
A Game Of Cards Chapter 1

So You Want To Be A Nurse - Ch. 02 - 08

Sexy TV Nurse
So You Want To Be A Nurse
Michele Nylons

Chapter Two – Education

Michele remained tied to the bed, mortified and full of trepidation whilst Dr Lovejoy dressed and left the room. Polly soon followed with the incriminating eight-millimetre film still in the camera, leaving Matron Holliday alone with Michele.

Gene or Jean? - Part 5 - The Halloqueen

At last I graduated, and was heading off to college, to major in French Literature with a minor in Business. I figured that I would not be cross-dressing while in college, so I left all of my feminine attire at home. I figured wrong.

Gene or Jean? - Part 4 - Looking for Answers

As a result of dressing as a girl for my French class project, I was spending more and more time as a girl. While Sandy had been enthusiastic about my cross-dressing at the start, she seemed less and less in favor of it as time progressed and I spent more time en femme. She wanted a boyfriend.

My Father just didn’t like it. He was reluctant to discuss my cross-dressing; he left it to my Mother to tell me of his concerns. “Your Father had hoped that your cross-dressing was a phase and that you would grow out of it.” she said, “Now he thinks that you might be turning into a girl. He thinks that you are more girl than boy, and he wants you to go to counseling.”

Sandy shared my Dad’s concerns. Therefore, I agreed to go to counseling.

Becoming Sara, Day Nine

I have never felt so good after drinking as I did now barely on the verge of being fully awake. For once in my life I was beyond explanation on how good I felt. No other words to describe it other then fully content with a hint of electric. The next sense that came to me was the warm body holding me. Wrapping itself around me in a blanket of protection. I silently giggled as I wiggled my rear feeling something that gave me flashes of lightning so few hours ago. The next sense that came to me was the smell of our mutual efforts to please each other.

Gene or Jean? - Part 3 - Consequences of Chanson Francaise.

Well, I had admitted that I liked being a girl at times, but that I liked being a boy when I was with Sandy. My project, or maybe my performance was no secret, and most of my friends and acquaintances thought it was funny. On the other hand, a few people thought it was perverted, and made no secret of that.

I was even hit on by a few boys who admitted that they were gay, as if my cross dressing in some way made me gay. I gently corrected their misapprehensions. What was more interesting were the number of girls who hit on me. They made it clear that they wanted me as a girlfriend, since I looked sexy as a girl, and I had my male parts. I told them that I already had a girlfriend.

To everyone, I made it plain that my motivation to wear a dress had nothing to do with sex or my gender; I was motivated by getting an ‘A’ on my project.

“Yeah, but you seemed to be enjoying wearing a dress and acting like a girl. Way too much for just an ‘A’ it seems to me,” one of my male friends said.

“Well,” I responded, “I thought it best to act the part as well as I could. I always want to do my best.”

“Yeah,” he replied, “but you make one sexy chick. If I didn’t know better, I’d ask you out.”

Becoming Sara, Day Three, Publishing House

This is where the story is going to differ from the original. In this chapter i changed the ending to give a different take and direct the story down a different path. If you want to read the original go to Fictionmania.

Day three Meeting the Publisher.

Gene or Jean? - Part 2 - French Class

“So you’re going to sing a girl’s song?” Gloria asked with a snicker.

“It’s not a girl song or a boy song,” I instructed her, “both females and males have recorded it.”

“But are you going to sing it as a girl?” Gloria asked, ignoring what I previously said.

I just gave her a dirty look in response.

However, Sandy picked up on this exchange. “Didn’t Mlle. Vert suggest that you dress up like Lucienne Boyer when you sing it?” she interjected. Now my sisters were as interested in my project as a bunch of vultures looking at a fresh kill. This conversation was quickly getting out of control.

Becoming Sara, Day One

Chapter Two Read Day Zero First

Sean has a problem to get his book published the owner only publishes stories from women. Sean continues as Sara. Teasing Max as the day goes on. Falling head first into his role as Sara things get complicated. Will they be able to handle what comes next?

Becoming Sara, Day Zero

I originally posted this on FictionMania Figured it was time to bring it over here. Might not bring all the chapters over.

Sean has a problem to get his book published the owner only publishes stories from women. Sean has used a female pen name,his sister's photo and a voice modulator on the phone but it wasn't enough. The publisher wants to see him in person. His friend Max and Jackie take him on his first journey to become the woman he wants to present. Can he handle it or will he find something more?

How I Became a Dominatrix Mistress

“On your knees slave.” Astrid snaps her whip at her slave and makes him yelp.

She was really getting into being a Dominatrix Mistress. She loved the money she made doing it and the power it gave her over the men that hired her to abuse them. If it hadn’t been for her skipping school one day and catching her mother doing the same thing. She wouldn’t have ever known about this. Sure, she saw it on the internet, but she never knew that people liked being treated like this.

