TransVixen Chapter 08

Michele Nylons

Chapter Eight: Wolford Hall Horror

Transvixen finished their last concert at Chelmsford dance hall. The series of concerts had made Wendy and the band a considerable profit from ticket and bar sales. They also sold a line of Transvixen band merchandise.

Everybody wanted to buy the T-shirts with pictures of Panti and Cherri dressed sexy in micro-minis with their guitars slung low enough to just cover their crotches. There were also posters, beer mugs and other paraphernalia that Wendy had a local manufacturer produce.

They moved on to Wolford Hall which was a considerably bigger venue. They spent some money on better equipment and added a guitar tech to their entourage which also included a lighting and sound tech; the techs also doubled as roadies.

Wendy called a meeting with Transvixen at Wolford Hall the morning of their first concert while the techs did their thing getting their equipment set up ready for a sound check and a full dress rehearsal that afternoon.

‘Snoot’ Bizjack, the bassist was his usual laconic self. He eyed off Panti and Cherri; it was obvious he had a crush on both of them, but he was harmless.

Bob Little, the drummer was his usual overconfident self and turned up dressed like a rock star in a purple zoot suit with a couple of groupies on his arm, to whom Wendy gave short thrift to at the door, much to his chagrin.

“You turn up with any more band sluts to a business meeting again Bob and you’ll be drumming for the local Boy Scout spit and dribble band,” Wendy clipped him around the ear.

He dragged up a chair and sat on it backwards, with that stupid grin on his face. He was handsome and a reasonable drummer but his opinion of himself outweighed his abilities.

Transvixen’s singer Phil Benson deliberately sat well away from Panti; it had been decided that their relationship would remain a secret for as long as possible. Michelle and Wendy confided in each other that it showed just how dumb Snoot and Bob were that they hadn’t figured out the bleeding obvious.

Even the techs suspected that Phil and Panti were getting it on but kept schtum.

“Ok Transvixen. This joint holds seven hundred people, has great acoustics and a huge bar, which all adds up to more money for us but you gotta keep the drive and energy going,” Wendy said.

“Presale tickets for the first three shows are sold out. Panti and Michelle you have a follow up interview with the Morning Crew at Chelmsford FM tomorrow,” Wendy announced.

“Fuck no!” Panti and Michelle chimed in unison.

“Fuck yes! We need the publicity. Michelle, get yourself glammed up for it; I want you there as Cherri Pops not Michelle Murphy. And Phil; they want you too,” Wendy decreed.

“What about us?” Snoot asked nodding at Bob.

“Sorry babe but it’s a small studio and well…the bassist and drummer?” Wendy smiled wanly.

“However I want you two outside giving autographs cause there will be a huge crowd there I guarantee,” Wendy said in a conciliatory tone.

Bob grinned and nudged Snoot in the ribs.

“Groupies dude!” he sniggered.

“Keep your cock in your pants. Both of you,” Wendy sniggered.

“What about her? She created a fucking riot last time she was there,” Bob pointed at Panti.

Panti winced.

“Bollocks! The radio station loves it; they love the controversy. It’s good for ratings, that’s why they want you back,” Wendy grinned.

“If that fat cunt starts on me again I’m going to kick her arse up!” Panti brooded.

“That’s the spirit; just don’t break any of your fingers; you’re a guitarist,” Wendy teased her.

“Ok follow me out back and I’ll show to you the dressing rooms, performers lounge and my office,” Wendy grinned at their looks of awe.

“Performers lounge?” Snoot looked amazed.

“Somewhere for a drink and a snack after the show,” Wendy smiled.

“Can we bring groupies back there?” Bob joked and the others all groaned and punched him impishly.

The rehearsal went well and the concert was a blast. Panti did her thing showing the crowd lots of leg and arse and plenty of knicker flashes and even Cherri got wild during their lead breaks.

For the extended guitar solo of Midnight Rambler they were on their haunches side by side at the very front of the stage, their knees wide apart, skirts high on their thighs. The crowd could see right up their skirts. The lighting tech had been briefed to spotlight them and the crotches of Panti and Cherri’s knickers was a tantalising sight that drove the crowd wild.

The band all laughed about it in the performers lounge after the show. They all drank heavily and then went out and mingled with the punters so that they would stay longer put more money over the bar. They autographed posters and had their pictures taken with their fans.

