Games without frontiers - Preview

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Games without frontiers - Preview

This is just a preview. I hope to keep working on the story. Please tell me what you think of this part

contains references to sexual abuse. Please take care reading this.

In a small house in the southeast corner of Calgary, Alberta . . .

“Thank you for seeing us home, officer Martin.”

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Bellion. With the trial now over, we shouldn’t need you or your family again.”

“Yes, I’m really glad it’s over.”

“That part is over, Mrs. Bellion. Helping your child heal has hardly begun.”

“Poor Todd. What can we do?”

“There is a place, called Be Brave Ranch, they’ve had a lot of success helping kids who have gone through what he’s gone through.”

“Yes, but what about . . . the other problem?”

“I checked, and they said they can help there too.”


I looked at my still empty suitcase, knowing I was only delaying the inevitable.

In an hour, I was expected to leave home and go to a camp, a camp that supposedly was going to help me deal with having spent the last two and a half years being raped by a doctor.

Going to be with a bunch of strangers was bad enough, but I also had my gender issues, which had been used against me by the doctor.
My mother assured me the camp would not judge me for my desires, and since everything had come out during the trial, I had to admit it was unlikely I could hide things now.

I just hoped she was right, but to be safe, I was wearing boy clothes for the trip to the camp.

My mom took me to the spot where the camp bus would pick me up, we unloaded my suitcase out of our car, and we waited.

Just before my anxiety could get so bad I would have fainted, the bus arrived.

Unlike most camps, the bus did not advertise where it was going. In fact if we hadn’t been looking for it, we could have missed it entirely.

A woman got off the bus, and asked my mom if I was the one they had expected.

My identity confirmed, the woman put my luggage into a storage space under the seats, and I gave my mom the biggest hug I could while she whispered "you're going to be okay."

Finally, I let go, and the woman who had put my luggage in offered me her hand to help me board the bus. I accepted her help, more for the emotional support than the physical support, and then went onboard.

The trip was uneventful, and soon we were approaching the gate of the ranch.

To my eyes “Ranch” didn’t seem to cover what I saw.

The complex was HUGE.

I had expected us to have to share cabins, as was the case in the other camps I had gone to, but they had individual cabins, which I guess made sense when dealing with a bunch of kids who had survived sexual abuse.

Besides the cabins, the place had a large barn with horses and other animals, an actual indoor pool, and a large building with a cafeteria, a games area (used mostly on rainy days), a first aid room, and offices for the staff.

Finally, the tour ended, and we were seated in the cafeteria, and an older woman came in and stood in front of us.

“My Name is Andrea. I’m the head counselor here. You may have noticed during your tour that no one gave you a schedule. That’s because there really isn’t one. And I’m going to explain why. We want you to help make the schedule. We want you to feel a part of the decision making process. It's a vital component of our work here. That is because all of you have been referred to at some point as a ‘victim’. The thing about being a victim is a lack of power. Here, we want you to take back your power, to move beyond being a victim. To transition first to being a ‘survivor’ and finally to being a ‘warrior’.”

She spoke with certainty and passion, and she made me feel like it was really possible.

I could become a Warrior.

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Great start

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

This story has some potential. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt

we'll have to see

its a bit of a tough story for me, for obvious reasons, but I'm going to keep trying to work on.



I'm ready for some more.

I almost did not start this because of the rape element. It is such a common thing these days, and I am tired of it. But I decided to hang on and see how you handle it.

* * *
This 'Ranch' sounds a little like what is called a democratic school in the real world. Another name for this kind of school is Sudbury School, after the first one in the USA near Sudbury Massachusetts.

These schools do not have a curriculum, or teachers, or classes, or tests or homework. They do not segregate the students by age. Or by any other metric. They do not offer a diploma upon graduation. But few who try have not passed the GED or similar tests for a high school equivalency diploma.

The kids teach each other.
Older kids, who know something that younger kids decide (for their own reasons) they want to know, share their knowledge.

Mostly the kids just run and play and have fun.

The staff (there are no teachers) keep an eye on them and answer questions. When a conflict happens (often - remember we are talking about children) they step in to help resolve the issue or to at least prevent fighting.

