Breasts / Breast Implants

Mike versus Michelle 20: Baltimore Blues- Final Chapter

The story of Mike versus Michelle concludes with this chapter. It takes place about a year and a half after the last chapter and picks up after Michelle's SRS.
Mike versus Michelle:
Part 20

Baltimore Blues:The Final Chapter
By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 19: The Cure

After Dana's mother leaves her feeling less than womanly, Michelle looks for a cure that will make her feel better about herself.
Mike versus Michelle:
Part 19

The Cure
By Sharon Parsons

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 10

"Terri, I think you have graduated to your next bra size, a 36D cup. My, my, my you are developing nicely, Sweetie. Those pills and the disease must be working well, Dear. I will get some pretty bras and your corset in your new size, Dear", Mary said. My wife looked pleased!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over

Chapter 10
By Terry Hansay

Oscar Night - Part 21

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night - Conclusion

by Jennifer Brock

A year ago in the story, but about a year and a half in our time, this story began when novelist/screenwriter David Fine attended the Academy Awards wearing a red suit that his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh had made for him, accompanied by fashion model Maritza Delgado. That night, an insult from a fashion journalist caused him to make the flippant comment that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. Since then, David and Maritza have fallen in love, moved in together, and he's made some changes in his wardrobe and appearance at her prodding. At Claude's prodding, David made even more changes, as they'd decided the only way to pull off wearing a dress at the ceremony and not look like a fool was to become as throroughly female as possible, even going as far as to make some surgical alterations. In this, the extra-large final installment of our story, we learn whether it was all worth it. Our action will begin on the day before the awards.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 9

I sat there all nervous. I asked Cathy if she thought it wise to change my voice. Would they ever be able to return my voice to my man's voice? She reached over and gave me a big kiss and said, "Terri, don't worry about any of that. This will so complete you and give you a real sense of being a woman. Plus you won't have to be shy in talking with people anymore, you can jump right into all the girly gossip."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 9

By Terry Hansay

Mike versus Michelle 12: Nothing To Be Embarrassed About

Michelle is now home from her family trip to the Halsteader's cabin. The rest of her summer is spent in therapy with Dr. Martha, working at the grocery store, and working on her G.E.D. Dr. Martha tries to get Michelle past her boyish pride. Note this chapter is rated as "Mature". There's no sex, but it is discussed in a tasteful and necessary way.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 12

Nothing To Be Embarrassed About

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 11: The Holsteader's Cabin

Michelle and her family go on vacation with the Holsteaders. Michelle becomes one of the girls and debates her first kiss.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 11

The Holsteader's Cabin

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 10: Coming Out

This chapter covers the next eight weeks of my life after first meeting Dr. Martha and ends with the start of summer vacation. Because I was being home schooled, summer vacation didn't mean as much to me as it did to my friends. I called them my friends back then, but obviously our relationship changed.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 10

Coming Out

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 9: Dr. Martha Collins

Michelle's mother takes her to see a gender therapist named Dr. Martha Collins. Much is gleaned from their six hour appointment. At last we get down to all those pesky mother issues!
Mike versus Michelle: Part 9

Dr. Martha Collins

By Sharon Parsons

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 7

"I didn't want to wear a bigger bra. Sally smiled and said "I have no control over your figure or bust development. Your records show you might develop into a D cup, so you better get ready for a well developed bustline. You will need very good supportive bras. Women love to have beautiful breasts, Terry. You will someday think large breasts are beautiful."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 7

By Terry Hansay

Cresswell Industries Chapters 73-74-75

As Celeste begins to stir up her own claim to the Cresswell throne she enlists the help of Grace in getting what she wants, however Grace soon finds out that you can’t always believe a deceiver and as she becomes embroiled in Lady Melissa’s wayward adopted daughter’s plans, she also has to embark on the dangerous mission that places her in the sights of a cold bloodied killer, but does she have the character and skill to outwit such a dangerous and seasoned professional dealer in death.

