
Turnabout Part 2

I woke up the next morning and, before I opened my eyes, felt my chest. “Shit,” I said, feeling breasts. “Shit shit shit.” Another day in drag. OK, I knew it wasn’t drag since I was Jess, but it may as well have been.

The alarm went off. Jess rolled over, opened her eyes and said, “So, it wasn’t a dream…”

“Nope. The nightmare continues.”

“That’s upbeat,” she said, getting up to pee. As she walked out, I walked in and sat down. The seat was wet.

“Would it kill you lift the seat?” I said.

She giggled. “Oops…maybe you’ll remember next time.”

Eden's Reality : Chapter 7

Eden's Reality

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves something unexpected happens, and he wakes up the next day a different person.

All feedback is very much appreciated :)

Chapter Seven

Transformation Treasure Hunt - Part 8 of 8

The treasure of life is in the finding...


Part 8 of 8

By Jerrie526
Note: My thanks to Doug B. (Aardvark) for his assistance in finalizing this part.
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

Power Fluctuations - Story 2

The power has fluctuated and so did life. What happened to the souls that were affected?
Find out in the ashes of the Aftermath

Power Fluctuations


By Jerrie526
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

Finding Julia - Chapter 2

Finding Julia
by JulieDCole


Since it is Thanksgiving today I decided to post another chapter of this story in case any USA readers found time to relax. I hope it works.


You Could Go Home Again, part 04 of 16

“I thought I was getting used to the idea of being a girl, but... I guess I wasn’t as used to it as I thought.”


“Hmm. You said you’d wanted to be a boy. Why do you care which you are?”


“I was a boy before the Divergence. And... I’ve lived as a boy ever since, even though I technically wasn’t. My aunt and uncle and all the kids at school treated me like a boy, and the idea of being a girl is hard to get used to even though I’ve known for a long time that it might happen.”

Alexa B-Side: #3 - The Holiday Party

This is the first of two Alexa B-Side stories that are from Alexa Chapter 10; Merry Christmas Babe. Both of these stories feature Jenny as the main Character.


Alexa B-Side: The Holiday Party

I will have to admit, as much as I love Alexa, I really did not want to go to the coffee shop’s Holiday Party. First off, any place that has a “Holiday” Party rather than a “Christmas” Party is a little too precious for me. I guess I am just an old-fashioned girl and believes they should be called Christmas Parties.

Family Secrets, Chapter 5

Family Secrets
Chapter 5


Mikaela Vance has returned home after an eventful first semester at Ravencrest. But, will she get a well-deserved rest there? Or is there something laying in wait?


Eden's Reality : Chapters 5-6

Eden's Reality: Chapters 5-6

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves something unexpected happens, and he wakes up the next day a different person.

All feedback is very much appreciated :)

Designer Children Chapter 28

Chapter 28

The night, once a time where Ryan Sullivan plied his silver tongue on vulnerable sorority girls in dim keg parties and bars, now has a new meaning. Fear. Monsters both real and imagined live within its confines terrifying the burgeoning little girl within. Who can banish that fear? Mommy and Daddy. Despite this clear defeat, Ryan/Kaylee continues to try and assert himself.


Gradually, the banishment of the dark and the hand stopped my incessant, uncontrollable sniveling. Through it all, I shook and mewled words that mostly didn’t exist. I turned to face the two voices in my room. A smiling, yet worried Kathryn, hair mussed, clad in a silk nightgown, looked down at me. Within her look and her touch, there was love. It was palpable. Thomas stood next to her at my bedside. He was the one who plugged in the Frozen-themed night light.

Power Fluctuations - Story 1

Seems like everyone is having their problems with energy companies...

Power Fluctuations

Story 1

By Jerrie526
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

Transformation Treasure Hunt - Part 6 of 8

"It's not like you won't see each other again."
-- Another quick kiss and he was gone...


Part 6 of 8

By Jerrie526
Edited by Aardvark
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

Gokachuu - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After some time had passed, Kathed got to his feet. Going over to the corpse of the alien, he slashed and stabbed it several times in frustration. He screamed.

“FUUUCK! JUST MY FUCKING DAY. I GET RAPED BY A FUCKING ALIEN!” he said, knowing nobody could hear him in the vacuum. He sighed, and left the now burned and mutilated corpse alone. It was then that he realized he was naked and his penis was in full view. He grabbed the scraps of his suit and covered his penis with it.

Alexa Chapter 10: Merry Christmas Babe

Following the events of Thanksgiving, the drive to live my life as Alexa became stronger. The need to be Alexa had almost completely taken over. The only thing that was holding me back was Jenny. As often as she told me it didn’t matter to her, some part of me felt like it did. I felt like if I was Alexa, I was not giving her everything she deserved as a companion. I spoke with Dr. Burke about this at every session we had. She would always tell me that I needed to believe Jenny and what she was saying. She did understand my concerns, but said that I had to live my life for myself and the other things would work out.

Gokachuu - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was a seemingly ordinary day on the spaceport Ithila. An old escort carrier, converted to a thriving space port and trading post – it was an example of the space drifter's ingenuity at its finest. Stripped of its primary propulsion and weapon systems, it orbited KA-12V, a main-sequence star in the distant Altix galaxy. Much like the Wild West of earthly times, it was a place without true law, where everyone took the law into their own hands if needed.

