
Soixante-Trois Airlines: Sophie, part 8

Sophie had a wide grin on her face as she stood among her colleagues, all of whom were wearing the same blue uniform as her. The uniform, especially the corset, was just as uncomfortable as it had been the first time Sophie had worn it 15 months earlier, but she had long since stopped caring about that. She had long since stopped feeling like an outsider in the uniform, as though she, as a genetic male, didn’t belong in the group of beautiful professional women.

The Star

The star

By Julia

Chapter 1

Pete was told that these people were going to help him get back on his feet. He was told there were great opportunities here. What he did know was that his wife Jackie had sold him, and that once he went there, he wasnt going to leave. He was going to be enslaved, abused and made into a porn star.

A prince's Duty

A prince’s Duty

By Julia Michelle
This is just a short tale that I had in mind. It is a quick but very brutal tale of a prince that had it all but fate and powers beyond his control decided the course of his life l before he was born.

And since its a quick overview of his life from birth to fifteen to a marriage at 18 and after. I wasnt even sure what age rang to put on the tale. Theres some sex at his marriage at 18. Nothing really graphic is described. I must warn you, theres even some brief talk of suicide. As I said. its just a brief and quick tale. I may consider fully trying to write out the story later.
I am just wondering if anything thinks this tale is worth really trying to flesh everything out
The Story

Hearts Desire


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Randall Bartholomew, the adopted ward of the pirate king Roderick Drake, has just come home from three months at sea. The King has a mission for his three children that will throw Randall into a situation he never expected. Can he escape his situation before its too late?

A Spark Can Start A Blaze

Ethan stretches like a cat as he wakes-up in bed. He was enjoying dressing like a girl all the time now. The silk nightgown he wore to bed rubs against his smooth skin and sends goosebumps up and down his body.

He looks down towards his chest and he was slowly developing his own breasts. He decided after high school that he wanted his own breasts. He had been wearing fake ones all the time for his performances. So, he talked Dr. Wolfhart into increasing his estrogen levels, since his body produced so little testosterone.

Pushing the Limits- Part 5

Hey guys! I’m back after a long hiatus….sorry for disappearing but yes..this story is still very much alive. Here is an update. It’s a bit longer this time around. Enjoy!

Chapter 5: Work Hard, Play Hard

“I….I think I wanna be Little Bow Peep tonight”, he said, with a giggle.

As soon as he said the words, though, he realized how high pitched his voice had sounded. It definitely wasn’t intentional on his part- it actually felt natural. But still, it wasn’t something that he was entirely comfortable with .

The Curious Boy - Part 1

Tom was sitting on his bed when he heard his mother leaving the driveway with the family car. He knew he was alone. His sister was at school. He was home sick with the flue and was curious to go through his sister's things, especially since she seemed so against him doing that. She had told him time and time again: If I catch you in there Tom you'll regret it.

Eerie Saloon -- Treasure of Eerie: Chapter 5

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona -- Chapter 5
By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber

The final chapter – for now. George does chores. Tor returns the stolen horses. Female take notice.

Waisting my life – why I love corsets.

Waisting my life – why I love corsets.

“That’s how it began – Just an injury – then a corset but now …...

You don’t get life-changing injuries in Tennis! Not unless you’re very unlucky. T’was so for me.

An AP-500 story

Eerie Saloon -- Treasure of Eerie: Chapter 4

Myra returns to the scene of the crime: once with Paul and once with the members of her old gang,

Revised 011223

The Treasure of Eerie -- Chapter 4
By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber

December 16, 1871, Continued

The Collector Chapter 4

The Collector
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Four – Initiation

Charlotte 'graduates' and is initiated as an Acolyte. She is presented to the Circle where she becomes immediately popular. Please heed the rating and cautions.

Eerie Saloon -- Treasure of Eerie: Chapter 3

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona
By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber

Chapter 3

Myra rides out to the scene of the robbery and encounters two problems: a strongbox too heavy for her to lift and a neighbor boy too friendly for her to handle.

The Collector Chapter 1

The Collector
Michele Nylons

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Chapter One – Catamites and Rent Boys

The story of two young women in 1950s England and their journeys from destitution to redemption through committing themselves to a life of service to 'the Circle'. Charlotte, a young trans woman, is rescued from the streets; Mary, a young CIS woman, becomes her mentor at Chelmsford Hall where Charlotte's indoctrination begins.

Eerie Saloon -- Treasure of Eerie: Chapter 2

Now that Myron has become Myra, he -- she -- is turned over to the attentions of Molly O'Toole. Shamus' wife will be able to give the young stage robber the advice -- and the clothing -- that she will need if she expects to pass herself off as a natural-born girl in Eerie, Arizona.

Politics Is… Often About Compromise [2.9]


Politically, compromise is acceptable and can even be considered good. In other situations, compromise can be a very bad thing.

