The Chalice and the Wand, Part 2

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The madness that consumes Ron Weasley continues. Now with Luna Lovegood!

This is a work of fiction using the characters created by J.K. Rowling. They are not used with her permission. All actions follow the events of book six of the series. Any similarity between any person living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional. If you happen to find your life reflected in this piece I’ll be impressed.

The Chalice and the Wand
by poetheather
Story ideas by poetheather and Wintermoon3
Beta by redpiratemel

Chapter Two

Luna lazily brushed the hair from her face as she looked over her notes. The story on Nargles should go over quite well. She had received several recent reports and sightings to update the story and knew it would help make that issue a great seller, maybe as good as the one with Harry’s interview. Maybe.

Luna thought about Harry. She hadn’t seen him since the War had ended. Ron had been giving a healing draught to both him and Snape. He looked nearly dead there, lying on the ground, bleeding. She had left once they knew Voldemort was dead and that Harry lived. She needed something other than war and death around her. She had found some peace in Salem for a while, meeting many American Witches and Wizards. They were very different from the ones she had known in England. They talked differently for one thing.

One of them, Melificent, had awoken her to the joys of women. The softness of breasts, the perfect way they spooned together, the delicious taste which made her drool with the thought. Luna had never felt anything so wonderful or so fulfilling in a way that snogging boys never had. She had happily spent some time in the lesbian scene in America but felt the need to come home. She knew her father needed her and that the Quibbler could use her help as well.

Telling Meli that she was leaving was one of the hardest things she had ever done. She had truly loved the other girl, but when Meli refused to come over to England with her, Luna had little choice but to leave. Luna had gotten used to knowing what to do, and doing it. The War had taught her how to make the difficult and painful choices that often arose in life. She still missed Meli, especially on cold nights when she had no one to cuddle up against. But the American had made her decision quite clear and so had Luna.

Luna continued writing her Nargles story. It was almost long enough and then she could finish. The skritch of the pen was actually rather soothing. Maybe it was time for her to talk to her friends again. She hadn’t heard anything at all about Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, Cho or any of the other members of Dumbledore’s Army that had survived the war. She’d heard about Harry and Snape and the scandal their pairing up had caused. That bit of news had even been reported in America, through the several competing newspapers. Luna had seen several pictures of them and thought they made a cute couple.

She pulled her shawl tighter and returned to work. Her mind seemed to be drifting horribly lately. Maybe it was due to Nargle venom? She would have to look into remedies for this. She definitely didn’t want things drifting this much.

Maybe she should go to some of the pubs around the area. Some of them were nice and she might run into some of her old friends. If nothing else, she could always look them up in the Floo registry and get a hold of them that way. She probably wouldn’t do that as she wasn’t comfortable intruding in that manner. While some things had changed about her other things hadn’t. She had forgotten the taste of butterbeer and she remembered liking it. Maybe she should take a little time off to relax and maybe to relax more often then she was. She had moved and immediately started up with working for her dad. Maybe she needed to actually look around to get a feel for the country again. She stretched and looked back down at the page.

She shook her head to try and clear it again. It wasn’t working. She stood up from her desk and walked over to her kitchen to put the kettle on. Maybe what she needed was a nice cup of tea, and maybe one of the chocolate biscuits she’d had lying about. Perhaps a bit of a snack and a break would make the work easier for her to accomplish. If she got this article into her father before morning, it might just make it into the next issue. That would definitely help fill the article void he had been talking about.

She poured herself a mug of hot water and dropped in an herbal tea bag. She liked mint tea, it was soothing and she loved the smell. It didn’t go perfectly with chocolate biscuits but a little dissonance was good for the soul, or so she fervently believed. She liked it and tried to keep things a little off balance around her. Luna firmly believed that chaos was the source of growth and endeavored to have chaos about her, to encourage her own growth and others.

The tea and biscuits certainly did hit the spot, but she still didn’t feel like she could finish the article. This was rather frustrating. Maybe she would feel better after a shower or maybe have a nice soak. She could use her dicta-quill while she was in there. That way she could relax and still be able to finish her story. “Accio Scroll.”

With the scroll in hand she headed into the bathroom and drew a nice warm tub with flower scented, multicolored bubbles. She always liked bubble baths; they made her giggle.

She looked around and realized that she didn’t have the quill she needed either. “Accio Quill.”

The pink quill sailed into the room and hovered over the scrolls page. She undressed, letting her clothes fall to the floor, kicking her panties towards the hamper. She giggled when they actually managed to make it into the basket.

The water was just right and soothed her aches. ‘This is wonderful.’ she thought. ‘I hope other people get to enjoy this.’

* * * * *

Hermione grabbed two towels and Ron’s robe and set them down near the bath. “Here you go, Ron. This should help you relax. Why don’t you climb into the tub and I’ll see what I can do to help. A mug of tea will be up here in a moment. I’ll put out some of the night clothes Ginny got for you on the bed.”

