Pushing the Limits- Part 5

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Hey guys! I’m back after a long hiatus….sorry for disappearing but yes..this story is still very much alive. Here is an update. It’s a bit longer this time around. Enjoy!

Chapter 5: Work Hard, Play Hard

“I….I think I wanna be Little Bow Peep tonight”, he said, with a giggle.

As soon as he said the words, though, he realized how high pitched his voice had sounded. It definitely wasn’t intentional on his part- it actually felt natural. But still, it wasn’t something that he was entirely comfortable with .

“Good choice”, Savannah responded with a grin, as she handed him the panties. “Now hurry up…you have one minute left.”

Evan nodded quickly, just as eager to change so he could escape. The whole situation made him feel so…timid, helpless.

“Uhh…do you mind?”,he asked, giving her a nervous smile as he motioned for her to turn around so he could have a moment of privacy to change and maintain at least some dignity.

“One minute”, she reminded him, as she headed back out towards the fitting room entrance to wait. “And one more thing- no belt. For now. But the catch is you will have to wear the matching bra with those”.

Evan raised an eyebrow at her comment, genuinely perplexed at what that meant. And excited. As he turned his attention back to his lower half, he didn’t even want to touch the red plaid pair now- despite the fact that they were only soiled by his own juices. Instead, he simply let them fall to the floor of the dressing room, as he pulled on the fresh new pair. Evan quickly glanced at his reflection, admiring how cute they were before pulling his jeans up.

“Umm …key please?”, Savannah demanded, her voice just above a whisper, as Evan walked past her on his way out.

Evan quickly pulled the key out of his jeans pocket and handed it over, trying to be stealthy as possible.

“I should make you clean up your own mess”, she said in a tone that sounded more playful than upset, as she reentered the fitting room area and made her way over to the stall that Evan had occupied .

For the next hour or so, Evan worked diligently in the stockroom, making sure all of the items were sorted and folded. Suddenly, Savannah came to the door.

“Time for your break…and your bra fitting”, she said with a giggle.

Evan raised an eyebrow. He was definitely curious what she was up to now.

“This is the smallest size we have…32A”, Savannah told him, as she handed over a white demi cupped bra with pink lace that matched perfectly with the panties Evan currently had on. “…So it should fit, but if not …we can always make adjustments”, she added with a grin, as she headed back out.

Evan quickly grabbed the bra, and made his way out from the stockroom and back to the fitting room. After making sure the door was actually locked this time, he pulled his shirt off over his head. Standing in the dressing room shirtless, Evan began to nervously unclasp the bra. Savannah’s comment about how it should fit, but could be “adjusted” oddly bothering him.

He had tried on bra’s before, and of course they weren’t the perfect fit for obvious reasons, but it wasn’t a huge deal. Not like anyone would ever actually see it to notice.

The bra was a little loose so he clumsily tried to adjust the straps, his fingers fumbling the whole time. Not wanting to take too long, Evan looked at himself in the mirror. The bra did give him a slight lift, but nothing too noticeable and decided it would have to be good enough. He slid his shirt back over his head and left the fitting room.

As Evan approached the sales floor, Savannah was straightening a few of the clothing racks. He couldn’t help but notice how her legs looked in her boots. They made her calves look longer and even leaner; but not only that, they showed off how cute her feet were. Savannah was a petite girl- probably about 5’4, so her feet were small- but just the right size… and incredibly sexy. He almost wished he could see her barefoot- but not enough to tell her that. Knowing Savannah, that could be dangerous.

“So how’s it fit??”, she asked excitedly, turning around.

“Savannah…”, he began in a low voice that he hoped sounded like a warning.

Not that it would do him in any good, since Savannah was clearly the one in control, and did whatever she wanted.

“Uhh…you have a customer”, he said, clearing his throat, feeling relieved as a woman suddenly walked into the store just then.

“No…actually you have a customer”, she said her voice playful as usual, as she walked away.

The woman appeared to be looking at the various style options for bra’s.

Of course, Evan figured. Just his luck.

The customer was probably in her late 20’s…possibly early 30’s. She was thin…almost wiry with a chest that appeared to be rather flat.

“You doing ok over here?”, Evan asked shyly.

The girl turned to look up at him, and gave him a nervous smile.

“Well…I-I’m looking for a bra”, she said awkwardly.

Evan felt himself blushing. He figured that he probably wasn’t the salesperson that she had expected, or felt most comfortable with, but
strangely enough, he could actually relate. Now more than ever.

Then, without thinking, Evan walked over to the rack which displayed the same bra he was currently wearing and held it up for the customer to see.

