The Devil in Drag -4- Accusations

What the hell is the Devil planning?

The Devil in Drag

by Lainie Lee

Chapter IV


"That's gorgeous!" Mike exclaimed.

"I thought you'd like it." The Devil who looked like Phil snickered. He waltzed around the room holding the abbreviated orange dress against himself like a slowdance partner. "Good thing Angel told me her size and they had something this nice at K-Mart." Actually, the Devil knew "Angel's" sizes perfectly, since he had transformed the real Phil into the voluptuous Angel upstairs.

"What the heck happened, how did she get here with no clothes to wear?" Mike asked. He still remembered the glimpse he had got of shapely legs, rounded tushie and little golden bush flying up the stairs.

The ersatz Phil smiled at a private joke. "Well, she's already told me three different stories. So I don't know what to believe. But apparently her -- boyfriend -- or sometimes she calls him her MANAGER -- well, he just dumped her here with nothing on. They had some kind of big fight from what I understand. Something he wanted her to do and she wouldn't or vice versa."

"But -- naked?"

"Yeah, well, apparently she was naked when the fight started and he just dragged her out and threw her in the car and dumped her on my lawn. She'd told him she had relatives here, so.... She's got bruises on her arms where he manhandled her."

* * *

Upstairs, Angel yelped and rubbed her upper arms. Where had these bruises come from, she wondered?

* * *

The Devil amplified his tale. "I think she twisted her ankle, too and she landed kind of hard, right on her tail bone when he pulled her out of the car." Phil's face looked sympathetic but the Devil's eyes danced with delight.

"What kind of -- bastard! -- does something like that to a girl!" Mike grimaced, he'd like to get his hands on anyone who could hurt someone like Angel.

* * *

"Ow!" Angel rubbed her derriere, then limped over to the mirror and tried to see what had caused THAT sharp pain. "It must be the Devil doing this! She's, he's beating me up by remote control!" she whimpered.

* * *

"She's up in your room," Mike said. "Trying to find something to wear."

"None of my stuff is going to fit HER," said the Devil. "She's built like a porn star." Mike winced at the description but his crotch throbbed, remembering the glimpse he had had on the stairs. "I think she's even had breast implants and body -whatchacallit-- sculpting." The Devil judged the effect of his words on Mike carefully.

* * *

"Oh! No!" Angel wailed, as her already large breasts swelled again, adding at least three inches to her bust measurement. Her waist shrank a bit more, her classic figure had become something more like a wet dream.

Angel realized she was gaping at her own reflection. She reached up and touched the newly enlarged breasts and grimaced. Not that it felt bad to touch them, but that they were there at all.

* * *

"I'd better take up this dress and these panties." The Devil waved the dress again, having subtly altered it to Angel's new and improved dimensions, and picked up the package of pink nylon panties he had also brought. Not from K- Mart but there was no way a mortal could tell that.

"Let me take it up to her," said Mike anxiously.

Phil's face smiled and the Devil's green eyes gleamed. "You wanna get another look at her, huh? Think she's gonna let you in while she's naked?" He snickered.

"No, I well, I just want to have talk to her again. She remembered me from junior high. Boy, has she changed!" He shook his head, smiling.

"Boy, is she ever not a boy!" the Devil agreed, still smirking. He handed the items to Phil's best friend. "Gonna use that famous charm, Mike? You gonna have those panties off her again, quicker than a fastball tossed at Sammy leaves Wrigley Field?"

Mike smiled. "Maybe. She's an old friend and she's in trouble. I'm just trying to be nice."

"Yeah, right."

Taking the items, Mike headed for the stairs. "Really," he said. "Don't you think she needs a friend?"

"Uh, huh," agreed the Devil. "A shoulder to cry on. Or something. Just be careful, Mike. She's not little innocent Angela from the seventh grade, you know. She's been living on the streets doing who knows what for the last four years."

"Poor baby. Now she gets thrown out by whoever took her in. Naked." He sighed. The memory of those flashing thighs did not exactly inspire pity but he tried manfully to push his baser motivations back down. He really wanted to try to help Angel, he told himself. Really.

