
A Needed Change - Part Two

A Needed Change - Part two

On Saturday I had no plans, and knowing it would be busy out I had no desire to go out there either. I made myself some French toast for breakfast and just sat about relaxing, wearing a simple cotton dress and just hung out really. While walking from one room to another I passed the intercom which buzzed, and without thinking I picked it up, cursing myself for doing it as I said hello.

“Beck, is that you?”

Relevant Dress Code

As soon as I woke up I knew that this would be another scorching hot June day. It also meant that the boys’ decision to stage a skirt-protest against the dress code not allowing shorts would be implemented that day. I smiled. I had the most dashing skirt I was planning to wear. I decided to really girly up. Instead of having my long blonde hair in a low ponytail I decided to let it flow down to my shoulders over my ears. I picked my favourite white blouse and some thin tights. The tights somewhat negated the purpose of the protest but I couldn’t resist.

sissygirl’s journey 6 lipstick girl

Yes I’am a lipstick girl, from the very beginning I was mesmerized by my mom’s lipsticks and at that time all the magazines had pretty women with amazing makeup and of course amazing lipstick lips, this is a little embarrassing but as a very young boy 5 or so I would find myself kissing those pretty models in the magazines and enjoying it very much so I guess that was one of my fetishes to be forever in my life, lipstick kisses that is lol.

A Needed Change - Part One

A needed change - Part 1

I sat there and looked at the surprise on her face. I think she was expecting me to be nervous, not do what I just did, but I wanted to show her I was serious and it was the easiest way I could think of to prove it. I took hold of the end, pulling it back and looked at her, then I did it again, taking my hands away and waggling my eyebrows at her. I hoped she could see I was smiling, but instead I saw the door open and her boyfriend, Rich stand there looking at me.

Gina’s Unexpected Adventure, part the third.

Gina’s Unexpected Adventure, part the third.

“Yes please, tea or white wine.”

Melissa looked at her and waggled her eyebrows, “aren’t you underage to be drinking….”

Gina looked affronted, “no I am….” And then tailed off as she looked down to remind herself how she was dressed, she blushed a little, and then grinned.

“Well you could always spank me for it….”

Melissa grinned back. “And of course, I should be spanked for subverting a minor….” And grinned broadly.

“One moment I have just the thing,” She added as she went into the kitchen.

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If It Was Your Husband
By Patricia Marie Allen

7 & 8

Exploring my feelings & On the fast track

Alex’s curiosity gets the best of him and he decides to explore women’s androgynous out in public without Carrie prompting him or having her along. He doesn’t quite have the guts to include a small bust line, so his bra cups lay fallow. On returning home, he tells Carrie where he’s been and how he’d dressed on purpose almost bragging about what he’s done.

Carrie notices that he’s not put anything in the bra cups and corrects the deficit. She then proves to him that he should have gone with the enhancement because not even people who casually know them notice anything. Carrie spring boards the incident and Alex finds himself in a lingerie shop. This leads to a whole new definition of “out and about.”

From there things get a little out of hand.

The Cutest Girl(y Boy)

I twirl and strike a pose. A dozen different cameras go off, capturing me from every possible angle. I smile the sweetest smile you could ever imagine, and blow a kiss to the camera. The cameraman nearly passes out from the excitement.

My name is Candy. Well, that’s my stage name, anyhow. I’m a 12 year old boy, but I’ve been modeling girl’s clothing for about a year now, and I’ve made quite a name for myself. Everyone wants “The Cutest Girl(y Boy)” in their magazine! I even do fashion shows for big companies, and my youtube videos get tens of thousands of views.

Orphan Petal 4


Orphan Petal

May 2023 - Part 4

Shirley is bitter and mad at the world. His new life will change him in ways he never knew possible. Can he find himself and be happy? What does he not want to tell the world... it himself?

This is a spin-off to the story "The Teenage Years of Alexander Horten"

Orphan Petal 3


Orphan Petal

May 2023 - Part 3

This is the story of an 11-year-old who loses his parents and is now an orphan. He is bitter and mad at the world. His new life will change him in ways he never knew possible. Can he find himself and be happy?