Panti went home with Wendy that night, much to Phil’s disappointment and Michelle took a call behind the bar from Tony and politely turned down an invitation to a very late supper claiming she needed her head together for the interview at Chelmsford FM.

The trans twin guitarists decided to really ham it up this time for their interview with The Morning Crew. Panti was dressed in a schoolgirl uniform consisting of a navy blue pleated miniskirt and white satin blouse. Cherri wore a black satin and lace French maid’s costume. Both wore tan sheer-to-the waist pantyhose, black nylon panties and black high heels. Panti’s jet black hair was worn in ringlets and a barette kept her fringe out of her eyes and Cherri wore her long straight blonde hair bunched high on her head with a fringe at the front. Both girls were heavily made up with black eyeliner and mascara, colourful eyeshadow and red lipstick; their cheeks rouged. They accessorised with silver costume jewellery: earings, necklace, bangles and rings.

As Wendy predicted there was a huge crowd outside the studio consisting mainly of young men. They all wolf-whistled and cheered when the girls alighted from the back seat of the mini-cab.

The radio station had promised them transport to and from the studio and they were both expecting a limo and were disappointed when the small Ford Fiesta mini-cab turned up.

The crowd started chanting.

“Panti! Cherri! Panti! Cherri! Panti! Cherri!” and a security guard had to guide them through the mob.

“Show us!” one of the likely lads shouted.

Panti obliged and lifted her skirt and flashed the crowd just as she got to the door of the radio station and the crowd went wild. Cherri laughed and lifted her skirt too and the crowd went wilder.

In the Studio lobby, Phil was already waiting, signing autographs for a few of the staff who then rushed over to Panti and Cherri to get their signatures too.

Wendy arrived just as the girls went inside. She dropped off Snoot and Bob who began to sign autographs outside on the pavement.

“Well Chelmsford the raunchiest, most outrageous rock chicks ever to come out of our little burg; Panti and Cherri Pops are with us again and this time we also have the lead singer of Transvixen Phil Benson,” the ponytailed DJ gushed into the microphone.

“And I have to tell you Chelmsford that once again these chicks are hot, hot, hot! If only you could see them dressed in their schoolgirl and French maid outfits; they have to be the shortest skirts I’ve ever seen. What say you Beth?”

Beth was the overweight dowdy woman who comprised one half of the ‘Morning Crew’.

“Well let me tell you Robbie; there is no doubt to anyone who sees these floozies dressed like that… ‘they are’…as in they are definitely trannies,” Beth grinned maliciously at Cherri and Panti.

Robbie Roberts (yes that was his real name) was the other half of the ‘Morning Crew’. He was hoping to get Panti and Beth into another cat fight.

“Meow! Panti and Cherri are you girls gonna take that?” Robbie grinned.

“Well Robbie I guess that’s a compliment coming from someone who looks like a Bull dyke extra from Cell Block H,” Cherri got in before Panti unloaded.

“But changing the subject; don’t you want to hear about how one of the greatest cover bands in the UK rocked Wolford Hall last night?” Cherri went on.

“Well we heard it was a great show and that you girls indeed rocked,” Robbie became a little conciliatory.

“Well I heard you rocked your knickers off, flashing your arses and crotches at the audience to make up for your lousy guitar playing,” Beth sniped.

Panti was red faced and about to explode so Phil interjected.

“Beth and Robbie, I can tell you that Panti and Cherri Pops are the best rock guitarists I have worked with and their music knocked the crowd at Wolford Hall right off their feet last night,” Phil leaned into the microphone.

“Phil Benson listeners; lead vocalist of Transvixen,” Robbie grinned stupidly.

“As if it could be anybody else…stupid twat,” Panti hissed to Cherri but the studio microphone picked it up.

“So…speaking of stupid twats Panti, even though you don’t have one of course, are the rumours true that you like to shag punters on a park bench behind your venues?” Beth looked Panti the eyes and smirked viciously.

“No more than the rumours that your last girlfriend complained that she couldn’t find your cunt through the rolls of fat hanging down from your belly,” Panti shot back.

Robbie gave a thumbs up to the sound engineer who had beeped out the obscenities but ensured the outburst was still broadcast. The audience would fill in the blasphemy for themselves.

“So listeners; the rivalry between Beth and Panti continues,” Robbie grinned stupidly.

