
The Governess

In a world run by dominatrices, someone has to be in charge...

The Governess

A Cresswell Industries Story.

After her husband's transformation had been completed Lady Melissa Cresswell had decided that his wife should be given what she deserves.
She had spent many years in her domineering husband's shadow and now with her own transformation complete, Lorna Trewick was going to play an important role in Her Ladyship's plan for a world where women were to become the more dominant species of the human race.

It Wasn't A Mistake - 01

It Was't A Mistake.jpg

It Wasn't a Mistake
by Tiffany B. Quinn

How bad can things get? In his darkest hour, Jerry finds out that his life has been one big character test... And he passed!

So... what is his reward?


Chapter One: The Accident


This story was originally published on Classic BC on 3/6/2003


by Keshara

The machines where all hooked up and ready to go as Dr Lowe began to check all the dials and leads once again.

Although Keith Pressman was only twenty-two and had taken this job of laboratory assistant as a way of getting him through college, he knew that what Dr Lowe was up to was not legal.


This story was originally published on 2/27/2004 on Classic Big Closet.


By Tyrone Slothrop

Chapter 1: Breathlessly, She Awaited Her Lover

I watched as Raoul's shadow darkened the moonlit wall of my boudoir. I could smell the scent of the man, his primal essence entering my spirit as I hoped he would stay long enough to enter me for real.

Left at Eden - Chapter 13

Left at Eden

“So come on,” Candy giggled. “How was Wendy your best friend, but you never knew she was so smart?”

“We didn’t hang out at school.” Hailey said as they climbed the large rocks. “It’s complicated. Um... Do you have transgender people on Furra Prime?”

Designer Children Chapter 25

Kaylee’s adoptive parents are revealed, and the slow and final dismantling of Ryan Sullivan begins. Trapped with those who treat him exactly as he looks, Ryan is desperate to maintain his adult and male self, but is he too far gone? Still, his new parents offer a new beginning, an opportunity to right the wrongs of his previous life, but most importantly, a chance to be loved unconditionally.

Excerpt: Ms. McDavid said, “Oh I’m sure she’ll adjust fine, Kathryn. Just keep in mind what I told you too, Kaylee’s probably picked up some bad habits working in Hollywood. It’s a different lifestyle, so expect some strange behaviour. That’s why it’s important to make sure she has as normal a childhood as possible.”

The man, whose name I recalled was Thomas, said, “What do you mean, Ms. McDavid?”

Ms. McDavid smiled, “Don’t be in a hurry to let her grow up too fast. Kids her age want a lot of independence, but you can’t forget how old she is. She’ll need your help to guide her. She’s also got a very active little imagination. Try and encourage her to use it as much as possible. But most of all, just let her be a kid!”

Truth's Purity: Chapter 5-6

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He finds out why he's there, but refuses to accept his feelings

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

Chapter 5

I jolted awake from a tangled mass of fuzzy dreams and stared around at the unfamiliar bedroom around me. Where was I? What…this place was…oh god…

Nightmares in Neon and Chrome: Tales from the Edge - Chapter 6

"Yeah, I can do that." I pick up my gear and put everything back in place before looking back at her. "Be safe."

"It's not me I'm worried about."

With that ominous response I head outside to confront Marcus.


You Could Go Home Again, part 01 of 16

“And be sure to tell us as soon as you know how you’re changing,” Aunt Ellen said, an anxious look on her face.


“Of course.”


“And... if you develop into a girl, be sure to remember everything I told you.”

Designer Children Chapter 24

With the decision regarding the adoption looming, Eve and Ryan grow closer- the former enemies now connecting on a deeper level- beyond even friends. With this closeness, however, comes jealousy from an unlikely source. As this occurs, Ryan’s adoptive parents are revealed.

Excerpt: I was groggy, but I understood the instructions. The memory of the betrayal still cut deeply, and the wound was corrupted, oozing blackened blood. Mrs. Feinstein, the only person who didn’t lie to me, go behind my back in this life, had acted as a reference for someone other than Greg and Eve.

