Andrew’s Dilemma
Part 18
By, Cain129
Special Thanks to Wren Phoenix for the editing.
Synopsis: I’ve had a very strange and confusing life, and it’s never easy putting together the puzzle that had been made from it. Today, things are becoming much better, thanks to the people around me, but there’s still a void, though. It somehow continues to eat away at me. See, I’ve always had to pretend to be someone I really wasn’t, and I’ve never had a chance to really care about someone else. No one has ever really been close to me, especially when it came to my real ‘opposite sex”-you know, Boys!
I’m really no different from any other girl, and I have the same hopes, desires and feelings. I’ve just never really able to express them. Things are different now; there is no reason for me to be alone. Should I follow my heart? A part of me says yes, but there’s still that other little voice that says I’m really a fake, and not good enough. If I try to be the real me and share my heart, I’ll only get hurt. I’ve decided to take the risk; I choose to follow my heart.