The Chalice and the Wand, Part 4

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The Chalice and the Wand
Story ideas by poetheather and Wintermoon3
Beta by Redpiratemel

Chapter Four

“Well, Miss Weasley, it does rather seem that the magical leakage from the items is responsible for your current condition.” Eithleen put her wand away and started returning some of her magical tools to their places.

“I figured that once the Horcrux was removed from them that they would lose a great deal of their power, but they haven’t. It is almost as if they are trying to heal themselves.” returned Rhonda. “Could that aspect of their magical output have had an effect on this?”

Eithleen thought about it for a while, pursing her lips in a way that reminded Rhonda eerily of professor McGonagall. The elder woman tapped her chin with her fingers as well, which Rhonda thought was peculiar. Did any of that actually help with your thinking? It just looked odd.

“That very well could be. Some of the older magical items held a great deal more power than we have been able to put into objects for the last hundred years or so. I have no trouble believing that those objects are trying to heal. Would you like me to take a look?”

“Could you? That would be a great help, because if they are healing then that might be a clue to my condition and help provide a means to repair the objects. That might be the key to things.” replied Rhonda as her thoughts raced through the implications.

She handed the items over to Ethileen and sat down to think. She may not have been the brain that both Harry and Hermione were, but she wasn’t an idiot. If the items were trying to heal, then that meant there could be a clue as to how to overcome their power through the way they were made. But how would she be able to find that out?

She figured that she could look in the library, to find things on item creation. That was more Hermione’s thing but she did know how to use a card catalog. Maybe if she just looked up Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw she could find either clues or answers. Those might lead her to answers. Maybe she would have to learn how to make objects like these in order to do this? Or perhaps it would be simpler to figure out the mechanism that kept her trapped in this form?

Rhonda headed to the special books library of the Department of Mysteries. Hopefully she would be able to find something that would give her any clues into finding out about this…curse. She was a bit tired of always having to sit down to pee and she looked like she was terribly fragile compared to before. Things had to change.

She was a bit downhearted though. Research was something Hermione did best. Rhonda had actually gotten the job in the Department of Mystery because of her encounters with the brain things and her work in defeating Lord Voldemort. Being a hero had a few perks. She had worked hard to prove her worth to the Department and she had done well so far.

She went to the round room and went through the door to the library. The room was filled with books, all the most powerful magical books in the Wizarding world that the Ministry had managed to collect. Maybe the Librarian would be of some help.

Behind a smart looking desk, with everything arranged neatly and orderly sat a woman who looked to be in her fifties, her hair tightly wound up in a bun. She didn’t smile. No one could recall if the woman had ever smiled. Rhonda walked up to the desk and politely asked, “I am looking for anything that we have on Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff as well as the construction of really powerful magic objects.”

The woman nodded. Her voice was dry as she responded, “How soon do you need these books?”

“As soon as possible.” replied Rhonda.

“Very well. I have twenty-three books that deal with what you have asked about. I can have them brought to your office as soon as I have collected them.”

“Thank you.” said Rhonda and she really meant it.

“You are quite welcome Mr. Weasley.”

Rhonda was a bit put off by the Librarian’s response as she certainly didn’t look like she had before and besides she had never met the woman before. She headed out to the circle and realized that she wanted a bite of lunch as her stomach rumbled. Rhonda went back to her office, quickly grabbed her coat and purse and headed out.

She didn’t want to eat at the Leaky Cauldron, as she didn’t want to have to deal with anyone she might know. Things were awkward enough as it was with her transformation and she was in no mood to have to explain it to anyone. She got into the foyer and apparated to the nice Greek restaurant that Hermione had showed her.

It was a quiet place, with a steady clientele. The walls were white and decorated with pictures of various famous places in Greece such as Athens and Olympia. It was quaint and the food was really top notch. She found a table and sat as there was no one who sat customers. She liked that, as there was never much of a wait for a seat.

