
Reversals - Ch14

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Julia takes Erica to his first medical appointment.

When among Dragons... Chapter 13 Lessons

When among Dragons... Chapter 13 Lessons

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me

Please note that my editor did not yet get to fully review this chapter. I may update it with corrections later.


“Oh, but the evening has barely begun, hasn't it? Well then… let's get started…“

Horst looked at both of his children and smiled.

Reflections: A Gamble

This is my first attempt at posting something on here so please forgive any mistakes in format or anything else.

Anyway here is a small teaser of a story that I have been kicking around for a bit. It’s still a bit rough but I figured let you’ll get a taste. It may be a little bit until I post the first chapter and really get underway I hope y’all enjoy.

Reflections: Gamble


A cry rent the night from the depths of the palace a cry not of terror but of pain and joy, The princess had been born.

Light's Promise - Part 5

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 5 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 17 - Song

It wasn’t working.

Trying to infuse the book with more energy just caused the pages to flake more quickly and fall away. The hills surrounding the lake rumbled and cracked, colorless fractal lines spreading outward.

TG Techie: Chapter 29: OB/GYN



I woke an rolled onto a crusty patch on the bed. Just once can I wake up and find everything normal? It doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

I threw the covers aside. At some point in the night I’d been too hot and had thrown my pajama pants off. My shirt had rumpled around and my tummy was bare. There was a shiny dried film on it, and I recognized the entire situation.

I had had a wet dream.

Like a boy wet dream.

Like I had ejaculated in my sleep.

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

With a loud crack and a flash of light, a portal formed right next to the half-siblings. While this was totally unexpected to them, at least this time they knew what was likely happening. Someone walked through the opening that looked eerily like a hole in space.

Light's Promise - Part 4

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 4 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 13 - Beacon

Tsáyidiel knelt upon the stone with two sets of dark wings covering an otherwise bare and human back. The air was warm, and the bright sunless sky stretched above with fluffy clouds hinting at towers and walls. The grass tickling at bare toes was the first indication that my attire had changed.

One look and it was decided that if the subconscious had chosen this outfit, me and her were going to have a chat. At length.

Corey Needs A Babysitter

The Synthodyne Conspiracy

Brent Daniels’ life is going nowhere fast until one day everything changes when he discovers his parents’ disappearance six years earlier might have been something more sinister than he realized.

As he tries to discover the truth, he uncovers a global terrorist plot, however, his capture by the terrorist organization will leave him questioning everything he ever held of value.

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 4

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 4

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Light's Promise - Part 3

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 3 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 8 - Memories

Once the stomach agreed to at least a temporary truce, I’d gone back to the hospital to sit with Danielle. Now that I knew her spirit wasn’t there all I could sense was the hollow absence. Her body lay in the bed, heart pumping and lungs moving, but it was empty like a still life painting where the fruit bowl’s contents had been cruelly ripped from the canvas. What was left was only a blank outline of where Danielle’s spirit should have been.

It was wrong. So very wrong.

When among Dragons... Chapter 11 Discoveries

When among Dragons... Chapter 11 Discoveries

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

Garrus hummed, still focused on each other’s ministrations.

“As much as I’d love to, I’m not sure either of us can lift the other, at the moment.“

A hint of sarcasm shone through Garrus’ humor.

“I'm afraid I’ve got to ask you to…“ he harrumphed “… step down.“

TG Techie: Chapter 27: Coffee



I sat outside on the porch. Hair only a tiny bit up, in a hair band, skirt, and t-shirt. I looked like looking nice was a habit. Like this was just what I wore when I was going out. Nothing special. Don’t infer anything from the way I look. We’re two friends meeting up and no one expects a thing.

At least I hoped.

Light's Promise - Part 2

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 2 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 4 - Price

“Jordan, perhaps you can elucidate to the class how the emergence of powered individuals has disturbed the foundation and premise of the law and structure of the United States?”

