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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

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Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy

Being raised as a boy but developing female body changes at puberty makes for a very difficult mental condition. Sometimes I present as a boy who dresses as a girl and other times I present as a girl who hides the fact that there is a penis in my panties.

Betrayal and Forgiveness

Opening the wedding invitation that evening was like a stab in the heart, even though I had suspected this was coming. I sat down on my bed and heaved a huge part-sigh and part-sob. Vicky had chosen Pete over me, so that was that. It was easy to see why she might think he was the better choice; he’d always been more successful and manly than I was. In business he was doing extremely well, on the path to becoming a young executive, whereas I was never going to be executive material; I didn’t have much of a head for business. And Pete did seem like a nice enough guy, at least compared to some of the losers Vicky had seen in the past. Even though he was my rival I’d always almost liked him.

A Day at Work, "Dressed"

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement. I think, at that moment, Bobbie realized that this was more than just a job related thing for me. I was a bit unsure about how I should answer her so I just said, "Let's go do this and, after it's over, you and I can talk. Okay?"

A Day at Work,"Dressed"

By Catherine Linda Michel

The Sentence -3-

chapter #3
Jillian Spears

When we last seen Little Jillian, Holli her sister was just about to get home from school. It looks like Jillian’s troubles seem to be getting worse. Mom & Holli soon find out about the days outing, the diapers, and everything else. Mom thinks Jillian needs to learn another lesson. Our poor little girl is in for a lot more surprises it seems.

No Obligation, Part 18

The Advocate faces her toughest challenge as she enters her duel with araNyamArjAra -- to prove that humans are more than prey. The lives of those she swore to protect and the very future of her mission depend on her. Can a thirteen-year-old sorceress win a test of power against an immortal goddess?

No Obligation
Part 18

by Randalynn

"To Stand Against A Goddess""

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 2

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 2.

The shower had returned me to some degree of normality and I was beginning to recover from the hypothermia or shock, or both. I grabbed the yellow bath towel and began to gently pat myself dry. I was covered in bruises and scratches, none were too deep and I'd suffered more from falling off the bike on earlier occasions.

Penn Station

Penn Station

by shalimar

I took the Long Island Rail Road into Woodside then took the number seven train into Grand Central Station where I met Baruchah for the first time. In real life she was a nineteen-year-old male student who needed to transition but has not tried yet. In her mind and mine, Baruchah Miriam is one of my five-year-old twins. I went to the information booth and found out what track the train would be coming on. I wore my “Panama” hat and a kiwi colored peasant skirt so she could easily recognize me.

First Kiss

This is a true story. It happened to me many years ago in Germany while I was in the Military. The events are as they happened and the places described exist as I have described them. Only the names have been changed to protect anyone who still needs protection.


First Kiss

By Catherine Linda Michel

The Serendipity of Freedom | Part 4: Breaking Away

" Here I was. Twenty-one years old, beautiful, and female.
I had the love of a beautiful woman whom I loved more than life itself.
I was the captain of my own ship and the mistress of my destiny.
That I was also now a hunted outlaw suited me just fine as well."

by Lisa Caitlin Grey

The Sentence -2-

Chapter # 2

As you may remember from chapter #1, Jack who is now known as Jillian or Jilly, was being punished for lighting firecrackers on the school bus. It’s now the beginning of day two of his punishment. He figured he would be able to sneak out of the punishment, and take off all of the girl’s clothes, when his mom left for work. Boy was he ever so wrong

Sissy Julian - Chapter IV, A New Morning

Sissy Julian - Chapter IV, A New Morning

by: sissystevie

Julian begins his new Lake Orenda regime as he is quite uniquely prepared for a day in the village. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention very dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking.

It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R.

Revised: 24 July 2007

The Chalice and the Wand, Part 2

The madness that consumes Ron Weasley continues. Now with Luna Lovegood!

This is a work of fiction using the characters created by J.K. Rowling. They are not used with her permission. All actions follow the events of book six of the series. Any similarity between any person living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional. If you happen to find your life reflected in this piece I’ll be impressed.

The Chalice and the Wand
by poetheather
Story ideas by poetheather and Wintermoon3
Beta by redpiratemel

Chapter Two

College Girl : 2

Gwen, Meredith and I took the back stairway up to the third floor to the room I was going to be living in. When we got there Gwen opened the door and let me walk in first. The room was all bright colors and flowers. It was a very feminine room, what with all the stuffed animals on the bed and posters of both unicorns and nearly naked men.

College Girl
By poetheather

Chap 2

The Warrior From Batuk: Chapter 31 (Conclusion)

The Warrior from Batuk
by Aardvark

A meeting with Ananisia to discuss her love life and a lecture about an ancient philosopher. The unexpected return of a family member places old matters in proper perspective. A parting in the early morning. A trip brings Tyra and Wanda to a dangerous valley. The meeting of an old flame. An old friend from the earliest days appears in the night. A new beginning?

Angels with Smudged Wings

"This office, or rather this branch of Heaven, was designed as a way for folks like me to earn our wings, as it were. It’s a way for us to earn our way into Heaven proper."