Ron simply nodded as he looked at the water in the tub. Their tub wasn’t as big or as nice as the Prefects’ tub at Hogwarts. Even with Myrtle peeking in all the time it was nice. Their tub was nice though. It was a white ceramic tub that had charms on it to hold in heat and to keep from spilling.

After she left and pulled the door closed, Ron dropped his robe and stepped into the water. It felt silky from the bath salts that Hermione had added to the water. The water was warm and felt good as he lowered himself into the tub. He leaned back and exhaled. What a crazy day it had been. He really did need to relax, something which his work on the horcruxes scarce afforded him. He was also a bit worried about what Ginny had gotten him to wear.

Ginny had gotten him a few things to wear as they were close in size. She had flooed to her apartment and grabbed him some of her older things. Thankfully none of them were skirts. He still felt odd about having her underwear. He was looking forward to getting his own clothes, despite the fact that they would be girl clothes. He really hoped that Hermione would be able to find a solution to this stupid problem. He wanted to go back to his old jeans and baggy t-shirts that he wore when not working. He had to dress nicely for work so he slobbed around all other times.

He sighed and just tired to relax in the tub. He was a bit lower in the tub than he usually and the water had heated the ceramic tub nicely. His eyes were closed and he breathed in the spicy scented steam rising from the water. Though he did not know what bath scent it was it was fragrant and relaxing. He felt a bit energetic somehow. Why hadn’t he used any of these before?

His arms hung loosely in the water. His body felt really warm and sweat began to bead on his forehead. It was nice, even when the sweat dropped in trails down his face. He raised his right hand to brush his face.

Ron’s arm pressed against his right breast as he moved his hand. I was odd, realizing that he had two new additions and one glaring subtraction. He opened his eyes and looked down at himself. His breasts were almost floating and he could see the tangle of red hair that hid his…well, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to call it. His pussy? He shuddered a little at how absurd and odd that sounded. Maybe he could just have a little feel, to see what it was like.

Gently his hands traveled down and through the hair. Immediately he could tell a difference. There was a stronger sensation there. Running his fingers through the red triangle of his pubes was very sensual. He tugged lightly on it, remembering some of the things Hermione liked. His fingers seemed different as well; his smaller hand and thinner fingers really felt delicate and had a much lighter touch. He traced the top of his cleft slowly, his eyes closing with the tingle of new sensation.

All that ran through his mind at that moment was that lecture Snape had given to all the fifth year boys - the pictures Snape had shown them and his comments. Ringing the doorbell? Yes, that was ol’ hook nose had said. Maybe he should give it a try. Sometimes Snape had gotten a few things right, maybe this was one of them.

He slid his hand lower until Ron could feel the clitoral hood; he was now getting to feel this new part. He slid lower and his body shivered with how it felt. As his fingers kept moving he could feel a warm pleasure building. A moan escaped from his mouth and he froze. He moaned? What the…?

Ron quickly removed his hand and could feel his face burn hotly. His body wanted release and he wanted to feel that sensation again but he was so afraid of what he felt. It felt good, too good. He might like it too much. Ron pulled his hands from the water and he scrubbed his face, trying to clear the memory of the event. He shook his head and rose from the tub. He stepped from the water and dried off quickly, pulling on his robe. With a flick of his wand, the tub started to drain.

He walked into the bedroom and pulled on his new pajamas, the ones Ginny had given him. They were cotton and of a fairly plain color. Thankfully they were not very feminine. But the cotton was softer than any of his other pajamas. Maybe he wouldn’t mind these after all.

The warm mug Hermione had brought him was heating his hands — it wasn’t his favorite tea but it was close. He realized that Hermione probably realized that he needed the Chamomile to be able to sleep tonight. She took such great care of him. Hermione made him happier than anyone else ever been with. All those girls in his sixth year had meant very little to him in the end. Hermione had been grumpy about all of that and in the end he had realized what he had really felt for her. Their last year, the war and everything had brought them so much closer. When they had managed to actually survive against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, he had asked her to marry him. When she’d said yes it was one of the happiest moments in his life. They had moved in together and started their lives together. They were both happy when he had gotten the job with the Department of Mysteries. Her independent work was a real boon for them as well.

He sat on the edge of the bed and looked over at the bookshelf. There were two books of spells that Hermione had published. They were all really good spells and very useful. He had managed to learn a few of them himself. Ron was still amazed at how good she was at magic. He had known she was good at magic since their first year together but she had only gotten better and better. He doubted that anyone was as good with spells, especially with both Dumbledore and Voldemort gone. He felt certain that she was currently the strongest Witch alive, and the fact that she wasn’t able to get rid of this curse worried him. What the hell could have happened to him? “Bloody hell, just my luck,” he muttered.

He was tired and wanted to sleep. Maybe he would wake up in the morning and this would be gone, the curse would be lifted.

* * * * *

Hermione sat in her comfy chair and looked at the fire. Her thoughts were drifting but still circling around the same issue. What was she going to do about Ron?