“Well at least I have a girlfriend Panti; I hear your number appears on more toilet walls in Chelmsford than bog rolls and that your picture now graces the Oxford Dictionary under the word trollop,” Beth opined.

Panti had risen out of her seat and was about to provide the Chelmsford Gazette photographer with another ‘News of the World’ shot of her attacking the large, dowdy Radio DJ when Phil spread his arms apart in the small studio to keep Panti and Beth apart.

“Well if you must know; none of that is true because Panti is my girlfriend and I’m the only man in her life at the moment,” Phil announced.

Wendy was watching the interview from outside of the broadcast booth and she lowered her head and shook it balefully. There went Panti and Phil’s secret relationship and also the image they had created that Panti was a rock and roll play girl.

“Wow listeners! Another scoop for the Morning Crew! You heard it first here on Chelmsford FM that Panti Pops and Phil Benson of the band Transvixen are lovers,” Robbie smirked joyfully.

“So that raises another question Phil. I wonder if Phil gives Panti a reach-around when he’s shagging her?” Beth bellowed into the mike.

This time the newspaper photographer got an even better shot as both Panti and Cherri leapt across the studio deck to attack the fat lesbian DJ as Phil tried to break them apart.

Page three of the Chelmsford Gazette that afternoon featured a picture of the two sexy trannies leaping across the desk, all legs and knickers as they tried to strangle Beth; Phil Benson’s arms were wrapped around Panti’s waist trying to pull her back into her seat.

The headline read: ‘Panti Pops her panties in transphobic lesbian brawl!’

That evening at Wolford Hall Wendy sat in her office chair with her stocking feet up on the desk crossed at the ankles; the bass beat of Transvixen vibrated through the floor creating concentric waves in her gin and tonic. She was reading the article in the Chelmsford Gazette.

“Well I suppose there is no such thing as bad publicity,” she smiled to herself and took a sip of her drink.

The light on her desk phone flashed and then it rang.

Wendy picked it up and listened for a minute then she frowned and spoke into the mouthpiece.

“I’m on my way,” she barked, slipping on her heels.

Wendy wound her way through the dark corridors backstage and entered the concert hall through a door marked ‘Staff Only’. The band were belting out a number to an enthusiastic audience who appeared to be in stop motion due to the strobe lighting effects. She made her way over to the bar and met with Wayne, the bar manager in the far corner.

The music was not quite as loud in the bar but they still had to shout over the music.

“Over there. The guy in the white T-shirt and black jeans,” Wayne pointed with his chin.

Wendy pretended to be sipping a drink while she watched the man Wayne had pointed out. He was repeatedly approached by teenage boys and girl who handed him cash in exchange for little baggies which he made little effort to hide. He was brazenly dealing drugs.

“Fuck!” Wendy’s eyes sought out her security guys but there were none nearby.

Wendy hated drugs and drug dealers and the last thing she needed was for her venue to be busted.

She looked Christopher Balzono up and down. He was lean, almost skinny with ropy muscles; heavily tattooed. He had black slicked back hair and a gold earring in one ear. He looked greasy.

“Fuck it! I can take on this Gipsy motherfucker myself,” she hissed under her breath.

Wendy made her way over to him and beckoned him into the passageway behind the bar where it was quieter.

Christopher Balzono made no attempt to hide his brazen appraisal of the mature businesswoman. She was attractive, with dark eyes and ruby-red lips, her brunette hair coiffured in a shoulder length bob. She wore her usual tight-fitting business suit, her skirt very short and her satin blouse and jacket very tight. Her shapely legs were clad in sheer hosiery and she wore black stiletto high heels, her gold jewellery was big and glitzy and glittered in the dim light.

“Nice tits,” Chris licked his lips lasciviously and grinned at her with confident affront.

Wendy ignored his arrogance. She had dealt with his kind of scum before on many occasions.

“Do you know who’s backing this venue?” she barked at him.

Chris shrugged his shoulders contemptuously.

“Sure. Tony Carlotta. So what?” he smirked.

Wendy was taken aback. Was this guy working for Tony or did he have Tony’s permission to deal here? Or was this guy really not scared of Tony Carlotta?

“And you are?” Wendy showed no fear.

“I’m Christopher Balzono,” he grinned.

Wendy paled. She knew the Balzono brothers were in league with Tony but she thought that was over with ever since Michelle and Tony had taken up together.

