
Mercy Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Previously ...

“Faith! I think we’ve found a way to flush Brand out!”

And now ...

“What? Really?” Faith exclaimed.

“Yeah, come on, our magic teachers will help explain.” Arwen said.

The two girls went to the magic building, and came into a room where several teachers were waiting for them.

“Arwen said you guys might have found a way to track Brand?” Faith asked once they were seated.

Sisters in Pink

Sisters in Pink

Hi my name is Kaleb or rather was Kaleb and this is how I got turned into a girl by my 9 year old sister.

one day in late June 2014 my sister was getting changed out of her pajamas which happened to be a pink t-shirt with white panties with pink and purple stripes on them and I just happened to look at her changing for one second little did I know my life was about to change.

Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 3

I have a few minutes and I thought I'd post this chapter early while the posting procedure is fresh.I'm not sure what time I'll have going forward. As always Ashleigh thank you for your editing.

I thought I might try another image for this chapter. I'd appreciate if you all will tell me if you you'd rather I keep one image or change up occasionally to meet the action.

In this chapter Atalanta and her crew meet both the fugitives and the wolf pack.

A Princess of Jupiter

In the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Jupiter follows the life of Captain Caelen Carter. Finding himself dying in a Mexican cenote he is flung outward to wake upon the surface of Jupiter. Not only does he have to survive in a strange world but he also has to do so as a woman.

April Fool's!

I was walking towards the bookstore where we hosted our usual Saturday evening D & D game. It was a beautiful spring day--April first, to be precise, and I was once again acting in my role of Dungeon Master. I had just rounded the corner to the shopping plaza when a strange imp pulled on my sleeve, dragging me into a tiny curio shop in the corner.

Turnabout Part 10

Lizzy Bennet, once again thank you!

Dan (now Jessa) and Jessica (now Dan) continue their trip to Palm Beach. Jessa tells Dan how she really feels. Then, they go to dinner with the boss and Jessa learns about playing the corporate game.


Chaos and Order: The War Eternal Chapter 7





I sat cross legged in the basement of the safe house wearing the comfortable sweat pants and t-shirt I’d found in one of the many dressers filled with clothes. As I sat there I focused on the knot of power inside of me and tried to relax my mind and body. It was harder than usual because of all the things that had happened last night.

Chaos and Order: The War Eternal Chapter 5



A Daemon and a Sorcerer Walk into a . . .


I could feel Cordi’s sorrow turn into a cold fury as she moved around the ruined warehouse. The fire here had burned most of the building leaving the concrete and metal, charred and twisted, while devouring most of the rest of the building. As we walked through the ruin I caught a glimpse of a huge arch through one of the many holes in the wall.

“Are we in St. Louis?”

Chaos and Order: The War Eternal Chapter 3



And So It Begins


I clawed my way to consciousness and slapped at my alarm. Unfortunately, I misjudged my strength and accidently sent the alarm clock flying into the wall.

“Ugh, . . .” I groaned as I sat up.

Chaos and Order: The War Eternal Chapter 1

Chaos and Order: The War Eternal

“Small Wars”

An Urban Fantasy Tale

The War between Chaos and Order has raged across the multi-verse since the beginning of time. Joel is caught up in it and has to come to terms with the changes to his body and life if he is to rescue his loved ones.

(Set in the Consultant Universe)

Zuriel: The Recruit.

Zuriel:The Recruit

I was an oddity, even before I was born.

Which only got worse moments after my birth when my parents named me Zuriel.

The name came about because both my parents were sure I was gonna be a girl, until they saw the little thing between my legs, and as they hadn’t bothered to have a boy name ready, they found a list of baby names and started at the back until they found one they liked.

Unfortunately, they were kinda right about me - I have always felt more like a girl than a guy.

Earth Racer

Earth Racer

I’m not sure how I got elected the PR person. I guess of the three of us, I was the only one who didn’t have a solid role to play in the actual racing, and they wanted me to feel like part of the team.

Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Carol Petty-Foyt. The oldest of three children who are the direct descendants of racing royalty. My sister Alison is the grease-monkey - give her an engine, and she can pull it apart and put it back together again in no time flat.

The League of Chinchillas: A Wolf in Chinchilla’s Clothing


Behold, true believer, from the world of Identity Crisis, the team up that absolutely nobody demanded! Or even conceived of! Seriously, not even the infinite monkey theorem could have predicted this story! When the legendary League of Chinchillas meets the astonishing AquaFish, it’s a thrilling, spine-tingling, senses-shattering tale that makes Homer’s Odyssey look like dog puke! Cleanup on Aisle 3 for...adventure! (A tale of Faraday City.)

South of Bikini 5: Episode 2- We'll Aways Have Athens

In this episode, we rejoin Empress Alex Reilly and company in ancient Athens, Greece. Then, skipping ahead several years and after a different kind of wardrobe malfunction, Alex and her sisters fight for their lives as first Assassins attack then Spartan troops threaten to destroy Corinth to abduct Billie and her daughter, Iphigenia. But, is there a more sinister explanation for the onslaught? Will the Spartans survive the Empress’ forces- especially the sharp blade, and sharp tongue of the Empress’ daughter, Reilly?


A pair of thieves break into a superheroine's hideout and get more than they bargained for when they meddle with her equipment. (A tale of Faraday City in the Identity Crisis universe.)