What Transpires at Night (Part 2)

"Uh, where's the rest of it?"

Black and red leather pants and a matching… uh. I don't have a clue. It was small.

"It's called a bustier."

"Uh-huh." I backed away a single step. "I'm going on a hunt and kill mission, not dancing at a biker bar."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 5

Cathy handed me my other Victoria Secret bra, the one with only half cups. I could not understand the half cups but she said "Wait until you put on the dress, you will see." I was getting better at putting on "my" bras, only taking two tries. I was really surprised at how much higher my bustline was in this kind of bra. Cathy called it a push up bra. Half my breasts showed out of the top of the bra. What is wrong with this picture?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 5

By Terry Hansay

Cresswell Industries Chapters 70-71-72

Oscar Night - Part 19

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

At last year’s Oscar’s, novelist/screenwriter David Fine wore a special dark red tuxedo designed for him by his friend Claude Marsh. After being insulted by TV personality Jane Waters, he joked that if he was nominated again he’d wear a gown. Claude organized a “cabal” of experts to work toward convincing David that the best way to pull it off would be to become as female as possible, and he agreed, especially when his girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado was keen on the idea. He even got a number of surgeries to make him more female, and has been working under the tutelage of feminine behavior expert Kay Thomas. When we left off, our heroine Dee had gone on a date with Joe, a paid escort, and was kissing him on her doorstep, unsure whether to send him home or invite him in...

Oscar Night - Part 18

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last year, Novelist/screenwriter David fine wore a red suit to the Academy Awards and made a joke about wearing a gown the next year. Somehow his friend clothing designer Claude Marsh and his bisexual fashion model girlfriend Maritza Delgado convinced him that the best way to make a good impression in a gown would be to present himself as convincingly female. David even agreed to get a number of surgeries, including an impressive set of breast implants. Claude hired "Feminine Deportment Coach" Kay Thomas to teach David, now known purely by the intial "Dee," how to become a woman. Dee's gone through a number of lessons, but it's now time for the one she's been dreading - Kay is making her go on a date with a man.

A Prayer Answered : Chapter 1

      Tim had finally come out to his father about wanting to be a girl. Discover what happens next: Does David, Tim’s father, continue to help his son, now his daughter, achieve her ambitions? Are prayers really answered in the way we think they are? Gratiously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter One
By Sara D.

The Mystery of the Missing Frocks

bridget_mod_face.jpg       Everything a great crime mystery should have: romance, a detective and a road chase - except that this is no "Love Story", "Sherlock Holmes" or "Bullit" and there certainly isn't a great crime. Follow our intrepid narrator as he falls in love with a girl in London, becomes a woman in Seacombe, then on to modeling in a West End fashion house and, in a "Not The Thirty-Nine Steps" finale, to the Scottish Highlands to uncover…
The Mystery of the Missing Frocks
by Charlotte Dickles

In Memory of Andrea

(whose Petticoat Detective stories provided the inspiration for this story.)


Oscar Night - Part 17

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Nearly a year ago, Novelist/screenwriter David Fine was nominated for an Academy Award and wore a red suit designed by his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh. Unfortunately, television personality Jane Waters chose to make David's outfit an object of ridicule, and in an attempt to save face he joked that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. When he was indeed nominated a year later, Claude seized upon David's defense of his honor and pushed him to embrace the idea of wearing a gown, and his girlfriend bisexual fashion model Maritza Delgado was also keen to make him more feminine. He was talked into severalplastic surgeries on his face and breast implants, and he's been training with live-in feminine deportment coach Kay Thomas, who has renamed him Dee. In this installment, Dee learns a little more about the different kinds of men who dress as women, and where she fits on the scale. Also, the romance is brought back into focus, and Dee starts thinking about dating.

