A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 3 - A Bun in The Oven


Synopsis: Three girl students decide their friend, Stevie, has a dangerous passion for Lecherous Len, the manager at the bakery where they all work. Surely, they're only doing her a favour by exposing his weird behaviour, even if they do have to trick him into it.

Author's Note: My very first Big Bust story was published in 2002, and products from the Big Bust shop have continued to feature in many of my stories ever since. Set in the fictional English seaside town of Seacombe, Big Busts products are considered state of the art by men who want to look like women, even when naked.

To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year.

This story was first published six years ago, and the bodysuits sold in Seacombe were rather different then. For Big Busts aficionados, there was a simple catch with a special tool which locked everything in place, and none of that red and green gel to get confused about.

It's worth saying that this, like most other of my stories, is meant to be out and out fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site) often combined with sex and mayhem. Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.

A Bun in the Oven
by Charlotte Dickles

'Why do men never look you in face?' Sharon demanded, as she struggled into the back seat of Stevie's tiny car.

'Are you talking about all men in general, or Lecherous Len in particular?' queried Lindsay, squeezing in next to her.

'Well, both, I suppose. I mean, even quite nice guys never look directly at my face, it's always down at my chest, but they usually try to be discrete about it. With Len, he drools over my tits in the most revolting way.'

'Blimey,' thought Stevie from the driver's seat, 'I wish Leonard would drool over my tits.' But she kept her thoughts to herself. Instead, she slid the front passenger seat back into position, so that Nicola, the biggest member of their group, could get in.

'Why does he always have to prance around in a suit and tie,' Nicola moaned. 'I mean, it's totally unsuitable for working in that heat. If he dressed in more casual gear, he wouldn't look such a dickhead.'

'Maybe he feels he has to wear a suit,' Stevie said. 'Perhaps when he was a little boy, his mother told him that managers always wear suits, and that's become fixed into his mind. He told me last week how fortunate women are, to be able to dress how they please, rather than how convention dictates.'

'Did his mummy also tell him only to look at women with big tits,' Lindsay said, 'Have you noticed that every woman who works for Len wears at least a 'C' cup bra.'

'Wow! I hadn't spotted that,' Sharon said, 'but you're right. It just shows what a dirty bastard he is.'

'Apart from Stevie,' chipped in Nicola, turning to her. 'Aren't you an 'A' cup?'

'AA, actually,' she responded, rather sheepishly.

'Well,' Nicola said (rather ingenuously, Stevie thought), 'you must have had some special way with Len to get through the interview.'

Stevie smiled. 'Not really. It's just that when we went for the interview, I realised straightaway what it seems to have taken the rest of you all this time to notice. I mean, I thought the breasts on the University mascot were so huge as to be unrealistic, until I saw that every woman in the bakery had ones at least as large. So, seeing that I was at a bit of a disadvantage in that department, and that I hadn't really got anything to lose, I er...'

'Yes,' they all three prompted.

'Well, there were some trays of bread stacked outside Leonard's office, and I stuffed a couple of large rolls into the front of my bra before I went in. It looked as though I had a pair as big as Lindsay's.'

'Fantastic!' 'Well done, Stevie.'

Another grin from Stevie. 'Bloody uncomfortable though. Still, I got the job, but Leonard looked pretty fed up with me when he saw I didn't really have big tits.

'Anyway,' she said, recalling the earlier theme of their conversation, 'aren't you lot rather forgetting what breasts are for?'

Four o'clock in the morning is not the best time for deep philosophical thought, and there was a moment of silence as Stevie put the car into gear and they set off back towards Seacombe University. Since term commenced, they had been supplementing their student loans by working an 11 pm - 4 am nightshift at the Seacombe Bakery, packaging bread ready for delivery to local supermarkets. Although the hours sounded anti-social, they actually worked out quite well. The bakery was only a few minutes' drive from the university campus, so an 11 pm start not only gave them the whole evening to socialise, there was also time for a quick shag if you were so inclined (which three of them were) before setting off for work. At the end of the shift, they could get a few hours sleep before either dragging themselves to the first lecture at 10 am, or as three of them commonly did, missing that, and commencing their day with lunch.

'It's bloody obvious isn't it?' Nicola finally responded to Stevie's statement. 'Breasts are pumped full of milk so that kids can suckle on them. Have enough kids swinging on your tits, and eventually they stretch down to the ground like cows' udders.' She glanced sideways at Stevie. 'Well, probably not yours, Stevie. I don't suppose your breasts will ever reach the ground, but I don't give much chance for the rest of us.'

'There are thousands of species of mammals that suckle their young without breasts,' Stevie continued her theme. 'Cats and dogs are two obvious examples. No, the reason women have breasts is to wave a sexual flag which says, "mature woman ready to bear children." Men are programmed to be captivated by tits. They don't have any choice in the matter, so it's no good complaining when men react like that. Anyway, I think Leonard is rather sweet.'

'Sweet!' All three of them shouted, in shocked amazement.

'It's alright for you, Stevie,' Lindsay said. 'He doesn't dribble saliva as he stares at your tits, but it's not very pleasant for the rest of us.'