This is a spin-off to the story "The Teenage Years of Alexander Horten"

Family Therapy: Nonbinary Reflections

Bonus scene! Bonus artwork! Bonus--well, it’s just those two things, actually. But that’s still pretty cool! After Fraylim got inspired to do some additional artwork for “Family Therapy,” I wanted a way to share it with you. So, to avoid undercutting the original story, I’m offering this as an “alternate ending.” Here, we see a young trans woman on the verge of an important decision as she muses on the unusual road that her life has taken, and the role that her father-turned-mother played in it...and may yet play in the future.

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5 & 6

Happy New Year and Putting it to the test

Christmas has come and gone. Alex spent four glorious days wearing the soft luxurious fabric and deliciously feeling lingerie. Getting ready for work he almost doesn’t think about it as he reaches in the lingerie drawer. As a result, he has to admit to himself that this thing is growing on him. He tries to fight it and finds that he regrets his decision to abstain.

Orphan Petal 2


Orphan Petal

May 2023 - Part 2

This is the story of an 11-year-old who loses his parents and is now an orphan. He is bitter and mad at the world. His new life will change him in ways he never knew possible. Can he find himself and be happy?

This is a spin-off to the story "The Teenage Years of Alexander Horten"

Orphan Petal 1


Orphan Petal 1

May 2023 - Part 1

This is the story of an 11-year-old who loses his parents and is now an orphan. He is bitter and mad at the world. His new life will change him in ways he never knew possible. Can he find himself and be happy?

This is a spin-off to the story "The Teenage Years of Alexander Horten"

Daisy and the Phantom Nurse (4)

Once I entered the cafeteria I paused and looked around. I  then closed my eyes and slowly opened them. I was ready for a nap, but food had to come first. So shrugging my shoulders I walked over and joined the line for the hot food. The other doctors and nurses in line only peered at me, none of them said a signal word. I guess most of them wanted to eat and go home. Which suited me just fine. Or on the other side of the coin they wanted to get a quick bite of breakfast before starting their day.

My Mom, My Cousin, and Me: Part 2

*** AUTHOR'S NOTE *** Hello, I'm Hibari and thank you for all the wonderful reception on my first story! I saw a lot of comments to continue the story, and that's exactly what I've done here. I have a lot of great ideas where I can take this story in future installments, but in order to explore a more interesting narrative I will have to delve into some more mature topics. For this particular entry I wanted to give a CONTENT WARNING in regards to some of the topics that you will read. Please let me know what you girls think, I hope to continue this soon!

If It Was Your Husband 3 & 4 of 20

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If It Was Your Husband
By Patricia Marie Allen

Blurring the Edges and Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Carrie is off and running. Alex wrestles with his feelings about underdressing and wearing lingerie, and his alter ego gets Christmas presents. Meanwhile, Alex gets a look at just how feminine he can look when Carrie blurs the edges of his masculine face with makeup. Oh, and pictures

Daisy and the Phantom Nurse (2)

Daisy And the Phantom Nurse
Act II

Night has now fallen, the hallway outside my door is as quiet as the grave. The harsh white light from the light bulbs above that somehow filters through the crack of the doorway into my room is the only  hint of any sign of life. Outside my window, I can hear the wind starting to howl, big, fat raindrops the size of pennies are falling down by the trillions. I can hear those fat, drops of rain splashing upon the window.

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

Precision driver Simon McKenzie’s work week started reasonably normal with a job in Queenstown, New Zealand, driving a vehicle for a new TV ad being filmed there.

After only a few days, and a series of events that seemed to quickly snowball, the 23 year old found himself standing in a bar waiting for his new girlfriend to arrive… But, what wasn’t normal, is that it's him wearing who's little black cocktail dress…

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

My Mom, My Cousin, and Me: Part 1

It was a scorching June day when this all took place. I was 13 and living alone with my single mom. I was homeschooled, but not sheltered from the world. My mom was my hero - my dad was gone before I was even born, so she raised me solo without any help, all while owning and operating her own successful salon. We did well for ourselves, had a nice house with a pool. Despite her busy schedule she always made time for me, and even though I was homeschooled I never felt coddled or alone with her parenting. I based a lot of my personality and work ethic off of her.

