Breasts / Breast Implants

Decade of Big Busts Stories - Just a Dusty, Old Suitcase

girl with suitcase.jpg

The discovery of what appears to be a sex doll whilst Bill and Lucy help their friend Gemma to move into her new house provides a weekend of fun and games for all three of them


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Snakes and Ladders-23

Snakes and Ladders-23

Chapter 23

I push myself up to my feet and it takes a dozen staggering steps before I’m picking up speed and the soreness is going away from my muscles warming up. Dammit I’m just getting started I think and I know already that I’m going to be sore when this is over.

I snag a blaster from one of the fallen elves it’s bigger than the one that I had but I think I can use it. It’s this sort of a ceramic wheel lock looking weapon with a rectangular barrel instead of a round one and there’s a large red crystal set into the tech-magic circuits where a clip would get put in with a gun from home and it’s about six inches shorted than a pistol gripped style shotgun.

I go with that, I know shotguns pretty well.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 6

XY-Me…Chapter 6

Chapter 6

“Ohmigawd…lookit her boobs.”
“Gotta be fake.”
“Look at the clothes she’s wearing.”
“Heard she’s from LA.”
“Betcha she’s a bitch.”
“She looks like a whore.”
“You think she knows anyone like famous?”

Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69

Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69

An army of bimbos has plans of world domination... and transformation. This story was originally written and posted in 2004.

Belle of the ball 5

I can't believe ... I really gotta stop thinking that. It's happening deal with it girl! I can't believe I just thought that!

So yes here I am in a ladies restroom at a local gas station surrounded by girls, in there uniforms just like I'm wearing, from St Marys Catholic Girls Academy. Well the summer cute uniform. The pink winter one isn't so nice to look at. The girls names I'm not so sure about I caught a Crystal and Sara, not too sure about the rest though.

Belle of the ball 4

"I can't believe I'm... Ohh forget it!"

Yes I'm sitting in a doctor's office filled with people, some of who I know from school, that seem to enjoy my predicament. Okay the boys are just looking at me funny while the girls are half smiling half sneering at me. Getting a date after all this is gonna be an exercise in pain.

Belle of the ball 3

"I can't believe I'm doing this!"

How many 15 year old boys accompany their moms shopping for new bras for him to wear since he is gonna be wearing them for a bit again. Mom is getting a bit too enthusiastic about it though. She is now picking out lacy bra and panty sets.


"Oh just look at this one Belle it will look so cute on you don't you think."


"Oh and this one would look just great under a nice dress and make you feel just sexy.

Belle of the ball 2

I can't believe I'm doing this.

After Friday's performance I had asked Kim to remove the forms and hair things. She just looked at me funny and asked me why since I was gonna wear them again anyways. Seems nobody told me that the play was on for four days. Two shows on Saturday, two on Sunday and a final one tonight.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-7.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-7.

Chapter 7

It’s been a couple days since the Jakeisode.

It was a bit upsetting at fist but sitting with Parvati while doing my practices and talking about stuff like dealing with being a woman, and being aware of sexism and the whole meta backlash thing and the other complex stuff about being a woman and Mom’s there too which brings two lifetimes of real life experience and dealing with things like…well Jake.

Belle of the ball

Hi everybody! Please don't blame this one on me I swear I didn't want to write yet another possible theme but it sorta landed there last night when I went to bed and well...

I can't believe that I'm gonna do this.

Yesterday I was my usual self. I may be scrawny looking. Okay I was a wimp and everyone knew it but this is ... well.

Mistaken Girl chapter 6

hmmm whaa... let me sle....

Ouch that's my hair you witch!

I don't care if you think I should write..

Great I'll pack you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your trip. Bye!

I'm Not Diane!

My name is Duane!!!

Sorry I just had to get that out first despite what people think I really am, and wish to be a man.

This started a few months ago. I was a ward of the state at the exclusive private school Wranglers. Yeah that school. I got in with a ward of the state clause even though I still live with both my parents. It was just that being poor, both my parents didn't finish highschool because of a little complication namely me.

Guilty as charged!

Guilty as charged!

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

Part 1. My sentence.

Despite my pleas of innocence, I was found guilty of rape. It had always been regarded as a very serious crime and this was still true in the third decade of the 21st century. The mandatory sentence, however, had recently changed dramatically as more efforts were made to ensure that criminals did not re-offend. This is my version of what happened.

Skirting the issue 3 What a drag!

The evening is not yet dark enough for headlights as a red blur passes by. The grass on the verge of the road barely moves from its passing. The deer drinking its water in the ditch looked up after its passing looked around and went back to drinking.

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

The court system has classified me as “Class 31”. Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re-educated, they say. Not sure what that means.

My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me “Class 31”.

The New Girl in My Life - Part 3 - The Daughter and Girl Now Showing

Previously… Mom said thanks. I joked, “Don’t thank me yet, I’ve just started being your daughter. I still want to know more about those feelings and being a girl. You haven’t begun to tell me how to do it or about birth control.” … “Being a girl is what you should be about; you don’t ‘do it’.”