Apparently, our friendship meant more to me than I initially believed because my heart ached, while my head buzzed with a million reasons for her disloyalty. Did she distrust Greg and Eve, question their parenting, have money at stake in it, simply hate me and want to hurt me? At least the whole thing with Sophia at the park was an accident caused by the overzealousness of a child, but here- there was no excusing her behaviour.

Truth's Purity: Chapter 4

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He is scared and confused, and slowly learns why he is there and what plans lay in store for him. He meets a young woman who

Chapter 4

‘Hey, stop spacing out.’ Tegan said and I realised she’d gone over to the other desk and placed the tray there. ‘Time to eat!’

I hurried over and she pulled the seat out for me to sit on, and then pushed it back in once I was on. ‘Oh, you don’t have to do that.’

Truth's Purity: Chapters 1-3

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He is scared and confused, and slowly learns why he is there and what plans lay in store for him

Chapter 1

I was floating in oily darkness, feeling it swirl thickly around me as if it were trying to drag me away with it. A strange warmth was embracing me, so hot that it felt like it was burning me away, but it felt nice somehow, as if I was just slipping into a warm bath.

Cresswell Industries -48-49-50-51-

Charlie had dreams...

Cresswell Industries

48 - Fulfilled
49 - Just Rewards
50 - Winter Blues
51 - Girls' Meeting

by Keshara

Chapter Forty Eight


Charlie Saddler had always considered himself intelligent even if those around him did not. He thought his life was his own and that every decision he made would bring him closer to his dream of being a rich man with girls surrounding him wherever he went.

Cresswell Industries -44-45-46-47-

Cresswell Industries III

How The Mighty Fall

Chapters 44-47

by Keshara


Bernard Falconer ran his hand over his bald-head, he had decided to look more in with it than he usually did, for his greying hair, what he had of it, was showing his age. He had outlived many of his adversaries and now that they had been replaced with younger and fitter ones, he knew that staying as fit and young as possible was just as important.

Cresswell Industries -40-41-42-43-

Cresswell Industries:
40 - The New Year's Ball
41 - Night's End
42 - Future Females
43 - New Year's Day

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara
Chapter Forty

The New Year's Ball

Annabelle reveled in her newfound freedom, especially when she had been so desperate to be treated as girl for so long. Wendy had taken her to the mall to fill her wardrobes and draws with all the female items she had once thought she would never ever get to touch let alone wear.

Cresswell Industries -36-37-38-39-

Cresswell Industries:
36 - Autumn Winds
37 - Half-Term
38 - Three Girls and a Boy
39 - Christmas Presence

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara

Chapter Thirty Six

Autumn Winds
Wendy sat in the 4x4 waiting for Michelle to hurry up, before when Michelle was Michael she would have been at her tether and would have been yelling at him to get ready, but not today.

Michelle was excited and had got up early to get dressed, despite last night's lack of sleep through excitement.

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Cresswell Industries
32 - Envy
33 - A Change of Mind
34 - New Awakenings
35 - Summer's End

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara

Chapter Thirty Two


Monday morning brought more frustration for Allan, his chores were endless and now that he was even having to wash Michelle's underwear, dresses and tops and it was beginning to show on his face.

"I know washing and ironing is tiresome Allan, but believe me you will thank me one day for letting you do the job," Wendy noticed her son's change of mood.

Left at Eden - Chapter 12

Left at Eden

Wendy ended up becoming a Stardust blue Furren as well. The changes happened just as fast as they did with Hailey because of the ocean water. And unlike Hailey, it was a well documented fact that Wendy was absolutely, completely, and 100% boy crazy.

The funny thing about that though, is she found herself attracted to Brie, big time.

Designer Children Chapter 23

Is withholding the truth the same as an outright lie? What was done to protect Ryan’s vulnerable mind has driven the equivalent of a railroad spike into the fledging relationship between the two former enemies. Yet, the public adoption draws near and all must remain idyllic in the household, even with the betrayal.