Chaos Theory

*** Introduction ***

Cade Maxwell and Tatiana Pierce were partners in the CIA for over thirty years. Their current mission is to capture their target and return to the CIA with a new piece of technology, a chaos machine. Although warned of unforeseen circumstances, Cade and Tatiana are exposed to the machine and thrust headlong into an alternative reality; a reality where Cade is a seventeen year old girl and Tatiana is an eighteen year old boy. Their final year of high school might just be their toughest mission yet.

*** Story ***

Chaos Theory

Turnabout Part 9

Once again, LIzzy Bennet, thank you for all of your help and encouragement

I woke up Tuesday morning ready to face the day. Today was the day we were going to try and get pregnant. I had been regularly checking my basal temperature and I was sure that this afternoon was the perfect time.

Smoky Corners 3-NC: Aussie Dreams

OK, so I'm posting this two days early, but I wanted to do something special for a special person on (or at least near) her birthday. Besides, it's Pi Day, so...

Without further ado, I present:

Smoky Corners 3-NC: Aussie Dreams
(c) 2017
Haylee V

Identity Crisis - Chapter 10/10: Finale

As the city-wide disaster looms, Prodigious Girl, still battered and bruised from her fights at the Sanctuary, must stand alone against the forces that threaten to destroy everyone she loves. But how can she hope to prevail against an enemy who knows her better than she knows herself?

Welcome To Whisper Pines Part-3

Welcome to
Whisper Pines
Part Three



After a tragedy, Charlie and his small family move from the West Coast to the East and to a small and idyllic, dairy community to start anew. Soon he starts to realize the town seems a bit odd and the things there not so right, including himself.

The Wrong Side of the Bed 10

The Wrong Side of the Bed 10

by Anistasia Allread

Nikki made it to her car before she could no longer control the frustrated tears. She grabbed some napkins from the center console and blew her nose and wiped at the free-flowing tears that continued to blur her vision.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 9/10: Assault on Paradise

PG, Prodigy, and Trixie find themselves as the last line of defense against the impending catastrophe that faces the city. Outnumbered and outgunned, they take the fight to the Sanctuary where they also encounter an old enemy.

Turnabout Part 8

Thanks as always to Lizzy Bennet

Jess and I were about to leave the airport to go to the Breakers. I turned to her and asked, “Do I look OK?” I was wearing a batik print dress that came to just above the thigh and a pair of Tom’s canvas espadrilles. I would have worn sandals but it was too cold.

“Stop it. You look gorgeous. That dress is perfect. I can’t believe you put in all this effort for the plane,” Jess said.

Left at Eden - Chapter 19

Left at Eden
It had been four days since finding the apparent research station. The translations provided some insight into the planet, but the temple seemed to be on some kind of "lockdown", and wouldn't respond to any attempts to access any systems, so Rebecca's team left the place in the capable hands of Sierra's research team.

Small Mercies

Matthew Carter was alone, his twin brother Ryan gone, and it was Matt's fault. When his twin crother had manifested as a mutant, things had gone to hell, and now the specter of inevitability hung over his own head. Born to a family who reviled mutants, Matt's survival will depend upon the winds of fate blessing him with a chain of small mercies.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 8/10: Revelations and Recriminations

Prodigious Girl, furious at what happened to her, confronts Prodigy. Meanwhile, the full nature of the plot against the city is revealed, and shocking revelations expose its unexpectedly personal connections to our heroes.

Welcome To Whisper Pines Part-2

Welcome to
Whisper Pines
Part Two



After a tragedy, Charlie and his small family move from the West Coast to the East and to a small and idyllic, dairy community to start anew. Soon he starts to realize the town seems a bit odd and the things there not so right, including himself.

It's Great Being Sweet Sixteen!

It's Great Being Sweet Sixteen!

Tomorrow is my Sweet Sixteen! The first day of the rest of my life!

Being sixteen is like, so kewl. I get to do things with my boyfriend. If I was fourteen, people would look at us weird. I mean, I'd still be cute and everything, but they would look at him like he's a pervert or something.

At sixteen, I'm still real cute, but I'm old enough for all that fun stuff. He's like twenty, so he's an expert. He knows how to make me scream.

He says that he's too cool, but I know how to make him scream too.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 7/10: The Longest Day

Rebuffed by his superhero mentor, Chris takes matters into his own hands to investigate the mystery. As friendships and alliances start to crumble, Chris is driven to make some rash decisions that have disastrous consequences. (Fair warning, this chapter gets pretty dark and delves into some uncomfortable situations. But it’s always darkest before the dawn!)

Once a Prince

A prince leads a battle of his mortal human fighters against the Fae. A war that started over one hundred years before. The prince is captured and punished by the Fae. In revenge for Fae lives lost and the rape and death of the Fae king's daughter, the prince is transformed into a slave girl to be handed over to the king's sons for punishment. Can the prince find freedom, love, and stop the war?

Welcome To Whisper Pines Part-1

Welcome to
Whisper Pines
Part One



After a tragedy, Charlie and his small family move from the West Coast to the East and to a small and idyllic, dairy community to start anew. Soon he starts to realize the town seems a bit odd and the things there not so right, including himself.

Left at Eden - Chapter 18

Left at Eden

“Just like old times!” Hailey called over to Wendy as they took their respective passengers for a wilder ride than either expected. Candy doubled up with Hailey, while Brie rode with Wendy. By the time they reached the temple, Candy climbed down off the back of the ATV and shook her head.

“Old times indeed. That brought back memories of my mandatory zero gravity training from the survival girls.”


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