An example of that would be when it all comes down to the important factors of life; your morals, ethics or iron-clad will to resist that stupid part of your brain which finds a certain someone attractive enough to throw everything aside in a moment of passion empowered madness that—

What do you mean ‘spoilers’? For all you know I'm talking about the unexpected love triangle between Felix, Lord Suttonsborough, and Fena!
Fine, I'll stop—see if I give y’all an actual x-rated make out session to read this side of the apocalypse now!
…Some people are so ungrateful sometimes…

Events unfold, including but not limited to:

Things going ‘boom’ unrealistically,
A make-out session does not happen,
And Hannah gets revenge on several well-deserving friends with help from Rosemary, of all people!


Originally Posted 2004-12-18


By Tyrone Slothrop


I wanted to try a role reversal without magic, domination, unwilling participants, too willing participants, hypnosis, or technology not based in current capability. Guys are guys but the rules change around them. It took more words than planned.

I was Turned into A Six-Year-Old Girl

Harry pulls his battered pick-up truck up to the house he had been told to clean out by his father. It was to pay his father back for buying the truck he was driving. He grabs his gloves and paper mask as he heads inside the house. He couldn’t believe how much of a mess had been left behind.

The house had been foreclosed on and his father had bought the house at an auction to flip it. His father loved making money. His father was paying him and four of his friends to clean the house out. If there is anything they wanted to come for themselves, they could.

Watch What You Wish For

Benny makes his security rounds at the museum he worked at. It was storming and lighting outside as he walked the dark hallways of the museum he worked at. Every once in awhile he would stop at his favorite picture that had a nude pregnant woman sitting on a big boulder in a lake. Not too far down from the painting was an African fertility statue.

Becoming Sara Day Eight

Having my sister here brought back a lot of memories. Even though she is a year younger than I am she caught up with me in height and for a little bit she was taller until we both stopped at five two. Many people mistook us for twins as we acted alike and drove our parents nuts like most kids. Even with short hair and boy's clothes people thought I was a girl more than half the time. Even worse when she would wear my clothes as well. It somewhat stopped as my voice deepened, but there was always someone who would point it out, or be shocked speechless when I spoke.

Stuck On You

Life sure takes some rather interesting, heck, even what I'd call weird turns, let me tell ya!

I bet you won't believe that, just a few days ago, I was Ransom Bermondsey, up and coming movie and TV star here in wonderful LA!

Yeah, yeah, I'm not actually famous. Well, let me restate that, who I used to be wasn't actually famous.

This, then, is the story of what happened to me when my cousin Jezabelle and her twin sister Jazmin wreaked havoc with the Gloo!

Caroll's Capers

When Carl meets his Aunt Carrie at his father's wedding, he little realises he will be quickly transformed into someone he really wants to be, and within a few months, married and experiencing the effects of pregnancy. But pregnancy and motherhood is not much fun, as Carl will find out.

If you're new to my stories, this may sound like fantasy; it's not. Set in Seacombe, a fictional town on the south coast of England, a company called Big Busts can supply garments to those who want to appear to be a different gender.


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TG Themes: 

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Character Age: 



The Awakening - Chapter 02.

The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Two – Resurrection

Mike meets Vanessa, the mysterious person who's email address and phone number he found secreted away. He is shocked to learn of his secret past, forgotten because of his amnesia. Vanessa reintroduces Mike to his alterego Michele, who emerges like a beautiful butterfly from her cocoon.

The Awakening - Chapter 01


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part One – The Woman In The Mirror

I am often criticized for writing the same story over and over (caught with consequences/reluctance) so here is a different story from me. Michael has amnesia and can't remember who the 'woman in the mirror is'. It will come as no surprise when he finds out, but it's a fun ride along the way.

The Devil You Know Ch. 02

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The Devil You Know
Michele Nylons

Part two = Happy Ever After

Brian forces Mike to go with him on a business trip intending to use Mike's alter-ego 'Michele' as his plaything. Michele turns the tables on Brian, much to his delight.

Gene or Jean? - Part 7 - Conclusions

Classes were over, and I maintained a respectable grade point. The girls had gone their separate ways and I had moved into their apartment for the summer. I found out that Frank had pulled himself out of academic probation and was eligible to play football. Sylvia had a summer job at her Dad’s company, which meant that she had to work on Monday and Tuesday, the only days I had off. I would really miss her.

Before we all went our ways for the summer, Sylvia had an astute observation, “You’re going to be dressed for five of the seven evenings of the week, so why not make if full time until college starts in the fall?”

“That’s a good idea,” I responded, “that way I can have my hair done in a really feminine style, and maybe have some highlights. That way I won’t have to change the style all summer.”

“So you’ll be Jean the whole summer?” Sylvia wanted to know.


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