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BigCloset HatBox: Premium Stories

Quick Cuts - Recent Content

Codes: Solo=Standalone story, not series, verse, drabble or fanfic; Source codes: HB=Hatbox; DP=Doppler Press; KS=Kindle Store; AB=Amazon Book; LL=Lulu; SW=SmashWords; SD=Stardust; SS=StorySite; SP=Sapphire's Place; FM=FictionMania. Default is day of week.

Title Code Author(s)
A Daughter Enters, Stage Left - Ch. 4 Sat SammyC
Triple Dare: Masks 24 by Rodford Edmiston on Kindle Sat Stickmaker
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2 Sat Michele Nylons
Leases in Hell, chapter 9. Sat Nagrij
A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6 Sat AmyLikesDancing
Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy Sat New Author, Denise
Betrayal and Forgiveness Sat Noname1
MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10) Sat magicshoppe
Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33 Sat Sofia Hammerstein
I Was A Porn Star For The FBI By Melanie Brown On Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Recovering From Trauma Solo LadyDragon623
Parallel Lives Chapter 33 Fri LeftyPosting
The Chosen - Chapter 4 Fri Maeryn
Layabout. Part 3 of 4 Fri Marianne G
Royal Performer - Chapter 8 Fri Tiffany Shar
Jane Fri Erin Halfelven
Boys can dream. Fri Columbine
Not For Sale - Part 5 Thu SamanthaMD
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 9 Thu Amethyst
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 1 Thu Michele Nylons
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 9 Thu LadyDragon623
The Ghost of 224 Maple Street Solo Avia Conner
Monkey Business by Melanie Brown on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Death in Venice Beach Solo Bru
Fake It Till You Make It - 15 - The Blonde Deamon. Thu Alyssa Plant
Altered: Chapter 9 Wed Amethyst
Mates 43 Wed Cyclist
Easy as Falling off a Bike -19- by Angharad on Kindle Tue Angharad
The Faerie Blade: Chapter 33 Tue Amethyst
The Present, Part 16 Tue Lady Lucia
Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 3: Detransition, Maybe? Tue miriamrobern
Journey Into The Forbidden West Part 1 Mon E. E. Nalley
Cammychan For Real Mon Enemyoffun
Working For A Living Chapter 6 Mon LadyDragon623
A whole New Me (Again?) - Part 5 Mon AmyLikesDancing
The Cruise Chapter 2 Mon Su Shi
Romance and Other Crimes Vol. 3 by Maryanne Peters on Kindle Mon Maryanne Peters
Switching Sides 2/5 Mon Gillian Chambers
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *6* Sun Maddy Bell
The Girl in the mirror Solo Julie D Cole
Small Problem by Melanie Brown on Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 41 Sat Angharad
Unethical Solo Bru
Taylor by Leslie Moore on Kindle Fri Leslie Moore
Just... Friends? Fri Melanie Brown
What am I doing? Solo Daring Diane
Dreams Fulfilled by Marianne G on Kindle Thu Marianne G
I Was A Cheerleader For The FBI By Melanie Brown on Kindle Wed Melanie Brown
Write Fifty Times Solo Ellie Dauber
TG-Harmony.com Solo Sephrena Lynn Miller
Flowers Solo Maryanne Peters
Demon Stalker (I Wish 4) by Amethyst on Kindle Tue Amethyst
“Oh What A Day I’ve had” Solo Gillian Chambers
Speak Now Solo Maryanne Peters
Prometheans by Joyce Melton & Lainie Lee from Doppler Press Fri Joyce Melton, Lainie Lee
The Station's Late Nite Princess Sat Snowfall
Kelly Girl by Wanda Cunningham - New Edition from DopplerPress Tue Wanda Cunningham
Rays of Light by Joyce Melton on Kindle Mon Joyce Melton
Special Someones by Melanie E on Kindle Mon Rasufelle
The Golden Blade by Marianne G on Kindle Sun Marianne G
Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle Fri Angela Rasch
Sam and Sam by Joyce Melton - Now on Kindle Wed Joyce Melton
Peaches on Kindle: New Edition! Tue Amelia R., Angela Rasch
Being Invisible by Leslie Moore on Amazon Sat Leslie Moore
Hard Time by Melanie Brown - now on Kindle! Fri Melanie Brown
The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle Thu Anesidora's Urn
Battleskirts on Kindle by Melanie Brown Thu Melanie Brown
Aria - Book 3 - Bring Down the Curtain by Emma Anne Tate on... Wed Emma Anne Tate
In Bloom by Melanie Brown from Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Andy and Dawn by Angela Rasch on DopplerPress Sat Angela Rasch
Dreams of Future Past by Kevin McCarthy on Kindle Fri New Author, Kevin McCarthy
Butterscotch by Joyce Melton now on Kindle Thu Joyce Melton
Wednesday Knights Mon Rasufelle
A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle Wed Jennifer Sue
Pink Bear Romance by Melanie Brown - Now on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle Sat Drea DiMaggio
Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly... Fri Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle Wed Bek D. Corbin, E. E. Nalley, Maggie Finson, Rasufelle
A Modest Proposal by Melanie Brown - on Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Boys Don't Cry on Kindle Tue Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
The Princess Trap on Kindle Thu Tyrone Slothrop, Wanda Cunningham
The Frozen Balance - by Persephone - Kindle Edition Wed Persephone
Arctic Fox Book 2 by Rosemary Howell now on Kindle Tue Rose
Cindy's Prom and the Unwilling Princess by Melanie Brown... Mon Melanie Brown
Mindful by Beverly Taff on Kindle Sun Beverly Taff
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Who Do That Hoo Doo?