'But, at the student disco last night, you all wore low cut dresses designed to expose everything you've got, and you seemed quite happy that every one of the guys were salivating over you like crazy. Anyway, look how Leonard gave Sharon the week off work, as soon as he discovered her mother had died.'

'That's true,' Sharon said, 'and he even fiddled my timesheets so I didn't lose any pay.'

'It was all the more praiseworthy,' Lindsay said, 'because Sharon's mother died five years ago.'

'What!' Stevie exclaimed, dangerously twisting her head round as she drove, to stare at Sharon. 'You lied to Leonard about your mother's death, in order to get time off work.'

Sharon shifted uncomfortably. 'I didn't actually lie,' she said. 'I simply said she'd died on Saturday. Well, she had - only it was a Saturday five years ago. It wasn't my fault he got the wrong end of the stick.'

'Of course it was your fault. You deceived Leonard, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.'

'I think,' Nicola said, 'that Stevie has got the hots for Lecherous Len.'

Stevie coloured slightly and said, 'Don't be stupid. He must be at least ten years older than me.'

'He's got plenty of money though, hasn't he. Unmarried, with a good job, and he lives in that big house on the edge of town with his mother. There must be worst prospects, if a girl's thinking of getting hitched.'

'Well, I'm not,' Stevie said. 'Anyway, you can see he hardly notices me. It's you lot with your mammoth boobs that he fawns over.'

'Well, you have been a bit slow, there,' Nicola said. 'We've been at the bakery for a complete term and there's only one more week to go. If you really did fancy him, you should have made your move long before now. You should at least have been wearing a Wonderbra.'

Stevie didn't like to tell the girls she'd worn one on every shift, without success.

'Hey listen girls!' Lindsay said, 'I've had an idea. Since next Saturday is our last shift this term (and I, for one, am not certain whether I'm going to carry on working there next term), why don't we invite Leonard to a little drinks party before the shift.'

'You want to invite Lecherous Len for drinks!' Sharon couldn't credit it.

'Sure. Why not. It'll give Stevie a chance to get to know him better.'

'Look, I've told you. I'm not sexually interested in Leonard. I simply think you girls are pretty shitty to him.' Stevie wondered whether she'd protested too much, and added, 'Mind you, I suppose inviting him to drinks would be a way of making up to him for the way you've all behaved.'

'That's agreed then,' Lindsay said. 'I'll ask him tomorrow. Stevie, don't forget to drop us off at our house before you go on to yours.'

Stevie, her mind on other things, had almost driven past the student house shared by the three girls. She pulled the car to an abrupt halt at the kerbside. 'Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking of.'

'Well, we all know what you were thinking of,' Lindsay said, as the three girls piled out onto the pavement. 'See you tomorrow, same time, same place.'

The three girls watched Stevie start the car off with such a sudden lurch that the engine almost stalled, and then go roaring off towards her own group of student houses. Only when the car had turned the first corner and was out of sight, did the other two turn on Lindsay.

'What the hell are you thinking of?'

'Have you taken leave of your senses?'

Lindsay held up her hands to quell their protests. 'Girls! Girls! I only have Stevie's best interests at heart.'

'You think that pairing her up with that obnoxious creep is in her best interests? No way!'

'I agree.'

Lindsay's reply took them by surprise, and she continued before they could respond. 'But we can all see that Stevie lets her conscience rule her mind, and she's naíve enough to think everyone else is as trustworthy. We have to show Stevie what Lecherous Len is really like, and that's why I suggested we get him here next Saturday night.'

''Why you sneaky little bitch.' Nicola's voice was full of admiration, and even Sharon had to give a reluctant nod of approval.

'As soon as Len arrives, we start spiking his drinks. When we think he's sozzled, we get Stevie out of the room on some pretext. When she comes back in the room, she finds Len stark bollock naked, doing something dirty to one of us.'

'When you say one of us,' Nicola's voice was cautious, 'who exactly do you have in mind?'

There was a tiny silence, which dragged into many seconds, as each girl waited for one of the others to volunteer.

'We could get Betty to do it,' Sharon suggested, a malevolent grin on her face.

'Betty?' The other two couldn't immediately place any student called Betty.

'Yes. Betty Bristols.'

'Oh!' They both spoke in unison, enlightenment slowly dawning.

'That's an incredibly shitty idea,' Nicola said. 'Brilliant! We could get Len to jerk himself off, between her gi-normous tits.'

'Up her arse would be better,' Lindsay said, a huge smile on her face. 'I know she takes it that way.'

'Those are two excellent suggestions.' Sharon was at her most diplomatic. 'But I was thinking of something which Len would never live down, and Stevie would think the most terrible abomination she'd ever seen, and never speak to him again.

Lindsay and Nicola leaned forward, and Sharon started to explain her plan.


'Now I know what paradise is like,' Leonard thought, as Nicola bent down to offer him more peanuts. She had on a little black dress with a heart shaped top, which just (and only just) covered her nipples, and left on full view her vast areas of bulging bosom trying to escape the dress.