“Hm…well this one definitely has a lot of lift” he volunteered, his voice taking on the same high-pitch it had earlier.

What the..? He coughed to clear his throat .

“I mean..based on the amount of padding it has…”, he desperately attempted to clarify, as he found himself fondling the cups of the bra…not exactly helping his case.

The woman raised her eyebrow as she seemed to briefly wonder about Evan’s odd behavior, but seemed at least somewhat convinced.

“I see what you mean” , the customer agreed. Her focus had now shifted to the bra, as she began to look over and inspect it in the same manner that Evan had a few moments ago.

“You really do have a way with our customers”, Savannah said in a tone that almost sounded admiring, after the most recent customer had left the store.

“Huh..yeah..I mean..I guess”, Evan said, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing.

It was just past seven right now. The rest of the evening had gone by smoothly, but had been largely uneventful.

“Well…I mean unless you try the merchandise, how else are you going to convince our customers to?”, Savannah asked pointedly, purposely overemphasizing on the word try as she moved closer to Evan and reached out giving the cups of his bra a gentle squeeze .

“Oh my God…Savannah“, he murmured.

He really wanted to tell her no, to stop. Not that she would have listened. But did he really want her to? God…what was it about this girl? Why did she have so much control over him? He never felt this way around anyone before. To be honest….he liked it. More than he was willing to admit to himself…and her. Especially her. And yet…deep down this was something he craved.

“Hmm…maybe we should close a little early tonight, Savannah said, moving away to glance out at the empty store.

“Uhh… its not even 7:30”, Evan reminded her, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

“So?”, Savannah asked, turning back to look at him. “Who says we can’t have a little fun while we get ready to close?”

Evan walked back over to the tables of panties and began refolding them .

“Yeah, I guess you can pretty much get away with whatever…since you know…your mom owns the store”, Evan said in a playful tone.

Savannah looked up just then, almost as if she was caught off guard by his comment. “Well…not exactly”, she responded.

Evan waited for her to say more, but she turned away and went over to straighten the accessories area of the store.

Oh shit, Evan thought. He had never brought Jacqueline up around Savannah before, so he wasn’t sure if he hit a nerve.

The next few minutes went on in silence between them. Evan glanced up, looking over in Savannah’s direction, watching her stand on her tiptoes to reposition a pair of tights on top rack of the shelf. As she did, he noticed how her right leg was lifted slightly off the ground, her toes in her boot pointed outward, like a ballet dancer.

God, her feet look so damn cute, Evan thought, feeling himself start to get hot. Good thing he wasn’t wearing the belt right now.

“Like what you see?”, Savannah asked in her usual teasing tone, standing at her normal height now.

“Uhhh..well”, Evan fumbled for an excuse.

Like always, it seemed like Savannah caught him at the most awkward moment.

“Actually…I gotta say…these tights are pretty cute”, she said, as she studied the different pairs hanging.

She thought he was staring at the tights she had been fixing! That was good. Evan knew he’d never live it down if she found out about his fondness towards her feet.

“Hey…what time is it?”, she asked.

Evan pulled out his phone. “7:59”.

“Still think its too early?”, Savannah asked over her shoulder with a smirk, as she headed to the front of the store to lock the doors.

“Uhh…Savannah?”, he asked, his voice sounding surprisingly meek. “What- I mean….why the sudden urge to close?”

“Well.. I thought we’d make use of your employee discount”, Savannah said, grinning.

“Wait…now?”, Evan asked. “But then why close the store..?”

“The registers aren’t closed down yet”, Savannah told him. “We have the entire store to ourselves”. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she spoke.

Evan blushed, feeling his cheeks grow warmer at this remark.

“First things first, though”, Savannah went on. “How’s your new set working out for you? I mean…I already knew how much you love our panties, but how about that bra?”, she asked with a giggle.

Evan wanted to get annoyed with her, but that’s not what was happening. Instead, he actually wanted to play along with her and was curious to see where this was going.

“I like it”, he said, his voice coming out in a high pitched tone like it had earlier with the customer. “It does definitely add some lift”.

“Let me see!!”, Savannah insisted, her smile getting wider.

“Wait….out here??”, Evan asked hesitantly.

He was still excited, but now his excitement was accompanied by feelings of nervousness. Even though the store was closed, he knew the mall wasn’t completely empty as there were still some people passing by.

“Ok, fine….back to the dressing room then,” Savannah conceded with a giggle.

Evan sighed, as he followed her back over to the fitting rooms…but this time, it wasn’t a sigh of frustration. Instead, it was more out of elation.