Audience Rating: 


George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover

College Girl : 12

College Girl
By poetheather
Chap 12

I was a little disoriented when I woke up. Everything looked different and I wasn’t sure where I was. I felt someone lying next to me, their body warm and semi-snuggled. I turned my head and saw Meredith. I smiled at that point and kissed her on the forehead. I think I was really in love with her. I think I had certainly proved that I would do anything for her. Meredith had been one of the main reasons I now looked like I did and was living the life that I was. But I also had to admit that, in a way, I was happy.

Strange Therapy

A woman seeks to help her friend overcome his low self-esteem. She ends up taking him on vacation to Bikini Beach, where he seems to thrive.
But what will happen when the vacation ends? How can the two achieve lifelong happiness?


Strange Therapy

by Lisa Caitlin Grey

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 27

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 27.

Simon gave me a very strange look, "Not all men are predatory animals wanting to rob young women of their virginity."

"How do you know I'm a virgin?" I said sniffily.

"Shall we say it's fairly obvious," he softened his look into a benign sort of smile.

I Don't Recall Volunteering - Part 1

Just a heads up for anyone who wants to start reading this story - it is very much an incomplete work. I had gotten started on it, but just couldn't seem to wrap it up effectively. For all of you who have read what I have written, and were expecting some sort of completion, I sincerely apologize. Next time, I will finish the story before posting it.


Stand Up - audio book

This is an audio book version of my story, Stand Up. It's about a post-apocalyptic world where individuality, even things we often take for granted, such as gender identity, is considered a serious anti-social disorder. One person has decided to stand up from the crowd. This is the story of her trial and her pleas to the humanity behind blind, staring masks.

Based on a Conversation Two: A Place For Us

Based On a Conversation Two: A Place for Us



Again an essay from the heart about what it is like to be transgendered.

In many respects I am a lucky woman. In the net I have a number of virtual sisters, daughters and nieces that I love and love me. I give them my love and feel their love in return. They are in the center of my heart and I hope others will join them. In this environment I am my alter ego, The Evil Witch.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 26

Easy As Falling Asleep.
by Angharad & Winnie the Pooh,
part 26 (and who said it wouldn't last?).

"I don't think I like you Simon," I said to myself. I still had to get home and a lift with him was easier than walking in these boots. They may be comfortable for the moment, but walking a mile in someone else' boots is not recommended by podiatrists, especially ones with three inch heels.