Her mouth was parched and she wanted a pint of bitter but wasn’t sure how it would affect her. Rhonda knew she shouldn’t be drinking when she was still working but things had been hectic lately. And besides what harm could one pint of Bitters do? She shrugged and ordered it any way, along with the souvlaki plate. It should be good as she had gotten it last time she had been here as Ron.

She was half way through her pint of bitter and the majority of her food when she caught a familiar flash of white hair in the foyer. Rhonda looked up and it wasn’t Luna, but rather Malfoy, who was busy scanning the room. “Bloody Hell.”

Draco smiled brightly and headed straight towards Rhonda. His smile was charming and it made Rhonda a bit sick to her stomach. She did not need to be chatted up by the Weasel. “We meet again, hopefully in better circumstances.”

Rhonda had no idea what to say. If she responded like Ron her attempt to hide in plain sight would be foiled, however if she said nothing then the white haired git would stay. Malfoy would certainly pass all of this along if he found out the truth. She was completely at a loss for what to say. “Uhm…Hello.”

“May I join you?” Draco was doing his suave best and it was only making Rhonda more uncomfortable. Malfoy was definitely trying to chat her up. Did Draco fancy her? Oh, Ick!

“Uh…” That pause was enough for Draco and he sat down across from Rhonda. He took the opportunity and tried to turn it to his advantage like he always had.

“You really do look like a Weasley, but I do know that Ginny doesn’t look as good as you. I am sorry I was mistaken. Can you forgive me?” Draco stared into her eyes, his own soft and vulnerable. It was a good trick.

Rhonda blinked a few times, trying to process all of this. It was true, Draco fancied her. Bloody Hell! What was she going to do? How was she going to escape this without a wizard’s duel in the middle of the restaurant? “Uh…I’m sorry, I have to get back to work. You know how it is.”

Draco frowned a little, out of frustration. He shifted tactics immediately. “Perhaps I could meet you after work. I know this great place we can go for dinner.”

“Uhm…maybe. I am sorry but I have to hurry off.” Rhonda stood and scrambled over to the cash register to pay. She was still hungry but if she put anything else in there she was going to vomit. Draco Malfoy fancied her? Rhonda just shook as she apparated away, taking care to properly focus so she didn’t end up splinched.

* * * * * *

Hermione stared blankly at the pile of books. All she could think about was Ron and what Harry had said to her. She desperately loved Ron but she was uncomfortable with the whole girl thing. She wasn’t a lesbian. She had never kissed a girl, except for that one time when Ginny had kissed her, after Hermione had saved her from some Death Eaters. But that was it. And she hadn’t really kissed back.

She…she really was uncomfortable about the whole thing and didn’t want to deal with the issue. As Ron looked now, she couldn’t bring herself to be intimate with him…her…whatever he was now. She just started getting nervous and nauseous and wanted to escape whenever they got close. She didn’t know why she felt this way and she hated that. Her life was supposed to be orderly and sane.

It also wasn’t simple disgust or disgust at homosexuality however, yet there was something disturbing about wanting to kiss Ron and seeing Rhonda’s face looking back. It was so much like that kiss with Ginny that had shocked her and made her freak out some. She wasn’t sure of the why it was but the whole thing made her twitchy. Maybe it would be best if she simply left and took some time to work things out, to get her head on straight again.

She was hurting Ron and she knew that and hated that. She didn’t want to hurt him but really could think of no way to get over things. How could she kiss Ron now when hugging mashed their breasts together or she had to lean down to kiss him or the fact that his lips were soft? It was all so confusing but she knew that she wanted her Ron back. Rhonda just made her feel nervous and butterflies danced in her stomach at the thought of the red haired arrival.

She grabbed her trunk and packed it with a few quick swishes of her wand. She had to leave. She was only making herself miserable and making Ron miserable at the same time. It was for the best. At least she hoped so.

She wrote a note to Ron trying to explain all of this and took a long look around the house. Their home. She was going to miss sitting by the fire, drinking a cuppa with Ronald snuggled against her. She was crying when she turned around and said good-bye.

* * * * * *

Harry was waiting for Rhonda when she got back from work. He was sprawled on one of the couches in front of the fireplace. When Rhonda flooed in she was surprised to see Harry sitting there. It was definitely unexpected.