“Alright come on….show me!!”, Savannah insisted eagerly, as she sat down on the bench inside one of the fitting room stalls while Evan stood
in front of the mirror.

Evan nervously obeyed, as his fingers fumbled to grasp his shirt and pull it over his head. Once he did, he quickly shook his hair out and tossed the shirt on the ground, as he turned to glance at himself in the mirror.

“Hmm…not bad”, Savannah commented, as she surveyed Evan’s reflection. “I mean…you’re definitely on the small side, but there are ways that we can work on that”.

Evan rolled his eyes , hoping to convey a sense of irritation at her remark, while feeling an odd but sinking feeling of disappointment inside.

“What exactly do you have in mind”, he asked, turning to face her.

“I’ll show you”, Savannah said slyly, as she quickly stood up and made her way out of the stall. “Wait right here…I mean it!”, she instructed before exiting the fitting room area.

Evan sighed again, wondering how he had even gotten himself into this situation, as he continued to stare at his reflection in the mirror. Evan felt a mixture of dismay and pleasure at the events that had just happened, and briefly began to wonder why he even had these feelings.

“Oh, good boy. You listened”, Savannah teased as she sauntered back into the stall beside Evan.

“So…what’dja bring?”, Evan asked, his high pitched voice returning once again.

Whoa. Where had that come from? Evan quickly tried to hide the look of utter shock on his face, as Savannah raised an eyebrow.

“Well, I’m glad you asked”, Savannah replied in a syrupy sweet, almost tantalizing tone. “So we have a few options”, she went on, gesturing to the items she had brought in with her.

Evan could feel himself start to heat up once again, as he caught a glimpse of what she had picked.

“The first, and most obvious choice is to just opt for a bra that has more padding” Savannah explained, holding up a black lace push up-bra.

Evan’s eyes widened slightly, as he studied the bra. If the pink and white demi-cup bra already gave him a lift, then the black lacy push-up bra would add at least 2 cup sizes. Evan reached his hand out, eager to take the bra from her.

“Only thing …”, Savannah began, holding the bra just slightly out of his reach. “Is that you would no longer match”, she added motioning towards Evan’s lower half.

Evan knew what was coming next, as he felt his nerves start to take over again. If Savannah made him strip, then she would surely see his ever-increasing bulge from how excited this whole thing was making him. Nevertheless, he knew that there was no point in resisting, as he started to unzip his pants.

“By the way, did you make another mess?”, Savannah asked, as Evan’s pants slid to the floor.

"Umm…actually..no. I did not”, Evan argued back playfully.

“Let’s have a look”, she insisted.

Evan felt a twinge of self-consciousness as he pulled down the panties he was wearing. Luckily, these came off much easier compared to the ones that had been completely soaked in his own mess.

“Ok. You did better this time, but I can still see you were enjoying yourself ”, Savannah chuckled as she inspected the damage.

Evan could feel his groin start to twitch and pulse again, with Savannah being so close now….

“Fortunately, I brought a clean pair for you to change into”, Savannah said gleefully, as she turned away to grab a lacey black pair of panties to hold up for Evan.

Evan knew he couldn’t contain himself for much longer…

“Ok….well I can get dressed by myself”, he said, desperately trying to get her to leave before she noticed, or things got worse .

“One more thing”, Savannah said When you do get changed, make sure you put these on too”, as she tossed him an unopened packed of black laced thigh highs and matching garter belt.

Oh boy….this was getting even better. Now he just had to worry about completely losing control and exploding all over everything.

Evan kicked off his shoes and his pants, which had fallen in a pile at his feet. He let the pink and white panties fall to the floor as well, picked them up and placed them neatly on the bench inside the fitting room stall. He then pulled on the black lacy ones, followed by the thigh highs, and then the garter belt. Fortunately, he had a couple of garters at home, so this nothing new for him, and was an easy task as he clipped them to the thigh highs.

Next, he unclasped the pink and white bra, which was surprisingly easier than he had expected and placed it on the bench beside the panties. He tried on the push up bra, clasped it, and briefly tried adjusting the straps before catching his reflection.
The bra definitely provided more than just a little lift. In fact, he looked like had an actual bust line now. Evan paused for a moment….he liked how the bra fit-and the way it looked. But he knew that there was no way that he would be able to wear this anywhere outside of the store right now.

Evan shrugged as he reached down to pick up his shirt and pulled it over his head. Even with his slightly baggy t-shirt, he noticed that the increased size in his chest was still noticeable.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, jarring him out of his own thoughts.

“Yeah?”, he asked, opening the door.

“Oh…I hate to break it to you, but that shirt does NOT go with those panties”, Savannah said, trying to keep a straight face.

