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Ch 02: Who Are You?



By Teek

Chapter 2

Who Are You?

Summary: Stephanie, not wanting to wear her Daryl costume, introduces herself to some people who were not prepared for a girl. As Stephanie spearheads this transition faster than her parents are comfortable with, the real feelings of Mom and Dad start to be revealed.

 © 2012 by Teek

Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Synopsis: Fred's life is coming apart, and in his desperation, he is gambling on a very extreme strategy. After a meeting with Anya at the park, however, he discovers a new, less final way to save what's important to him.


Kit and Kin 11


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Bikini Beach: In the Beginning

Bikini Beach: In the Beginning

There are a lot of questions about the old woman. Where did she come from? Why is her power limited to gender changes? What is the secret she is concealing from Anya? How does she know the SRU wizard? After much time with the BB story universe, it is time to answer some of the questions.

I would like to thank Ellie for helping keep the Beach true to its intent. I'd also like to thank those authors who have chosen to play in my little story universe, especially Danielle J, who has not only written so well, but has also been a great inspiration to my own stories. Also, Bill Hart has given me permission to use the SRU wizard in the manner I describe herein.

Jem...Chapter 70

Jem…Chapter 70
by Bailey Summers

I lean back against the couch pulling my knee up and holding it with my hands as I stare at the screen. It’s just over thirty two hundred dollars with I tunes having taken their cuts and there’s still the cash we have to pay out on our covers.

And then there’s taxes.

Oh I so need to get myself to school. I can get through this but tomorrow, tomorrow we’ll have to go to our bank and get our things set up with our accounts manager and get walked through all of this.

I’m not going to lose this chance. For myself and for us too.

Fairyland Trail, Part 8

McKenzie has declared that he does not want to grow up to be a man. Signs of puberty appear and McKenzie begs Mom to schedule a visit to the clinic Jessica recommended. Will McKenzie get past the gatekeepers? Kaylie's remarks and McKenzie's increasing femininity lead to harassment incidents at school.

The Tribe of the Mountains – Chapter 5 – The Goddess

The Tribe of the Mountains — Chapter 5 — The Goddess

God or devil, spirit or creature, male or female, usually the distinction is easy to make and it is utilitarian.
If it is powerful and helps me it is a God.
If it is powerful and hinders me it is a Devil.
If it does not have flesh but was never a human being, it is a spirit.
If it has flesh, is a creature.
If has a penis and can`t bear children is a male.
If has a vagina and can get pregnant is female.

But what happens when all definitions get mixed up? When male does not have a penis but still can`t get pregnant, when a god has flesh and has its own objectives, sometimes helping, sometimes hindering my work?
Can our minds survive the chaos? Can it become Kaos, the creative force of mythology?

From the teachings of the blessed ones as originally kept in the Library of the Mountains.

Bikin Beach: The Nerds (trilogy)

Bikini Beach: The Nerds

This series of stories was originally posted as 3 separate stories. The theme ties together so well I figured it would be best to make a 3-chapter or 3-part single posting. Yes, I know that this borrows VERY HEAVILY from "Revenge of the Nerds". That's on purpose. If you don't like that, don't read. I just added some Bikini Beach 'magic'....


The Tribe of the Mountains – Chapter 4 – Daylight?

The Tribe of the Mountains — Chapter 4 — Daylight?

From the Seventh Sermon to the Dead — Written by Young (real life)

Man is a portal that allow us to go, from the external world of gods demons and souls into the interior world; from the bigger world to the smallest one. Small and insignificant is man; soon we leave him behind and so we enter again in the infinite space in the microcosm, in the interior reality.

Beyond Galactic Marshal - Chapter 7

Beyond Galactic Marshal


“All right Harper or what ever you are, come on out or we’ll burn the house down!”

I turned to the woman (I don’t even know her name).

“It’s Slago! I guess I’ll give myself up. I’m not going to get you involved.”

She looked thoughtful.

“We’ll just get rid of your disguise and walk out together.”


Bikini Beach: Anya and Me

Bikini Beach: Anya and Me
by ElrodW and Ellie Dauber

Anya meets a friend from her childhood. The joy is overshadowed by unpleasant memories being dredged up on all sides.

There have been a lot of questions and speculation about the background of the old woman and Anya, her granddaughter. I came up with this little tale to answer some of the questions. There are still questions lingering — after all, we all love a little mystery.


Ch 01: The Decision



By Teek

Chapter 1

The Decision

Summary: Every kid knows Costumes are for Halloween, and the rest of the year you are not supposed to wear costumes. So what happens when you decide the outfit you wear every day is really just a costume?

 © 2012 by Teek

Millie's Release

Millie's Release,

Being tonight is Halloween, I've decide to post my one attempt a using Halloween as the catalysis for discovering one's feminine side

It was written years ago and I offer it up now unchanged or edited.

Somewhere Else Entirely -63-

A problem with a wheel causes a delay for Garia and her party, resulting in a number of questions being raised - including a terrible dilemma for Garia and Keren. While they wait for the wagon to be fixed Snep decides to show Garia what he can do for her. The party are forced to spend an extra night at the next stop on their journey to Blackstone.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

63 - Lay-over

Gaby Book 9 Chapter *03* Warsop News


Chapter *03*

Warsop News

Given that Drew wasn't actually interested and his mind was elsewhere the fact that Con managed to outfit Bond junior at all was amazing, into a particularly figure hugging and girly dress with more than a little decollotage on view and some stupidly tarty shoes was pretty impressive.

Bikini Beach: Midnight Swim

Bikini Beach: Midnight Swim

There are a lot of stories about how the park changes people. This one is different, in that it also includes the park as a major part of the action. This one happens inside the park. Now, at long last, all the readers can get a taste of what the park is like inside.

Vicky Martin and some friends decide, on a lark, to scale the fence and go for a midnight swim in the Bikini Beach water park. The outcome is not quite what they expected.


The Tribe of the Montains - Chapter 3 – Hammocks and Mysteries

Chapter 3 — Hammocks and Mysteries

IMG_0512.jpg There are two ways to survive a night in the woods:

- Keep your fire hot and sit close to it. Remember to wake up and feed the fire or build a huge fire capable of lasting the night.
- Tie a hammock to many of the thinnest branches of a tree, so that a jaguar can`t reach you without breaking a branch and falling. You need to be a good climber to use this one.

The second way is more complicated, but was used by many travelers in the past, with usual success. Or, perhaps, we simply never learn of the ones that fail.

Merinda Anorier
Notes from Classes at the Mountains Academy


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