If It Was Your Husband 1 & 2 of 20

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Authors Note: This story is complete and sitting on my hard drive. The novel is 49,188 words long in twenty chapters. I will be posting two chapters per week, roughly 5,000 words per post, on Fridays.


Alex comes home one day and his wife, Carrie, tells him of a problem in Mike and Lisa's marriage. Mike is his best friend since middle school. It seems that Lisa caught Mike cross-dressing and came unglued. She had come to Carrie looking for solace and support for divorcing Mike. But Carrie told her about a Phil Donahue show she'd seen as a teenager featuring married cross-dressers and said that cross-dressing really was no big deal.

Lisa was offended that Carrie wouldn't back her up and said, "If it was your husband, you wouldn’t think it was so cool," and left in a snit; part of her anger now directed at Carrie.

Carrie, on the fly, hatches a plan to help Lisa see that if it was her husband, she'd still think it was no big deal. Alex somewhat reluctantly goes along with it and discovers things about himself that he never knew existed.

Dresses from Diana: A Gradual Feminization Story (Chapter Three)

He’s stumbled upon a collection of Grandma’s old dresses and his cousin insists he try them on. But it's all just for fun... right?

It’s the summer before college, and Madison’s task is to clean out his late Grandma’s entire house before it’s sold. Even worse, he has to do it with his annoying, bratty cousin, Olivia. But while digging through boxes, they discover something unexpected: beautiful, vintage dresses of a wide variety of styles… and Grandma’s unfulfilled dream for someone to wear them. What starts as silly bonding activity for Madison and Olivia turns into much more when they realize how convincing Madison looks as a girl, leading them to take advantage of his feminine looks.

This ~50,000-word novel is available in its entirety for Kindle. This is the third of three chapters that will be shared here as a sample. Hope you all enjoy! :)


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sissygirl’s journey 5.5

It’s funny how being a little mortified and days later looking forward to the same thing, isn’t it crazy how human emotions can play little games in your head, that’s how I felt about sissy meeting my auntie one minute thinking one way and now really looking forward to it, mom really didn’t say too much just mentioning sissy that would be nice to give our guests a hello kiss just to make them feel welcome.

sissygirl’s journey 5.4

Mom having me kiss my Barbie doll with my freshly applied lipstick I think was just a way to have me start wearing lipstick because she knew i was fascinated with her lipstick and it wouldn’t take much to have me fall in love with wearing lipstick.

Dresses from Diana: A Gradual Feminization Story (Chapter Two)

He’s stumbled upon a collection of Grandma’s old dresses and his cousin insists he try them on. But it's all just for fun... right?

It’s the summer before college, and Madison’s task is to clean out his late Grandma’s entire house before it’s sold. Even worse, he has to do it with his annoying, bratty cousin, Olivia. But while digging through boxes, they discover something unexpected: beautiful, vintage dresses of a wide variety of styles… and Grandma’s unfulfilled dream for someone to wear them. What starts as silly bonding activity for Madison and Olivia turns into much more when they realize how convincing Madison looks as a girl, leading them to take advantage of his feminine looks.

This ~50,000-word novel is available in its entirety for Kindle. This is the second of three chapters that will be shared here as samples. Hope you all enjoy! :)


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sissygirl’s journey 5.3

The first time mom put lipstick on me when she was tucking me in, up until then she was having me kiss my Barbie doll good night, after she kissed me good night on my cheek or forehead.

That night she said sweetie look in your purse which I usually kept on my bed at night with my Barbie doll, grabbing my purse unsnapping the clasp looking inside and there was a new lipstick tube before my very eyes, I was so excited just looking at that wonderful item of girlhood.

sissygirl’s journey 5.2

My nephew was 4 and I was 7 it’s been about 2 years now since mom and I started down my girlhood journey, I know I’m jumping ahead a little but I’ll get back to the beginning after this little side adventure.

Mom loved me and my girlhood telling me years later she did it for me seeing how I loved girl things and my girl feelings she wanted to help me also admitting she enjoyed it too, even loved having two daughters at home, I think my sister being a jock and not really being very girly had mom really enjoying my feminine side but anyway.


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