He was a she and despite what Ginny had said Hermione was having a lot of trouble with this whole situation. She wasn’t attracted to girls and Ron was now a girl. Just the thought of kissing this girl Ron churned her stomach. It wasn’t right. Ginny might be fine with kissing girls but she wasn’t. She wasn’t even fine thinking about Ginny and Tonks. She was fine with Harry and Snape but girls loving other girls seemed unnatural. Something uncomfortable turned in her whenever she thought about it, which seemed to be constantly today. The issue had always been there, ever since sharing the bathroom with other first years. Watching two girls snog made her feel…all out of sorts.

Hermione hoped that she could find an antidote to this particular issue as she really didn’t want to give up Ron. She loved him, and this whole issue made her crazy. It called into question her love. Was it even love anymore? She didn’t know what to do.

Ron was upstairs, asleep in their bed, and she couldn’t bring herself to sleep in the same bed as another girl. She had to do it a few times before at Hogwarts during the war and other events, like when all their beds had vanished and there was one large mattress with five girls, and it had been…uncomfortable. She still felt twitchy about those events, especially when the other girl had spooned against her. The feel of the other girl’s breasts pressed into her back still made her shiver. She had never been able to get that sensation completely out of her mind. It came back occasionally and made her stomach flop. That night she had gotten no sleep.

She would rather kiss Draco Malfoy than another woman. And now it seemed that she was destined to find out what kissing a girl would be like unless she could find a way to fix things. Could she really bring herself to kiss Ron since he was now a girl? Could she sleep in the same bed as Ron since he was a girl? Just the thought of a girl’s body against her’s made her feel odd.

She drank her tea and stared into the flames. Maybe, just for tonight, she would sleep on the couch. Hermione could make it look like she had fallen asleep studying. Ron would believe that, as she had done it before. She really didn’t want him to know what was bothering her. Ron might not understand her reluctance and she didn’t want to upset him, as he was going through enough. She sighed and returned to the book she was reading on obscure curses of Africa. She had to find that cure so she could get her fiancé back.

* * * * *
Hermione left early, before Ron woke up. She wanted to get to the Ministry Library when it opened so she could find that book Professor Snape had mentioned. She wanted to find the antidote as soon as possible so she could get back to a normal life. Ron, as a girl, was decidedly not normal.

She apparated into the foyer of the library and headed to the entrance. The guard looked up and noted her approach. “Mornin’ Miss Granger, back to look at the books are you?”

Hermione smiled. “Yes I am. I’m looking for something specific this time, so I may not be here long.”

The guard waved her in. Hermione walked past the guard’s booth and through the heavily warded double door that marked the entrance of the library. The library was huge, filling several stories with the collected tomes of generations. It had especially grown since the height of the British Empire when British wizards had traveled the world and had stolen or purchased various foreign tomes and grimores. The books were extremely well cared for, and the collection was more extensive than the library at Hogwarts — one of the few things the Ministry had that was superior to the school.

Hermione walked toward the reference desk wanting to get some help. The tome that Professor Snape mentioned was possibly in one of the special collections and she would need to get special access to those rooms. As she neared the desk she saw that it was Marge Potelswaithe at the desk. Hermione smiled; she would have little trouble getting into any of the special collections.

Marge turned and spotted Hermione heading her way. The older lady smiled broadly and pushed her glasses farther up her nose. “Hermione dear, what can I do to help you?”

“Hello Marge. I’m looking for a book recommended to me by Professor Snape. It is a book of the Eleusian mysteries and their spells and potions. Either that or the cult at Ephesus.”

“Ah…yes. Those are in the special collections. It’s a three-volume set and covers several of the ancient Greek mystery cults. Let me take you there — I’ll need to let you in to the room myself.” Marge grabbed a large ring of keys and headed towards the stairs down. Hermione followed wondering what kind of books needed this level of protection.

After going down several levels of stairs they reached a plain looking door. Hermione had always thought it had been a broom closet. Marge took one of the keys and unlocked the door. She motioned Hermione inside, following after her.

They were at the top of another flight of stairs. These looked old and worn, made of stone. When they reached the bottom they were standing in front of a large wooden door with silver runic symbols inlaid. Hermione could feel the age and power of the magic from the door. Her eyes widened in surprise. This was something she had never heard of in this library.

Marge pulled a key off of the ring and pulled another off a chain around her neck. She then placed the keys in two separate locks and turned them both simultaneously. Hermione could hear the sounds of several locks unfastening and then the door slid slowly open. The room on the other side was dark. Marge smiled at Hermione. “You go on in. When you’re inside, please close this door. If you don’t, the stairs will disappear as you try to walk on them. Enjoy.”

With that Marge turned and walked up the stairs, tapping the railing with a key. Hermione turned and walked into the dark room. As she entered, the room filled with light from various magical sources. Before her were shelves of many old-looking books. Her eyes widened in delight and she walked toward them, almost drooling in anticipation.