Angels with Smudged Wings

By Catherine Linda Michel

The Only Real Magic

The Only Real Magic

by shalimar

It was another Saturday night where John and I were hanging out together as usual. We have been best friends since elementary school when I moved into this suburban community from the city in the second grade. I was shy then and had difficulty getting to know anyone in my new school. John who lived a few houses away from me decided to get to know me better and we've been friends since.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 17: Thanksgiving

        Christina sat on the bus to Dover, leafing through the current issue of Vogue magazine, where she'd dog-eared a few pages containing some looks she wanted to try out with Steph.

        This time, her visit to the Transformations Boutique had not been as traumatizing as the first time. Though the place made still her feel extremely uncomfortable, she tried to look at it as though it was an ordinary salon visit. The Brazilian wax wasn't quite as painful as the last time as her pubic hairs had never quite grown back to their old thickness. She supposed there was no real need to wax her bikini area, but she had to admit that the feeling of her panties caressing her baby soft skin made her feel more secure in her new role.

The Sentence -1-


This story is about how an 8-year-old boy who is punished by being forced to dress as a little girl, and ends up, wearing diapers, and being forced into dressing, and acting like a 3-year-old little girl.

The Warrior From Batuk: Chapter 30

The Warrior from Batuk
by Aardvark

A willing pupil for a dangerous game. A January - June romance, or let's keep it in the family. A power meeting with the Slavers Guild. Explaining to Daphne her new position in life. Nikolai's night ride is abbreviated. A last night in the palace is bittersweet. Tyra meets Kim in the garden and explains.

Family Tragedies & Secrets Special Edeyn-tion!

As promised, the Special Edition! Special Features (clickable) include -- Cast of characters breakdown, the “Behind the Scenes” Author Interrogation IRC Log, and a quick description of
MY personal favorite part of each Chapter. Maybe having the whole story all at once will make it easier to enjoy!!!

Family Tragedies and Secrets
Special Edeyn-tion
by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

College Girl : 1

College Girl

By poetheather

Chap 1

My curiosity and sense of humor get the best of me every once in a while, and some of what amuses me often leads me into trouble. This was most definitely one of those times.

I have always been one for equality, you know no exclusive clubs or organizations or groups. So I wanted to get into one of these exclusive clubs and change things around. I was of the opinion that this course of action was all for the good. But things don’t always work out they way you plan them.

The Chalice and the Wand, Part 1

Ron Weasley has always managed to find himself in all sorts of trouble. Time and time again he had bumbled through things. Now he has bumbled into something wholly unexpected.

This is a work of fiction using the characters created by J.K. Rowling. They are not used with her permission. All actions follow the events of Book Six of the series. Any similarity between any person living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional. If you happen to find your life reflected in this piece I’ll be impressed.

The Chalice and the Wand
by poetheather

The Serendipity of Freedom | Part 1: The Naval Academy

"My grandfather offered me his space yacht as a reward if I signed on for a ten-year tour in the space navy. That's what made me do it."

by Lisa Caitlin Grey

Runway | Chapter 10 - 11: Why Do Women Fall In Love?

Synopsis: Tiffany and Brenda, already on the go in their assignment, are finding that their lives as women are more complicated than they first thought. What is it with men and their strange pull on them both? Can they resist falling in love?

Secondary Education, Chapter 10, Reincaration

Secondary Education
Tyla Flowers
[email protected]

Chapter 10

I am asleep in the arms of my Bodhisattva. He strokes my forehead.
“Look within to find consciousness of the skandhas that survived your rebirth.”
I concentrate, and focus on a fuzzy, black and white image. “I was Private Flores, an American warrior in the jungle battles of Laos. I killed many and died filled with guilt and hatred. These passions survived inside me, and even they roil and disturb my karma, to disturb my feminine equilibrium.”

Family Tragedies & Secrets Pt 20

Wheee! It was a fun ride for me, I hope you all had as much fun! Now, I know there's a lot of questions surrounding elements of this story, but I'm more than happy to help provide the answers! Tonight, at 7:30pm Central Time (at -6 GMT), I will be in the chatrooms to answer any and all FTS questions that are left! I'll log the session and clean it up, then post it as a DVD Special Feature for FTS! Go [ here ] for more information. Here's Part 20, the Final Chapter, enjoy!!

Family Tragedies and Secrets
Part 20
(Final Chapter)
by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney


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When his family moved to Alaska, Patrick had a new life to begin...in more ways than one.

The Arctic Fox
by Rosemary
Now on Kindle

The new kid is a genius. At thirteen, starting the ninth grade, he just wants to fit in. His Air Force dad moved the family to Alaska and it's a whole new life.

Maybe in a new life he can be his real self, a girl who decides to call herself Marcia to make it more different from her old name.

A new life means new friends, new challenges. Like dealing with bullies and boys who think she's pretty. There is drama—a death in the family, danger in her father's job as a pilot, romantic complications—can Marcia deal with all the changes?

Eve by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Eve, born Evan Nichols, lived a lie for 28 years before finally deciding to do something about it. She knew becoming a woman would cause pain and emotional distress, but you can't prepare for everything...especially not romance.

Eve on KIndle


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