And Nicola was not the only one. Sharon had on a white halter-neck, through which her nipples protruded like thimbles, and Lindsay, a long red dress, which would have been totally respectable, were it not made from a material that was almost translucent.

Even Stevie, with her bean-pole figure, was wearing a black skirt with a long side slit exposing her stocking top, and a white blouse unbuttoned almost to the waist. Of the four, only Stevie could have got away without wearing a bra, and as she turned her head to chatter with Nicola, Leonard had another attempt to look sideways through the gap, to get a better view of the tiny rosebud nipple he had glimpsed earlier.

'Would you like another beer, Leonard?'

Stevie must surely have caught the direction of his gaze as she turned in his direction, but from her smiling face, she wasn't at all upset about it.

'Well, yes. I think I would like another one. This one has gone down extremely well.' In fact, he couldn't remember when he'd last had a beer with such fantastic taste, and a kick which caused the blood to surge through his veins with a rush.

He'd have to watch his driving tonight, he thought, since he'd already had two. He'd hardly arrived, clutching his statutory bottle of Vin de Blanc, before they'd pushed a glass of this nectar into his hand, and Lindsay had offered to take his jacket.

'Oh, I'll leave it on,' he'd said, always feeling slightly undressed without it, but Lindsay wasn't having it.

'Don't be silly,' she'd said. 'It's very warm in here.' And she had slid her hand up his chest and undone the jacket button, and then was helping him take it off.

'And the tie, I think.' She'd pressed right against up him as she relieved him of that, giving him an instant erection. Such were the delights in which he was surrounded, his erection had stayed with him all evening. As Stevie got up to fetch his drink, he used the opportunity to make it more comfortable.

After a muttered conversation with Nicola, Stevie left the room, and it was Nicola who brought over the drink. She had to bend right down to place the glass on the low table next to him, and as she did so, her left breast fell forwards and toppled right out of the front of her dress.

'Oops! Good job Stevie isn't here,' she said, carefully locating the drink on the table before bothering to attend to the wayward breast.

Leonard was wondering if he was going to orgasm. Never before had he seen such a tremendous breast at such close quarters. It was huge, enormous, in fact...

'Stevie would be most shocked at such wanton behaviour,' Nicola continued. She glanced around, making certain that Stevie had not returned to the room, and added, 'Of course, she's a really nice person, but she's not into adult fun, like us three girls are, if you know what I mean.' She accompanied this statement with an enormous wink.

Leonard tried hard to look cool, as though enormous bosoms almost dropping onto your knee, and talk of 'adult fun' was quite normal. He forced a grin, to show he'd understood Nicola's message. 'Oh, I...' He had to stop his sentence right there, because it came out almost falsetto. He cleared his throat and restarted an octave lower. 'I know exactly what you mean.'

'That's great.' Nicola popped her boob back inside her dress, and gave another look around before sitting down next to Leonard. 'She's going back to her room to change into her work clothes now.'

'Work clothes?' Leonard glanced at his watch and was amazed to see it was already 10:45. They would all have to get moving if they weren't going to be late for the start of the shift.

'The plan is that once she's changed, she'll drive her car over here to pick up us girls, and take us to the bakery. Of course,' Nicola moved her lips to within inches of Leonard's ear, 'if you were to offer to take the three of us in your car, it would give us more time together. For a little of that adult fun we were talking about.'

Jesus Christ! He was being offered sex with three beautiful, buxom girls. He took a huge gulp of his beer, to stop himself from self igniting, and then almost choked on it. Hell, it tasted even stronger than before.

Nicola kept smiling, concerned that she may have overdone the vodka in his drink. He'd seemed perfectly happy with the stiff measures she'd been feeding him all evening, but perhaps half beer, half vodka was really too strong. 'So what do you think?'

He realised he hadn't answered her question, and hurriedly uttered his response, worried in case the offer should be withdrawn. 'Of course, I'll be glad to give you girls a lift to the bakery.

'After all,' he lied, 'it's not as though there'll be too much work to do, tonight. There's no need for us to set out for some time.'

'Great.' Nicola stood up, saying, 'I'll go and catch up Stevie, and tell her there's no need for her to give us a lift. She can drive straight to the bakery.' She went dashing out of the room.

'So you're staying for some fun, Len?'

It was Sharon who'd spoken, and as Leonard nodded, both she and Lindsay moved over towards him, until they were towering on either side, continuing their conversation about the latest exploits of some pop star, which he had difficulty concentrating upon. He didn't know whether he should stand up and join in, but realised that his erection would become very obvious, so he stayed seated, his face just level with those two wonderful pairs of tits.

'Right, I've sorted Stevie out.' Nicola came back into the room, and added, 'Now it's time to sort you out, Leonard.'

She strode across to Leonard, and launched herself on top of him. With her top heavy weight, it was no contest. He sank back on the settee under her weight, and as he did so, the other two girls each grabbed a foot and pulled it high in the air. Then they pulled off his shoes and socks, and after Nicola had released the waistband and zip of his trousers, they came off as well. Five seconds later, his shirt and pants joined the pile of clothes on the floor. Stage One of the mission accomplished.