You Could Go Home Again, part 03 of 16

“It’s official,” I told Amy when I got back from the shower. “I’m going to be a girl.”


“Oh,” she said, and then she came over and sat next to me on my bed. “Are you going to be okay?”


“I... I think so. It’s something to have the uncertainty out of the way. I don’t know how much longer it’s going to take before I have to start wearing bras and, um, and tampons. And start noticing boys.” Or maybe girls, but that wasn’t likely.

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 2

We Never Break A Promise Part 2
"The New Beginning"

Warm Hearted
Edited and Proofed by Catherine Linda Michel

Synopsis: Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless, abused, humiliated, and unloved in the foster system. In this chapter Eric awakens from being magically healed from an almost deadly, undeserved beating and begins an evolutionary journey of personal truth. All the copyright stuff applies.

It Wasn't A Mistake - 02


It Wasn't a Mistake
by Tiffany B. Quinn

How bad can things get? In his darkest hour, Jerry finds out that his life has been one big character test... And he passed!

This chapter fills in a lot of background regarding the reason for the darkness in Jerry's life.


Chapter Two: Life’s Burdens

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 1

We Never Break A Promise
Warm Hearted
Proofed and Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Synopsis: This is the introduction story for a new universe. All the normal copyright stuff applies.

Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless and unloved in the foster system . Eric was always a misfit in school and he wanted a new start. But Eric did not know how new it would be.

Designer Children Chapter 27

From what happened in the studio, it is clear that acting like a child causes further regression. While Ryan cannot avoid being treated as a six-year old girl, he attempts to curb the more destructive childish behaviour, but this means playing along with his developing role in the Patterson household. While this might be easy in a controlled environment, the first day of school looms and with it, the greatest and most important battle against the serum.

Like a dog, I immediately perked up at the words ‘good girl’. Deep down inside, beneath the layers of what remained of my fractured masculinity, something stirred. A great lumbering beast, with twin pigtails and a bouncy, happy smile, heard those words and devoured them, but it was a morsel, and the beast wanted a never-ending feast. It was too late by the time I realized the happy smile was plastered on my face.

I was being attacked on all sides- the desire for praise and to receive that praise by helping, circumventing my usual defences. Greg and Eve never really praised me for anything. I mean they wouldn’t have thanked me for something completely mundane or said I was a good girl, not if they wanted to continue breathing normally. Mrs. Feinstein wasn’t one to heap praise either, but when she did, I reacted similarly. It was obvious, however, that since I arrived in Twin Falls, and I was really being treated like a child, I was regressing. The same thing had happened in the studio even before Ashley’s memory wipe

Rebecca's Revenge

Complete story recovered and migrated from Classic Big Closet

Rebecca's Revenge

By Constance Grant

Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Constance Grant Manasquan, NJ all rights

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons or events is

If it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T.


This began as a short story, so much for good intentions!

The Trial

This story wouldn't leave me alone. It's not like I don't have a dozen partially completed stories in the queue. I was thinking of fleshing this story out more, but I kinda like it the way it is.


John was tricked into swapping bodies with Tiffany so that he could receive her punishment. It didn't work quite the way that she had hoped.

The Trial

"This tribunal is now in session," the inhuman voice intoned.

I had just fallen asleep, so I would normally have considered this to be a dream. After all that has happened, I know better. This was an attempt by Tiffany to yet again escape the consequences of her actions and pass them on to me.

"The plaintiff will now state her complaint."

Eden's Reality : Chapters 3-4

Eden's Reality

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves he stumbles across something that changes his life, and his body, forever

(All feedback is very much appreciated!)

Chapter 3

‘Crap!’ I pushed myself off Alexis and walked into the bedroom, my legs shaking.

Designer Children Chapter 26

Ryan continues to be at odds with his new parents, especially regarding his language, which continues to impact his screen time, the allotment needed in order to check and send e-mails to Eve and Greg. The illusion of choice presented frustrates Ryan, who quickly realizes that an option is not acceptable unless vetted by ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’.

Kathryn looked momentarily defeated, and then she pulled out her credit card, grabbed me by the wrist while saying, “Ring me through please, Alexis. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Moments later, I was being dragged through the parking lot.

The car door swung open and Kathryn put me in the backseat. She slid into the driver’s seat, while the child locks on either side of me clicked shut. Like a snake, Kathryn’s head slithered into my view, the rest of her body either attached to some terrible monster or simply hidden by her seat.

Variations On A Busted Flush In Spades

Originally published on February 14, 2004 on Classic BC

Bobby, an older man somewhat wounded by life, meets up with three amazing women on the way to Vegas. He learns about playing poker with strangers.

Variations On A
Busted Flush In Spades

By Tyrone Slothrop

You Could Go Home Again, part 02 of 16

“It’s too late to back out. Even if I got on a train to Nebraska tomorrow, I’ve still been exposed to enough Raleigh rabbit pheromones that I’m going to go through puberty one way or another.”

Mercy Chapter 14

Mercy Chapter 14.

Faith walked into her class feeling rather nervous.

The teacher had told the class yesterday they would have to partner up for the next assignment, and she had found herself being partnered with a boy named Donavan.

A lot of her nervousness was just new-kid jitters, or at least that’s what she told herself.

When the class ended, Faith’s nervousness had gone away. Donavan seemed like a nice boy, and the topic they were looking at was pretty interesting, so she found herself looking forward to the next class.


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