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The Time I was Reincarnated as a Fire Goddess 1

The rain poured heavily as I walked through the dimly lit streets, my thin jacket doing little to shield me from the downpour. I clutched the grocery bag tighter, feeling the cold water seep through the fabric. My shoes splashed in puddles, each step reminding me of how today had unraveled into a string of bad luck. The weight of it all pressed down on my shoulders like the gray clouds above.

The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 4

The school was a sight to behold, far beyond anything I had ever imagined. It stood before me, a testament to elven elegance and grandeur, its towers and spires reaching gracefully into the sky. Every detail of the architecture seemed to shimmer with the same fluid design I had come to expect from the elven world, but this place was on a grander scale. As we approached the entrance, I, Sam, couldn't help but feel out of place. The courtyard was a sea of elves—tall, graceful, and otherworldly. I scanned the crowd, hoping to see another human, but there were none.

Mates 50

Chad was the late arrival at work on Monday morning, as he was busy dropping Vern off somewhere. I didn’t need to know whose place was involved, as long as the lad brought a smile into the office on his arrival.

Ronnie was already behind her desk, and in response to Maryam’s “Morning!” as the three of us walked in together, Ronnie simply said, “Very chipper this morning, Ms Rahman!”, before shutting her mouth more than a second after speaking.

Here Be Dragons

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

You know, there are times when a life goes so far off the rails that things can never be the same again!
Of course, none of you know the least thing about what I’m talking about do you?

Here Be Dragons

By Sunwolf
Copyright© 2014 Sunwolf
All Rights Reserved.

Consequences: A New Life Part 9

Thanks as always to Robyn Hood, Emily and Cressar. And to everyone who has commented and kept with the story :)

I hope you enjoy this, the penultimate episode of Consequences

Part Nine

We are sat backstage as Tina searches for illicit cigarettes in her handbag.

"Gawd Tina, I am soooo glad we hang out now," I say in a loud whisper. "I can't believe I was spending time with that munter Andi and her sadsack friends." Tina smiles conspiratorially at me.

A Halloween Engagement – 2 A Halloween Love Blossoms

A Halloween Engagement 2 is the continuation A Halloween Engagement from last Halloween. This chapter is to be followed by the concluding chapter this Halloween.

Last Christmas, we’re at my parent’s house with both families when Matthias went to his knees to propose to me again. He gave me another that is even more beautiful. “Jeanne Hulme, you know I love you and you know who I am. Will you marry me?” … Matthias and I have bought a home in York. …Most see us as a gay couple and I now see myself as a woman. I am the one most people wonder about in my engagement with Matthias

Spark - 04 - Escape



SALAMANDER, n. Originally a reptile inhabiting fire; later, an anthropomorphous immortal, but still a pyrophile. Salamanders are now believed to be extinct, the last one of which we have an account having been seen in Carcassonne by the Abbe Belloc, who exorcised it with a bucket of holy water.
~ The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

Charlotte, part 21

“I’m Jamie-Lee Burke, on behalf of Infemme- THE fragrance for women, exclusive to amazon.co.uk!” I grin widely as I place one hand on my hip whilst another holds up a bottle of expensive, branded perfume for the video and still cameras that are recording me. Naturally, my look is perfect. In addition to professionally-applied make up and nail polish, I’m wearing a chic, tight top, a cute black skirt with wavy pleats, opaque black tights, and my long blonde hair has been teased and styled to perfection.

The Camp Of The Willows - Chapter 6

The Camp Of The Willows - Chapter 6
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Part 1 - The camp project meeting.

The girls all woke up and took turns in the shower. When they were finished getting dressed, they all made their beds and swept the cabin and mopped it. When they were done, the breakfast bell rang over the public address system.

The girls went to the cafeteria and had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon (three strips), toast (if they wanted any), and milk. Sharon sat with the girls today, and listened while Miss Loretta made an announcement.

Unlikely Quarterback – 14 New People in Elaine's Life

Bryce Royce was eleven before learning he’s androgynous…
Being Elaine not a boy named Bryce, should be okay,
Except Bryce is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback;
…now more fully Elaine.

Amadeus Irina ~ Part 1 (Revised)

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

A lonely young boy is torn between two worlds. Which will he choose—that of his father OR that of his mother?


Amadeus Irina

By Shauna

Copyright© 2017 Shauna
All Rights Reserved.
Splash collage courtesy of Dawn Natelle
(all image originals sourced from Creative Commons)

Author’s Note:
Hi All,

I have decided to go back and edit the older chapters and fix any typos, as well as add in the newer graphics. While there won’t be any substantive changes to the story, I may clean up a few things and streamline some of the storyline, since I have learned a fair amount about writing in this style over the course of the story.

Don’t feel like you really HAVE to reread these older chapters, but if you do and find you like them, please consider hitting the ‘Thumbs Up’ button if you haven’t already done so!

Thanks for supporting story and I hope you continue to enjoy it!


It's Just a Twin Thing Part-6

It's Just A Twin Thing
Part Six



Jordan and his sister, Jess, are twins, some think identical because they look so much alike. They used to fool a lot of people when they were younger but the differences became apparent as they got older or did they?