Rabbi Kirov was picking on me again. When I had received my schedule I’d discovered that he had wedged his own class onto the list: The Ethics of Super-powered Beings. Now we were at the end of the second week and he already had established to everyone that I was some sort of teacher’s pet. He kept selecting me non-stop to answer questions or to reiterate the passages in the assigned reading texts. It had gotten out of hand, and I was so going to yell at him at our private magic practice session come Monday.

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 3

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 3

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

TG Techie: Chapter 26: Shaving



I slept in till 3 on Sunday, and then found out I’d ruined the same set of panties twice. Last night mom had handed them to me, “These are the ones you wear to bed on period days now.” They were the blue ones. I loved them much less now.

I thought of the trivial angst of having ruined my favorite panties. Wait. I had a support group now. I texted Autumn, “I ruined my favorite panties with my stupid uterus blood.”

“I like you bare anyway”

Finishing School For Young Ladies Ch6

Saint Trinians_0.jpg

Finishing School For Young Ladies


Michele Nylons

Chapter Six – Unintended Consequences

“So what were you doing in the rose garden?” Emily teased.

“None of your business,” Valerie smirked.

When among Dragons... Chapter 10 Time well spent

When among Dragons... Chapter 10 Time well spent

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

Garrus deadpanned.

“… right. Dem waffles.“

He couldn’t keep a straight face however and started grinning, his mouth watering.

All hard feelings then seemed forgotten and so they went to the table and ate.

Into The Light - Part 6 (complete)

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 6 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 20 - Power

Saturday and Sunday were a blur. True to her word, Jenna escorted me to each meal plus all the exams they kept throwing at me. In addition to the ones on Friday, they assigned World History, U.S. History (yeah, they made them separate tests), Chemistry (ugh), Biology (double ugh), Physics, Theology, and even Computer Science. Yes, they added a few to the original list Rabbi Kirov had previously rattled off.

By the time I finished the last one I was readily convinced I was an ignorant idiot. Whoever was organizing these damn things was expecting college graduate level knowledge as far as I could tell. And theology, really? Why bother giving me that one? Other than general knowledge from reading the Bible in high school and whatever myths I had enjoyed in my role-playing game years (alright, so at least I had some passing familiarities with a few pantheons), I was fairly lost when it came to the finer questions regarding various sects and their unique interpretations of whatever scriptures their groups had declared to be holy. My exam booklet was entirely blank across vast sections other than a comment I wedged in the middle of a question about Sodom and Gomorrah where I wrote, ‘Angels are real. I met one. She was nice’.

Let’s see them grade that, ha!

Into The Light - Part 5

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 5 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 17 - Manifestation

Impenetrable fog surrounds everything, deafening all sound, all sensation; walking yet going nowhere, for within the clouds there is no path.

A distant voice’s call; a response choking upon the barrier of thickening mist threating to suffocate all…

Branded Chapter 3

Branded Chapter 3


I swam in a blissful blackness for a while.

But sadly, I was not allowed to stay there.

The real world slowly resolved itself around me, and I realized I was on a bed in Doyle.

“Oh good, you’re awake” a nurse said.

“I’m not sure about that.” I replied, trying to pull things into focus.

“Well, you better get awake, boy. You got work to do and only two hours to do it.” said another voice, one I recognized as one of the self-defence instructors for the school.

Finishing School For Young Ladies Ch3

Saint Trinians.jpg

Finishing School For Young Ladies


Michele Nylons

Chapter Three – The Interview

“So Valerie Swindon? Are you ready” Sally asked.

Sally was still dressed in her bathrobe sitting at the coffee table in Valerie’s expensive hotel room, sipping coffee and smoking.

Into The Light - Part 4

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 4 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 14 - Patterns

A nurse lent me a spare t-shirt she kept on hand ‘for emergencies’. The wreckage of my outfit qualified, and as I really didn’t want to streak across campus I quickly took it and thanked her. Speaking of clothes, Jenna and I both needed to get back to the gym before we could fulfill her ice cream desires. She needed to change out of her gi, and I needed my shoes and socks.