Harry looked about the same really, well maybe a bit more filled out. He had gotten stronger after the war and he was now the top Auror, better even than Mad-Eye Moody. Dark wizards had more than one reason to fear the boy who lived. Harry was dressed causally, but he had his working satchel with some of his main tools sitting next to him. Was this a business call? Rhonda was worried. She also noticed that Hermione wasn’t there. She scanned the room again hoping she had merely missed her in the surprise of seeing Harry.

“Evening Ron.”

“Evening Harry. What brings you here?” Rhonda was really wondering where Hermione was. Maybe research kept her? She was like that, always losing track of time when she was around books. That was the most logical explanation.

“You actually. It’s about Hermione and what’s been going on with you.” Harry wasn’t smiling which never was a good sign.

“What about Hermione?” asked Rhonda, rather confused.

“Maybe you should read the letter that’s on the table.” stated Harry sadly.

Rhonda looked over and spotted the scroll sitting on the kitchen table. It wasn’t sealed and that surely meant that Harry probably knew what was in it. He hadn’t said anything so it had to be bad. She opened it nervously and looked down at Hermione’s cursive script.


I am sorry that I have to do this but it hurts me to see you as a woman. I cannot bring myself to hug you or kiss you or make love to you because of it. I know that it is still you in my head, but my heart is having trouble dealing with the fact that you are a woman now.

This greatly disturbs me and I know I have to get my head on straight. I don’t want to lose you but if I can’t find a cure I am not sure if we have a future. I know this hurts and it is tearing my heart as well. I am still working for a cure because I want to go back to my husband, not my wife.

Please let me have the time to find my answers and to find a way to look you in the eyes without flinching. I am dearly sorry that my issues are causing this situation. I want us to be together but I can’t do that right now. Please forgive me.

All my Love,

Rhonda dropped the scroll numbly. She staggered over to the couch and fell onto it. What had happened? Was it something she had done? Was this her fault? What was going on?

Harry leaned forward, obviously concerned. “Ron…”

“Rhonda.” mumbled Rhonda as she pulled her feet up and began hugging her legs. Her eyes were welling up with tears.

“Rhonda then. I am sorry. I don’t know what is going on with her. Last night she talked to me and she was…well very homophobic, which is out of character.” stated Harry.

“Hermione? I don’t believe it. I mean she started SPEW and has been active in pushing for greater equality in the wizarding world. I have trouble seeing her as homophobic. I mean she seems okay with your and Snape’s relationship. I don’t get it but it’s your life. She has even done her best to get same sex marriage approved. I still think it’s my fault.” blathered Rhonda, her head spinning as she tried to grasp the situation.

“This thing with Hermione or with Snape?” asked Harry, confused. Sometimes when Ron really got going he made less and less sense.

“All of it. I mean, what the hell is going on? Are the planets in retrograde or something? My life is falling apart and I can’t handle it. What the hell? Isn’t this body punishment enough?” Rhonda started to cry, fat tears rolling down her face to splash onto her work robes. Harry moved over to the couch and took Rhonda in his arms, trying to comfort her. He murmured soft words to try and get her to relax. It slowly worked.

“I am here for you.” He said simply.

“Thanks mate. What am I going to do?” Rhonda looked up at Harry with tear filled eyes.

Harry smiled faintly. “You were always a bit slow on the uptake. She hasn’t left you for good. She is just freaking out over the fact that you are a girl right now. She wants to get you back to being a guy because of her issues with girls. I don’t know what they are but that is the root of this problem. It isn’t you, ya git.”

Rhonda nodded and looked at the fireplace. Her thoughts were all about Hermione and how she had said that she would never leave. So much for that promise.

“Can you stay? I really don’t want to be alone tonight.” asked Rhonda, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

“No, I can’t. However I have already gotten a hold of Ginny. She should be here soon. I need to get back to Hogwarts. I have a lecture tomorrow morning in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. They seem to think that I know what I’m talking about.” Harry chuckled. “I am just a floo away though. You are my best friend and I will be here to help.”