Hermione looked through the titles and found the three-volume set that Marge had mentioned. All three of the books were thick and heavy. She pulled out the first one with some effort and felt glad that the reading table was close to the shelves. It impacted the table with a heavy thud. Hermione’s arms were aching a little from the exertion. She opened the text and looked for a table of contents and found nothing. The book went straight into a description of a cult. It did not seem to be the one she was looking for. She turned the pages, scanning the material for any mention of sex-changing spells or potions. She was unsure how long this search would take. She opened her bag and pulled out her notebook and quill, and got to work. This looked promising.

* * * * *

Ron awoke a little groggy. He didn’t hear any sounds in the house and figured that Hermione had gone. She did that a lot when she was busy focusing on her studies and research. He sat up and looked down at himself. The breasts were still there. He sighed, really disappointed and slid out of the bed. There was a small drop to the floor as his feet didn’t touch the floor from the top of the bed any more.

He padded into the bathroom and emptied his bladder, remembering to wipe this time. He did it just like he had been told, from the bottom to the top, since he had only peed. It felt odd and he wasn’t used to it. However, he figured if Hermione couldn’t find the cure quickly he just might have to get used to it. He looked in the mirror and the girl’s face looked back at him. He smirked. At least he wouldn’t have to shave.

Ron went into the room and got out some clothes to wear. He got out a pair of plain pale green panties and the bra his sister had gotten him. He changed into them and then looked around. The bra did feel good, holding up his breasts, but he didn’t like how it felt after a while. Taking the one he had worn last night off was a nice feeling as well. Thankfully this bra was just plain white.

He got out one of the pairs of pants that Ginny had given him. They weren’t jeans but they were soft and stretchy and looked comfortable. He pulled them on and felt them form to his body. They did were smooth and cool on his hairless legs. He pulled on a  ¾ sleeve black top with a hood on it. It was cotton and also looked comfortable. There was a bit of colorful stitching around the neck and cuffs but that was all. He grabbed some socks and the shoes Hermione had let him use yesterday and headed into the kitchen.

He pulled on the socks and shoes and tried to think of something for breakfast. Ron figured that maybe some toast and tea would be nice, as he didn’t want to go through the effort to really cook a lot of food. He popped two slices of multigrain bread in the toaster and set the kettle on to boil. When the toast was done he smeared on the butter and marmalade, and then got out his mug and some Irish Breakfast Tea. That would be nice. While the tea was steeping he got out the honey to sweeten his mug. Everything smelled so good and he found himself almost starting to drool.

All in all it was a nice breakfast and surprisingly what little there was filled him up. Things had tasted different as well. That was odd and he wasn’t sure why that could be. He looked at the time and sighed. Since he wasn’t going to work today he really needed to send an owl in to the office. He wrote a quick note that he had been cursed and that it might be a few days until he was able to come into work. He also jotted down that he was planning to do more work with the items from HH and RR. He tied the note to their owl and sent it off.

He looked at the time again and frowned. It was time to go shopping. He grabbed a light jacket of Hermione’s and his wand and waited for his sister to arrive. He sat and looked at the fire while he waited. He was not really looking forward to this. He had trouble shopping with Hermione.

The knock at the door startled him, as he had fallen asleep curled in his chair. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and headed towards the door. When he opened it, there were Ginny and Tonks. He hadn’t expected both of them to show. Ginny smiled happily. “Ready to go?”

Ron smiled lightly. “Sure.”

He extinguished the fire with a flick of his wand and pulled on the jacket. He had already noticed that he was getting cold easier. Tonks was looking at him questioningly. “Uhm…Ron, what do you want us to call you while we’re out shopping. I mean, do you really want us to yell out Ron while sorting through women’s clothes?”

Ron blushed at the thought. That would totally mess his life up. “Bloody hell. I hadn’t thought of that. I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t really matter as long as it isn’t Ronnie.”

Ginny and Tonks looked at each other. They both shrugged and Ginny turned back to her transformed brother. “Well, what about Rhonda? It is close to your name and doesn’t sound overly girly, right? I was thinking about this last night, worried about you.”

Ron thought about the name. Maybe that might work. It sounded close to his own and he really didn’t want to be embarrassed by them calling out his name. He really just wanted to disappear. If it weren’t for the fact that he had to get new clothes he wouldn’t be doing this. “I guess so. That should work.”

Tonks smiled as she turned her hair a vivid green. “Well, we should start calling you this now so that you get used to it, and we can as well. Ready to go Rhonda?”

Ron shrugged. “I guess.” He locked the door as they walked from the house. “Where are we going?”

“Well there are some nice and affordable shops in Diagon Alley and there are some in Hogsmeade as well. Where would you rather go?” asked Ginny.

“I don’t know. Maybe Diagon Alley. We could see if Fred and George have thought of anything.”

“Okay. And we can have lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. Sounds good?” asked Tonks.