Arriving back at Laird Hall we discovered that Brendan had put my things aside - I think he had been hoping to use my footwear as an excuse to come visit me later. After thanking him, he again reminded me about the movie event at Emerson tomorrow night - but this time Jenna heard and declared that of course we both would attend. Brendan awkwardly affirmed that, sure, she could come too - which made her all kinds of happy.

After changing clothes, Jenna spent our entire walk to the cafeteria teasing me about how she had never seen him have such puppy eyes for anyone before. She thought he was being ‘adorable’.

The more flustered I got, the more she poured it on in an attempt to outdo the rain cascading upon us both. I’m sure my face matched the color of my hair by the time we got to the entrance.

Finishing School For Young Ladies Ch2

Saint Trinians.jpg

Finishing School For Young Ladies


Michele Nylons

Chapter Two – The Butterfly Emerges

“So why Valerie Swindon?” Sally asked, sipping a gin and tonic with her stocking feet up on the coffee table.

TG Techie: Chapter 24: Period



I woke up Saturday morning feeling even worse than the day before. And I woke up so wet I could feel it on my thighs. I reached down to touch and found I’d dried flaky. Wait that wasn’t what was supposed to happen, was it. In growing alarm I reached down to touch and brought my fingers to my eyes. There was dried blook flaked on my fingers.

Ohhhhhhhhhhshit! “Mom!”

Into The Light - Part 3

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 3 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 10 - Transit

I was in the back seat of yet another SUV. This time it was a green one being driven by Colin Forsyth, the Lieutenant from the phone conference between Director Goodman and Mrs. Carson. Mrs. Shugendo, a tall Asian woman, sat up front. Poor Khan was stuck once more in his travel cage and I had to admit I did feel grateful to Soren for the scope of the scholarship I was sure he had arranged for me. It had included paying for all sorts of details, as one would expect from a scholarship: books, school supplies, tuition (including room and board), and uniforms. To my (and the Director’s) surprise it also covered all related expenses for bi-annual transport to and from the school via chartered plane out of the closest airport to the school.

Don’t get me wrong, though - Soren still deserved a boot to the head for what he’d done. I’d thank him for the money after.

Into The Light - Part 2

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 2 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 4 - Homeward

As Danielle and I seemed physically fine, Mark pushed to get us released from the hospital the next day. Dr. Kirov however kept trying to make excuses for us both to stay longer. Apparently Danielle’s blood would simply dissipate after a few minutes once collected, and my own blood was described as ‘exceptionally and unusually clean’ - without any proper explanation of what they meant by that.

His argument had mostly to do with the potential risks of burnout after manifestations, but neither of us exhibited any symptoms so the doctor had a hard time making it sound persuasive. Especially seeing how they weren’t finding any mutation markers in my DNA which meant I was a meta-human of some kind, and Danielle had originally manifested her mutation ten years ago.

Still, he did force us each into an ‘enhanced’ MRI scanner which not only was loud and uncomfortable, but had these weird multi-colored ‘magical energy’ crystals adorning it that were supposed to do some kind of resonance scan. The damn thing made me nauseous - I was told that was normal after I got out. Whatever the results of it all had been, they weren’t anything medical that would prevent us from traveling to a different facility. Mark even tried to reassure Dr. Kirov that the DPA facility had a full medical staff and emergency equipment in case anything happened.

It wasn’t until the afternoon that I’d finally had enough and carried through on my threat to call a lawyer. They may have thought I was bluffing earlier when I had mentioned it, but Isaiah, my best friend of many years, was an attorney and I had planned on calling him soon anyway.

Into The Light - Part 1

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Emergence

When most people think of Los Angeles they think of traffic. Lots of traffic, with cars jammed onto the numerous freeways all creeping along like ants stuck in molasses trying to get every which way at speeds that cause everyone’s gas mileage to suffer horrible degradations. When just one of the main routes from the ‘westside’ to ‘the valley’ underwent construction that required its closing, the news media dubbed those weekends of closures ‘Carmageddon’.

Tonight’s traffic was infinitely more deserving of that name.


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