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Quick Cuts - Recent Content

Memories Part 6 Fri LadyDragon623
Kaden and Christy Were Close Fri Jessica C
The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 17 Fri SammyC
The Coven Chapter 2 Fri Su Shi
Stuck in the Middle -80 Fri Natasa Jacobs
Dragon's Fire Chapter 13 Fri Su Shi
Payback's a Bitch - 3 of 3(ish) - Follow through Fri Maeryn
Dawning... Plane Crash, Alternate Take Thu samquick
Eidolon Nexus: The Shattered Realm: Chapter 22 Thu LightBringer
Five Dresses Part 5 Thu Sue Ross
Mates 65 Thu Cyclist
Pete's Vagina -63- Locker Room Wed Erin Halfelven
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 3 of 7 Wed Marianne G
Southern Sunlight -4 Wed Natasa Jacobs
Working For A Living Chapter 16 (Final Chapter) Tue LadyDragon623
The Advert Tue Leeanna19
A personal history of mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 38. Tue Nagrij
The Seamstress and Her Moth Part 6 Mon Flyingmonkey
Off the Ground (Revision) Chapter 3 Mon Aylesea
Kern - 6 - A Good Man and His Daughter Mon Emma Anne Tate
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *28* Sun Maddy Bell
Ethertravelers 02.3: The Penisbirthers, Part 3/3 Sat samquick
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 2 of 7 Sat Marianne G
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3472 Sat Angharad
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 15 (Revised Final Chapter) Sat LadyDragon623
Christmas Concert-P17 (Final) Sat Teek
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: chapter 28 Thu Amethyst
Recovering From Trauma Chapter 10 Thu LadyDragon623
Demon Queened - Chapter 63 - Annoyances, Big and Small Wed princesskay
Open Arms Chapter 4 Wed Aylesea
A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 63 Ever Colder Wed Eolwaen
Altered: Chapter 28 Wed Amethyst
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Memories Part 6


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Kaden and Christy Were Close


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Kaden and Christy Were Close

By Jessica C

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This story is 8 words long.

Aria - Book 4 - Reformer's Fire by Emma Anne Tate on Kindle


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Isolation is difficult at the best of times, but at its worst when the world around you is falling apart.

Aria - Book 4
Reformer's Fire
by Emma Anne Tate
Now on Kindle

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This story is 32 words long.

The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 17

Dagger - Ch. 17 cover.jpg

©2025 SammyC

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This story is 1 words long.

The Coven Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Questions

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This story is 2 words long.

Kelly Girl on Amazon


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Kelly Girl by Wanda Cunningham is the story of a boy who is too pretty for his own good -- he keeps getting mistaken for a girl! Farce, drama, adventure and romance in almost equal portions. Read about his/her adventures in paperback or Kindle edition and help support BC at the same time as all proceeds go to the Hatbox.

KellyGirl Paperback Cover

Kelly Girl on Amazon

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This story is 65 words long.

South of Bikini 3: Episode 5- Trial of the Century? Broken Rules?

Alexander Steinert and the new sisters travel to ‘her’ private domain and instead find themselves in a ‘Wonderland’ of sorts were Cmdr. Steinert is on trial for her recent actions. Can the new Empress understand the twisted charges and defend her sister before the four most revered figures she’s ever known? What rules have been broken in order to save a life?

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This story is 63 words long.

The Love Talk


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New love can be fun.
New love can be bad.
For a time I can’t love.
For it was a time to heel.
Now that I am felling good,
I can love again.
Now I can start a new run.
Love is fun when you find it.
Love is bad when you loss it.
Out with the old love,
And in comes a new love.
Laura is now out of my life.
Anna is now in my life.
And I’m in her life
As a new love
Witch I have not told her yet.
It will take a little more time
To say it to her
Well here it goes

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This story is 112 words long.

A Doll's Life


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A Doll's Life

by Asche

June, 2015

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This story is 6 words long.

Little Boy-Girl the Flash Backs 2 Jenny and Jamie


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Jenny being the one that really takes care of Jamie and Amber is like a little mama to them.

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This story is 19 words long.

32 Flavors Part 1

Author's Note: The following is a story that I proposed as a challenge on my blog. Alyssa Paige, Mindi Harris, and myself are all published writers who specialize in forced feminization stories. I suggested that it might be fun to do a round robin where we took turns writing in roughly 500 word chunks through fifteen rounds. I started, Alyssa was second, and Mindi was third. The following story takes us through part 8 of the story.
I hope you enjoy.