“Well why don’t I just call him and see what he has to say about you dealing drugs at one of his venues?” Wendy spun on her heels intending to go back to her office and call Tony.

Chris reached out and grabbed Wendy by the arm and pulled her close. Quick as lighting he produced a flick-knife and pressed it to her ribs.

“Why don’t we go and make that phone call together,” he hissed into her ear.

The corridor was suddenly very quiet as the band stopped playing and Wendy could hear her harsh breathing as Chris frogmarched her towards her office with his knife pushed firmly against her ribs. She winced as the tip pressed into her soft bosom.

“You got nice titties for a fat old lady,” Chris sniggered.

“Hey! I’m thirty eight; not old! And I’m not fat; I just have big breasts and a nice firm arse,” Wendy decided that being brazen and showing no fear would be the best way to handle this thug.

“Tony told my brother and I that you fucked him just to take five percent off his cut of the Chelmsford Dance Hall,” Chris dropped the knife to Wendy’s behind and pressed the flat of the blade against her buttock.

Wendy blushed with embarrassment and gasped as the cold steel slid across her skirt.

“Oh yeah Miss Grayson we know all about you and your travisto puttas. The one you call your daughter gave him a blowjob and the blonde one…well me and my brother Theo already fucked her up the arse and made her suck our dicks.”

Wendy sobbed a little.

They came to the door of her small office and Chris opened it and pushed her inside. She was propelled forward, nearly tripping and had to hang on to her desk for support.

Then she saw the other greasy-looking man sitting in her chair behind her desk with his feet on the table grinning at her lecherously. He had to be Theo, the brother.

“Ah! Ms Wendy Grayson I presume,” Theo kicked a folding metal chair across the floor.

“Sit!” he ordered.

“What the fuck is this all about?” Wendy asked, smoothing her skirt under her as she sat.

She was aware that her short skirt showed off too much thigh and that the two Italian males were ogling her legs. She crossed her ankles and put her hands in her lap.

“Well ever since your putta tranny Michelle or Cherri or whatever the fuck she calls herself started dating Tony Carlotta we seem to have fallen out with him. He insists that we never discuss what happened in his office not so long ago when he was more than happy to share her around,” Theo opened his hands expressively.

“And he no longer wants to do business with us. So you see, we can’t afford to lose face and as Wolford is our patch, we have no choice but to exercise our right to do as we please here in Wolford. This includes your travisto rock and roll concerts,” Chris expanded.

“So you want me to let you sell drugs at my concerts?” Wendy looked Theo in the eye.

“Oh we are going to do that anyway. Normally Chris and I don’t get our hands dirty, we have underlings to sell our product, but tonight we thought we might just come and mark our territory if you know what I mean.” Theo replied.

Wendy looked at him quizzically.

“When a wolf claims his territory he marks it by pissing in various locations to warn other wolves. We are here pissing on Wolford Hall and letting you know it’s our territory,” Theo grinned through blackened teeth.

“Well I guess you made your point,” Wendy conceded.

She would wait for them to leave and then get Tony to deal with the Balzono brothers.

“Also. They get to mate with all the bitches,” Chris smirked and ominously locked the door.

“Wait a minute,” Wendy exclaimed but was silenced when Chris waved his knife in front of her face.

“Shut the fuck up and take off your clothes bitch or you’re gonna get cut!” he hissed.

Theo came around from behind the desk and put out his hand and lowered his brother’s knife hand.

“No need to be like that Christopher. I’m sure Ms Grayson is going to entertain us appropriately. If she chooses not to of course I might let you use that knife to take a souvenir. A nice finger or an ear,” he smirked.

Wendy realised that she had no choice. With trembling fingers she took off her jacket and unbuttoned her blouse. Chris parted her blouse with the tip of the knife exposing her large breasts cupped in her lacy black satin bra.

“Keep going,” he swallowed audibly, his voice thick with lust.

Wendy slipped out of her blouse and shivered with dread. She unzipped the zipper on the side of her navy blue skirt and let it fall to the floor.

“Jesus!” Chris hissed.

Wendy was wearing fully fashioned black stockings held up by a red and black satin and lace garter belt. Her full-cut black nylon panties were so diaphanous that were nearly see-through and the thugs could make out wisps of her pubic hair.