The Devil watched him go, then turned to wink triumphantly at the Royal Oak Combination Ceiling Fan and Chandelier.

* * *

Upstairs Angel debated finding something heavy and waiting for the Devil to stick his head into the room. Then she realized that it really would be HIS head, Phil's own head. The one she, he used to look at in the mirror every morning or an unreasonable facsimile. Could she really cold cock someone who looked exactly like her old body.

Paralyzed with indecision while considering this, she almost leaped across the room when the knock came at the door.

"It's me. Mike."

"Go away."

"Angel, I brought you some clothes. Phil went to K-Mart and got you some clothes, remember."

She considered. "What kind of clothes?"

"A dress and some panties."

"A dress!" Angel wanted to scream but restrained herself. A dress. She was going to have to wear a dress! "Couldn't I have some pants?"

"Uh, he didn't bring any pants. He said you said it would be harder to find the right size."

"I didn't say that! I-" Angel stopped herself. What could she say, what could she do? The Devil was playing this hand out. She felt helpless.

She looked down at herself and sighed. Of course, if the Devil was going to furnish clothing for this body it would likely be sexy clothing. Then again, with this body, she would probably look sexy wrapped in an old dog blanket. Th

"Can I open the door far enough to leave the clothes?" Mike asked.

"I'll open the door," she said quickly. "You just hand the stuff to me." She moved to block the door with her naked body then carefully eased it open, into the room, careful to keep the door between her and Mike.

"Thank you," she said automatically, taking the orange dress and package of panties. Then she happened to glance up because Mike had said nothing back. The mirror on the back of Phil's closet door clearly showed Mike's face through the opening.

If she could see Mike then.... Mike goggled at her. Squealing, dropping the clothing she slammed all her weight against the bedroom door, trapping Mike's arm inside the room. "Pervert!" she tried to snarl but she realized that her body had responded to Mike's gaze, her nipples had crinkled up and her twat felt hot. She couldn't have enjoyed being looked at, she just couldn't!

"Ow! Ow!" Mike yelped. "Angel, please let me get my arm out." He pushed at the door, surprised that it yielded and swung wide open.

Angel fell back, suddenly unbalanced and astonished at how easily Mike overcame her best effort at holding the door closed. The carpet impacted on her round butt in the exact same place the Devil had previously magicked up a bruise. Tears came immediately to her eyes and she cried out.

Quickly Mike stepped into the room and knelt beside her. "Angel!" He moved to lift her up. "Are you hurt?"

Mike bending over her seemed enormous, much bigger than she remembered him being and Angel gasped again. She tried to turn away from him but the details of his appearance rushed at her like the mythical flashbacks to the sixties her mother accused her father of having.

His eyes were neither hazel, nor grey but had flecks of every color in them. The lashes were long and dark. His brows were even and thick. His hair fell in curls around strong cheekbones. His wide mouth was smiling and the dimple in his chin was aimed right between her eyes.

The tears leaked down her face as the physical attraction she felt for her oldest and best friend beat at her defenses. She nodded, not sure what she was agreeing to; Mike had asked a question but she had no idea what it was.

"You are hurt." Decisively, Mike bent his knees and easily lifted her from the floor. She felt tiny, weak, helpless, childish. Her nipples crinkled again, even harder, and something wet and warm seemed ready inside her. She whimpered as he laid her on the bed.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked.

She smiled. Blood roared in her ears. "No. I-" she didn't know what to say.

"Do you need a doctor?"

"No. Mike."

"Yes?" He looked at her. Blonde hair spilled on Phil's coverlet, lush body exposed to his view; she was making no effort to cover herself. Her eyes were bluer than the skies over the mountains. Her lips, full and red. Her breasts, so large and fine and perfectly shaped above a tiny waist.... He jerked his gaze back to her face. His own reactions were about to betray his lust.

She sat up suddenly and snatched at the edge of the coverlet to try to draw it over her. "Get out of here, Mike!" she pleaded.

"I'm going, I'm going." He stumbled backward, remembering just in time to turn and not step on the new clothing on his way out. He shut the door behind him.

Standing in the hallway, he remembered a scene from the Godfather. When Michael Corleone first saw the young woman in Italy and fell instantly in love. A character in the movie had called it "the thunderbolt." Mike felt sure he had been struck by the thunderbolt.