It Started On A Rainy Afternoon - Part 1

It started on a rainy summer afternoon when I was seven. My sister Emma is two years older than I am and she and I get along. After lunch we had started playing board games, as we often did when we could not play outside. It was about two in the afternoon when my sister stood up and declared, “I’ve had enough of these board games. Let’s do something fun and different.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“You know, people say we look alike. Let’s see if that is true. Come on up to my room. I’ve got an idea.” I knew that I had a ‘pretty’ face, and had been mistaken for a girl on numerous occasions.

Cinders and Ash

When a fairy godmother takes a wrong turn, an angry young man gets swept up in his very own Cinderella story...but this isn't a dream that he'd wish would come true! (Inspired by artwork by Dov Sherman!)


The Roommate - Chapter 2 - Slow TG/Hypnosis

Breakfast went smoothly. Rebecca had kept an eye on his coffee, but it hadn’t been needed. He’d drunk every drop of the coffee, obviously relishing each sip of the limited caffein he allowed himself. He’d eaten his food, as well, somehow finding joy in his healthy food. Rebecca would have liked to believe it was due to her own cooking skills, but her interaction with that grapefruit had been limited to a single swift knife cut. Most likely, he’d simply trained his tongue to actually enjoy those tastes.

11th Sun: Chapter 25: On the Rock

“This is Big Bertha,” I tell the aliens, “And she is a beautiful lady.”

We get inside and I give a small tour. There are jump seats outside the flight deck and I show them how to strap in. Urban and sophisticated Tinoct has never flown before, and an ancient freight hauler, loosely bolted together, is a great way to have a first experience. Then I tell them to hang out in the rec room while I run checks. I’ve had to turn off everything at the port, but we aren’t leaving gravity so it’ll only take an hour.

The Roommate - Chapter 1 - Slow TG/Hypnosis

Rebecca pushed her shoulder into the gap between door and doorway, watching Daniel unpack. She watched as Daniel lifted a heavy box, the muscles in his back tensing and rippling as she watched. He’d removed the white t-shirt he’d worn in, on the pretense of it being a hot day - and the shirt had clung to his skin with sweat, barely able to come off. Slender arms stretching the material tight, in front of his chest. It would have been…. Delicious. If she’d been watching a girl.

Why did I do this?

Why did I do that?

I ran towards the house , they were after me I don't know who they are and don't ask me questions in between everything will be answered. So yeah where was I? " Something about they chasing you" Oh yes. They were chasing me , I saw a house to the left I just started slamming the door as loud as I could.An old women came out.She was my grandmother.She asked me why are you in a hurry? I told her " they are chasing me ".She told me to get inside.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Sophie, part 3

“…Happy birthday Amy-lie,” the assembled crowd sang in their loud, alcohol-fuelled voices. “Happy birthday to you!” The crowd cheered as the two young women at the front of the room- both of whom worse bright sashes with the logo ‘birthday girl’ written on them- blew out the two candles on the large cake in front of them.

“Ah, thank you, thank you!” Amy giggled. “But you are NOT calling us that!”

“I have been called worse,” Amelie shrugged as she barely suppressed a giggle. “But you are right. We do not want people to think that we are a couple, do we?”

Lady in Waiting Book 3 Part 1

Book 3
Lady in Waiting Part 1
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As the Ville de Paris gathered speed she gently heeled over and started an easy up and down motion. The sails were secured and we started heading homeward.
I shook myself out of my reverie and told Anna that I would go back to our cabin but if she wanted she could remain on deck.

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 11

Book 2
Lady in Waiting Part 11

Lady in Waiting 3.jpg

Charlotte and her companion Anna are still waiting in San Sebastian for their ship home. Luckily the Army are waiting for supplies so while the majority of the army move to harry the French in the Pyrenees a contingent remain to receive the supplies and move them to the main body.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Sophie, part 2

Sophie tried to smile as she took her seat in the vast, modern Wembley Stadium. It wasn’t the first time that she’d been to Wembley to see a game- from a certain perspective, anyway. From a different perspective, it was undoubtedly the first time that ‘Sophie Connelly’ had ever set foot in the legendary stadium, something that the English girl found impossible to forget as she sat down and felt her tights begin to sag while her thong rode even higher between her buttocks.

Corset Magic

Jesse has an addiction to corsets and it has gotten stronger over the years. It has affected how his body has grown just enough that he has more of a hour glass shape than a typical boy. When his sister tells him of this antique corset he is a bit reluctant to go see it. He had to wear corsets, but he disliked wearing a corset dress. The old shop they go to has more than just a corset as they are transported to an alternate world. He slowly learns about the world and that her future husband is there to meet her for the first time and something strange happens.

Jacinta, part 7

“Okay then,” I say to myself as I stare at the mountain of paperwork in front of me. “One written assignment, one practical assignment and about two hundred photos, and roughly a week in which to do them. Easy.”