To learn more about such schools, search on 'democratic schools' or on 'Sudbury Schools'.

There is a (well done) movie about the oldest democratic school still in operation (Summerhill School), somewhere in England. It is about the kids there and an adventure they had fighting the legal Bad People to keep their school going. Links to this movie change over time, so you might have to dig a bit to find one that is still working.

Not sure why this is, but I suspect that The Forces of Evil are trying to suppress it.
* * *

I do NOT know if this is an element of the story you plan to tell. But it could be.

Your preview just reminded me of this thing I know.

I will follow your story in any event, to see where YOU want to take it.

Best of luck,

democratic school

sounds like an interesting concept. This place, based on the real life "Be Brave Ranch" which helps children who have been victims of sexual abuse, is all about helping the kids find their inner warrior.




Sounds exactly like (my impression of) a democratic school.

BUT - I could be wrong.
Either way -

I'm looking forward to your story


Karen Page's New Style of

Karen Page's New Style of Education universe sounds a bit like that.

For those who haven't been keeping up, after 15 years Karen did finish the first book and has started "NSoE: Year Five".


I remember reading a good chunk of the series. At first it seemed like a nice fantasy, but I got the feeling that the people who ran the place had a definite but covert idea of what they wanted the children to turn into, and there was a lot of stuff that seemed to be about molding them to suit the organization's goals rather than the children's needs or autonomy. That feeling got stronger when they introduced the paramilitary activities that select children were inducted into. When they were made part of a paramilitary operation in Moscow (supposedly the one in Russia), as far as I was concerned, the series jumped the shark and lost me.

I get the impression that Dorothy's camp is going to be the opposite of that.

Granted, "education" is always about molding children into what the society (or subculture) wants them to be, but there's usually no secrecy about their goals.

Looking like a great start.

My own summer camp was, I think, perfectly ordinary and typical.

But after relating a few of the more, well, dramatic incidents to my Wife, she renamed it "Camp Runamock".

I'm betting "donuts to dimes" (*) that your camp will be way better than mine was; I'm really looking forward to more.
I'm also going to guess that parts will be painful for you to write ... hang in there.
Hmmm. I'm sure parts of your story will be quite autobiographical ... but do you want to use your real names?
(*) Inflation has eroded "(betting) dollars to donuts" on a sure thing - I've paid way more than a dollar for one donut.

"(Betting) dollars to buttons" is >way< out of date. 'Once upon a time' there was "(betting) dollars to cobwebs" ... it's amazing what googling will find ...

I went to a Christian summer camp

less running amuck, more reading the Bible.

this camp will hopefully have less of both of those.


What my therapist says

Andrea Lena's picture

We want you to feel a part of the decision-making process. It's a vital component of our work here. You ARE a warrior!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Very interesting concept

Be awre that writing it may be difficult though.

oh yes, very much aware

this is gonna be a slog at times, but I am committed to it.



I think you have an interesting concept here to work with. It could go any one of several directions from such beginnings. I hope and look forwards to seeing what you come up with.

- Leona

thank you

I look forward to seeing what I come with too!


I like your beginning . . .

Emma Anne Tate's picture

But to quote my favorite ranger, “I say to you, if you pass the gates of Moria, beware!” It’s some dangerous ground you’re covering. Be safe, and watch for trolls!


trolls I can handle

Balrogs on the other hand . . .

huggles, hon.


It's been over 50 years

Since I was into Summerhill and the like. But I do remember the main flaw. They tend to group everyone together with generalized concepts. For example, soldiers are a generalization while warriors are highly individualized. Individual care requires care, concern, and $$$.

You might look into "Windemere", the British camp for Holocaust surviivors.

I hope this helps.


Games without Frontiers?

I'm looking forward to see how this story develops. It will no doubt cause you as the author stress. But hopefully it is Cathartic.
PLEASE continue with it. It could help others.
Good story so far.

Polly J

Something I'm Unclear On...

The reference to it as a "camp" gave me the impression it was a relatively short-term program, a few months at most. But many of the comments seem to be treating it as a substitute for one or more school years. Was I way off on this?
