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The Faerie Blade: Chapter 34

Faerie Blade.png


Chapter 34: Kaelyn and the Avenue of Mystic Delights

Kaelyn was just trying to fill her belly, but she got a lot more than she bargained for when she decided to save the life of a Faerie.


I looked down at little Kalara, her eyes still fixed on the wings in the shop window and let out a sigh. “Let us go inside, I would like to ask the shopkeeper some questions.”

Chapter 3: Girl Talk

The New Girl at Uskweirs Manor
Chapter 3: Girl Talk

Ashbourne rapped on the bedroom door and gave Amelia the ghost of a smile. “It is the ungodly hour of… well, nearly noon, so there is a slight question as to whether my daughter is even out of bed.”

Mates 47

I let her walk in before me, and not so I could get another view of her rear end. This was all going too quick, or so one of the Greek chorus of voices in my head was proclaiming, while another was insisting that going at any speed at all, over any period whatsoever, would remain too quick. Did I not love my wife? How could I even think of heading down that path?

Pushing the Limits- Part 6

This took a lot longer than I had hoped and expected…mainly because this story is a lot longer than I thought it would be- so this is actually the first half. As always, please read and review. If for some reason, you haven’t read the first few chapters, make sure to go ahead and do that before you read this one. The next part should be up soon.

Chapter 6: A Romp At the Mall

“Woohoo!! Way to go, Evan!”, Katy practically cheered the next morning as Evan entered the store for the beginning of his shift.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 1

Life on the Run in Skirts

CHAPTER 1 - A married man when dealing with his wife can be right or happy, not both

At the moment, Ellen was sprawled across her bed in a plain white ankle length flannel nightdress that was buttoned up to her neck. It was her standard weekday suburban housewife regalia. It wasn’t very racy. Her sexy negligees and lingerie were packed away, reserved for Saturdays.

To her husband, the flannel nightgown reminded him of something his grandmother used to wear. It was an opinion he prudently kept to himself.

Undercover Angel - Chapter 3


Chapter Three - Ravaged On The Train

Steve is on Rachel's tail and has traced her to the motel from where she beat a hasty retreat. Rachel ditches her car and takes the train but it's a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. Meanwhile Steve is closing in on her.

A Spark Can Start A Blaze

Ethan stretches like a cat as he wakes-up in bed. He was enjoying dressing like a girl all the time now. The silk nightgown he wore to bed rubs against his smooth skin and sends goosebumps up and down his body.

He looks down towards his chest and he was slowly developing his own breasts. He decided after high school that he wanted his own breasts. He had been wearing fake ones all the time for his performances. So, he talked Dr. Wolfhart into increasing his estrogen levels, since his body produced so little testosterone.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 10

Chapter 10

So began my career as a gofer. Mainly it was coffee for Triss and the Producer who was called Adam. Everyone else called him Mr Smithson, but he insisted I call him Adam. Triss was married to the director, Pierce Slater, but he had Bee to get drinks for him. Bee did lots of other things besides. I only really fetched drinks and cookies, occasional lunches and snacks.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 5 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 5 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ve been through a lot in the past few days -- I mean, the past DAY --
but I have to say, I haven’t seen my face look that sad in a long time.
What’s wrong?”

Men Suffer Too - Chapter 1

Chapter 1
The holiday job

“ Oh come on Chris, you’ve done it before with no problems, please help me out.”

“ No, I’ve changed in the last two years, I don’t think I will pass like I used to, and, besides, there must be someone else you can ask”


Living a life less ordinary Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Bee drove the car into an underground car park for an apartment block. I had to wait for her to release me before I could start helping her gather all our shopping. We then had an elevator ride to her one-bedroom apartment. I was asked to sit quietly while she sorted out her bedroom, so I sat on the sofa and pulled out my kindle.

Lifeline 15

“What’s a diddycoy, Loz?”

“Ah, love, it’s one of those words that has two meanings. Two uses, really. See, Ken’s Romany, mother and father. Me, it’s just my Dad, so that makes me a sort of mongrel, and the old Romany word means mixed blood. That’s one meaning, and one use of the word. If you were ours by blood, that is what you would be. The other meaning is also tied in with how it gets used, and it’s just another insult. They throw the same thing at the tinkers, and most of them have got big houses in Ireland as well as bloody big caravans.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Before I was ready to meet up with Billy, I needed to organise. If I ended up leaving with Billy, I wouldn't have a chance to come back to my campsite. I didn't want to leave all my stuff to be discovered, but I also needed to be able to retrieve everything if I didn't leave with Billy. I made two piles, one that I thought I could take with me and the rest. I had to base what I could take with me on what I could reasonably have gotten a hold of or couldn't live without and what I would be able to carry.

Warriors way chapter 4...Double down

Warriors way chapter 4...Double down

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





Forsythe Saga - Done Deal

Maxine continued her task of trying to understand the business and how Adrian worked. A lot of it seemed like magic to her but slowly his approach to doing business became clear.

All the time, the bid to buy the Hotel in Devon was on the table. Adrian’s lawyers tried to get a decision about the bid but for a while, they were fobbed off by the phalanx of Amercian Lawyers and Accountants that seemed to be pouring over every aspect of the UK Company’s operations. Adrian was perplexed as this should have been done as part of the ‘due diligence’ before the deal was signed. He wondered more than once if there was something in the books that was very dodgy.

Six weeks after the bid had been put on the table, the reason for the delays became obvious. Two of the former UK company directors were arrested on suspicion of money laundering and employing illegal immigrants. Jon Lord was also implicated in the wrongdoing.



Ahead of schedule this time: Dawn.


16. Preparing to travel

Stone slowly drifted into the half-sleep that comes with morning, and cuddled the small body next to him. Suddenly enough brain cells started working for him to realize that the body was not Rayla. It was Emily, who had somehow wormed into the space between them, and as Stone stood up, he saw Jason at the door between the rooms.

Curtain Fall Chapter 27

Hey again! Do you remember a while back that in my blog I mentioned I was conflicted as to a direction I planned on taking this story? Well I made my choice. Warning here: This is a very intense and dark chapter. In spite of that I hope you enjoy it!

BTW, I found an even more appropriate theme for this chapter: "We are the Truth!"

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I allowed myself that day to mope then I had to get down to business. I had a lot more setting up to do and I had to choose my new look. My four-week clock only really started from when I had started working on changing myself. That had to take priority.


I wish I had dreamt up this piece, but this prayer originated from neither my pen nor my mind. I remember it doing the rounds many years ago, and I thought it worth sharing in an updated form. I wish to make it clear that I have no special axe to grind with any of the individuals mentioned. My personal list would be much longer and include every politician of every stripe on the planet, but by all means feel free to amend the list or append to it with politicians or others of your choice. As far as I am aware it always was unattributed, but if you are the individual who originated the piece, one I dip my knees to you, and two please let me know so I can credit you with its creation properly. In gratitude, Eolwaen.


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