Alexa Chapter 6: Revelations

Alexa Chapter 6: Revelations

“Help me”

I have never felt so helpless in my whole life. Here I am, a guy, asking my best friend to help me as I sit on the bathroom floor tears running down my face. Those tears causing the mascara I had put on a few minutes prior to run like the Mississippi. I sit on the floor wearing a dress and women’s underwear asking a girl to help me, but with what?

“Oh my god! Alex!” Katie screams as she moves quickly to my side. I bury my head in Katie’s chest, not out of lust or anything, but out of general shame.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 6

Sunday Morning Pantyhose VI
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them -- Tracy

Coming Out

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Kerrie meant to tell him about her transition
but by the time it came out (so to speak)
it was too late...

Coming Out

By Kelly Blake
Copyright© 2013 Kelly Blake
All Rights Reserved.
Coming Out-1.png


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The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 85)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

85 Commander Makala Memories

John is.. suffering [3.5]

RvsB.jpg Have you ever had that feeling that everything’s happening far too quickly, yet painfully slowly at the same time?
It’s like watching a house of cards you built with so much care come crashing to the ground all at once.. it’s not a nice feeling to be honest.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being short of breath
(although that’s hardly his biggest problem)
and Hannah.. Hannah breaks the rules a bit?..

A bridge between lives

A night sky full of stars - it's late - a young man slowly walks back  to the place they are staying at from a birthday party - walking across a bridge high above a small river the runs though town they stop as they look over the side - with tears running down they face all they can think about is how easy it would be to end it - to step off the edge  - end all the pain and suffering - no longer seeing any way out... 

Consequences: A New Life Part 8

Part 8

I stand there gobsmacked.

"Jessie, what are you doing here?" She struggles to her feet; she looks thin and unwashed.

"I came here to see you," she says, her voice broken and uneven.

"You came to see what you did to me," I snap, clenching my fists. "You came to laugh!"

"No!" Her voice is shaky, I can see the fear in her eyes. "The website wasn't me. It was Pui!" I shake my head in disbelief.

"Why should I believe you?" I ask, thinking of Pui, the quiet girl who hangs around with the popular kids.

Vindex Spei 01 - What came before

Vindex Spei


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Vindex Spei

Erlan, one of the few remaining immortal leaders of the Hegemon, has abandoned his post. He’s departed into the Fringe and worked to to build up the lost and abandoned colonies into a power of their own, the Kormault League. This has drawn ire from secret factions within the Hegemon who have decided the League should be put down and taken back. Erlan and those he's gathered fight against the Hegemon to preserve their freedom. Some of these individuals will do anything for the cause. One will use their special power to do the unusual and unorthodox to win.

Best Friends Forever

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

How far will a person go for their friend?

Best Friends Forever

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright  © 2014, 2016 Jennifer Sue
All Rights Reserved.

The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane - Part 7

The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane - Part 7
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 9 - Life returns to normal in Pine Forest.

With Jonah Wilson Carruthers and David Adams gone, the city of Pine Forest returned to its normal operations. Folks were working, store proprietors were selling dry goods and groceries. John Shepard was still at the Village of Pine Woods hardware store. Eileen Shepard was looking through the sewing and crafts section. Jimmy and Kathy Shepard were looking at the toys.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 13

Synopsis: Tammy and Bonnie take Baby Jennie to Bonnie's place, where Bonnie learns that Tammy wants to try on her old nappies. The girls play dress-ups and decide to take Baby Jennie for a walk in the park.

Chapter 13. Baby Learns Her Lessons

South of Bikini 4: Episode 8- Exodus II

With things quickly deteriorating in Egypt, can Alex and her sisters keep Pharaoh and his royal family alive long enough to make it back to the Temple of the Sun to begin their politically-driven journey to their next life? How does a very, very…VERY, abstract chess match figure into their pre-procession preparations? Only time will tell.

Shadowsblade: School is a pain in the back!

Left at Eden - Chapter 10

Left at Eden
There were quite a few people on the beach, with a huge, roaring bonfire, and distinctly primitive-sounding music playing - mostly drum beats. There were humans, Sartoran, Ilonans, and a few races Hailey had never seen before, each in small numbers, and even a handful of Furren - one calico, one as black as night, and two more light neon green with darker stripes.


More DopplerPress

Bobbi McGee by Chris Leeson on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Rob Wescott was unlucky when it came to love. That harmless statue that his ex sent him and he left by his bed turned out to be not so harmless when he woke the next day.

Rob, now Bobbi had to make a new life for herself. But would she continue to be unlucky in love?

Bobbi McGee

by Christopher Leeson

The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle


Audience Rating: 



The Last of the Fey

by Denise Anesidora Trask

Dennis is a stunt man, er... boy, er... young adult. Being of slight build, although muscular, he didn’t get into sports when in middle and high school. No, he was far too deeply involved in the motion picture business by then. It all began when he was less than a year old and snowballed from there.

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