Oscar Night - Part 16

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

When novelist-turned-screenwriter David Fine was first nominated for an Academy Award, he wore a red tuxedo provided by his best friend, fashion designer Claude Marsh. An obnoxious TV presenter told him that if he wanted color he should be in a gown, and he agreed. He's been nominated again, and Claude assembled a whole cabal of people to help David make the ultimate impression in his gown. David's girlfriend, bisexual model Maritza Delgado, was on board with the idea of making him as feminine as possible. To that end, he's had major facial surgery and been implanted with a spectacular pair of breasts. David, or Dee as she's been calling her female self, has been working with his live-in feminine deportment coach Kay Thomas hired by Claude for a couple weeks now, and has been making good progress. In this chapter, our girl Dee practices flirting, and has an interesting naked experience.
(Note: to the couple of readers I'd told what was going to happen in this chapter, my muse had different ideas, so I had to postpone that until the next one.)

A Whole New Sissy -- Pt 7

A time to rest and then a reward for a job well done allows Sissy to start healing and really become the woman that she might be. Can it continue?

A whole new Sissy -- Pt 7

Maid Joy

The sages of the past who said “time heals all wounds” may have been spouting a platitude, but it turns out that they were right, damn them.

Without a Trace - Part 6: Baiting the Trap

Without a trace part 6
Baiting the trap

JR after his mom hugged him smiled as his stomach again made its presence known and sheepishly grinned. His sister and her partner grinned and even his mom laughed, as a group they decided to head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. They walked through the hospital corridors in an uneasy silence JR’s mother holding tight to his hand. He felt a bit uncomfortable but his Kylie side was comforted at the close contact. He had to be honest he was scared at what his sister wanted him to do but also proud.

Change Here for Marilyn Monroe

By Charlotte Dickles

It was meant to be a walking holiday over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, but somehow it got terribly confused with the Marilyn Monroe conference in the next town. Alec was not to know it, but those first few words of the announcement at Dorton Station might have been declared apocalyptic. "Change here for Marilyn Monroe..."

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Before we start, there are 2 things I'd like to say. 1)Stories of my demise are grossly exagerated. 2) If you are not supposed to be reading this story,(you know whou you are) then please turn of your computer and go tell your parents that you were a bad boy/girl...... Now, GET ON WITH IT!!!!

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Written by Toni Trepasso

Oscar Night - Part 15

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

David Fine, a bestselling novelist and Oscar-nominated screenwriter, was sticking up for an insult directed at his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh when he made a flippant comment to an annoying television personality agreeing to show up at the Academy Awards ceremony in a gown instead of a tuxedo. He was convinced that it would be far less embarrassing to attempt to appear as completely and fully female instead of just looking like a man in a dress. To that end, he's had some facial surgeries as well as a sizeable pair of breast implants. Dee, as she's been calling herself is under the tutelage of Kay Thomas, a feminine deportment coach Claude hired to give her a month-long crash course in how to be a woman. In this installment, Kay helps Dee try to figure out what kind of girl she is.

Oscar Night - Part 14

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine promised to wear a gown to the Academy Awards in order to get an obnoxious fashion reporter to shut up about the tuxedo his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh had made for him. But since Claude felt insulted too, he assembled a team an worked with the assistance of David's girlfriend bisexual Venezuelan model Maritza Delgado to steer him in a more feminine metrosexual direction. But once the nominations were announced, they raised the bar and got David to agree that it would make an even bigger impact if he looked completely passably female in his gown. David went so far as to have his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced with implants. Claude hired Kay Thomas, and expert in teaching men to be women, to show David, now living around the clock as a woman she calls Dee, how to become all that she can be. In Part 13 the bandages came off, and in this installment Dee will venture outside her townhouse for the first time.