Mom and I had a long discussion. When we were done I went to my room and Dad and Mom got together. I heard Mom say, “This child better be a boy.” Mom, I learned preferred girls but I got her to question that.

It's Dorothy's fault...again really

Hi ladies and erm others? Hard to actually think about what to call those who don't see themselfs as one or the other.. I think too much!.

Anyways Dorothy and myself were, as usual chatting on the phone when... well you know the muse just got wild.

Todd was gonna be so late! He had tried to make sure every scrap of makeup was removed before he had to leave for work but had almost forgotten about the nail polish, or nail varnish if your from england like some of his or rather her friends.

The washroom (A Jaci and Dottie story)

Jacilynn entered the house and all but threw her purse on the sideboard. Mostly because she missed and the purse slid across the floor into the living room.

She was angry from being so embarrassed. Earlier today Dottie Mom had shown up and after the first few minutes of the visit Jacilynn was asked, politely of course, to maybe go to the mall and shop.

"It's not my fault! If that bitch had not tried to hurt my sister I would not have done that!" she mumbled to herself.


Sixty-one Going on Sixteen - 2 - New Girl, New Family

Previously… I was a man of sixty-one recovering from quad by-pass heart surgery nine months later when testicular cancer was discovered. The noted surgeon I had waited for was a no show as he was called out of the area... Scans done some two months earlier proved insufficient but the scan prior to surgery by Dr. Greene was lost in their system.

Eldorado part 1.

Eldorado…part one.

Chile 1855….

It’d been a long damned tired trip from home to Chile and I’d thought that I’d left all the excitement and the drama of America behind me. Well guess not, I just came to find out that South America was still an America of a sorts.

Just as wild, and just as filled with its own dangers. Like the tsunami that hit here a week or so ago. I wasn’t here but riding through the countryside the last few days I’ve seen plenty of things that really show the power of nature.

Part of me honestly wants to stop and help a few of these folks but one I’m a gringo until they take in that I’m a woman or that I look like one, then there’s the fact I’m white and American and a senorita.

Yep…heard right.

I look like a girl.

Skirting the issue 2 Enter Melissa

The overgrown garden was almost choked with weeds and grass. The wild cucumber plants looked more like a bush than a few plants. The wild corn did not follow a straight line. Same with the few radishes, lettuce, peas , carrots and other not easily identifiable garden plants.

The New Girl in My Life - Part 2 (Revised)

Previously… It was 7:10 and I had a surprise visitor, Matt Petersen had come to see me with Brianna. He was taken back both by how Bri reacted to me and how much of a girl I was. He shared, “Where is the troublesome boy?”…
Jeff is here and neither he nor I are angels.” Bri gave me a hug saying “Angel.” I could not help but cry…

… if I went to stay with the Petersens it was to stay as Jessie and for now to be their foster child. I would need to visit with her regularly and they wanted me on a hormone blocker for one month.

Skirting the issue.

Look I have chapters for a whole bunch of other stories I need to finish. I am sure none of the readers need yet another story from me started.

I don't care if you think its cool or not I am not doing it end of story.

Yeah right that'll be the ....

Parental visitation (A Jaci and Dottie story)

I am gonna give fair warning this one is a bit hard.

Dorothy's hair was in two pigtails on either side of her head. The blonde hair just long enough to give that little girl look. Jacilynn's single braid with the little white bow on her waist length auburn hair almost a contrast. While both girls wore the same white blouse with the short puffy sleeves, pearl buttons and its almost see thru polyester material Jacilynn's breasts were already pushing the limits of the A cup bra she wore.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 32 & 33.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 32 & 33.

Chapter 32

I can’t help but to just stare into those eyes for several long sweet minutes and then smile at him and I step in close to him and press myself to him and hang onto his arm…oooh…his rock hard solid arm and I lean in and take a careful long slow bite.


His eyes get that look, that I want you look. That’s totally alright because I want him too.

“On second thought since that was incredibly sexy how about I just feed the rest on this to you.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” I smile and he feeds me another bite.

It's Dorothy's fault...again.

Dorothy and I were once again chatting when a turn of phrase got my muse going.. Well this being Bigcloset and well you know...

We have the Technology.
We can rebuild him.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. I welcome you to our new facilty for the rebuilding of victims of accidents.

Today I am going to show you our first victim. Steve Ashton was a pilot who suffered a major crash. Over 20% of his body was burned from the fuel igniting. His arm and both legs were crushed and severed. His pelvis was also crushed at the same time.

the cross-world sword part 5


Edited By Tanya Allan

As they made their way out, John was worried about his sword. Without it he felt helpless.

Shaking his head, he put the thought out of his mind for the moment.

The group carefully sneaked through the house, checking each room they came to for their weapons, or any weapons for that matter.

On rounding the corner in a corridor, they came across a substantial door. They had no idea as to what lay beyond. The tracker placed his ear to the door.


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