hard to do. Well written and very enjoyable. I look forward too more stories.
love needs to be unconditional
love needs to be unconditional
hollaween house
wow this is one hell of a story verry good is thare a part 2 to this or you got more something like this?
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
I dont get it
I mean passing up a perfectly good apartment for a dilapidated old house.
Her man must have already been possessed.
No way am I sitting down in a any dress, nice or not, with and inch of dust on it, let alone going in through a broken window. Not happening!!! Nope not this gril!!!
The English Teacher
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
Ok, that was random story horror :D
I most certainly didn't expect this...
Good but eww...
Thank you for writing,