Wendy had been planning to meet with James Dolan, one of the other entertainers she managed, for a quiet dinner and she was hoping the evening would end up with them in bed. She bitterly wished she was not wearing such provocative lingerie now.

“Nice,” Theo commented.

He moved into Wendy who froze and braced for the assault.

“Don’t worry babe; I’ll be gentle,” Theo whispered.

He lifted Wendy’s face and kissed her ruby red lips. She didn’t respond but he put his arms around her and pulled her to him anyway.

He slavered at her mouth as he pressed himself against her and she could feel his erection through his trousers as he jammed it against her soft belly.

His hands found her breasts and kneaded them through the satin brassiere cups. Her nipples hardened involuntary to his touch and he smiled. He kissed her harder and his fingers slid inside Wendy’s bra and tweaked her engorged nipples; he freed her breasts from the cups and lowered his face to her milky white globes and licked them and then suckled her nipples.

If he had been rough or violent as Wendy had expected she probably wouldn’t have reacted as she did but regardless of her revulsion, her body responded to the stimuli.

She couldn’t help but sigh as Theo gently manipulated her bosom and sucked and licked her tender nipples.

“I think she likes it Bro,” Chris chuckled.

He was getting hard watching his brother paw at the beautiful businesswoman but he was patient and knew his turn would come next.

Meanwhile in the band’s performers lounge, Transvixen were celebrating another successful concert.

“You were fucking great again darling,” Phil Benson kissed Panti on the lips and squeezed her bum.

Now that he had pronounced their relationship on Chelmsford FM there was no need for them to hide their affection.

“Where’s Wendy? Why isn’t she here to celebrate?” Michelle asked.

“I’ll go get her. She’ll be fucking late for her own funeral,” Panti said exasperated.

She slipped out of Phil’s embrace and almost skipped down the dark corridor; she was still on a high from the concert.

She got to Wendy’s office and rattled the doorknob but it wouldn’t turn.

“That’s strange,” she said to herself when suddenly the door opened and she was yanked inside.

Wendy was quite promiscuous and although she wasn’t delighted to be forced into having sex she was definitely not a ‘Lay back and think of England’ kind of girl. Theo was quite accomplished and when he kissed her she reciprocated. His ministrations to her breasts had aroused her and his hard cock pressing against her belly felt quite erotic.

As soon as Wendy responded to his kisses Theo lowered a hand between her legs which she obligingly opened for him and he found her whispy nylon panties already moist. He rubbed the diaphanous nylon against her mound and Wendy pushed down; she wanted his fingers to explore deeper.

Theo obliged and pushed a finger inside her outer lips and rubbed the gossamer fabric against her labia and then found her clitoris in its hooded shroud. Wendy moaned into his mouth and ground herself against his hand.

Chris had pulled Panti into the office and had his hand firmly clasped across her mouth to keep her quite. She was about to scream when she saw Theo molesting her mother and her eyes widened with terror.

“Watch,” Chris whispered in her ear as he held her close to him.

Panti was mesmerised by the wanton display of her mother. It was obvious that Wendy was being held against her will but she was giving herself freely to the greasy Thug who held her in his grasp.

Theo broke the kiss briefly and Wendy moaned.

“Oh god! You fucker! You made me so hot!”

She scrambled at the waistband of jeans and with Theo’s assistance they fell to his feet. He was not wearing underwear and his huge phallus stood erect and angry.

Wendy reached down and stroked it and kissed him again and rubbed her minge against his fingers.

Panti couldn’t believe her mother could be such a slut but incredibly she too was becoming aroused. Chris sensed her breathing quicken and he smiled. He pressed his own erection into her buttocks and Panti pressed back against him.

Panti still had her stage outfit on; a blue sequined sheath dress that barely covered her crotch, sheer pantyhose, and blue satin panties to match her dress and black high heels. Her dress had ridden up as Chris pulled her back against him and she could feel Chris' penis pushing into her buttocks.

Theo pushed Wendy down on the desk so that she was bent over, heels apart. He pulled the gusset of her panties to one side and plunged his large cock deep inside her cunt in one thrust.

“Oh god yes! Fuck me!” Wendy cried.

She wriggled her buttocks and Theo grabbed her hips and began to fuck her with long hard strokes; his crotch banged against her buttocks making a thwok, thwok, thwok, sound as he pounded himself in and out of her.