Thirty-Two Flavors Part 1

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This story is 83 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2676


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2676
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Blind Father


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This is a true story that was told in my church today,so I thought u all would like to read it.

Jonathan's Mother died when he was very young,so his Father raised him.Always enjoying football together,Jonathan wanted to play on his school's team.Small in size,the coach didn't let him play very often ,but his Father never failed to attend a game.

One Day,Jonathan went to the Coach before practice & explained his Father had died that Morning.The Coach expressed his sorrow & said not to worry about practice or the game on Saturday.

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This story is 101 words long.

Secondhand Life - Part 31


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While Mikey and I were trolling the internet for customs, cultures and quirks of the various countries we would be visiting, my phone chirped with a text.

I figured it would be Dez, although I considered it might be Eoin or Kirk. A little voice in the back of my head thought it could even be Bianca.


I swallowed hard when I saw the 203 area code.

What the hell happened?

I quickly excused myself from Mikey and curled up into a chair in the corner where I cradled the phone between my folded knees and texted her back.

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This story is 99 words long.

There Can BE Only One

There Can B.E. Only One
A Mercynaries Story from SinComics.com

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This story is 12 words long.

Ninja Girl - Part 6


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Ninja Girl
Part 6

by Purple Dragon

This is the story of how a young boy,
living in an orphanage,
ends up being a ninja girl.

As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

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This story is 32 words long.

Testing Times - Chapter 15 "Pressing Issues"


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Testing Times - A Tommy & Tamara Story  



"Pressing Issues"

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This story is 4 words long.

The Path We Should Walk


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I wrote this back in March of 2008.

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This story is 7 words long.

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 3


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The Loves of Julie Pearson - 3

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2014)

(Jason struggles to hide his femininity as he continues his quest to be a successful high school English teacher. One of the students thinks she knows the truth.. Thanks to Eric for his skillful edits. This is a Novel-length story with 20 chapters. It is a sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”)

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This story is 69 words long.

The Muse


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The Muse
by Jenn C.
Copyright © 2015 Jenn C.
All Rights Reserved.

The Muse.

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This story is 13 words long.

Charlotte, part 14

“Jamie?” The young man asks with confusion as he answers his front door. “What are you doing here this early?”

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This story is 20 words long.

Jem...Chapter 144


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Jem… Chapter 144

Jem…Chapter 144

by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2013 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

An Itsy Bitsy Vacation

ypdb.jpgAn Itsy Bitsy Vacation
By Anon Allsop

My stomach was in my throat, I had been building to this very moment for nearly three years. Standing before the mirror in the women's locker room, I trembled like a leaf. Draping a huge beach blanket over my shoulders, it surrounded me like a shroud.

I hesitatingly looked toward the door, "It's now or never, Kris." I whispered to myself, regretting the bet I had made with myself so long ago - to lose the weight and complete the transition. Hearing a tap on the door, I felt my heart racing - I knew it was my childhood friend.

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This story is 107 words long.

Little Boy-Girl Part 18 and 19


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Little Boy-Girl Part 17 a Very Happy Thanksgiving

It was the next day and after school the Vaughn and Davis family went to the hospital to see Zack. He was so happy to see his sisters Katie and Taylor and cousin Zoey that he started to cry. That’s when Katie and Taylor ran to the bed to give him a hug. And before they can jump on to the bed he said no “I’ve just wet myself.” The twins just looked at him and said “we did to.” And then they “giggled.”

That’s when he saw Ms. Van Horne and asked “when can I go home.”

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This story is 108 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2675


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2675
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

When tales come true Chapter 11



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When tales come true

Chapter 11



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This story is 6 words long.

Honey Bunny: 22

Things start off quite well!
Ally in her Bunny outfit
Sometimes it is more important to listen to your inner voice than those around you.

Honey Bunny
Chapter 22

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2015 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 33 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2674

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2674
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 21 - Resurrections



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Resurrections cover.PNG
Book 21 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Dannigan finds somebody interesting
 Other people have their own plans though.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers.


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This story is 28 words long.

