Breasts / Breast Implants

Plump and Pretty - 5

Plump and Pretty — 5

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

This boy so soft and sweet
Finds new life that is replete
With gobs and gobs of dresses
And a girlish style that impresses.

The First Queen in the village

The First Queen in the Village

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, inspired by two great British Comedians, one of whose characters was the First Gay in the Village. This Queen, however, is anything but gay, unless you count finding out that you’re a lesbian after coming out as a crossdresser! No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day….

Chapter 1 Behind closed doors

Plump and Pretty - 4

Plump and Pretty — 4

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

Like Cinderella, the awkward boy
Is transformed into a lovely princess.
Could life ever be so sweet with joy
As he finds in wearing a dress?

I have Gynecomastia

I have Gynecomastia

By Terry Hansay

Chapter One of Two, Enjoy…

I am 19 years old and have gynecomastia. I just saw my doctor and she explained what I have. I am sick, emotionally sick to hear this. I can’t believe my chest has developed so much and the doctor says I will develop more, that I have this disease.

I am a little overweight and that is what I thought was my problem, why my chest was bigger than normal. I started hurting around my upper chest and went to my doctor.

Plump and Pretty - 3

Plump and Pretty — 3

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

Here’s a gift for you, she said
Thrusting a bra into his hand.
Now put this on, my friend,
And you will now be one of our brand.

A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 3 - A Bun in The Oven


Synopsis: Three girl students decide their friend, Stevie, has a dangerous passion for Lecherous Len, the manager at the bakery where they all work. Surely, they're only doing her a favour by exposing his weird behaviour, even if they do have to trick him into it.

Author's Note: My very first Big Bust story was published in 2002, and products from the Big Bust shop have continued to feature in many of my stories ever since. Set in the fictional English seaside town of Seacombe, Big Busts products are considered state of the art by men who want to look like women, even when naked.

To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year.


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Character Age: 


The Maid

I giggled as I raised the spinning mower blade all the way up and put it into forward. In front of me the Gardener laid vainly trying to roll out of the way. He wouldn’t make it. Absolutely amazing the poisons found in ordinary household products.

My Boyfriend's Love

My Boyfriend’s Love

I love lingerie and I love lingerie on my boyfriends even more. This is a story of fulfilling my fantasy with my current boyfriend Trey.

We are both out of college, 21 years old, very much in love with each other. But I have a good “feeling” that Trey has a huge feminine side to him. I love that about him and it makes me more attracted to him, plus it excites me since I like my boys wearing lingerie. What really turns me on is when we BOTH wear matching lingerie.

My Super Secret Life-20.

My Super Secret Life-20

Chapter 20

I was more than ready for the shower after my time in the gym with Terry it had helped actually helping her and helping out Shane with her friend Kyle. Shane gives me something to really think able other that my break up with Matt.

A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 2 - The Long Weekend


When Mike's wife, Sue, wins a weekend break for one in Scotland, it suited both of them that Mike should go instead. The problem was that the organisers wouldn't let her change the name on the ticket. Fortunately, Sue had a ready solution: Mike could simply pretend to be her.

Things may have been less eventful if Sue hadn't purchased such a large pair of false breasts for him. As it was, the new Mrs Susan Martin found she had a number of admirers, to whom she had great difficulty in saying, 'No.'

This story contains adult themes, and is entirely fictional.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: My very first Big Bust story was published in 2002, and products from the Big Bust shop have continued to feature in many of my stories ever since. Set in the fictional English seaside town of Seacombe, Big Busts products are considered state of the art by men who want to look like women, even when naked.

To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year. The stories are not being published in chronological order, but are intended to give a mix of different types.

Like most of my stories, this is meant to be out and out fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site). Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


My Super Secret Life...Diamond-4.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-4

Chapter 4

It took me awhile to get out of the showers. Just to get myself moving not getting a shower, least not in public. I’m not ready for that really after my encounter with…Nickolas…or Shroud.

I get to the quarters we’ve been assigned. It’s a condo really and a lot nicer than our place at home. Heck my room alone has a huge bed specially built for my density but there’s a media nook/office spot and a full bathroom with those fancy whirlpool tubs and a separate shower. Plus a closet that’s almost another room.

Sweet Dreams-25...Holy! F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Sweet Dreams-25...Holy F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Chapter 25

I run to go get Alex and almost bounce into his arms because…well I think there might be something of this sort of weird truce, respect, like dislike thing with me and Adam.
And while that’s really cool.

He might just actually let Alex go to art school. I’m more happy about that than anything.

I mean if he really meant it.

But me, a lawyer?

Actually, makes sense. I’m pretty mouthy.

Alex smiles that Alex half smile. “Hey…S’up beautiful?”

The Christmas Ditz also Part 2 of 3

Christmas Ditz also part 2 of 3

My attempt at a Hard Boiled Detective story. Hope it is not as confusing. Have tried to explain certain hard boiled words and statements. Goddess Bless you All.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-3.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-3.

Chapter 3

My Mom looks at me and sighs. “Honestly honey I don’t know. I suppose we play it by ear with these folks and see what their doctors can tell us.”

“Okay, I guess there not a lot of choice in the matter is there huh.”

“It really doesn’t look like it.”

The Christmas Ditz also Part 1

The Christmas Ditz also Part 1

Dames, I don't quite get them. Well I do get them, you hear that(screaming out to the all seeing), a lot of them... and for some strange reason, a lot of men too. I believe the reason I attract them is my brilliant blue eyes. They seem to attract all the partners one could ever want, well if that person was female or gay. I had been going undercover while playing my X-Box in my search for Andy Kaufman, Elvis, and Jim Morrison. I'm sure they're alive out there.