'Len! When I suggested adult games, you surely didn't think I meant YOU having SEX, with US!' Nicola made it sound the most perverted thing she'd ever heard.

'But... but... why did you undress me?'

'Because Betty Bristols has been waiting to meet you,' Sharon said. 'We think you'd like to meet her. Can you guess why?

Leonard was hopelessly confused. His mind was reeling as though he'd drunk gallons of alcohol, rather than the three beers he'd actually consumed. The girls had invited him to the party, they'd dressed to please him, they'd suggested adult fun, they'd stripped him bare, and Nicola, still fully clothed, was sitting astride his chest. Now they were saying they didn't want to have sex with him, and suggesting they bring in another girl who wanted to meet him. He was afraid to put his thoughts into words, so he simply shook his head.

'We really thought you'd guess that Len. We think you'd like to meet her because she has an enormous bust - 42 F, can you believe that? Shall I bring her in?'

A girl with 42 F tits! He tried, with some difficulty, to envisage them. They must be so much larger than Nicola's, and hers were the best tits he'd ever seen in real life. He nodded his head, and the girls looked so pleased, he thought he must have agreed to take the booby prize. His pun took him by surprise, and as Lindsay and Sharon went out to fetch their friend, leaving Nicola squatting astride his chest, he started to giggle uncontrollably.

'Here she is, Len.'

They were holding Betty between them. She certainly had huge tits, but there was one major drawback. 'She's a sex doll!' he gasped.

'Well that's not exactly right, Len,' Lindsay said. She and Sharon grabbed his feet and pulled them right into the air again, whilst Nicola continued to sit on him. He was totally helpless, and he couldn't even see what the other two were up to. 'She's the University mascot, and it's actually a bodysuit so someone can wear it at events. We're going to pop it onto you, to give you the kind of body you've been dreaming about.'

'No! You can't do this to me!' The problem was that he could feel them feeding his feet into the latex legs, and with Nicola on top of him, he could hardly breathe, let alone do anything to stop them. Panic started to take over. 'Unless you stop this immediately, you're fired!' he tried.

'It's our last night,' Sharon said. 'We weren't intending to come back to your crappy job next term, so you can't fire us. We quit.'

'I shall get the police to charge you with assault.' He was desperate now. Nicola had turned around on his chest so she was facing his legs, and she leant her efforts to pulling the bodysuit over his hips. Leonard was not really an arse man, but he had to admit that Nicola's arse, bulging through her dress, was the best he had ever seen. He had a momentary vision of her moving back and sitting on his face, and suffocating him to death. What a way to go!

But Lindsay was responding to his warning. 'I really think that threats are inadvisable. For instance, we could throw you naked out of the door, and then tell the porters you tried to rape us. How does that sound?'

Jesus! It sounded all too easy. The police would surely believe the three girls rather than a middle-aged, single male, running naked around the university grounds. He'd be arrested, he'd lose his job, his mother would be so ashamed of him. He tried a different tack; after all, they were in private, and wasn't he really rather excited by the idea of having such a superb body?

He cautiously gave his assent. 'OK, so if I go along with your games, what am I supposed to do?'

Nicola got off his chest and he saw that the lower half of his body had been fed into a skin coloured pair of leggings, that the girls were now pulling tight around his waist. Hell, it was a squeeze, but his waist was actually becoming quite shapely. But when they finished on that and stood back for a second to admire their work, he had to gasp with astonishment. He had broad hips, and although he couldn't properly see his arse, it must be every bit as large as Nicola's. He experimentally lifted a leg to see a hairless leg, and an incredibly sexy knee. The girls pulled him to his feet.

'Just feed your arms into here.' Whilst he was still admiring the new shape of his lower half, the girls pushed his hands into the arms of the top half of the bodysuit, which was a bit like a leotard with a hood and a built-in facemask.

There was a nasty moment when the hood went over his head, and he couldn't see or breathe, but to be fair, they quickly got the mask into position, and were then pulling the whole thing down over his stomach.

He was able to lift his head and stared down his body. He had breasts like boulders! Between them, he could see that Nicola was on her knees, and the three of them were stretching the leotard down between his legs, and securing it to the tail which they'd pulled down between his buttocks. His monstrous erection, which had been with him all evening, was nowhere to be seen. The three girls stood back and stared critically at him, and then simultaneously burst into applause.

'Fantastic!' 'Superb! 'Incredible!' They pulled him across the room to a mirror mounted on the wall, and he gawked at his reflection. They were right. He, or should he say "she", did look incredible. The kind of girl he would instantly have employed if she'd come to him for a job in the bakery.

'Come along, Betty. It's time to get dressed.'

Lindsay was holding out a black corset, which sent a shiver of excitement down his spine and, before he even thought that he really should be objecting to the garment, he was raising his arms so they could wrap it around him. There was a surge of exhilaration running through him like one he'd never experienced before. It was as though he was having an orgasm - not the mind-blowing-but-over-in-five-seconds type, which was his norm, but one where the excitement continued for minute after wonderful minute.