Rhonda nodded and sat there watching the fire. She just wanted her life to return to what it had been. Was that so difficult? “Want a cuppa?”

Rhonda turned her head and looked over at Harry, who was in the small kitchen. She hadn’t heard him get up. “Uh…please.”

Harry returned shortly with the pot of tea and Rhonda drank hers slowly as she watched the flames dancing. They kept her from thinking too much, which was a good idea in her opinion. Suddenly the color of the flames turned green and Ginny stepped from the fireplace. She rushed over and gave her new sister a hug. Harry rescued the cup of tea before Ginny reached Rhonda.

“Oh Rhonda, I am so sorry.” That got Rhonda crying again and both sisters cried on each other. Rhonda felt safe in her sister’s arms and let out all the pain that she was feeling. After a while Rhonda slowly stopped crying and only sniffled.

“What happened?” asked Rhonda, wiping her face.

“I don’t know Sis, but she has been a little off since this whole thing has started. I plan on talking to her and trying to figure out what to do. This whole mess is just crazy. I mean, is this the end for both of you?” Ginny was clearly upset by this situation as well.

“I don’t know Ginny. I didn’t see the ring any where, so there is some hope. But what did I do wrong?” Rhonda sobbed that last question.

Both Harry and Ginny hugged her. Harry murmured, “It will be okay.”

“How? How will it be okay? I love Hermione and she left me. All because I have tits? What the hell is up with that? I didn’t do anything wrong and now I’m being punished!” Rhonda was clearly getting mad.

“We’ll get this worked out Rhonda. It will be fine.” said Ginny, trying to calm her raging sister down.

Rhonda looked pissed. “It’s not my fault that the stupid fortune cookie affected me this way. How were we to know that the objects would affect me like that?”

“I know Rhonda. We’ll talk to Hermione and figure out what to do. Will you be okay tonight?” asked Harry.

Rhonda thought a bit. “I’m not so sure. I just want to get drunk and try and forget things for a while.”

“Ginny, are you able to stay the night?” asked Harry, turning to his ex. Her still had feelings for her but he was now happier with Snape and Ginny was quite pleased with Tonks. He was happy for both of them.

“No, but I know someone who can. She will gladly help.” replied Ginny.

* * * * * *

Luna came in to the room from the floo network. Ginny was sitting there with Rhonda. Rhonda looked like hell, with lines from tears tracking down her red face. She immediately knew that something was majorly wrong and she didn’t know what it could be. Maybe it was an infestation of Garflats? They were known to have this sort of effect on people. That must be it. Her father had written about it in the Quibbler.

“Are you alright?” she asked Rhonda, worried.

Rhonda looked up, her eyes red from the crying. “What do you think?”

“Well, I think that you look like you have been crying and are possibly quite angry for some reason. But since I am not sure of the situation overall, I asked you how you felt. I really hate assuming.” replied Luna, explaining what she thought.

Rhonda sighed, Luna was off being Luna again, and said. “Hermione left me.”

Luna had two reactions. One was shock at the fact that Hermione could do something like that to Ron. The second was a surge of desire that she could possibly have Rhonda now. She managed to keep those reactions off of her face with some effort. “What happened?”

Rhonda gestured towards the letter. Luna headed over to the kitchen table and read the scroll a few times. There was a lot left unsaid in the letter. It seemed to Luna that there was something else that was the problem but she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. She needed more information before she could really make up her mind. “So Ginny asked me to stay over and make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Is that okay?”

Rhonda looked at Luna and then Ginny with disbelief and some irritation. Ginny bristled at this and said. “Please. I know you Rhonda Weasley. You probably plan on drinking a full bottle of Firewhiskey on your own and to drop unconscious on the floor that is if you don’t puke all over yourself. Right now you need some one to keep you from doing something stupid. Just humor me.”

Rhonda nodded. He had never really won an argument with Ginny in her entire life, well maybe when she was a baby. Ginny stood up and looked down at her sister. “Luna will take care of you. I have to get home. Tonks and I have some work to do early in the morning. Take care sis.”

