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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

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Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy

Being raised as a boy but developing female body changes at puberty makes for a very difficult mental condition. Sometimes I present as a boy who dresses as a girl and other times I present as a girl who hides the fact that there is a penis in my panties.

Betrayal and Forgiveness

Opening the wedding invitation that evening was like a stab in the heart, even though I had suspected this was coming. I sat down on my bed and heaved a huge part-sigh and part-sob. Vicky had chosen Pete over me, so that was that. It was easy to see why she might think he was the better choice; he’d always been more successful and manly than I was. In business he was doing extremely well, on the path to becoming a young executive, whereas I was never going to be executive material; I didn’t have much of a head for business. And Pete did seem like a nice enough guy, at least compared to some of the losers Vicky had seen in the past. Even though he was my rival I’d always almost liked him.

Passing Tones, Chapter 11

I have no idea how long I’d been under my headphones working on the Prokofiev, but when Cindy tapped me on the shoulder she didn’t look any too pleased that I was still working. I looked at her sheepishly and took off the headphones.
Passing Tones
Chapter 11

by Jillian Marie

Thanks to my friends Karen J Taylor, Angharad Apgwilym, PB, Angel O’Hare, and Dimelza Cassidy for their assistance and support.
I never would have gotten this far without you.

Snap-In Tools

This is a drabble (100 word story) based on a joke I'd once made about a company a friend of mine had worked for that sounded very close to Snap-In Tools. I'm not really sure of the rating. If anyone thinks I should change it, please let me know. Enjoy! :)


Being Christina Chase | Chapter 3: A Simple Misunderstanding

        As Chris rolled over and opened his eyes he could tell by the light on the ceiling that it was morning, but something was different. He felt as though he was floating on a cloud. This wasn't his bed. His bed was only marginally better than sleeping on the floor, and that was only because he rarely swept. Even the soft feather pillows molded perfectly to the curvature of his head. He couldn't remember feeling so relaxed in his life. Most mornings, his first action was to untwist his underwear, but today, his pajamas flowed marvelously from his body. He sighed, reveling in the sensation of being absolutely pampered.

A Perfect Match?

The Deception of Choice. Part 15 comprising Chapters 42 & 43.

Understanding in 100 Words

This a very short and sweet story depicting how things might have gone if my father had been able to understand me when I was growing up and trying to figure myself out. It's exactly 100 words long. I remember there had been a specific name for stories this short, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is now.

They Might be Men!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people or situations is coincidental. This story does contain Transgender themes and if this would offend you don't continue! I the author retains the right for where and when this work is posted. As always many thanks to the proof readers Hope, Janet Nolan, and others who took my rough raw work and fashioned it into something readable! Any mistakes of course are mine!

They Might be Men!
By grover

Miki: Keeping the Faith, A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

Should she make offer to the woman, the furry one wondered? Then, to her complete astonishment, the woman and the red-man simply vanished! It wasn’t in her nature to curse or bemoan her ill fortune. She simply decided that if they were watching the entombment of the box that they would be back, and when they came back she would make offer to the woman, for it wasn’t right for one of the sisterhood to be without a protector.


A faithful sorceress's familiar waits and watches for her next mistress to be. Girl is she in for a suprise!

And That is the Way it Happened -3-

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Janice goes to her first news shoot as a woman. She becomes comfortable in her role, but things are never as easy as the plans seem.
Things for her go from good to bad... to good.

And That
is the Way it Happened

Part 3

by Paula Dillon

Copyright © 2007 Paula Dillon
All Rights Reserved.

The House of the Rising Sun

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 2: The Long Drive

        Chris began the long day's drive already spent from a week of sleepless nights. He had stopped for some soda and fast-food hours after leaving home, but caffeine and empty calories could only do so much. Realizing that his head was starting to drift downward every so often as he rested his eyes, he left the interstate for a rural route. Seeing a filling station, he decided to top off his gas tank before he ventured further into the official middle of nowhere.

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 2

Joanie rushes to aid Jade and learns the child wasn't the only one maimed. The Anderson twins talk about Pinky, her dangerous mental powers and her relation to Joanie. More celebs show up at her farm. Joanie gets a car that puts the little old lady from Pasadena to shame. We hear about the Smith's twin mom and Katie. And this ferret/mink/big furry rat -- no one is quite sure what it is -- comes into her life.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Passing Tones, Chapter 10

On my way back to the apartment I oscillated between being upset with Cindy over what had transpired earlier with Sarah and creeped out by my encounter with Dr. Wyler. By the time I’d made it back home I’d reached the conclusion there wasn’t a lot I could do about the Doc, but a conversation with Cindy was definitely on my to-do list.
Passing Tones
Chapter 10

by Jillian Marie

Thanks to my friends Karen J Taylor, Angharad Apgwilym, PB, Angel O’Hare, and Dimelza Cassidy for their support and assistance in preparing this and all of my writings. You are all present in these words.

The Tree House

Ten year old Joey is caught again looking up girls dresses, this time in his Sunday school class. A loving but frustrated Mom decides she has to take drastic measures to make her son quit this terrible habit. This time Joey pays the consequences with a capitol “C”.

The Tree House

by Ashley Ann Belle

A Year In My Life (Part II - 1)

If you read Part I of "A Year in My Life", you would know that I found the love of my life, Katie. Kate and I became engaged just before high school graduation.

The other outstanding thing that I learned about myself was that I have a more feminine side, named Gwen. Gwen is who I am when I'm dressed as a girl, or now a college coed.

Kate was a driving force in finding Gwen, and helping her blossom. If you haven't read Part I, you might like to. In fact, thinking back, I should have called this story "A Few Years in My Life."

This part of my story covers the first year of our college life. It certainly hasn’t been boring. I can't tell you too much without giving away the story, but things got very interesting for us in college. Among other things, we met Tiffany. She tried to come between Kate and me, and almost succeeded.

And, a special thanks to Jenny van Eik for editing this chapter.


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