Oscar Night - Part 13

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

What started out with a flippant comment to an obnoxious fashion reporter has snowballed into an exploration of gender identity. Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine made a deal to wear a gown to the Academy Awards presentation, and took it much further by getting his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced. His best friend fashion designer Claude Marsh hired "Feminine Deportment Coach" Kay Thomas to train him how to act. Among her draconian rules were that his girlfriend Venezuelan model Maritza Delgado should stay out of contact for a month as he works to develop a new female identity, which she addresses by her initial D., or "Dee." So far, Dee has had a lesson in how to walk in heels, and had a house call from her nurse. In this installment, she gets a few more lessons and begins to worry about who she or he truly is.

'Reader, I married him.'

‘Reader, I married him.’*

“Okay, listeners, we have a sad story here…” Jane Bronte, hosted her usual radio show on a Sunday morning, playing pop classics that no one could remember, interspersed with audience participation.

Parental Permission_13_Final Chapter

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction. This is the final chapter about Hank/Henrietta. Henrietta wants to get married and have a family. She thinks her new life as a woman and a wife will be all fun and games. Life seldom turns out the way you think it will.

All Things Being Equal, I'd Rather Have a Pepsi

All Things Being Equal, I'd Rather Have a Pepsi

By Bimbo Alison
July 2008

Rick is very thankful that Stan the Sprite showed up to save he and his family from a fatal car accident. But when a magical creature with a gambling problem asks you for "one little favor" in return for his help, you can be sure that there'll be nothing little about it!

Oscar Night - Part 12

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

After agreeing to wear a gown to the Academy Awards ceremony due to an offhand comment to a fashion reporter, our hero, novelist/screenwriter David Fine decided to go all-out and agreed to have his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced with implants. He thinks he might be able to get a book out of it. This is the last bit of romance for a while, as David and his beloved, fashion model Maritza Delgado, are separated following his surgery, under order from his new Feminine Deportment Coach, Kay Thomas, a member of the "cabal" put together by his best friend fashion designer Claude Marsh to assist in David's transformation. In this installment, David gains a new name, and begins her training with Kay, and a horrible mistake is made. We begin right where we left off, as Maritza and David were enjoying the morning after their last night together for a month.

Parental Permission_10

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: After Hank reveals his infatuation for older men, Arlene decides to take him to a VFW dance to meet the kind of men he's attracted to. Hank thinks it will be a chance to find out once and for all if he's really attracted to men or if its just a figment of his imagination. Hank meets Dave Evans, a retired colonel who turns out to be both an officer and a gentleman.

Parental Permission_09

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: Hank takes a job as a secretary and gets his first date which winds up being a let down. He has a conversation with his mother about expectations. Arlene thinks she has a plan that will get Hank out of the dumps.

Parental Permission_09

Parental Permission_08

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: After getting back from vacation, Hank starts the process of becoming a woman. His father tries to talk him out of it. Barbara and Arlene help Hank plan his future. The chapter takes place over the remainder of the summer.

The Greatest Lie -13- Does Life Imitate Art

Alexandra and Tran discover a kindred spirit and friend, real world pornstar Allenina, and the answer to the question, can porn be art?

Chapter 13
Does Life Imitate Art?

The Greatest Lie -12- My Own Worst Enemy

Alexandra and Tran face the prejudice and the law in their new lives, but will they have to return to their old lives in order to live their dreams completely?

Chapter 12
My Own Worst Enemy

The Greatest Lie -9- My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

This is a sometimes violent story with very raw sex scenes. If that's not what you want to read, please do not read this story.

The Greatest Lie
Chapter 9
My Fifteen Seconds of Fame
by Alexandra Rios

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 5

As she approached the office, Hiromi saw something amiss. Her office door was ajar. Hiromi walked straight into the room only to find someone seated at her desk.

It was the computer programmer Omar Rafique also known as 'The Indian' within the Watanabe Yakuza. He was operating Hiromi’s computer.

“Get out of there!” Hiromi growled. “At once!”

Omar stood up from the chair and immediately became apologetic. Saying he was only doing a software upgrade.

“I don’t care, get out of my office now.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Five

Synopsis- Captain Slater continues her Swan Song mission while at the same time undergoing both physical and mental changes.


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