“Okay.” The group of them nodded and apparated to the Leaky Cauldron.

They arrived in the rear courtyard of the inn and Ginny reached up with her wand and tapped on the stone, causing the wall to open up to the alley. Being a workday, the street wasn’t very busy. Ron was very pleased by this fact. The fewer people who saw him the better he would feel.

Ginny started talking. “Okay Rhonda, we need to get you some underwear, clothes and some robes for work. You can leave the tags on them until you need them. Oh, and some shoes. Let’s go.”

The three of them headed off into the street. The day seemed to be a blur as Ginny and Tonks dragged him from one store to the next, collecting bags of items. Certain things stood out from the others, like when he had gotten measured for his bras and when he was trying on robes. He was amazed how girly he looked. Thankfully, after a few hours they were done. Ron was exhausted by the end of it, though the other two seemed fine.

The grabbed a table at the Leaky Cauldron. While the other two were getting seated Ron hissed, “uhm…Ginny I need to go to the loo.”

Ginny turned to look at him not comprehending the problem. “Well okay Rhonda. Go.”

“Ginny!” Ron was getting a bit wide-eyed.

Tonks stood up, “Come on Rhonda. Let’s go.”

After they returned from the bathroom, where Tonks had made sure the room was empty, Tom came over to take their order. Ron blinked when he had been asked, “And for you miss?”

He had stammered his order and blushed. Tom had just smiled and headed back behind the bar. Their drinks arrived shortly and Ron sipped from his Butterbeer to hide his embarrassment. He was looking anywhere except at Ginny and Tonks, who had taken a moment to kiss each other affectionately. As he looked away he saw a familiar batch of nearly white hair. He turned back to Ginny and Tonks, “Is that Luna?”

The two Aurors turned and looked over where Ron had indicated. They looked at the girl drinking tea over by the fire. Ginny called out, “Luna!”

Luna turned around and looked at who called her name. She saw a table with three women, two of whom she recognized. She stood up and walked over. “Hello Ginny and Tonks. How are you?”

“Doing pretty well. How’re you? I had heard you had disappeared after the war.” remarked Tonks.

Luna smiled. “Not too bad. I was over in America for a while.”

Ginny gestured for her to sit down and join them. Luna sat and Tonks used her wand to call over Luna’s drink. “What were you doing over there?” asked Ron.

“Meeting new people and getting away from war. I just needed some time to do something different. By the way, who are you?”

“Uhm…” stammered Ron as Luna was looking at him closely. She noted the similar features to Ginny and cocked her head, looking at him. “My name is Rhonda.”

Luna shook her head, “Why would you lie to me like that, Ron Weasley, and what happened? Were you attacked by Snarfblattles? They can do things like this you know.”

“Uhm…” stammered Ron some more. “Bloody Hell. How did you know it was me?”

“You look like Ginny’s sister and I know she doesn’t have a sister.” She looked at him with her wide eyes. “So, how did this happen?”

Ginny jumped in. “Rhonda has been hit by a curse of some kind. We’re looking into what happened specifically, trying to figure out what kind of curse was used.”

Luna nodded, noting how Ginny had emphasized Rhonda. “Is there anything I can do to help? I’m working for my father now and I have some contacts I can ask about this.”

“I don’t know. Hermione is busy doing some research and the rest of us are just trying to help Rhonda cope,” replied Ginny. Ron was busy blushing again.

“Rhonda, did you know you’re very cute when you blush?” asked Luna.

Ron choked on his Butterbeer. He got his napkin and wiped his face. “What?”

“Well you are.” stated Luna.

The conversation was interrupted by Tom bringing over the plates of their food. Ron dug into the food, hoping to forestall any other talk as long as he could. Ginny, Tonks and Luna launched into an animated discussion about what they each had been doing since they had last seen each other. Luna congratulated Ginny and Tonks for becoming a couple and told them about her old girlfriend in the United States. Ron looked up at this. He hadn’t known that Luna was a lesbian. This was almost as much as a surprise as when Ginny had let him know about her. He was wondering how Hermione would take that bit of news, along with the fact that Luna was back in the country.

Ron knew that he had some problems with gays. He wasn’t sure why, and was sure that Hermione might not even know why she had issues either. He knew she just felt uncomfortable around anyone who was a lesbian. His problem was one of the reasons that they both hadn’t really seen Harry in a while. Her issues were why they hadn’t seen Ginny. Ron felt odd around Harry and Snape because of his part in their getting together. If only he hadn’t grabbed that love phlither by mistake. Because his mistake had gotten his best friend with his most reviled teacher together, he just couldn’t handle seeing them together. He knew his issue but he wasn’t sure why Hermione felt the way she did. He personally didn’t have a problem with lesbians. In fact, thinking about two women making out was always a nice picture for him while he masturbated.

He blinked when he realized that he was being talked to. “Sorry, what did you say?”

Luna giggled. “I was asking you how you were doing.”