Wrote this as a sort of prequel to The Christmas Ditz Aoi Santomi story takes place on the 23rd and 24th of December. It is a hard boiled detective story, about a Detective that thinks they are a hard boiled detective.

Snakes and Ladders-19

Snakes and Ladders-19

Chapter 19

We head to the breakfast together arms linked and I’m feeling just awash with wonder at her. Hell with the whole thing, this world and all of it but mostly because Shaya loves me and thinks I’m beautiful.

Feeling beautiful has done huge things for my soul.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 3.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

You’d think that I’d never been in an Airport before but I’m here. I’m actually here and I can’t help but look around…smell the air, it smells completely different here. I mean there’s the city smells, diesel and gas, cars, pavement and all the other stuff but the sea so close, and different grasses and bushes and trees. This is a country where broad leafed plants actually grow out in nature and not in an atrium somewhere.

I get my luggage and get stopped at customs and there’s of course a thing about my gender on my ID but it’s not as bad as I though it might get and I’m still listed as male on my drivers license and passport even though my photo’s don’t match anything remotely being a guy.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-2.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-2

Chapter 2

*This starts along the time of chapters 13-14.*

I’m waking up after being really spaced out…again. I hate this, I hate freaking out and acting like I’m a fucking psycho but getting turned into a girl by a four armed mad scientist….and as bad as it was it was worse, I was a fat chick.

I hate saying it, I hate thinking it’s so bad but I was already fat, fat and lower middle class so there was really shit I could do about it. Yeah, yeah I know exercise and diet.

Fuck off.

Covered Bridges-2.

Covered Bridges-2

Chapter 2

Oh I hate a comfortable bed and the one here at the Millstone Lodge was really comfortable with the memory foam stuff and comforters and really good cotton sheets and I longed for just a bit enjoying the feel of the sheets on my skin.

Then I force myself up and get dressed into my workout clothes and this being home and me not used to North American Chill any more I take a hoody and leave a note staying gone jogging.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 2.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

God things came around so fast instead of going someplace else to get myself sorted out I made appointments with different places here in town. Alright I’m a bit vain I guess and I decided that if I’m really going to do this and everything that I was Really going to do this.

Snakes and Ladders-18

Snakes and Ladders-18

Chapter 18

I let Shaya lead me away and I’ve been here, that right after a really good scrap feeling only it’s different too. I talked her out of that toxic hole they shoved her into…but more than that or at least to me I didn’t lose my shit as Bear. I mean it’s not like I used to be nuts or a psycho and even when I had to fight like this I tried to keep it calm but once Bear got his claws out that’s when I was this person I didn’t like.

That part of me scared and made the girl hiding in me cry alone and often in the dark once things were said and done.

But today, as bad vas this got this was me. The real me. Wren Phoenix. And the fight ended the way that I wished all the fights I’ve been in could’ve been done. With honor and understanding and truth.

The stuff I’m really about.

Snakes and Ladders-17

Snakes and Ladders-17

Chapter 17

She’s yelling at me and I was getting up but I stop partway and move my feet through the muck until my feet dig into something that gives me a grip.

“Come Erendae! you think you can just show up and slight me!, My family! Women, Real women! And I wouldn’t take you to task!”

“I am a real Woman.” It just comes out of me and there’s something in me that honestly claims that. I actually think it’s the first time that I’ve ever said it out loud with absolute truth.

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Chapter 15

If you told me at anytime is my old life that women wake up just as horny as a man does I honestly would’ve doubted it. But it’s worse, it the first time for me but its worse…or…it could be who I’m sleeping with. My smooth female skin on Shaya’s and she’s not just a girl she’s Sylvan. The tiny pores in her skin make her so smooth, and she’s a warrior so as silky and soft and sensual I feel the muscle underneath.

Box Full of Badness: Being a Vampire Sucks

Box Full of Badness: Being a Vampire Sucks
Lilith Langtree

Someone should really write a book entitled, Being a Vampire for Dummies, it's the only way Pandora will be able to make it in her new world.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-10

Don’t Blame Me I’m a Martian-10

Chapter 10

It’s so good, I’m drifting in this haze that just is like this…I don’t know it’s that foggy place in dreams like you see on TV. I’m in this hotel room and it’s nice and it’s there’s some soft music playing and I’m in a silk teddy and I hear. “Hey beautiful…” it comes from Kaylee coming out of the bathroom in this skimpy sexy set of lingerie and that’s it.

Murder at the Vicarage - Part 4 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 3 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 2 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 1 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Snakes and Ladders-14

Snakes and Ladders-14

Chapter 14

Evander nods. “She is one I have heard of, fire haired and very angry, a lot of temper in that one.”

“Is she any good?”

“Oh Yes, she has to be. They very much frown on women having too many uses on Skywood.”

“I’ve been hearing it’s something like that. It’s not that way with the Rymora?”

Snakes and Ladders-13

Snakes and Ladders 13.

Chapter 13

I lower Shaya’s hand and I smile and pull her into a kiss. I really love kissing this woman. So I make it long and slow and sweet just kind of pouring all that lover, and that whole soft sexy girl on girl thing into it. I’ve had a long time with the fantasies that have been in my head most of my life and while Shaya’s had them too there’s a lot of her buried under the hammering that being Illian had done to her soul.

“Come on let’s go find Bhlaze.”

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 6 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 6 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 5 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 5 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 4 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 4 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 3 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 3 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 1 of 8


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Only The Lonely...

Only the Lonely….

It was the song that was playing on the radio when she woke up in the morning and already saw the start of another hot day. That became a promise as she slipped out of the sheet she had draped over herself last night and had tried to curl up to another night alone.


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