Ginny hugged Rhonda tightly and flooed from the apartment, leaving Luna and Rhonda alone. Luna looked at Rhonda and asked, “Have you had dinner?”

Rhonda shook her head. Luna shrugged and headed into the kitchen. She might be able to find some thing that she could prepare. “Have you checked to see if this is all due to Garflats? Their bite can be pretty nasty, making you cry and get red faced and get into arguments with people. They are a really bad thing to have an infestation of. My father has done a great deal of research into them. He wrote several penetrating articles on the subject.”

Rhonda rolled her eyes. Looney Lovegood was back in action. Luna moved through the kitchen trying to calm herself down. She did not want to jump Rhonda and ruin the friendship she had with her only friends in Britain. But she was wet, a slickness was dampening her panties, sliding between her legs and that was distracting. Her body wanted desperately wanted Rhonda and her mind was trying to tell it to wait. Her heart was conflicted which didn’t help anything at all.

And what about Hermione? Hermione had been a good friend and now she had done this. Maybe Luna could simply be a good friend to Rhonda? She could simply be there for the poor suffering girl. And who knew where things could lead after that. Her life had already been a bit too odd and interconnected thanks to Harry. Maybe she should just be Rhonda’s friend and see what happened? It was a tough choice considering another part of her was imagining what Rhonda tasted like in vivid detail.

She fixed both of them something edible and simple, spagbol. Rhonda came over listlessly and tucked into the food. It was plain that she enjoyed it but was distracted. Luna kept spacing herself as her imagination pictured her being the happy homemaker with Rhonda as her wife. She tried to get it out of her mind but things were so domestic right now that it was difficult. She didn’t want to mess things up.

After dinner Rhonda did get out the bottle of Firewhiskey. Luna looked worriedly over at her. This was something she figured she needed to stop. She looked at Rhonda with concern plain on her face. Rhonda replied, “Come on Luna. I just want to get a little drunk and not have to think about this whole mess for a while. Look, if you drink with me then I can’t drink the whole bottle.”

Luna nodded. That did make sense. She nodded in agreement. “Okay. But just a little.”

* * * * * *

Hermione sat in her hotel room and cried. What had she done?

She felt like she had thrown out one of the best things that had happened to her in her life. This hurt worse than when Dumbledore had died in her sixth year. She wanted to be with Ron and not Rhonda. She kept repeating that to herself over and over like a mantra, even though a little part of herself fluttered awake whenever she thought about Rhonda and the way the light hit her hair or how cute the freckles were. She wanted her husband, or rather her fiancé back. She wanted to marry him and not her.

Hermione grabbed one of the texts she had picked up from the library and turned to her notes. If she buried herself in her work she might be able to stop dwelling on this whole matter. She had to find a way to fix this. There had to be a cure and she had to find it. She had to.

She went over the information she had gathered over and over again. There simply had to be a cure, there had to be. There was no magic that could not be countered except Avada Kadavra. Surely this transformation spell wasn’t like the death curse. There had to be a counter curse or some sort of charm that could change her back.

She had gone through a small mountain of books already and she had voluminous notes on the subject. She almost had enough research to turn this into another book. She didn’t care about that. She only had one goal in mind, getting her husband back.

She had to have him back because if she couldn’t find a cure she couldn’t be with Rhonda. That would break her heart and she didn’t know if she could recover from that. Ron was her strength and without him to lean on she felt lost, cut off from all she knew. She couldn’t imagine leaning on Rhonda for help even though it was still Ron in there.

She didn’t want to touch that body, with its curves and the promise of familiarity. She didn’t want to kiss those lips even though she could look into Ron’s eyes. She didn’t want that body to bring her to pleasure because it was wrong. Maybe not for everyone but definitely for her. She wanted to feel the strong muscles of Ron’s back as he made love to her. She didn’t want the softness that was Rhonda’s body.

With a quick flip of her wavy hair she lay back on her rented bed and began to read through the next book, her quick quotes quill waiting for her notes. Maybe the answer she was looking for was in there? Maybe?

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