I wanted to run away. It is what I always did. Jessica continued to speak, but I didn’t hear anything. The barking dogs, the sweet incessant nattering of Jessica, her voice akin to taking a bite of candy and finding a railroad spike inside- all of it disappeared the instant I slipped out of Jessica’s grip and ran.

I ran as fast as I could, each section of chain link fence passing in a flash. Seconds later, I felt a firm hand dig into my shoulder, stopping my momentum dead.

Jessica said softly, “I don’t know if it’s the serum doing this to you, or if a part of you actually wants it, but if you don’t want me to say anything to Eve I won’t. You need to know though that there’s probably going to be a point of no return. And it’s going to be soon.”

Designer Children Chapter 22

With the arrival of Jessica’s niece, Ryan is in grave danger. Telling Jessica the truth could save him from the mousy little girl, but it is no easy task. Ryan’s attempt to grasp at his fleeting masculinity and his genuine feelings for the woman could ultimately doom him, leaving a mirror image of the demure Brianna.


My heart fluttered, allowing the fog to once again cloud my mind. Jessica gave the case another shake, dislodging a Barbie who had been stubbornly hanging from the lip of the container. It fell within an inch of my hand. I looked down and saw beautiful golden tresses mixed with purple and pink and a slender body wearing a pretty light blue bathing suit. Despite the fog, the doll’s ever smiling face sent a shiver of fear up my spine. I knew that taking the plastic toy into my hands would place my mind in a child-like state, one where imagination was boundless. Memories of the toilet paper roll Olaf watching Elsa skate gracefully across the bathroom floor flooded in, causing my hand to recoil from the doll. I couldn’t help but feel like an addict, the uneasy hand reaching toward the pill, the pipe, the needle- knowing that one hit would bring clouded bliss, but like the drug, it would erase my identity, everything I was, until only a smiling little girl remained. Perhaps one at docile and timid as Brianna. Her perfect twin.

Designer Children Chapter 21

While Jessica has saved Ryan from the day camp, she has her own ideas about how six-year old girls should be treated and what media they should be exposed to. In the meantime, Ryan struggles with fact that Jessica’s body, perfection encased in yoga pants, represents something else entirely for him now.

The yoga pants clung to her like a second skin. Her muscular ass, perfectly firm yet enticingly round, sat high, teasing as it thrust forward and backward, practically begging for a pair of hands to gently squeeze it. Her long blonde hair unbound dipped gracefully over one shoulder. She grasped her left foot, slowly bringing it back, until it was parallel with her head. For anyone else, the pose and fitness wear would have revealed a litany of flaws, a drooping ass, and low-hanging belly combined with love handles, mottled thighs, but with her, it only screamed her perfection.

I watched, or rather stared, at Jessica as she went through a series of yoga stretches. Before my change, it would have been enough to have me practically begging her for sex. It wasn’t something that I did- ever, but for her I would have made an exception. She turned onto her side and lifted herself into a side plank. As she did this, she was forced to flex her ass, which caused her yoga pants to go from gym appropriate to indecent in seconds. The pants were virtually non-existent near her ass, looking like they were, instead, masterful tattoos.

Designer Children Chapter 20

Ryan’s foolish and childish behaviour causes Eve to take a firmer stance with him. Meanwhile, despite his earlier bravado, Ryan learns just how deeply the serum runs. While he struggles with this, a simple knock on the door of the apartment changes everything.

Excerpt: I nodded, “No more closed door bullshit?”

Eve said, “None. We can talk about the adoption too. You’ve got a choice in this, Ryan. If you don’t want us to adopt you, we can look at other options. The best thing for you now though is to try to maintain control. Fight your impulses. You might find that when you start putting your thoughts down that you can better understand yourself and what you are going through.”

I had expected a completely different conversation, one that involved a lot of screaming and threats. If anything, I was impressed with Eve’s calm demeanour. That feeling of warmth was still there, but now that I understood what Eve was trying to do, it felt different. Maybe she was really just trying to help?

The Devil Within

A college age man of questionable integrity makes a deal with a demon spirit, but not all goes to plan.