“Uhm…okay I guess. This is a good bit odd but I guess I have to cope with this until ‘Mione can figure out how to fix it. I mean I don’t really want to stay like this,” replied Ron.

“Well, I am glad to have a sister now and I really like being a girl,” stated Ginny confidently.

“Me too. Being a girl is fun, though I get to play at being on both sides of that divide.” Tonks grinned and sprouted a big bushy moustache.

They all giggled at that. “Rhonda, being a girl isn’t that bad. You may just have to get used to it and learn the really good things about being a girl,” said Luna.

Ron nodded. “Okay. I still just hope that I can get back to being me.”

Ginny laughed. “You big dope, you are still you. Only your body has changed. You’re still my annoying older brother, and now my older sister. Just cope, Rhonda. You get to experience something for a while that other people will never get to experience. Enjoy your time as a girl because it will only be temporary.”

Ron smiled. “I guess. It’s just odd you know. I’m shorter, I get cold easier and I have new body parts that I really don’t know how to deal with. I just keep thinking there are only downsides to this whole thing.”

“Try sex like this. It’s a great experience and one you’ll remember forever. It affects your whole body and it’s just wonderful,” said Tonks.

Ron blushed. Ginny noticed. “Oh my God, Rhonda what did you do?”

“I…uhm…touched down there, a little.” Ron could feel the heat on his face building. He couldn’t look at any of them.

Luna reached over and rested a hand on Ron’s arm. “It’s okay Rhonda, we all do it.”

“Really?” Ron looked up, a little surprised.

“Oh yes. The girl’s baths were even set up so you could get a stream of water to hit you just right. It is normal and nothing to be so embarrassed about,” said Tonks. “Besides you could even do it in class, if you sat in the right way.”

Ron looked confused. “How?”

Tonks smiled. “Well, you sit with one foot up and you get the heel into your crotch. You could rub against it or bounce your foot. But that certainly made Binns’ classes easier to put up with. Sometimes I still do it in meetings. It just feels nice.”

Ginny playfully swatted Tonks’ arm. “Pervert.”

The two of them laughed. Ron was surprised. He remembered seeing girls sitting somewhat like that all through school, and he had never known anything. He wondered if Hermione had done that while at school.

Luna stood up. “Well ladies, I have to get going. I have a story on Nargles to turn in. Rhonda, maybe we could talk some more and I can see what I can find out about this…situation.”

“Thank you, Luna.” Ron really did mean it. Any help in returning him to his real body would be appreciated.

Ginny and Tonks waved and Luna walked out to the courtyard. The two lovers looked at each other and then at the clock. “Time to head home Rhonda. We can help you put your stuff away.”


The three of them grabbed the bags and headed back to Ron and Hermione’s home.

* * * * *

Luna appeared at her apartment and quickly went inside. She was so excited that she could tell that her panties were soaked. Ron was so sexy as a girl, with his short hair and perky breasts. She just wanted to tear the girl’s clothes off and lick and suck them for a while. She pulled off her blouse and started playing with her breasts through the satin material. Her nipples tightened and she pinched them ever so gently, feeling the near pain but really pleasurable sensation.

She staggered to the couch and dropped onto it, her head propped up on an arm. She plunged her right hand down the front of her pants. She was very wet and her fingers slipped easily up and down, as she spread some of her fluids around her erect clit. She started rubbing her clit, occasionally sliding a finger inside of herself.

Luna could picture Rhonda with her on the bed, naked and kissing, their hands roaming around each other’s bodies. Luna’s kissed down Rhonda’s neck, licking the small gap of the clavicle. Rhonda arched up with that. Luna continued kissing down until she reached the girl’s firm breasts. Luna suckled on one, licking around the nipple, which grew harder under her tongue’s careful work. She nibbled on it lightly and could hear Rhonda gasp in surprise and pleasure. Ronda moaned as Luna began to play with her other breast, occasionally rolling the hard nipple between her fingers.

Luna kissed and licked her way down Rhonda’s body. She licked a circle around Rhonda’s bellybutton and then continued down to her damp and musky vagina. The red hair was thin and soft. Luna nuzzled softly. She settled herself between Rhonda’s legs and began to lick, tracing the lips with her tongue.

Rhonda moaned and ran her hands through Luna’s hair, pulling the girl in closer, deeper into her wet pussy. Luna happily obliged. Luna flicked Rhonda’s clit while she slid her fingers into Rhonda. Luna could feel Rhonda’s muscles tighten about her fingers. She moved her finger in and out, feeling for that special spot. Rhonda’s moans deepened, letting her know she had found it. Luna loved the taste and smell of Rhonda, enjoying every moment of this.

She sucked and nibbled a little on Rhonda’s clit. She could feel the other girl’s hands tighten their grasp on her hair. She closed her eyes and tried to work the girl closer to an orgasm. Rhonda’s breathing got ragged, moans escaping continuously.