When the girls tugged the corset laces so tight, he thought his body might be cut in half at the waist, it wasn't pain he experienced, but a roaring of blood through his head that was sheer ecstasy. They pulled black, fishnet stockings over his legs and fastened them to the suspenders, fed his feet into stilettos with five inch heels he knew he'd never be able to walk in, and adjusted his tits so they nicely nestled on the bra top of the corset.

'Hang on, girls,' Sharon said. 'I think Betty is looking too good. No one is actually going to realise it's really Lecherous Len inside.'

He was puzzled. That was surely the object, so that he could pretend to be one of the girls, and they would go to a bar or a disco and some fantastic guy would walk up and...

'I see what you mean,' Nicola agreed. 'We're going to ruin everything if Betty looks too good.'

'Girls, I think you're missing one important point,' Lindsay said. She turned to Len and said, 'Tell us your new name, young lady.'

'Betty Bristols,' he replied.

'A-a-a-h-h!' The three girls screamed together. 'That is so good.' 'This fantastic looking woman...' 'with a voice like a hairy-arsed plumber!' 'A-a-a-h-h!'

Len looked at them, slowly coming to the realisation that things, once again, were not going as he'd expected. 'But there must be something I can do about the voice,' he said.

'There's a little pack of capsules in the kit,' Lindsay explained, 'which slowly releases helium into the voice box, so your voice goes up in pitch and gets softer.'

'Well that sounds the answer,' he replied. 'If you can get me one of those, I'll...'

All three girls were firmly shaking their heads. 'No way, Len. That would spoil our entire game.'

'Game?' His virtual orgasm came to an abrupt halt and he suddenly felt completely sober, as he realised he wasn't a joint participant in their adult game, he was the victim of it.

'We only have to slip on your negligee,' Lindsay said, a malicious smile on her face, 'and then we're going to take you down to the student union and parade you around. We told Stevie to meet us there, so when we've finished your humiliation, she can put you into her car and take you onto the bakery.' She held up a black lace negligee. One minute ago, he'd have been shivering with anticipation of wearing it; now he was sick with fright.

'But she can't take me to the bakery. Everyone will see me and...'

'Everyone will know just what kind of a dirty pervert you are,' Sharon said.

'I expect you'll lose your job,' Nicola said, with considerable satisfaction.

'I refuse to go anywhere,' he said. 'I'm staying here until you take this thing off me.'

'Oh dear! A dirty lecher in our rooms, dressed up as a woman. We'd better call the porters, and they can...'

Exactly what the porters would have done was never expressed, because at that instant, all the lights went out.


The three girls uttered expletives, of various types, but for Leonard, he thought the blackout might just provide him with some opportunity for escape. He tentatively moved away from the girls and fell straight over the settee he had been sitting on earlier. The scuffle wasn't really noticed, since the girls were bumping into things as well, and making just as much noise.

'It must be a blown fuse,' Nicola said. 'The fuse box is in that cupboard under the stairs... Fuck!' The latter had been preceded by a sound of a shin colliding with the low table.

'I'll get it,' Sharon said, and they heard her footsteps move towards the door into the hallway. There was a loud thump, followed by, 'Shit! Who shut the fucking door?' But then she'd opened the door and they could hear her in the hallway outside, 'Damn! The cupboard door's locked,' she said.

'It can't be locked,' Lindsay said. 'There's no lock on that door.'

'Well, you come and open it, then,' Sharon responded.

There was the sound of a large crack, as a knee came into contact with a dining chair, followed by, 'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

'I'll go,' Nicola said, and they heard her carefully shuffling out to the hallway. 'She's right,' she said. 'It is locked.'

'Oh for hell's sake,' Lindsay said. 'I tell you there is no lock on that door.'

Len heard her go shuffling past him, and through the door into the hallway. Now was the time to make his move, but he had two major problems: firstly, he couldn't see any better than the girls; secondly, he didn't know in which direction he should be moving to make his escape.

As he stared into the blackness, he became aware that the sound of the girls in the hallway had become muted, as though they had shut the door on him to prevent his escape.

'Damn!' he muttered, trying to remember the position of the windows. He started to shuffle forward, his hands outstretched to prevent painful collisions, when a torch beam caught him straight in the eyes.

'Well, you've got yourself in a right pickle, haven't you?' Stevie's whispered voice came from the darkness behind the torch.


'Stevie! What are you doing here?' he whispered back.

'I came to rescue you, you stupid idiot.' The torch beam flashed across the room to a corner alcove, where he could see a doorway to the outside world. 'Come on, there's the fire door. Let's get out through there.'

Now he could see the way, he simply shot across the room, even in his five inch heels. In an instant he'd pushed the panic bar on the door, and was tottering through. He held the door open for Stevie, but all he could see was her torch still bobbing around inside, pointing this way and that.

'Come on,' he whispered. They'll be back any second.'