* * * *

Virginity is a cruel, cruel mistress, and it only gets worse as time goes by. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be twenty-one years old when you’ve never had sex? In a world where a man’s worth is measured by his virility I can think of nothing worse.

Transformation Conversation

Transformation Conversation

Author’s note. You may notice some similarities between this story and a story that was recently republished. What follows is not in any way intended as a criticism of that story, but just what I think I would do in that situation.

I stood before two women, newly transformed into one myself, and I had to acknowledge two truths.

Changing for Gym

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

The school liked everything to be in its proper place
and Jim shouldn't have been in The Changing Room...

Changing for Gym

By Xoop
Copyright© 2003 Xoop
All Rights Reserved.

Designer Children Chapter 19

The world now knows of Kaylee’s existence. As talk of adoption heats up, Ryan’s mind, twisted by the serum begins to play tricks on him. Meanwhile, Ryan struggles with trying to reassert his identity through something other than the formerly tantalizing opposite sex.

Excerpt: But this was nothing like the sudden warmth I felt when the little girl hugged her mother. The warmth was not heat, unlike a blanket covering a shivering form, it elicited a response from my heart. I knew heartache, at least as long it took for me to find another girl, and another, to fill the void left by Hannah, but this was something else entirely.

My heart, my chest, my brain- everything was filled to bursting with an overwhelming sense of love- to give and receive it in an immeasurable fashion. The only thing similar to it was the intense, incredible high I got from sex, but it wasn’t lust, the hard wrenching of parts, stares and longing, until the moment of climax, and then nothing- no, it was something real. Lasting.

And that’s why it scared the fuck out of me. Because it didn’t exist. To me it had to be the serum, and I was staring at my future if I embraced this world.

Mercy Chapter 13

Mercy Chapter 13

The next few days were as close to “normal” as Faith had gotten since her transformation. She attended classes, she hung with her friends, and she spent time on her computer.

And she had her first period.

Fortunately, her body seemed to protect her from the worst of the symptoms, and so while it wasn’t an easy time, afterward she felt like she’d be okay, even during “that time of the month”.`

Superhero Twins: Chapter 1

This is a fanfiction of a mix of Whateley and The Center by Lillith Langtree. Mostly in The Center Universe. This is a fanfiction so I will break some of the rules as the Whateley Universe has different rules concerning mutants.

Sean "Port" Porter is helping his crew clear a building when the impossible happens. He ports in on another world and comes face to face with himself. Only this version just turned into a girl. He wants to get home, but without any other mutants, his chance to find a booster are impossible or are they?

Designer Children Chapter 18

A woman’s body- an object of sexual desire, meant to titillate, to spur the fantasies of males young and old alike, yet for Ryan Sullivan, now simply flesh and bones. This realization, which has shaken his masculinity to its core has left him vulnerable to the whims of a somewhat bossy little girl. For the former alpha male, with this seemingly critical piece gone, what else is there left? Why continue the fight?

Excerpt: A tingle of pleasure ran up my spine followed by a contented sigh. I knew that the girl wasn’t my real mother, and that she was probably only eight years old, but she made me feel like I was a little boy again. A memory flashed- my mom lifting me out of the bath, and then rubbing me dry before wrapping me in a towel. I slipped into a cozy bed, wearing my favourite Batman PJs, the ones with the tear in the left armpit. It was a time when that hated target, the person I eventually wouldn’t respect, wouldn’t listen to, when she was mommy. It was a perfect, pure memory, and the further I descended into its warm embrace, the more my life- the one where I struggled to survive, where I wore pain and betrayal and loss like tattoos, angry lines and spiteful colours striking a pattern of cynicism, distrust and excess- the more that life faded away.

Gone as if it had never existed.

I never wanted this moment to end.

Alexa Chapter 6: Revelations

Alexa Chapter 6: Revelations

“Help me”

I have never felt so helpless in my whole life. Here I am, a guy, asking my best friend to help me as I sit on the bathroom floor tears running down my face. Those tears causing the mascara I had put on a few minutes prior to run like the Mississippi. I sit on the floor wearing a dress and women’s underwear asking a girl to help me, but with what?