Suddenly Rhonda arched up, screaming wordlessly in pleasure. Luna could feel the muscles of Rhonda’s pussy clenching, tightly entrapping the blond’s fingers. She still moved the tips of her fingers until Rhonda came furiously, clutching the sheets and thrashing on the bed.

Luna moaned and came herself, her fingers flicking her clit and pinching one of her nipples. After she stopped and her fantasy faded, she laid there, a tangle of sweaty clothes, the room smelling of her sex. “Oh God. I so want Rhonda. What am I going to do?”

* * * * *

Hermione sat back from the book and rubbed her eyes. She had been reading for hours. Her eyes ached. She had only gotten a fourth of the way through the first book with no luck. At this rate the research was going to take at least twelve days. This was going to make Ron really unhappy.

She stood up and stretched, arching backwards. Her neck was a bit sore from sitting over the book. She did have some notes of things that were interesting and might prove to be good routes of investigation later but nothing so far on what she had been searching for. Hermione left the book on the table, packed up her supplies and walked out of the room. She closed the door behind her and walked to the stairs. She exited the room and made her way up the stairs.

Marge was still at the desk when Hermione reached the top. Hermione glanced at the clock. It was 6:30 in the evening. She knew she had been hungry but wasn’t aware that she had worked all the way through lunch. She was looking to getting home and having some dinner. It would be nice.

Marge waved good night and Hermione walked out of the library and to the foyer. She took out her wand and apparated back home. She made it through the front door and dropped the bag on the couch. A voice called out. “Is that you Hermione?”

“Yes. I’m home.”

Ron came running out to see her. Hermione was surprised to see Ron’s breasts bouncing and didn’t stop him when he hugged her tightly. She could feel Ron’s breasts pressing against hers. She felt flustered and out of sorts by the sensation. When Ron let her go she felt a bit better. Ron looked happy. “Find anything yet?”

“No, not yet. But the books are there. They’re three huge tomes. I only made it a fourth of the way through the first one today. I’m going back tomorrow to keep looking.” She felt bad about not being able to give Ron better news.

“It’s okay sweetie. I know you tried. And at least you found the book. I have faith in you. Want some tea?” With a flick of his wand Ron got the kettle on.

Hermione sat down. She reached up and rubbed her neck. Ron moved behind her and started to rub. Ron’s slender fingers felt good on her neck. The skin was soft and not rough like his hands had been before. She liked how it felt. Ron worked out some of the knots until the kettle whistled. Ron came back with her cuppa and went back to work on her neck.

“So I bought some clothes and stuff. Ginny and Tonks helped me to put them away and move my guy’s clothes out of the way. And we saw Luna today at lunch. She had been in America. “
“Really? How is she?” Hermione had her eyes closed, enjoying the rub.

“She seems to be good. She’s working for the Quibbler and is going to look into this. I have no idea how much help she’ll be but it is nice.” Ron had moved onto Hermione’s shoulders. They were tight as well. “Any idea what we’re having for supper?”

“Honestly Ronald, is that all you ever think about?” She playfully swatted his hand, which kept working on the tight muscles of her neck and shoulders.

“Well, it’s been a while since lunch and I am a bit peckish.”

“I am too. Want to go out to eat? We can go get Italian down at Amerigo’s”

Ron thought about it. True, they had gone out to eat the other night, right before this started, but pasta would be nice. He could really stand to have a bowl of Pasta Carbonnara. He grinned and kissed her on the top of her head. “That would be great ‘Mione. Let me get a jacket and we can go.”

They apparated there and walked on in. The got a table and made their order. Ron had ordered a glass of Lambrusco and Hermione did they same. The red, fruity Italian wine went great with everything that was served there. The waiter took their orders and the food was out to them shortly. Hermione was able to hear Ron while listening to the girl sitting across from her. It helped her to realize that he really was still in there. If only he wasn’t a girl. She really wanted to sleep with Ron and couldn’t, not while he was still a girl. It just wouldn’t be right.

Finally towards the end of the night Ron toasted. “To us.”

They clinked glasses and drank. It was the last of the wine. Ron had turned down the idea of desert, as he was full. “You know, if only they had fortune cookies this place would be perfect.”

Hermione smiled at Ron. Then her eyes went wide. Surely it couldn’t be that? “Ron, do you remember when we got Chinese the other night?”

“Yes, why?” Ron looked confused. He couldn’t follow where Hermione was going with this.

“What did your fortune cookie say?” asked Hermione.

“Uhm…you will soon get something you have always wanted.”

“Do you still have it?”

“Yes. It is in my wallet, back home. Why?”

“I think that may have been the trigger to the event. If so we might be able to fix this.” Hermione sounded excited and sure of herself.

Ron’s hopes soared. Could it really be that simple?

After the bill was paid, the two rushed home. Ron rummaged around until he was able to find the fortune. He looked at it closely. On it was written the words, “You will soon have something you have always wanted.” There was also writing on the back in Chinese.