Chris and Panti were behind her and Theo and Wendy had no idea her daughter was watching her. She was too engrossed in being fucked at the moment to care about anything else.

Chris waved his knife under Panti’s chin then pointed to Wendy and Theo and then put the knife back under her chin. Panti understood and nodded consent. She could hardly do anything else.

Chris took his hand away from Panti’s mouth and spun her around and kissed her. At first Panti resisted but she was already aroused herself and soon capitulated. Chris was close to coming watching his brother fuck the attractive business woman in the sexy lingerie and was in a rush to consummate his desire.

He guided Panti’s hand down to his flies and made her unzip him and free his erection. She squeezed it felt his precum drip from the glans and she used it to masturbate him. She was hoping she could make him come that way but no such luck.

Chris led her over to the small couch in the corner, away from Wendy and Theo but they could still see Theo fucking Wendy, bent over the table; her big white arse quivering as he hammered that huge cock in and out of her.

Wendy had a hand between her legs and was stroking her own clitty as Theo fucked her. Theo had reached around and was squeezing and tweaking her nipples and Wendy was frantic with lust.

Chris threw Panti onto the couch head first so that her buttocks were up in the air. He used the knife to cut open the crotch of her knickers and then tore open her pantyhose and plunged his aching cock deep in her anus.

Lucky for Panti she had pre-lubricated in anticipation of having sex with Phil later that evening and the lubricant combined with Chris’ precum allowed him to enter her tight sphincter and slide deep inside her without any discomfort.

In fact Panti yelped with pleasure as Chris’ glans found that special place inside her. Her own penis was so hard it was pushing against her gaff and it hurt. She reached inside her pantyhose and ripped away her gaff and freed her penis.

As Chris began to fuck her she stroked herself in time with his strokes. She too was close to coming.

Michelle had followed Panti down the passageway at a distance and when she saw Panti snatched inside the office she abruptly stopped and then crept up to the door. The glass panel in the door had a fitted venetian blind that was closed but a couple of the slats were bent so she could just peek inside.

She saw Theo and recognised him. He was molesting Wendy while Chris held Panti with his hand covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming; making her watch her mother.

Michelle raced back to the performers lounge and snatched up the phone and called Tony. Tony was expecting her call because they were going on a date after the show.

“Fucking what!” Tony screamed into the phone when Michelle told him what was happening.

“You and those mook musicians stay where you are. I’m on my way with help,” Tony ordered.

He was sitting in the back seat of his limo which was one of the few cars in Chelmsford to be fitted with a mobile phone at that time. Tony started punching numbers into the phone and snarled at his driver.

“Fast as you can Mikey; we got trouble to take care of.”

Theo slowed down his strokes; he was close to coming and he was enjoying the feeling of this bitch’s tight wet twat around his cock. Wendy sensed it and she slowed down too but ground and wriggled her buttocks against him to increase their pleasure.

Chris was watching them while fucking Panti. He had her held down on the couch but her head was turned side on so she too could watch Wendy and Theo fuck. They were both close to coming so Chris too slowed down his thrusting and Panti obliged him by wriggling her buttocks. She wanted that part of him pressed against her prostate when he plunged into her.

The Balzono brothers tried to hold back their orgasms but the intensity of the pleasure was just too much.

Theo felt his orgasm approaching and he gripped Wendy’s hips and fucked her viciously.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she screamed and orgasmed.

Theo actually felt her cunt quiver and grip his cock as it pulsed and ejaculted deep inside her. Wendy pushed back and ground her buttocks and Theo pulled her close and jammed his cock in her as far as it would go.

Chris and Panti emulated Theo and Wendy and he gripped Panti’s buttocks and exploded inside her; his hot semen scalding her anus. Panti loved the feel of his spend deep inside her and the girth of his cock expanding to full tumescence as he came. She pushed back hard so his glans pressed on that special place as it secreted his seed and she furiously wanked her own cock and spent her issue on the couch.

Wendy and Panti were so overcome with lust and ecstasy that neither of them heard the door burst open. Chris and Theo were enjoying their last ever orgasms when the door exploded inwards.

Both of them just had time to turn their heads and then their lights went out forever.

Wendy and Panti heard a Phut! Phut! sound and their rapists fell away from them.

Wendy and Panti both screamed as they both suddenly found themselves with blankets thrown over their heads, being led out of the office.

