


Authors Note: I couldn't sleep last night. Once again the nightmares and the fear of them got to me. I decided it was time to write it all out in an attempt to give myself some closure. This is the events of the past year and a half in my life and while there are some happy times this is far from a lighthearted tale. Please don't read if you're not prepared for it.

92 Sleeping Pills

Note: This is written by Kylie, not Dorothy. Kylie rendered her account inaccessible, and asked to post it here instead.
Author's note: This is completely true, every word, and it follows my thoughts and actions in what I intended to be my final weeks. Please read with caution.

Kylie smiled her first genuine smile in several weeks, maybe even months. The plan was simple, but genius, and foolproof. An hour later, she set her plan in motion.

I’m moving out on January 4, her text to her case manager read. We can talk about it on Tues, if you want.

The first step was taken; there was no turning back. That simple action -a text message- banished any fears or uncertainty she may have had. She went downstairs to the staff office to add some momentum.

Some days prayers are answered 2

So this is my first work of "fiction" and I don't have an editor so Please be kind. It's based loosely on a dream I had. I am writing it in chapters because I don't know how the whole thing will play out yet but I felt the need to post it. Chapter two is longer then the first and it was supposed to come tomorrow since my muse had abandoned me, but just when I thought I was going to bed she came back.

Some days prayers are answered 1

So this is my first work of "fiction" and I don't have an editor so Please be kind it's based loosely on a dream I had, and I am writing it in chapters because I don't know how the whole thing will play out yet but I felt the need to post it

First time 27.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

The months pass after any cataclysmic situation that a couple like us endured, if you’re lucky. And I count myself as lucky. Christine’s demands were met. Her limitations imposed on me concerning my life. If I wanted to stay married, this was the end of my dressing. Could I meet that demand, of all of them?

First time 26.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

The worst possible scenario had happened. Why oh, why had I not explained about my dressing before now? Before marriage even? Too late to control the way the news was received. Life in ruins. How can anyone possibly recover what is so precious after such a stupid mistake?

Chapter 26 — Once discovered, never trusted

my life

copy rights are the norm here yada yada you can post this at any free site as long as it remains intact.I know this is a bit of a side track on the stories here, but just an up date on my life and its changes.

My early memories of my mother were of some one who was tired and worn down yet still fought the good fight and won out.
I imagine raising 5 kids would do that to you. I remember she had to leave for a while to go back home to Holland, why was never said but I think it was for mental reasons and a possible breakdown.

First time 25.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

My previous chapter started with some of the best love-making Christine and I had ever had. After a ‘turnabout’ party, we had explored ways for both of us to be in control in bed. The chapter ended with my taking the chance to dress in public for the first time. I asked if that was betrayal. I was to be proved right that it was seen to be just that.

Chapter 25 — Being discovered

First time 24.......

First time…..
Musings from WannabeGinger

With renewed apologies for having to censor my last chapter, for the truths revealed were too recognizable, I continue! “Wishing for what might have been”…. So it is for me. What happened with the Agency had an effect on many things in my life. There’s more pure sex in this chapter — no apologies — but my dressing will return!

Chapter 24

What is my transition about?

What is my Transition about?

What is my transition about?

Well, it might be easier to start with what it isn’t.

Its not about sex.

Let’s make something really, really clear. I don’t fancy boys. Never had a crush on one as a kid, never had butterflies in my tummy about talking with one, never dreamed of having one kiss me.

So put aside any thoughts about me making myself more attractive to men. Its just not the case.

The Tryst

The Tryst

A lifelong dream and desire to bring to life my alter ego, Sarah, is realised in this autobiographical story. All events herein happened very recently, and has resulted in a different type of story for me. This story is complete.

Dedicated to Lucy, a lifesaver xx

The Tryst
by Pyrite

Part 1. Dressing Up

Would anyone be interested in continuing my story - Mum's Encouragement?

I have previously posted a number of chapters of my autobiography "Mum's Encouragement" and due to illness and now a demanding new job and relationship I have had difficulty getting back to the story. I will one day however I wondered in the mean time whether anyone wanted to continue my story as a fictional account. It would be interesting to see where others would take it and see how it relates to my real story.

I am happy to assist anyone who wants to take on the challenge with recollections and when I have more time I promise I will write more accounts of my growing up.

Hugs Lucy x

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First time 23.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

“Wishing for what might have been”….. So it is for me. The story of many of our lives, perhaps - my succession of “First times” has gone on, and on. Returning to my theme of “First times…”, there are a number of events that are difficult to place in a real time-line. Life-changing moments, many of them, the next one I recall was talking with a Lesbian about making love to a woman.

First time 22.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Keeping “in the closet” brings stresses and strains that most of us bear with some difficulty. They are more difficult to bear in your Thirties than your Twenties, as it must be for women in general. Lost youth, spreading waistline, peaking libido, and “wishing for what might have been”….. So it was for me.