Evan sighed. “Yeah..I know but its not like I have any other option-”, he started to say, just as Savannah dangled a black satin corset with hot pink trim in his face.

Evan tried to hide his excitement as he grabbed the corset from her. Carefully, he started to work on lacing up the corset, which was surprisingly easy for him, since he had worn one before. Unfortunately, most of his “girly” stuff was collecting dust in his closet since he rarely had the opportunity to wear any of it anymore.

“Wow…you’re actually pretty good at this”, Savannah observed from behind him. “This isn’t anything new for you, is it?”, she asked, raising an eyebrow .

Evan paused for a moment. “Well…no. Not exactly, but you already knew that”, he pointed out.

“How long have you been dressing up?”, she asked with genuine curiosity.

“For… awhile”, he answered. “I mean I have some stuff at home that I wear from time to time. But this is the first time I’ve ever really explored it -with someone”.

That was true- since Chloe was neither bothered nor particularly into his kink. He’d worn some of his stuff around her, but he could tell that was it more for him- not her- which just made him feel awkward.

“Well, come on out”, Savannah beckoned him playfully, tugging at his arm.

“Savannah…no”, Evan said, trying to resist as she pulled on his arm harder and managed to get him out of the dressing room. “Out in the store …now?”, he asked with a nervous laugh, as he followed her .

“Oh my God..all of the other stores in the mall are closed now. No one will see you”, Savannah replied, rolling her eyes. “So what’s the big deal?”

Cautiously, Evan let Savannah lead him around the store.

“So..”, Savannah said, dragging Evan over to a mannequin wearing the same corset as him. “You’re almost the exact same size!”, she pointed out with a giggle, as she gestured to the mannequin’s cleavage.

Evan could feel his face turn red, and his erection starting to grow. He desperately tried to control himself so Savannah wouldn’t see, and he wouldn’t have to suffer the humiliation of ruining yet another pair of panties.

“Not even!!”, Evan replied in a tone that he hoped sounded dismissive.

Still Evan couldn’t help but steal a quick glance at the mannequin and then his own chest for comparative measures. In spite of himself, a smile came to Evan’s lips, pleased with his appearance due to the push-up bra.

“Ohh…you’re enjoying this”, Savannah teased, brushing up against him, just as she had the night before.

If he was being perfectly honest, though, it actually turned him on. Still, he knew that he had to tread carefully where Savannah was concerned.

“Ha…whatever”, he said, trying to laugh off her obviously accurate assessment of the situation.

But he could feel himself getting weaker. It didn’t help much either that the high pitch tone his voice had taken on seemed to be persisting.

“Well, I mean..it makes sense. You were pretty small before”, she said, giggling, as started fondling the cups of his bra again. “Looks like your chest isn’t the only thing that’s getting bigger though”, she added, casting her glance downward at Evan’s crotch.

Shit….Evan knew where this was headed. Up until this point, he actually was enjoying the way things had turned out night. But he wasn’t so sure if he could handle another night of being caged up- literally- inside the chastity belt.

“Savannah...”, he started to say, but he knew it was no use. Especially with Savannah so close now. His voice was just a small tremble.

“Do I need to lock you back up?”, she asked. Her expression was still playful, so Evan hoped she wasn’t too serious.

“I can’t…”, he said, his eyes and voice practically pleading with her. “It’s not even…its just…ughhh it wouldn’t work. No one knows about this part of my life”. He let out a frustrated sigh.

Savannah backed away slightly, as something in her expression changed. “Ok”, she said, nodding.

“I did have fun tonight”, Evan began, trying again. “A lot of fun..I just wish…”.

“Yeah, well you’re not getting of that easy”, she said in her usual tone, as Evan looked at her questioningly. “You still have to wear the panties until your next shift”.

“Deal!”, Evan agreed. He realized that he probably sounded way too eager, but since Savannah already knew his secret, she was probably the only person he could freely express his desire around.

“Just like that?” Without any fight?”, she asked skeptically. “Aren’t you worried your girlfriend will say something?”

Evan stopped for a moment. He wasn’t sure if he was surprised that she remembered that he told her he had a girlfriend, or that she was bringing it up right now.

“No, not really…I mean…she-“, Evan started to say, just as his phone went off. “Mm…speaking of the devil”, he said, pulling out his phone to look at the caller ID.

“Want me to text her back to leave you alone?”, Savannah asked, arching an eyebrow as she leaned in closer towards him.

“What? God-no!”, Evan started to sputter. “What the-“

“Kidding! I won’t!!”, Savannah said with a laugh. “But seriously though…I will be checking so give me your phone”, she ordered.