Hermione pulled her wand free and tapped the slip of paper. A faint glow surrounded the slip of paper. “Yes! I knew it!” crowed Hermione.

“Bloody Hell. Residual magic? Well, what was the spell? The words give the impression of something other than what happened to me,” said Ron as he ran a hand through his hair nervously.

Hermione studied the faint glow. There were different threads of color on the slip of paper. “From what I can tell the spell on this has weakened a little, so it may have miscast itself. It also looks verbal.”

Ron was also studying the glow. “Those lines there connect to the writing both on the front and back. I think we need to find out what the Chinese says. This verbal line looks like an input.”

Hermione leaned in even closer. “I think you’re right, Ron. So whatever you were saying created the format for the spell.”

The color drained out of Ron’s face. “Bloody Hell.” he whispered. “No way. No bloody way.”

Hermione looked confused for a second and then realization hit. “Oh Ron. Only you could find a way to curse yourself.”

“I just thought I was blathering on about how unfair it is that I’m the youngest boy. I never thought…” Ron started crying and hugged Hermione. She held him as he cried, feeling his breasts press into her. She felt awkward holding her transformed fiancé. As he cried her thoughts turned to their dinner that night…

* * * * * *

“I tell you ‘Mione, it just isn’t fair. I get nothing but grief because of being the youngest boy. Fred and George think that because I’m younger I’m fair game. I get picked on all the time and I never know what trick they’re going to test out on me next,” ranted Ron. He was drinking Plum wine and his face was red from the alcohol.

Hermione smiled at him. She had heard this several times before. She could almost recite it, as Ron almost always seemed to let the rant go in the same direction. It was almost like clockwork. Next in the litany would come Percy.

“And Percy, he turns into a git and all I get is prodding to be just like him or something better. So I became Prefect, big deal. I knew I wouldn’t become Head Boy. I never even wanted the position. But all because of Percy I had to be the perfect little boy. Sometimes I wish he had died in the war. Might have stopped her harping on me all the time.” Ron took a big drink of his wine and sat the empty glass down roughly on the table.

Hermione sighed knowing that next would be Ginny, and then this rant would come to an end.

“And Ginny. Girl got to do whatever she wanted. Mom didn’t mind her snogging boys. She never could do any wrong in her eyes. Her precious little daughter. Makes me sick.” Ron broke open his fortune cookie and glanced at the fortune. He snorted and looked back at Hermione. “I swear, sometimes I wish I were a girl, then maybe Mom would treat me better. If I were her daughter, like Ginny, I bet things would be different. Girls get treated better. Life is better for girls. S’not right.”

Hermione smiled at Ron faintly. This was the end of the rant. Now they could go home and do something else. She loved him but she was getting tired of hearing this rant all the time. She opened her fortune cookie and looked at it. “A journey of awakening is the hardest to walk.”

‘Sometimes’ thought Hermione, ‘these things make no sense.

* * * * *

“Hush Ron…”

“Might as well call me Rhonda now,” muttered Rhonda.

“What? Why? Where did that come from?” exclaimed Hermione.

“Well, Tonks and Ginny didn’t want to embarrass me by calling me Ron, hence the name. I guess I really am going to get stuck like this.” Rhonda was frowning and seemed to be fighting back tears.

“Ron…uhm…Rhonda…Ron, look we have a clue here and one which we can exploit. We know this is a magical curse and we know the source. Tomorrow we can go to St. Mungo’s and see if we can get Neville to do a diagnostic scan. That will show all the magical influences on you.”

“I know that,” sniped Rhonda.

“And from there we can see what we need to do to unravel this spell. If it is Chinese in origin then it means more work, but I can call in my assistant to help with the research. We can beat this Ron.” Hermione was really excited.

Rhonda smiled faintly. “That would be great. I can’t wait for more people to see me like this.”

Hermione hugged Rhonda and kissed her on the cheek. Rhonda tried to turn into the kiss, hoping for something more substantial but Hermione turned away as if she hadn’t noticed. “I have to look into this more.”

Rhonda followed her with his eyes as she bounded to the bookshelf. She had been really distant these last two days and it hurt. Rhonda wanted more than comforting words. She wanted Hermione to hold her in her arms, and kiss her. She wanted to hear Hermione say that she loved her. Rhonda was feeling cut off and confused by events. What the hell was she going to do? Rhonda slowly started to tear up as Hermione pulled down several books. Hermione was oblivious as Rhonda ran out of the room crying, trying to hide the sobbing until she could get a pillow over her face.

When Rhonda was cried out she got up and washed her face with cool water. Her eyes were red from all the crying she had done. She changed into her pyjamas and tip toed to the living room. Hermione had again fallen asleep on the couch, several books on top of her. Rhonda started to tear again, as she turned back to the bed.

What had gone wrong with her life?

Thanks to Gringylowe for “The Lecture” and this idea. I thought it was great and would be a fun reference.

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