His words were prophetic, for there was a sudden crash at the doorway from the hall, followed by Lindsay's, 'Shit! The bastard's managed to lock this door as well.'

'Come on.' Stevie had darted past him, and he tottered after her as fast as he could. She ran, and he hobbled for fifty yards, and then she was standing against his car. They were saved. He only had to open the doors and they could...

'I've left the keys in the house!' he wailed.

'Do you mean these?' Stevie had searched the pockets of the jacket she was carrying, and had produced the all important keys. 'I'll drive,' she said, and before he could argue, she was behind the wheel and starting the engine. He scrambled into the passenger seat.

There was a crash of gears, and then the car was surging forward, out of the car park and towards the university exit.


'It was lucky that fuse blew when it did.'

They'd driven to the edge of town, and had parked in the darkest corner of an almost empty public car park. Leonard was counting his lucky stars.

Stevie snorted. 'Lucky! That was no blown fuse. Someone threw the main circuit breaker for the student house, and who do you think that was? And put wedges under the doors, so the girls thought they were locked? And thought to collect your clothes together, so we had the keys to your car?'

Leonard's mouth almost fell open as she spoke. 'You did all that? But... how did you know I needed rescuing?'

She grinned this time. 'I was suspicious right from the start that the girls were going to set something up, and I was surprised that nothing had happened sooner. I knew it must be some kind of a hoax when Nicola sent me off to get changed, and then came dashing out after me, to tell me to meet you all at the student union, as you wanted to have a look around. So, I followed her back inside and listened at the door whilst they helped you into your new self...'

'They didn't help me into it! They forced me into it! You surely don't believe I wanted to get dressed up like this?'

He was still wearing the bodysuit, corset, stockings and shoes, and nothing else. Stevie smiled, 'That's not how it sounded to me, but that's OK. I don't mind. Anyway, you make a very good woman.'

'Do you think so?' Leonard had been thinking much the same thing, and the elation he'd felt earlier had started to return. 'Anyway, I suppose I'd better get out of it now and back into my work suit. If we get a move on, we shouldn't be too late for work.'

'I think you'll find it's not as easy as that.'

'What do you mean?' He fumbled though the bundle of clothes Stevie had brought with her from the student house. 'You managed to pick up everything I was wearing, and a few of the girls clothes as well, from the look of it.'

'Whilst they were getting you dressed, I sneaked into Nicola's room where they'd been keeping Betty Bristols, until she was needed. I rummaged through the box and had a quick read of the instructions that came with her; it seems you need a special tool to release the catch between your legs. Without that, you're stuck inside her.'

'But I can't stay like this!' Could he? Why did that feeling of euphoria surge through him? 'You must have some scissors. We'll cut it off.'

Stevie shook her head. 'There was a special warning about trying to do that. It seems the suit is made of some kind of carbon fibre, which is very tough. If you use a blade sharp enough to cut through that, you're likely to slash straight through your flesh as well. You'll have to stay like that for the time being.'

This was madness! His senses said he should be in a blue funk, as his world was about to collapse around him. In reality, he thought he really was having an orgasm, this time.

Stevie sought to reassure him. 'Don't worry. As soon as I read that, I took the liberty of borrowing Nicola's interview suit from her wardrobe.' She turned and pulled a white blouse from the bundle. 'With the size of your boobs,' she said, 'this is going to be a tight fit, but I think that if you're careful, you can fasten it up without tearing off the buttons.'

She continued to rummage through the bundle and produced a black skirt, adding, 'Then you can slip this on. You should be able to pull it up over your bottom without getting out of the car.'

After a moment's hesitation, Leonard hurriedly complied. 'This is fine whilst we're in the car, Stevie,' he said, 'but I need to get to work. It'll be chaos there, otherwise.'

Stevie thought of the other workers at the bakery, chosen for their breast size, rather than mental agility, and she nodded - she had to agree with Leonard's summary. 'I've been thinking about that,' she said, 'and I have a plan. Try on Nicola's jacket, and see if it fits.'

It did, after a fashion, and although it could never be buttoned up, Stevie seemed relatively satisfied.

'OK,' she said, producing her mobile phone from her handbag. 'Telephone the bakery, and tell them you're sick, but that head office are sending down a substitute called...' she paused for thought, '...Liz... Bath.'

'Liz Bath? Who's she?' Leonard didn't know anyone from head office called Liz Bath, and anyway, how was he going to get her to attend the bakery in his place?

'Well, you can hardly call yourself Betty Bristols, can you?'


His heart didn't miss just one beat, it must have missed several. Common sense told him he could never pass himself off as a woman in front of his employees for five minutes, never mind the whole of the shift. On the other hand, he wanted to try - was almost confident of success only...

'My voice. I'll never be able to disguise my voice.' His sentence virtually ending in a wail of despair.

Stevie smiled and took a white box of capsules out of her handbag. 'The tool may have been missing from the kit, but this wasn't.'

He took the box from her, and hurriedly read the instructions contained inside. 'The instructions say it will take about ten minutes for the capsule to come into effect.'

