Breasts / Breast Implants

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 4 - Colliding Lives

I was approached by Ryta to whom I accepted a request to dance...
I gave her a kiss upon the end of our last dance…

Jess and I bumped into each other. I had lost my balance and took
hold of Jess so I wouldn’t fall. Standing face to face, we embraced
with a warm kiss… Jess and I would have more time in the future.

Ashley Phoenix Riley
Chapter 4
Colliding Lives

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

The trip home. Part 8

Beth pulled the old Diplomat into it's normal parking spot. She reached forward and turned off the chrome ignition. The only sound that could be heard was the faint bubbles and tinks of the engine starting to cool down. She did not yet move from her car as she looked out blankly through the windshield. The drive back to her sorority had given her ample time to think things through.

The Death of Angels

“Where am I?”
“You are in Salem, Salem, Massachusetts. Do you know where that is,” Mom asked?
“I kind of know where it is, but I am more afraid when this is. You said something about witches, I’m hoping we are not back when they had witch trials there,” Glory said. “And just before I crawled up the mattress and stuck my head out, I was a boy.”
The Death of Angels
Chapter 1

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 3 - Learning Curves

“All three results saw you as a very mature person who has characteristics
of both male and female people. The short time we already have had together
indicates you are indeed quite a capable and feeling person.”

“While becoming a young woman may not be the easiest journey;
I think it is one that well suits you.
Your mixture of thoughts, feelings and experiences
in growing into who you are is comforting to me
but no guarantee.”

The trip home. Part 7

Beth woke up groggily. She felt trapped for a moment before she realized that during the night the sheets had wrapped around her tightly. Having all the sheets including the bedsheet wrapped around her had caused her to sweat quite a bit as well as her nightie clung to her skin like glue. She knew it meant she had had a bad night. While she couldn't recall any of the dreams she did feel a little less that refreshed that morning. Once out of bed she put the bedsheets into the clothes basket by the door that already had the clothes she had worn the day before in it.

A Deal for My Friend and a New Life for Me

I was nervous... My friend wanted me to be his girlfriend for his Mom. I don't look like a girl, but I like the money plus room and board he offered me. "How could I be your girl?" I asked. Bob said "Sally will help, you will make a perfect girlfriend."


By Terry Hansay

Copyright © 2013 Terry Hansay

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 2 - The Girl Comes into View

Before we pulled away an officer hands a card through the window. It's a driver’s license marked ‘Identification only’...
There is my picture and name Ashley Phoenix Riley. I find a wallet with a place for my license...
A place for a phone with an I.O.U for a new phone...
Bridgette leaned over and gave me one of those women kisses on the cheek, saying “Welcome to Oz Sweetie.

Ashley Phoenix Riley
Chapter 2
The Girl Comes into View

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.


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