Bikini Beach: Of hopes and dreams, of friendships lost Part 2 of 2


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Bikini Beach: Of hopes and dreams, of friendships lost Part 2 of 2

Story by Ib12us

2nd Revision

We all know what had happened to Anya from her story 'The Temptation of Anya' and the outcome of what Oksana's revenge had done to her.

But what of the effects on others who come to the park? What effects could have been caused intentionally or unintentionally? Here is one such story or several. A story of hopes and dreams. Of love and friendships.

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This story is 81 words long.

Ma Belle Cheri: Victoria Moss: The Best Interlude of my life.

I am Andrew Hudson of 25 years from Sydney. Today I am going to share one of the best experiences of my life. This experience happened with me at Ma Belle Cheri in Sydney. Actually http://www.mabellecheri.com.au/ is the most celebrated brothel in Sydney with no. 1 ranking. I had heard a lot about Ma Belle Cheri and its ravishing girls.

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This story is 62 words long.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 02

Lee forgot one of the most basic rules of hunting. Do not leave so much bait, as to attract the entire pack.

Now, he has to deal with nearby the entire crew of badasses showing up in response to his bait.

Though, while his simple plan is a bust. He knows if he is patient, he will still have his chance to get a reality device, and escape.

And while those after him, don't have a clue that he is the one they are after. And with Sam as an alibi, Lee has made it so it is further unlikely that they will discover his identity.

The main problem Lee has right now, is to figure out to approach both the situation, and these very, very dangerous women, without literally getting his head blown off.

But then, a gambler is no stranger to danger.

Though, if Lee is able to pull that some introductions, he may come to regret it.

Meanwhile, Melvin has to deal with his second worst nightmare, next to being caught by Balalaika, and Hotel Moscow. That being forces into the situation of serving drinks to Revy and her family and friends.

Though, unlike Bao, Melvin doesn't take crap from anyone.

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This story is 204 words long.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 01

A person is about to have a very bad day.

Within the same hour of finding out he has six months to live, he learns that a small army of badasses want vengeance against him.

And the only chance he has of surviving his problems, is he has to flee to the east coast of Mexico. To the mysterious city of De La Plata Podrido.

Where he has has to go shark fishing for badasses, while using himself as live bait.

Can the person whom created the Badasses Of the Multiverse, outwit them, or will he be doing the cha-cha in hell?

While some hunt him. Someone is helping him. Though he has few clues, and no idea who it is.

Though, with no other leads, the clues lead him to the east coast of Mexico, and the mysterious island city of De La Plata Podrido. There he learns the lay of the land, and some of those that live in the city.

It is all about proper planning and preparation. And he is going to do both.

And when he is ready, he sets the trap, and waits for a few to take the bait.

For he has come up with such a simple plan.

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This story is 206 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2673


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2673
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.




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Author’s note. This is a poem that popped into my head today. Its gonna be tough, as it deals with sexual abuse. Please be careful reading it.

(I cant do music, but imagine a soft, sad guitar playing while you read this)

I’m ... bleeding ...

just when he entered me

Bleeding ...

never will be free

Bleeding ...

cant let anyone see

Bleeding ...

what he made of me

Bleeding ...

and no one can ever know

Bleeding ...

so its go on with the show

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This story is 83 words long.

When tales come true Chapter 10



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When tales come true

Chapter 10



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This story is 6 words long.


More DopplerPress

The Girl Who Saved Aunt T's by Angela Rasch on Kindle


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Eric thought he was living a reasonable life until a series of calamities broke up his marriage, took his job and put his parents in a precarious position.

When Kevin, his tennis partner in High School, reminds him of the great team they made and offers him the opportunity to turn his life around he has a critical decision to make.

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This story is 61 words long.

Demon Stalker (I Wish 4) by Amethyst on Kindle


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Demons! Why did it have to be Demons?!

Demon Stalker
I Wish Book 4
by Amethyst
Now on Kindle

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This story is 18 words long.

The Princess Trap on Kindle


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Teenage identical twins Allie and Cissy started swapping places just for the fun of it when they were small. It worked better than you might think, considering that Allie is a boy named Alan. Cissy loves sports and Alan loves fashion and the still enjoy playing games and fooling the grown-ups.

But things have turned serious and it looks like someone is setting up a trap....

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This story is 78 words long.

All for Love - 'The Kiss' & more - A Melanie Brown Sampler


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Melanie Brown's newest collection from Doppler Press!

All for Love

Now on Kindle!

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This story is 10 words long.
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