Gothic Sister

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*Gothic Sister*

"So let me get this straight, you want me to be your girlfriend?”
"Just for the weekend,” Rory reaffirmed.
"And just why do you think I'd want to do that, beyond the obvious?”
"You get to go to the Festival for free?”

Jacinta, part 5

I grimaced as I walked into the shop, having to squint to adjust my eyes to the dim lighting within. The place felt like a dungeon, or worse yet, a bondage lair, with leather clothing and accessories adorning every wall and shelf.

"...Ophelia?" I asked nervously.



Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

The first season of Soixante-Trois Airlines tells the story of two young T-girls from either side of the Atlantic whose lives are changed forever when they meet in Paris on their first day of work for a new employer...

Jacinta, part 4

"Dad..." I said in my practised feminine voice. "I- there's something I want to tell you..."

"Yes, I can see that," dad replied, still in a state of shock at my appearance.

"I- I'm transgendered," I said confidently as Ophelia walked through from the kitchen, a mixture of shock and pride on her face. "I want to be a woman. I feel like a woman inside. I want to live the rest of my life as a woman." What felt like an eternity passed as dad tried to process what he had just been told.

Soixante-Trois Airlines


Audience Rating: 


"You will be expected to follow the dress code and conditions of behaviour detailed in your welcome pack from the very start of your employment," the French interviewer stated firmly. "I trust that this will not be a problem?"

"It won't," Jesse said, trying to control his excited shaking as the interview neared its conclusion.

Soixante-Trois Airlines

Debbie V.

Jacinta, part 3

"...I think people might be staring," I whispered to Ophelia as we walked through the cramped shopping centre.

"What they wish to do with their eyes is their business, not ours," Ophelia replied, holding her head high even as every head we passed turned to look in our direction.

"Easy for you to say," I mumbled as I tried not to let my cheeks go too red.

Jacinta, part 2

Over the course of the next few weekends I was given- and took- the opportunity to become Jacinta several times. Despite her own limited storage space, Ophelia (which, by October, was the only name I addressed my friend by) was more than happy to keep 'my' clothes at her house.

She was also happy to wash the clothes for me, especially the underwear- which came as a huge relief to me when I saw that she'd bought me a packet of thongs.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 15

“Please all give a round of applause to our newest in-flight supervisors,” Alana announced to the assembled crowd of stewardesses. “Miss Jessica Tyler!” Jessica blushed as she stepped out in front of the cheering crowd, nervously fiddling with the brand-new gold buttons on her blazer.

The Wardrobe

When Mark Walker accidentally discovers a door at the rear of his wardrobe, he finds an Edwardian scene frozen in time. But the four female mannequins are not just a display; Mark discovers they have an ulterior purpose - and a history.

Author's note: This story is different from my more conventional Big Busts stories, but I hope you will enjoy this Halloween special.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



The Fancy Dress Party

The Fancy Dress Party

If the bloody corset wasn't so damned tight, and if my feet weren't already aching from the ridiculously towering heels, and if the mass of tape criss-crossing my chest wasn't so damned itchy, and if the damned 'foundation garment' that was keeping my willy folded backwards between my legs wasn't so tightly uncomfortable, I might have laughed.

In a funny gaspy sort of voice, mostly because I couldn't take deep breaths, I did however manage to call out: “Shin, O. B. Shin – not chin.”

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 14

“Happy birthday dear Rachel…” The assembled crowd sang as the birthday girl cringed behind her voluminous blonde hair, “happy birthday to you… To you… To you… To you to you to you… To you… To you… To you to you to you!” Rachel giggled at the crowd’s use of the tune of Cyndi Lauper’s hit ‘Girl Just Wanna Have Fun’ to extend her embarrassment further, before brushing her hair out of her face and blowing out the 29 candles that had been placed on her cake- which was, of course, shaped exactly like the hat she and all her friends wore as part of their uniform.

The Purple Tulip 6 - Betrayed By All

Could you trust anyone? The country was about to to be attacked by its mightiest foe, and betrayed by its allies. On a more personal scale I was about to experience the year of calamity. Business relations are your friends because they are in it for the money, so you are aware they might betray if they see that as judicious. But you expect more from more personal friends and family. The very nadir of experience is when even your body betrays you. The year was 1672.

Stephanie, part 11

“Is there any point in having a birthday party if the actual birthday girl herself isn’t going to be here?” Becca moans as she paces back and forth, nearly deafening everyone with the rustling of her petticoats underneath her knee-length pink dress.

“Oh, just give her time,” Adeola says. “She’ll get here eventually. It’s not her fault her family lives an hour and a half away and she’s their only child.”

Nikki, part 24

“I, Nicola Christine Thomas,” I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. “Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips…”

“Beep,” the minister says, derailing my train of thought. “Beep, beep, beep, beep….” I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping.

“Morning,” I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I wake up- and whose own brown hair is, of course, tied back and away from her face.


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