He popped a capsule from the blister pack, and slipped it into his mouth, gulping it down his throat, before reaching for the mobile. 'Let me make that phone call now, before my voice changes.'

He made the call. Fifteen minutes later, Liz Bath was entering the bakery, and announcing herself as the relief manager, to take over the shift in Leonard's absence.


'Could I have your attention for a few minutes, ladies.' Liz had a voice that was soft and low, and she immediately broke through the high-pitched chatter of the unsupervised bakery packers, who were not even making a pretence of work.

'I'm Liz Bath. I understand that Leonard has already spoken to someone here to tell you that he's sick and won't be on this shift, and that I'm filling in his place.'

Liz looked around, and there were a few reluctant nods of assent. 'I know we're a few girls short, this evening, which means we're all going to have to work a bit harder and longer to get the job done.'

Quite a few looked disgruntled at this, but Liz pretended not to notice as she continued. 'However, I've talked this through with Leonard, and he tells me what an excellent team of people he has working for him.'

That surprised them. 'He's convinced that you ladies will cope, and just to make certain we get the job done, I shall be taking off my jacket, as well, putting on an overall, and joining you. Now, I want you to call me Liz, and before we start, I'd like to go around the group so I get to know all of your names.' She turned to Stevie, and added, 'So you are...?'


'Stevie.' Liz repeated it so she would remember her name, before turning to the next member of the group.


'Jane.' And Liz went round the rest of the group, who were quite impressed that she so readily picked up and retained their names. After everyone had told her their names, she went round the whole group, pointing to each person and repeating their name, sometimes with a little hesitation, but always accurately.

Her credibility went through the roof when, ten minutes after disappearing into Leonard's office, she reappeared without her jacket and, good to her word, donned an overall and sat on the line and stuffed the bread rolls into plastic bags.

Especially since she packed at least as fast as Sue, generally regarded as the fastest amongst them. Liz made a little game of trying to race Sue, who packed even faster, and as a result, they all speeded up until their hands were moving so fast they were a blur. Conversation dried up, as they each tried to keep up with Liz and Sue, with the result that, even though short-handed, they completed the job about the same time as usual.

'Well done, everybody,' Liz called out. 'Leonard was absolutely right about you. You are fantastic workers.'

Everyone was surprised by the compliment. Indeed, several went home and told their nearest and dearest that they'd actually enjoyed the shift, a first for most of them!

Apparently, Stevie had not brought her car into work that day, so Liz very publicly offered to drop her off at the university. At the end of the shift, the two set off together in her car, which, by a strange coincidence, happened to be just the same make and colour as Leonard's.


'Liz, I think you managed that really well, considering it was your first shift at the Seacombe Bakery,' Stevie said. She stared at Liz for a second, before the pair of them burst into laughter.

'You fraudster!' she continued. 'I don't know how you had the nerve! "Let me see if I can remember everybody's name. Now, you're Stevie aren't you?"'

'Desperation,' Liz said. 'I was living on my nerves for the whole time, knowing it would take only one slip for someone to notice. And that would result in the destruction of my whole life.'

'Well, you really appeared to be enjoying your desperation,' Stevie said. 'Leonard never got anything like as much enjoyment out of a shift as you did.'

'It was like driving in a car race, knowing you could be killed at any minute, but loving any minute of it.'

'Have you thought,' Stevie asked, 'what you're going to do now?'

The question took Liz by surprise. 'Well... no. Er... The thing is, I'm dead tired, I really need some sleep. But I can hardly go back to my, that is Leonard's, house and go to bed, because my - his - mother takes him in a cup of tea at ten. She'd scream blue murder if she found a strange woman in his bed, and no Leonard.'

'Well, we can't go back to my student room,' Stevie said, giving Liz (or was it really Leonard) a piercing stab of pleasure that she'd considered the option. 'Given that the girls must still have the tool to your bodysuit, they'll know you're still wearing it and are bound to suspect that you might be hiding somewhere around the campus. They'll be banging on my door first thing in the morning.'

'I suppose I'll have to check into a hotel,' Liz said. 'There's that motel on the bypass that caters for passing motorists, so they're open all night. I guess I could go there. Do you...' she paused as she wondered whether she dare ask, and then rejected the idea. 'That is, shall I drop you off at the university?'

'I think we'd better stick together, don't you? A woman looking like you, trying to check into a hotel at that time of night on her own is bound to arouse their suspicions that you're a prostitute. If it's a couple of women, no one will think twice. The worst they'll assume is that we're a couple of lesbians, and I think I can face up to that.'

'That makes good sense,' Liz said, her heart performing little loop-the-loops inside. She set the car in motion, and they drove in a relaxed silence for ten minutes, leaving the lights of Seacombe behind them. They had just passed the university when Stevie had a thought.

'The thing is,' she said, 'I have hardly any cash with me. How about you?'

Liz shook her head. 'No. But I've got my cards. Money's no problem.'

'And the cards are in the name of...' Stevie prompted.

'Oh shit!' Liz thought for a second, and then added. 'We'll have to find a cash machine.'

'The students' union building is locked up at night, so you can't use the ones in the university,' Stevie said.