“Oh my god! Alex!” Katie screams as she moves quickly to my side. I bury my head in Katie’s chest, not out of lust or anything, but out of general shame.

Left at Eden - Chapter 10

Left at Eden
There were quite a few people on the beach, with a huge, roaring bonfire, and distinctly primitive-sounding music playing - mostly drum beats. There were humans, Sartoran, Ilonans, and a few races Hailey had never seen before, each in small numbers, and even a handful of Furren - one calico, one as black as night, and two more light neon green with darker stripes.

Designer Children Chapter 17

Finally understanding that he cannot wage the war against the serum alone, Ryan accepts Greg and Eve’s help. After the close call with the doll, Greg’s suggests a trip to the beach to wake up the old Ryan Sullivan. Ryan readily accepts, but the trip will hardly be a simple day at the beach. While there will be a multitude of flesh to attract a red-blooded male, there also exists many attractions to awaken the little girl within.

Excerpt: The door closed and the footsteps rapidly retreated. I was left holding a plastic doll, and while my humiliation in Greg’s presence was staggering to both my male ego and my adult self, I couldn’t help but want to continue playing. It was like some drug filling my mind and body with such a real sense of happiness that it was easy to ignore the fact that such actions were eating away at Ryan Sullivan. The toys, the sense of adventure, the world of imagination that Hermie spoke of were the vultures circling over the soon-to-be corpse.

But it was rainbows, cotton candy, pretty dresses, and a life where finding someone to play with would be my greatest worry. I knew that children worried about more important stuff. Some of them even faced crippling anxiety. A friend of mine, the same one with all the incredible video games, was a wreck every time his dad went on a tour of duty. I knew better, but the drug swimming in my system was smiles and sunshine.

I desperately needed help.

Designer Children Chapter 16

Ryan faces the consequences for mouthing off to Mrs. Feinstein in a way that puts his acting skills to the ultimate test. Meanwhile, the continued vulnerability displayed by Ryan brings out Eve’s softer side, and while it brings the two closer together, the closeness raises concerns, especially with regard to Eve’s strange behaviour.

I felt my mouth droop into a frown, my emotions fluctuating wildly, like a roller coaster suddenly thrown into reverse. I looked up and Eve’s features had softened. Her caramel skin was radiant, her eyes welcoming, and her mouth formed a gentle smile. Her expression screamed, “Tell me what’s wrong, baby girl, and I’ll make it better.”

I pulled away from her, stomping my feet in the shiny black shoes that Eve was making me wear. I hated the little straps that went across my stockinged feet. I had worn a similar outfit in the studio with the same dress. I cursed myself for bringing the dresses and shoes from the studio, but I didn’t have any other outfits outside of the sparkly blue butterfly shirt and jeans. Still, it meant that I could avoid a shopping trip with Eve, which would undoubtedly have crushed my male ego even further.

Oh Girl, It's Halloween Again!

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
  Oh Girl, It's Halloween Again!


By Tiffany B. Quinn
October 2013

Every Halloween is special for this youngster. This Halloween is just more special than all the others.

Designer Children Chapter 15

After the visit to the studio, with his frustration mounting, Ryan retreats to one of his old vices. While the obsession with video games had seemingly doomed Mark and Devon, a greater danger looms just outside his window.


A skipping rope slapped gently against the asphalt, each jump and each giggle caused candy-coated claws to dig into my mind, the claws digging deeper and deeper as my desire to join the girls grew.

“Wow! You did three skips that time! I wanna be good like that!”

I looked out the window and saw a skipping rope tied to a telephone pole. Two girls, one of them Kaylee’s age and one Ashley’s, were taking turns holding the rope. Each time they failed to jump the rope, they switched places. The whiney, nattering voice of the younger girl should have been a massive turnoff, like a beautiful girl with a mannish voice, but instead, it planted a powerful need, an alien yearning to reach out to these girls- to play with them, but it also caused a resurgence of doubt.

“Would they even want to play with me?”


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