Once outside they struggled and eventually pulled the blankets away from their faces and were amazed to see Michelle and Tony. They tried to look back in the office but the door was closed. They could just make out the shapes of men working behind the blinds.

“Oh my god Panti what are you doing here!” Wendy cried.

“I came to get you…and well…I got pulled inside. The same thing that man was doing to you, the other man was trying to do to me,” Panti sobbed.

They both blushed with embarrassment and shame. They gave each other a look that said ‘I won’t say anything if you won’t’.

“I saw what was happening and called Tony,” Michelle wheezed excitedly.

“You saw!” Wendy exclaimed.

“Yes I saw that man was forcing himself on you,” Michelle replied.

“Yes he was! He was forcing me to have sex with him!” Wendy blushed.

“And the other one tried to do the same to me!” Panti squealed.

Wendy and Panti quickly realised that no one could disprove their version of events.

“And the…well the…Phut sound. That was…that was…” Wendy stammered.

“That was nothing you saw, nor need to worry about. That’s why my boys covered your faces. What you never saw; you can never testify to,” Tony said staring both Wendy and Panti in the eye with solemnity.

“So the Balzono brothers?” Wendy raised an eyebrow.

“Will never bother you again. Here is your skirt and blouse, my boys got them for you. Cover yourself up. And you. Pull down your dress,” Tony indicted Panti’s dishevelled state.

They adjusted their clothing as best they could in the dark corridor.

“Ok. My limo will take you both home so you can clean up. I’ll have it come back later for Mister Benson, Panti. I presume you want him to join you?” Tony asked and Panti nodded.

“I’ll go with them but I’ll just duck up the corridor first and tell Phil and the others we got called away for a family emergency,” Michelle said.

Tony looked disappointed.

“Don’t worry darling. As soon as Wendy and Panti are safe home and I’m happy that they are ok I’ll call you. We are still going on that date,” Michelle kissed him on the lips.

Later that evening Tony lay on his back on his huge bed while Michelle rode him; his hard cock was buried deep inside her and he gently held her hips and eased her up and down, impaled on his thick phallus.

Later they lay side by side smoking cigarettes.

“I’m sorry my love but this will be our last night together,” Tony sighed.

Michelle blew smoke at the ceiling and nodded.

She was a little disappointed but also relieved. She knew that a gangster like Tony couldn’t maintain a relation with a trans woman and keep his reputation.

Being with Tony had been delightful but she was also more than a little scared of him. Their tryst was over and they both knew it.

Wendy and Panti never told anyone about what had happened in her office at Wolford Hall that evening; they made a pact never to speak of it and Michelle knew better than to ever raise the incident again.

The Balzono brothers weren’t missed by anyone on either side of the law and were soon forgotten.

Transvixen continued to play sold out concerts at Wolford Hall and then they really got lucky when news of their rise to fame crossed the Atlantic and they were invited to play at a huge outdoor gay and lesbian music festival in San Francisco.

But their time was up.

When they returned to the UK the novelty of a rock and roll band being fronted by two gorgeous transvestite guitarists had worn off and the crows dwindled.

They were still really only ever a cover band and they didn’t have the acumen to write and perform their own music.

Transvixen broke up after twelve months of notoriety and fame.

Panti surprised everyone. She developed a cult following after the San Francisco gig and was invited back to America where she broke into mainstream television as a novelty performer. Her beauty, acid tongue, and overt transsexuality got her appearances on several talk shows and cameo appearances in sitcoms. She even appeared in a couple of movies and ended up hosting her own late night talk show.

She had gender reassignment surgery and was able to marry Phil Benson in a civil ceremony. They settled down, obtained citizenship, and even adopted a couple of kids.

Snoot Bizjack became a session musician and makes a tidy income backing several famous artists. After a few pints down the pub he likes to tell stories of his rock and roll heyday with Transvixen.

Bob Little works as a manger at Tesco.

And Michelle Murphy…

Well Michelle had breast augmentation surgery and is happy to live her life as a full-time trans woman but has no interest in gender reassignment. She is now co-partner in Wendy’s theatrical management agency. She’s had a steady boyfriend for a while but she prefers the single life. She and Wendy still occasionally lock the door to the office and become amorous with each other.

Once a year she meets Tony Carlotta at the Bocca di Lupo restaurant just for old times sake.

The End.

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