'That means we have to go back to the centre of town,' Liz said, despair creeping into her voice.'

By this time, their hotel was only about a mile away. Going back to the centre of Seacombe for cash would involve a thirty minute return journey.

'I don't know whether you've noticed that light flashing on the dash, but it seems to indicate you're almost out of petrol.'

Liz glanced down. 'Jesus! We're right on empty. Why didn't you tell me before?'

Stevie smiled. 'You've been a woman for less than five hours, and already you've picked up our bad habits. I thought you were driving the car. You're supposed to look at the dashboard occasionally, and check the warning lights.'

'Well, what are we going to do? We don't have money to check into the motel There's a filling station next to the motel, but we don't have the cash to buy petrol. We don't have enough petrol to drive back to Seacombe to get cash, and then drive back to the filling station. We're going to get stranded in the middle of nowhere. With me looking like this!'

Another, rather enigmatic, smile from Stevie. 'Relax,' she said, reaching into the back seat of the car. She pulled Leonard's jacket from the bundle, and slipped first one arm, and then her other into it. 'There you are. It's not a bad fit. I think if I put on the rest of your gear, I can pass myself off as Mr Leonard Russell, don't you? So hand over your credit cards, and I'll spend a few minutes practising your signature.'


When she awoke, Stevie knew she wasn't in her own bed. She also immediately realised she was not alone. The problem was, she couldn't remember who she'd gone to bed with.

She slowly turned her head so she could see the long blonde hair of her companion. Had she suddenly turned lesbian? It took her several seconds to realise. Suddenly, everything came flooding back, and Stevie gave a little smile, and rather shyly sat up in bed.

'Hi.' It may have been Liz who smiled back at her, but it was definitely Leonard's voice, which spoke. Almost automatically, Stevie reached for her handbag and passed Liz the blister pack of tablets that would bring her voice back to Liz's normal voice.


'Good morning.' Stevie looked at her companion and smiled, properly this time.

After swallowing the tablet, Liz's right hand had returned to its former role of encircling her mammoth breast, whilst rolling her large nipple between finger and thumb. Her other arm stretched under the bedclothes, and it was not difficult to follow its line down to the top of her legs, where a regular movement of the bedclothes betrayed their activity.

Liz's gaze followed Stevie's. She would have blushed if she'd been able. 'I was fiddling about with the catch to see whether I could release it without the tool,' she stuttered.

'Do you want me to have a try?'

Stevie could not believe she'd really made the offer, but Liz nodded furiously. 'Oh yes, please.'

Stevie crawled down the bed, and Liz spread her legs wide apart. Stevie had never been this close to someone else's vagina before, and was fascinated at such a close up view.

'I see you're a natural blonde,' she said, and they both started to giggle. With Liz's legs spread wide apart, her outer lips were open, the folds of her inner lips wrinkled like a deflated balloon. She'd never examined her own genitals in a mirror, and had no idea there could be quite so many whorls, and twists and curls. She was fascinated.

'I'm going to see if I can reach the catch,' she said, but instead her index finger traced a line along one side of the canyon. It was so soft and silky, the swirls instantly giving way to her finger, as she moved it along the rim.

She moved her arm, so that her palm was resting above the canyon, and softly allowed her middle finger to penetrate slightly deeper than her index finger had done.

'U-g-g-h-h-h!' It was more an intake of breath than a word from Liz.

'Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.'

'No! No! That didn't hurt at all. It was... er... well, I think that was probably the best spot... for finding the catch, that is. I think you should try again.'

Stevie did, with much the same result, but this time instead of rather hurriedly withdrawing her finger, she changed her hand so that she was making tiny circular movements around that same spot.

Liz started loudly gasping for air, uttering little noises like, 'Jesus!' and 'My God!' and 'Go on, the catch must be THERE!'

After a minute of unsuccessfully trying to locate the catch, Stevie swivelled her body around so that her legs were level with Liz's head, whilst keeping her active hand in the same position.

'I think it might be better if you could look at me, and perhaps offer some guidance,' she said. She then lifted her one leg and moved it over Liz's head, and squatted down so her own groin was virtually resting on Liz's chin. Liz was afforded the same incredible view of Stevie's genitals, as Stevie had been of her.

'Yes. I think that makes it much easier to understand,' Liz said. 'I can't reach it with my hands...' then Liz had her brainwave, '...but perhaps I could just touch it with my tongue.' She experimentally pushed her tongue into the silky swirls, and this time it was Stevie who was gasping, and begging for more.

Liz let her tongue explore further, until Stevie started to scream with pleasure, and then she was vigorously applying her finger to Liz until the pair of them were screaming at the tops of their voices.

After minutes of ecstatic pleasure, the screams turned to groans, and finally to murmurs.

As Stevie rolled off Liz, someone shouted from the next room, 'Can you do an encore?'

They looked at each other, and grinned, then Stevie turned her body around so they could hold each other in their arms. And they fell asleep together.

Author's Note: This story continues in the final chapter. Click here for the FINAL CHAPTER.

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