But he could still hear her crying inside the room.

* * *

Downstairs, the Devil cursed. Somewhere flowers died and dogs howled, but Satan translocated the side effects to avoid disturbing his plans in this neighborhood. "I may have to take more direct action," he murmured.

"Why couldn't he have just taken her then and there! She wanted him to!"

"Michel is a good boy. Besides, what's your hurry?" asked the Royal Oak Combination Ceiling Fan and Chandelier. "You've got plenty of time." The voice sounded amused.

"Eternity is all very well and good for You," said the Devil in Phil's voice. "But patience is a virtue I lack."

"I know."

The Devil paused and glared upward a moment. "Of course, You do, You're omniscient, says so right on the label." Phil's face wasn't really used to the snarling expression that crossed the Devil's face and it made him look totally unlike Phil.

Mike, coming into the room just then was a bit taken aback. "You ok, old buddy?"

"Yeah, yeah," the Devil said. "Sure. So, how'd it go?" The Devil knew but of course Phil wouldn't so the Devil had to dissemble.

"Okay," said Mike. He looked thoughtfully back up the stairs. "That is one troubled girl, Phil. Something is really got to her, I think she was actually afraid of me." He looked back at his friend's face, his own puzzlement and hurt showing.

"Well, look, hey, Mike?" said the Devil. "Do you think you could stay here with her? While I go take care of another errand? I mean I wouldn't want her to pawn the silverware or anything while I'm gone. Hah?"

"Sure, I guess." Mike's heart took a little leap. "And she wouldn't do anything like that, Phil. But weren't we going to go see a movie?"

"Nah. I don't think I'll go." Leering, the Devil planted another idea. "And it'll give you some time alone. Just the two of you. Here in the house. Alone. Huh?"

Mike grinned, used to being twitted for his supposed prowess with the ladies. "Okay, okay. Go on, I'll stay. Maybe after she's dressed, she will want to go to the movies."

Phil's body moved to the door to the garage. "Sure, you could take her to the Pussycat to catch the early show." The Devil used Phil's teeth to grin at Mike again, one last time as it turned out.

"The Pussycat! That's the...," Mike didn't finish the sentence. The Pussycat was the porno theater in town, often closed when the city council could find some violation or other. He blushed to think of taking Angel to such a place, then turned and looked thoughtfully back toward the stairs and some of the things the Devil had said before sank in.

* * *

The Devil slipped out the back door and took the steps into the garage all at once. "Nothing like being a teenager again to make one feel young and restless," he said to no one in particular. Chortling, he slid behind the wheel of the neat little sedan Phil's parents had bought for their son to drive.

Laughing out loud, the Devil tooled the little car out of the driveway and onto the street. Cackling like a fiend, he disappeared around the corner, still accelerating, his foot pressed leadenly to the floor. He was literally driving like a cliche.

* * *

Upstairs, Angel dried her eyes and contemplated the orange dress, her future and the possibility of ending it all. It seemed like the only way out of an impossible situation. could she commit suicide in the face of sure knowledge of the existence of both God and the Devil? And presumably, both Heaven and Hell.

She sighed. Even without the certainty, she didn't think she could do it, it just wasn't in her. Phil might not have been raised in a particularly religious household but his parents had given him a morality that went deeper than words on a page or hymns in a book. Angel, though her body was different, felt the same strong moral urgings. Besides, wouldn't the Devil win if she killed herself?

Or would he?

If she did kill herself, kill Angel, would the Devil continue to live her life, Phil's life? Surely not. "Can I kill myself, when I'm not myself?" An absurd supposition predicated on a ridiculous premise, certainly, but what would happen if Angel were dead and Phil still alive? She smiled hesitantly, would it work? Could it work?

Would she get her own body back if she killed Angel? Something very much like a counterfeit of hope surged within her? But... could she actually do it?

The sound of a roaring engine pulled her out of her despondent reverie. Some maniac on the street outside tortured his engine and tires, perhaps for the last time. She shook her head. "There goes an accident looking for a place to happen," she said, using one of Phil's father's phrases.

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