“Huh?”, Evan asked in a confused voice, as Savannah slid the phone out of his hand and began typing something.

“Relax…I’m giving you my number”, she said as she handed his phone back.

“Ok, and so now…?”, Evan asked, trying to figure out exactly what Savannah was planning.

“Guess you’ll just have to find out”, she replied with a smile, as she ran one finger delicately along the bust line of Evan’s corset. “Also….its
getting late. Get changed, and I’ll ring up all of your new stuff”.

“Looks like this job is gonna cost me more than I bargained for”, Evan grumbled slightly, as he headed back to the fitting room.

“I had fun tonight too”, Savannah said, as locked the front entrance to the store after letting them both out. “So when do you work next?”

“Friday morning. I have a day shift since I don’t have class”, he said.

Which he suddenly realized meant that he’d have to wear the panties for two whole days before he worked next. Not the biggest problem in the world, he reasoned…if anything, he was more bothered by having to wear the same underwear of any kind for two days in a row.

“Yeah…same. I don’t have school either on Friday so I’ll be here bright and early”, she said in a mock cheery tone, as they left the mall and headed out to the parking lot.

Of course she will, thought Evan, as they parted ways towards their own cars.

Chapter 6: Back to Reality….Or Not?

Evan woke up the next day, feeling almost as if he was hung over, even though he knew he hadn’t had anything to drink the night before. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the events during his previous shift at Hidden Desires. Had all of that stuff actually happened last night?

Evan pushed back the covers and pulled his boxers down. Yep. It was real…and there was the proof. The black lacey panties that Savannah told him to wear for the next two days until his next shift on Friday. Just then, he heard the vibration of his phone go off, indicating that he had a new text. Evan reached over to grab his phone and read the message. Savannah. Of course. Except he remembered Savannah putting her own number into his phone, but how on earth had she gotten his?

He glanced at the text conversation and realized that she had actually sent herself a text from his number and then later replied so they would both have each other’s number.

Figures, he thought, rolling his eyes, feeling briefly annoyed.

“Good morning. Are you still wearing them?”, the text read.

Wow. Right to the point.

Evan started to type back his response, then considered for a moment. Chloe had already left for work….so what could it hurt? Carefully, Evan slid down his boxers once again, and snapped a picture. Along with the picture, Evan typed out the caption “These are surprisingly comfy”.

Within seconds, his phone buzzed again. He hadn’t expected her to respond so quickly. He glanced at the reply. “And they look cute too.
Wow…who knew? ;)”

Evan waited a few seconds, deciding what to type back, as an idea suddenly came to him. He got up out of bed and pulled out the hot pink shopping bag from his job that contained the items he had tried on- and purchased last night. Evan gingerly slid on each thigh high, and then the garter belt, which he attached to his stockings.

Evan made his way into the bathroom, and positioned himself in front of the mirror, leaning forward slightly . He quickly snapped a selfie and was surprised at how good it actually it came out.

He sent the picture and wrote back “I’m thinking of staying like this all day until I have class later hehe”.

Evan waited a few minutes, but this time, no response came. He shrugged it off, and decided to actually follow what he wrote by lounging in bed with his thigh highs and garter on. He used to do this all the time, but hadn’t been in the mood lately…until now.

A few hours had passed, and after making his bed and straightening up a bit, Evan started getting ready for class. As he grabbed a clean shirt to change into, a smile came to his lips. His new stuff was so comfortable, and he really did find himself enjoying the way each of the fabrics felt against his skin. If he wore pants, no one would see…..

Just as Evan pulled into the campus parking lot, his phone went off. Probably Chloe, he assumed, as he pulled out his phone to read her message. Except it was from Savannah.

“Nice ass …I’m almost jealous. :P Anyway, I was wondering since we both work early tomorrow maybe we do some more shopping after?”

Evan bit his lip, trying to decide how to best respond. Shopping? With Savannah, that could mean literally anything. But it was nice to spend time with someone who wasn’t only into his fetish, but actually enjoyed it and encouraged it. On the other hand, he still had to think about
Chloe, who definitely wouldn’t like the idea.

“ Sounds like fun. Maybe…gotta get to class”.

He quickly sent the text, then after a few seconds typed out another message. “You should be happy to know that I’m out in pubic wearing my new stuff….well kinda :P”

Evan barely made it through class, and before he knew it the night was almost over. He definitely found himself distracted by the smooth feeling of the nylon rubbing against his legs under his jeans. And Savannah’s idea of going shopping again. Tomorrow. Only a few hours away. Should he? Probably not. He could always tell her no…that things had gone far enough. But would she listen? And did he want to?

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