Chapter 22

First time 21.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

I’m indebted to several readers that have helped me get over what was a bad day at the office and encouraged me to resume the autobiographical theme that I have been developing. I have put my concern about the Ratings and Hits away in a box and will no pay attention to them again. So, here we go again!

First time 20.......

First(and last!)time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Sadly, dear Readers, my writings have lost their interest for many people and the number of hits received for my recent chapters have fallen and fallen. I must be boring everybody, which lowers the satisfaction I get from writing. So, reluctantly, I’m making this my Last Time of writing on the subject of First Times. Here are the firsts I would have written more about……..
Chapter 20

First time 19.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Our marriage upon us, my (now) wife and I planned the honeymoon and our subsequent life together. As man and wife. As he and she. As a couple that had made love enough times to know eachother very well — and to know what gave eachother pleasure. My regrets at ridding myself of the trappings of a crossdresser were not to be short-lived. Or so I thought.

Chapter 19

First time 18.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

The years at Uni passed so quickly. Reflections of my life beforehand come flooding back, together with those from my years of academic study. I reached graduation with the greatest sense of gratitude for the ending of my life in the classroom/lecture theatre. Ready for a new life, I had some decisions to make about my special interest, my “Major” (in fashion, haircare and beauty)!

Chapter 18

First time 17.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Ready to leave home for Uni, I had endured a “purge” — my first — something that comes to us all at times, deciding to leave my stash at home. I knew my clothes might be found hidden away, but equally felt that my co-students at Uni wouldn’t be ready for a fully-fledged crossdresser in our first semester.

Chapter 17

First time 16.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

My first (and only) steady girlfriend hit me in my mid-teens. 17, I was, 15, she was!! This was the Sixties….. But everything wasn’t THAT relaxed! (…not where I was living at least). So I wasn’t yet ready to go out en femme as they call it. Girlfriend time was weekend time, so weekdays were the only possibilities for dressing…..

Chapter 16

A letter to my mother

Dear Mom,

This is probably the hardest letter I have ever written.

First, I love you very much. I love you and I honor you for everything you have done for the family I have now and the family I had when I was young. I’m so very sorry that I made all that so much harder for you. I hope recent years have made up for all the hard times I put you through during my teen years.

First time 15.......

First time…..
Musings from WannabeGinger

Back to my story of the bittersweet experiences in my mid-teens. Dangerous times! The risk of discovery heightened by every choice I made. My first trip to go buying outer clothes and my first car drive home with my hair just set.

Chapter 15 (There was no chapter 13!)

First time 14(13).......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Maybe Mum can give me advice, where nobody else can? I was lonely…… When I wrote that yesterday, together with ‘Drea’s painful words about the hurt from others, I started thinking about the time I was in this situation. We are talking 1967/1968. Of course, there was nobody to confide in. Life was different then……… (No hairdressing in this chapter, by the way!)

Chapter 14 (There is no chapter 13!.. that would be unlucky!)

In the wrong corner

This is it! This is the ultimate, the FINAL challenge. The one I have to solve to prove myself that I can overcome myself. That I beat myself through beating others. They have taught me all my live that this is the ultimate way that men behave like, through which they success. I want to be respected. And that's what I am right now.

My Journey Through Life, So Far Part 1

My Journey Through Life, So Far
Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 1

The journey started for me on Sunday, September 26, 1965 at 5:25 p. m.. But a mistake was also carried out that day also, the doctors considered me a boy. Well physically that was true, but inside I was all girl.

Birth of Lesley Renee Part 4

by: Lesley Renee Charles
Part 4 - The College Years

When I was nineteen, I thought that being male was a mistake. Then one night I thought that if God wanted me a female I would have been born a female. This thought cost me many years of suffering. I then tried to act more like a male, but I wasn’t very successful. In my mind’s eye I would still think of myself as a female.

Birth of Lesley Renee Part 1

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part One - Preschool Years

I was born on Sunday, September 26, 1965 in Somerville, New Jersey. The first three years of my life were uneventful. Around the age of three, I realized that I would grow up to be female. I had no idea of the different plumbing of the sexes at the time so I just knew I would grow up to be a woman.

What is Jennifer Sue made of?

What is Jennifer Sue made of!
By Jennifer Sue

My stories are at times a bit bizarre, but then so am I. From previous comments I’ve made, I’ve had a few requests for a brief snapshot of my life. After the comments about my Halloween story entry, Halloween brings out the best and the worst, I thought I’d give it a shot. Here goes!

I've always considered myself to be a bit looney. I've been trying to figure out if my birth date is the cause. I don't really think it did but it does make my personal insanity a bit more palatable. I couldn't have a more appropriate birthday.

My Life Transgendered

Let me begin by saying that this life is not a game. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation or heterosexual crossdressing. It is about finding happiness and peace within myself. I am a woman who was born into the body of a male. I know many people will say that that notion is totally off the wall, but it is true. The majority of the population can look in the mirror and know without a doubt that they are male or female.The underlying myth that prevails is that external sex organs are the only way to tell whether someone is male or female.This assumption is false.


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