Love Is Grand

Love Is Grand
by Annabelle


Retired and independently wealthy, 60 year old Stan Berman discovered he had only 12-18 months to live due to a rare neurological syndrome that would sap his strength and motor skills, but the symptoms would not onset for at least a year. The widower’s only family was his devoted son Patrick and grandson Michael.

A life-long cross dresser, Stan confided in his kin that he wanted to live as a woman for a year, and if they joined him, they would inherit the entire estate.

3 months later, “East Coast socialite” Sarah Berman moved to a luxury condo in Beverly Hills with her daughter Pamela and granddaughter Madeline.

“And in 18 months,” Sarah thought to herself, “My doctors will realize that the diagnosis was wrong! It won’t matter — my girls and I will be too busy shopping, partying, and chasing men to care!”

Project Punchline

PROJECT PUNCHLINE -- "the truth is out there?"

Just what is the government doing with our tax dollars? You didn't buy that crock about it going to corporate welfare, political pork and the military did you?

The TRUE story behind where our money goes.

P.S. This is my entry in the writng exercise based on that stupid Geico ad tag line.

P.P.S. Sorry folks, I tried to resist but this idea got stuck in my head and it was real slow at work and ...

The Guardian Princess 1: Chapter 6

Springfield Is Burning


by Laika Pupkino

A medium sized American city is gripped by an unexplained outbreak of "gender inappropriate" behavior. A story comprised of vignettes and plotlines with a cartoonishly skewed perspective on gender roles and sexuality; featuring some characters you will probably recognise...

College Girl : 11

After Meredith left, I smirked and turned to look at my pretty large wardrobe, thanks to the girls. What was I going to wear? I didn’t know what to wear for something like this. I guess I could wear that little black dress that they had insisted I buy. It clung to me tightly and showed every curve and yet still managed to look good.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 21: Double Dating

        Christina was barely aware of her surroundings when the truck pulled into the parking lot. She stepped out of the door and closed it after Steph had exited. Immediately crossing over to Andrei, Steph inserted her arm through his.


A comment Erin made regarding her story SHOCKING PINK, about the role of lightning in various gender transformation stories (she cited Bob Arnold's serial ZAPPED and Julie O's FRESH START stories) got the wheels turning in my head for this one... a magical transformation story set in The Age of Reason.

by Laika Pupkino

Based On A Conversation

Based On A Conversation

by shalimar

An Essay From the Heart About what It Means to Be Transgendered.

Tom, a co-worker, asked me if being gay, lesbian, or transsexual is genetic or learned. I told him that some of the scientific evidence shows that it is genetic.

"You mean to tell me that a person who grows up in a lesbian home won't be influenced to be like his 'parents'?"

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 23

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part woman, part goddess, part 23.

"They're going to loan me a car and collect mine from the pub," said Simon poking his head through the open window of Stella's car, "So if Cathy would like to come with me, we'll go and get her bike before the garage gets there."

What could I do, he had me by the sprockets? I began to get out of Stella's car.

The stone-fox tapes

The video player seemed to stare at me like a mechanical toad squatting amid the remains of some disaster in an electronics warehouse. The woman tending the stall appeared more than keen that I should buy it, though in truth my interest had waned as soon as I was close enough to discover that it wasn't a U-Matic - a video format from the heroic age of technology - after all.


More DopplerPress

The Reluctant Co-Ed by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


It's been a series of madcap adventures for Chrissie, starting in middle school when she posed as a Reluctant Girlfriend and on through her high school career as a cheerleader.

Now she's in college! Can you get a degree in crossdressing shenanigans?"

The Reluctant Co-Ed
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

Easy as Falling Off a Bike 9 - Wuthering Dormice - on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


The ongoing story....


Cathy always tries to mind her business, unfortunately business doesn't give her the same respect. In fact it goes out of its way to send a fresh helping of drama her way in the shape of a three-year-old force of nature named Jemima.

Can she really help the girl, save the dormice and look after her nearest and dearest all at the same time?

Easy as Falling Off a Bike
9. Wuthering Dormice
by Angharad
Now on Kindle
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